Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy.

Look at the picture in the video.......

The girls who were still feeling embarrassed about Squad Leader Fu Hua.

They couldn't hold it any longer.

In the video, the question asked by the Herrscher of Knowledge just now was so funny!

The truck driver just now said that he is the truck driver of [Destiny].......

As a result, when someone is driving,........

The Lawyer of Knowledge would like to ask one more question:"What does the master do?"

This is simply the pinnacle of awkward chat!


How funny.

What is this Herrscher of Consciousness doing? how........Why do you ask such a question?

Yeah, it’s too funny, hahahahahaha~~~"

As for Kiana, she was almost dying of laughter.

The Lawyer of Knowledge really has to say........There are jokes all over the body.

Every day in my life is on the way to making news!

Of course, it’s not just Kiana..........

Beside her, Leiden Meiyi could not help but cover her face and chuckle.

The life of the Lawyer of Consciousness is indeed a bit abstract.

The rest of Bronya........If she wasn't emotionless.........I am afraid that I am also laughing out loud at this moment.

As for the final Fu Hua Shangxian himself.

Just like when I saw the Herrscher of Consciousness acting so naively.........

Unable to bear it, she put her right hand on her forehead.

Using a volume that only she could hear, she whispered to herself.

"I didn't remember the other person's name.........This is already a very disrespectful behavior towards the other party.

But this kind of knowledge........I saw people driving trucks.........Also ask others what they do. even........Even I feel a little embarrassed.........."

It can leave Fu Hua speechless.

It can also be seen from here how abstract the life of the Herrscher of Consciousness is!

But for now, let’s focus on the video first. story........Still ongoing.

Although the question asked by the Herrscher of Knowledge just now was extremely abstract and embarrassing.

But Luo Wei, he still responded to the other party without any disgust.

"As you can see, I'm shipping for destiny right now. This city is being rebuilt and requires a large amount of supplies. Without the goods in the trunk, the reconstruction work cannot proceed."

It seems that for his work.......Luo Wei is still very proud.

After all, after experiencing the [Stigmata Project], many cities on Earth need to be rebuilt.

Be a part of rebuilding the city.......Lowe would be proud of this, which is understandable.

Even after Lowe proudly spoke about his work.

Fu Hua next to her also praised him.

"Indeed, the disasters caused by the three collapses have been almost eliminated. However, post-disaster reconstruction requires a lot of manpower and material resources"

"Rebuilding a prosperous and orderly city is not something that can be accomplished overnight"

"Ending the Great Collapse is just the beginning, and the next work requires everyone to work together."

Now, mankind has just crossed the [Endgame] and has just ushered in the future.

But the areas that were devastated by [Collapse] before........Then it will take human beings' own strength and efforts to rebuild.

And now, the heroes who save the world are also one of them. so.........work on Lowe......Fu Hua also paid his respects.

Listening to Fu Hua's approval, Luo Wei continued to speak his proud lines while driving the truck.

"Yes, even after the Great Collapse, my work has not decreased at all. Counting today, I have been working overtime for a month. Look........."

As Luo Wei said this, he raised his right hand and pointed at the rear of the car behind him.

"This trip is my 170th shipment of supplies."

The only problem is, working overtime for a month continuously?

170 supplies?

This kind of work intensity is a bit...........

【Tianming] Is this something that no other employees can use?

Outside the light curtain, the headquarters of Tianming.

This time, it's Tuo's turn......His expression seemed a little speechless.

I saw the corners of his mouth twitching slightly as he complained.

"Although, I often [squeeze] employees and so on. but i know it very well........Where are their limits?..........

And, some useless people.

I won't force them to complete tasks they can't do..........

After all, people without ability are of no use.


After the collapse of [Destiny], why did even such low-level employees begin to exploit it?

Yes, is it Teresa?"

Otto, who has read"Thus Spoke Apocalypse".

He knows very well.........

In the world after the collapse, it was Teresa who inherited her position as the Archbishop of Destiny. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then, the only person who can do such a thing is Theresa.

But........Even low-level employees like this are exploited.

It’s even more outrageous than Otto!

But for now, let’s return to the video for now.

After listening to Luo Wei's lines just now,........

The Herrscher of Knowledge, she once again said to Luo Wei in an"explosive manner"

"Wow, then you really like going to work."

If a normal person hears this.......It's enough to give the Lawyer of Consciousness a slap in the face.

What has to be said is that the Herrscher of Knowledge can always"explode" unintentionally and then severely humiliate people.

However, Luo Wei's temper is indeed surprisingly good.

Otherwise, it would be even worse if Fu Hua didn’t remember his name..........He was probably already angry.

But now, fortunately, this has not happened.

After hearing such weird comments from the Herrscher of Knowledge,[]

Luo Wei, he could only continue to sigh helplessly and said

"Of course it’s not that I like going to work, everything is [destined to do]."

It seems that he was really squeezed by destiny.

He is really a pitiful man.

However, just when Luo Wei expressed his sadness,

Fu Hua also comforted him appropriately.

"Tianming's manpower should be quite sufficient recently, and you can apply for leave."

Listening to Fu Hua's reminder, Luo Wei just shook his head.

"Oh, forget it, I feel sad when I talk about it........."

It seems that there is something wrong with this?

He continued to sigh and readjusted his emotions.

Luo Wei, he was the one who continued to say to Fu Hua

"Alas~ Originally I had completed the required working hours for this year and was about to start taking annual leave."

"But I don’t know what happened, but the person who was supposed to hand over the work never responded to the message, so I can only wait here and continue to work overtime."

The speaker is sad, and the listener is in tears!

The Lawyer of Knowledge, she continued"Explosive Code"

"Then skip work directly........."

If it were her, that would indeed be the case.

But he felt the doubtful looks in Fu Hua and Luo Wei's eyes.

The Herrscher of Knowledge had just reacted. She coughed lightly, changed her painting style and continued.

"Tsk. Maybe something went wrong during the handover?"

Luo Wei continued to say helplessly.

"Forget it, there's nothing to do during the holiday anyway, so why not stay here? At least you can find someone to chat with and earn some overtime pay."

The Lawyer of Consciousness:"You can rest but you don't rest."

"I see, you are a workaholic!"

Luo Wei:"I... sigh"

"Maybe you are right"

"Don’t talk about me yet, what about you? Why are you looking so sad on the side of the road?"

The topic finally came to me.

But........The Herrscher of Knowledge would not admit it easily to what was so embarrassing just now.

I saw her hurriedly waving her hands and saying helplessly

"Alas, forget it. We were originally traveling, but........."

Before the Herrscher of Knowledge could find an excuse.

Fu Hua, she has already picked up the words

"Just now, our car was stolen."

Luo Wei slapped the back of his head, huh? This situation is unheard of.

Fu Hua:"........That's the way it is."

But Luo Wei seemed to know what happened just now.

He glanced back and forth at the Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua in disbelief,"The RV was stolen by two big fat birds. (Hello Wang))........"

"Unbelievable, right? But reality is so magical."The Herrscher of Knowledge sighed with a hand on her hips. This kind of thing is actually difficult for even her to understand.

Fu Hua:"According to the position displayed on the RV locator, they went in the direction of the cross-sea bridge."

Luo Wei:"Let me see........Oh, that direction leads to [Academy City] which was just established with the help of Destiny. If you want to catch up with them, you can go to the ferry and take a boat, which will be much faster."

The Herrscher of Consciousness:"Looking at the position, they have already run far away, and they are not in a hurry. The question now is, how are we going to get to the ferry."The little hand clasped the side of the face. This problem has always troubled the Herrscher of Knowledge.

After hearing this, Luo Wei quickly said,"I can send you there."

For him, this is a very simple question.

In addition, he is driving a car now. While transporting goods, he can also pick them up.

Fu Hua frowned slightly. She didn't really want to cause trouble. people

"But don’t you still have a job?

With a smile on his face, Luo Wei said,"It's okay, I'm just on my way.""

It seems that there are still good people in [Destiny]!!!

PS: Continue to update!.

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