Charles's lectures are very advanced, but he tells them in a very interesting way so that almost all students can understand them.

Everyone gains a deeper understanding of their own mutant abilities.

But at the end, someone raised his hand and asked:"Professor, since mutant genes are irreversible, do we have a chance to live in peace with ordinary people?"

"Of course, kid, aren’t we on this path now? As long as we unite and work together, I believe we will succeed one day!"

Charles was particularly confident when he said this. He firmly believed that as long as this continues, ordinary people will see their efforts and completely accommodate mutants.

After hearing Charles's assurance, the other students' expressions became very determined, and they also wanted to Work hard so that those people are no longer afraid or discriminated against because of their abilities.

However, among the crowd, there is one person who seems to be particularly special and even wants to laugh.

Nolin directly ignored Charles's words and did not believe a word.

New and old time Line, proved one point with blood and tears.

According to Charles's philosophy, there is no possibility of peace between mutants and humans!

Otherwise, he would not have felt particularly special after learning that he was a mutant. Headache.

A sense of urgency permeates the top of my head all the time. That is the Sword of Damocles, which may fall at any time.

Although this world is a world where mutants and the MCU worldview merge, it is not ruled out that there are other forces.

But there are One thing has to be admitted, even if there are aliens, gods, and other superpowers, mutants are still objects of fear and even desire to be exterminated by humans.

All of this stems from the emotions of intelligent life.

They are afraid, fearful, Jealous of the abilities of mutants.

The senior management does not allow any power that is not under their control.

What's more, mutants are not beings such as Captain America and Thor that are almost impossible to copy, but a person born out of human beings who is suspected of being a mutant. High-level evolution is very likely to replace humans and become the new masters of the earth in the future.

In order to prevent mutants from growing stronger and finally riding on their heads, it is not difficult to imagine their final choice.

Want to change mutants Nolin also had some thoughts about his fate.

However, due to his lack of strength before, lack of familiarity in the academy, and lack of voice, he never raised it rashly. But now, the time has come.


Charles announced that he would be dismissed from class.

And He specifically asked Nolin to stay.

Nolin was not surprised and told Katie to eat first and then go back and have a good rest.

"Professor, what do you want from me?"

Looking at this good old man among mutants, Nolin still admired him a little, but the only flaw was that if he was too good, he would become a holy mother.

"Nolin, you seemed to have some different views on what I said just now. Maybe I have a chance to know what you think?"

To Nolin's expectation, the first thing Charles asked about was not about his mutant abilities, but about the relationship between mutants and humans.

Perhaps, this is Charles's heart problem.

In front of this matter, other things are not so important. It's important.

Nolin thought seriously for a moment. Charles seemed very patient and willing to listen to everyone's opinions.

Finally, Nolin spoke.

"Professor, if I said that the idea you adhere to will fail in the end no matter what, would you believe it?"

When Charles heard this, his smile gradually faded, not because he was angry because his ideas were questioned, but because he was more serious about the importance of this matter.

Nolin continued:"And not only will it fail, I can even predict that in the future, There will be no place for mutants in the world!"

"One day, mutants will become extinct!"

As soon as he said this, Charles was still not angry. He was no longer the easily angry boy before.

Even though Nolin completely belittled his ideas.

On the contrary, Charles was worried that Nolin would take another path. A road of no return.

He saw the shadow of that man in the other person.

Once upon a time, the other person stood in front of him, severely denied his ideas, and regarded his ideas as childish ideas.

At this moment, the two figures seemed to It overlapped.

If that was the case, Charles felt that he had to correct Nolin. He didn't want another person to follow that person's old path.

In the past, he didn't notice and pull back his good friend when he was at his most aggressive.

But now, He wanted to make up for it, he wanted to do what he had not done before.

Charles was about to fully explain his ideas to Nolin. He believed that with the countless books he had read, he had enough theoretical support to convince Nolin.

However, when the theory If you encounter reality, you will lose completely!

Nolin knows very well that he does not have the eloquence to speak eloquently. In front of people like Charles, just talking about human nature and the like will never convince him.

Before time travel, everyone The first time he saw other people coming to the Marvel and DC worlds, and how they could make these geniuses trust him unconditionally with just words, he felt outrageous.

So from the beginning, he never tried to use the skills that had been thrown away in Java a long time ago. Mao Gui and others pretend to be cool, but use the facts to shut up the other party.

This was true for Batman before, and it is also true for Charles now.


"I think you've guessed that I have other special abilities"

"In fact, your guess is correct. I also have the ability to travel through time and space and see the broader universe!"

Yes, Nolin is ready to show off, just like he did with Bruce.

Of course, he has not completely shown off, as if he can improve the genetic ability to enhance the opposite sex, it is better to say less about this kind of thing.

After all, this world is different from the old Bruce universe, Here, there are too many female mutants with genetic defects, and even many non-mutant female abilities.

Once they are mentioned, those people will come to the door and beg for what to do.

Change it to a beautiful woman, etc. Noolin didn't mind.

But if it was a fat aunt among the four emperors, a weird woman covered in slippery tentacles, he really couldn't get into it. It would be useless even if he turned off the lights!

In fact, there is another consideration, the showdown shuttle Regarding cosmic matters, you can gain Charles' trust, and then you can start the plan you thought of before.

That is to occupy the magpie's nest, replace Charles and Eric, become the leader of mutants, and form your own force.

The potential of mutants is still very good , and can be born sustainably.

Through his efforts, he will definitely occupy a place in this world in the future.

This process also requires Charles's full support, otherwise he can only collect other scattered mutants.

In addition, he He also understands very well that he cannot keep it secret for too long that he can travel through other universes.

When he travels through the universe, time is still passing.

Someone will always find him disappearing. He will still have to explain when the time comes.

So it is better to show off his cards first. Taking advantage of this to control the academy's voice is the right thing to do.

Although Nolin can protect himself, he must be worried about the near future.

The enemies in the future will only become stronger and stronger, and as a member of the mutants, he must also pay attention to The future of mutants.

Now that mutants are scattered, before there is no absolute power to unify by force, they can only integrate power through other methods.

The faster the process, the better, so that there will be more time to deal with crises in the future.

Especially for Nolin For his part, he has no system and can only rely on himself, so he needs a strong force in his hands to help him improve his plan.

There is no way, Charles and Eric are really pig teammates, it is impossible to count on them.

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