While Skye and Jiaying were discussing the ownership of the Inhumans, a group of hundreds of people blocked off the battlefield in New Mexico , and even the police who came after hearing the news were sent away. More than a dozen people carefully searched the surroundings, while others collected data through instruments.

"Boss, after testing, this is the center of the earthquake, but we have not found the source. There is no possibility of the nearby geology guiding the earthquake."

"Do you know it is man-made?"

"It’s hard to say, but if it was man-made, it could trigger an eight-magnitude earthquake throughout New Mexico. The power of the initiator..."

Hearing this, Nick Fury sighed.

After the earthquake broke out, Nick Fury realized through his senses that it might be related to supernatural power.

He urgently transferred manpower from the branch.

However, after what happened to Pierce, he no longer trusts other branches of SHIELD. He doesn't know how many Hydras or Skrulls there are in those branches.

So he made an application to the Security Council to replace SHIELD with the new Avengers to deal with super powers.group of pieces.

Therefore, SHIELD can almost be said to exist in name only.

A large number of suspicious personnel have been laid off or returned to various organizations.

The branch power has been shrinking and its power has been greatly reduced. However, in order to ensure loyalty, no matter how high the price is, one must overcome it.

"This earthquake is very strange, and may be related to the earthquake in Sakura Country. Moreover, we have discovered that there have been many unknown earthquakes in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. If they are all caused by one person, then it can only be them - mutants!"

Colson looked solemn and looked at Nick Fury's expression carefully.

These two places have one thing in common, they are very close to Penglai Country!

If other people are causing trouble in these places, will Penglai Country ignore it? They have seen Nuo. Lin and others are so tough, who dares to act wild with them? SHIELD and Watsonton Company are role models.

"The earthquake in Sakura Country was suspected to have exceeded magnitude 10, which was even stronger, but it only lasted a short time. The earthquake in the Pacific Ocean once swept up waves of tens of meters and severely damaged coastal areas. But this time, thousands of people have been killed and injured in New Mexico. The losses are countless. If mutants have this ability, what are they doing? train? Or hunting down the Skrulls?"

This is what Nick Fury is most confused about. They also know that the Skrulls are chasing 593 to kill the Inhumans. Unfortunately, SHIELD has shrunk and is unable to intervene.

Otherwise, the Skrulls would never be allowed to do such evil.

"Boss, these people may be related to this incident. Do we need to investigate further?"

Hawkeye Barton took a document from the side, which contained surveillance data collected from nearby cities. Inhuman Lincoln was among them.

"This investigation is temporarily terminated!"

Nick Fury took a deep breath.

He recalled the day of the S.H.I.E.L.D. disaster again in his mind.

He still had lingering fears.

Targeting mutants? Targeting Nolin? There is no absolute certainty, and this idea must not be entertained.

Who knows whether those guys will They are monitoring themselves.

The most outrageous thing is that the things in their brains have no secrets in front of those people!

Where Nick Fury didn't see it, one of the people collecting data took advantage of the fact that the others were not paying attention. , using a real-time micro camera to transmit all the situations here.

Far away in Da Mao,

Gravek roared angrily:"Damn mutants! You really want all out war with the great Skrulls!"

"How dare you interfere in our affairs with the Inhumans!"

"Boss, shall we start a war with mutants now?"The subordinates on the side were filled with indignation.

"War? What the hell! Who's on? Are you coming?!"

Gravik yelled angrily.

If he could beat the mutants, would he not do it? Do you really think he loves them? Idiot!

"Prepare a plan to create a new super Skrull warrior, and I want the mutants to pay the price!"

On the other side, a fighter plane with a mark different from any force on the earth flew over New Mexico, and then flew to other places. After lingering on the earth for a few days, it turned around and flew towards outer space, but its target was the moon.!

And in a hidden place on the moon, there is a huge modern urban city.

People come and go in the city. Under the protection of a protective shield, they are able to survive on the moon.

When the aircraft returns from the area, it brings news Shocked the city's top brass

"People on earth have launched rockets to the moon more and more frequently recently. They have initially acquired the ability to navigate in outer space. We can't go on like this. Sooner or later, they (afbf) will discover this place and launch a war with us!"

"King, we should do something!"

A short-haired man was excitedly narrating his views to others.

But the man called the king remained silent.

A man on his lower left objected,"Maximus, we are hiding very safely. The protective cover is there, no one can see us, the earth's technology is far from good, and the earth's technology is still a long time away from truly exploring the moon. There is no need for us to conflict with them, and war will not come."

"No! The war will definitely come!"

Maximus said firmly. He took out a piece of data and showed it to everyone.

"People on earth are much scarier than you think! You all know that there are other"compatriots" on the earth who are not ours, but their recent experiences are definitely beyond your imagination."

"According to what I know, people on Earth are hunting down aliens all over the world! They caught him and killed him mercilessly! What a brutal war it was, they were committing genocide!"

"Think about it, if they discovered us and saw so many aliens, what would they do? Live in peace with us? Or massacre us like the aliens on Earth?"

"Guys, it’s time to make a choice. Even if the aliens on Earth are not our compatriots, we all have a common origin. They who are now are us in the future! Aximus shouted excitedly, and others looked at the video in amazement. Skrulls disguised as humans, regardless of the cries of the Inhumans, captured or killed them.

Behind the cold numbers , but it is a slaughterhouse made of blood.

The people on earth are really targeting the Inhumans. Regardless of whether they have awakened their powers or not, they will find and kill them!

The man sitting in the front seat, who has remained silent, is also double-crossed at this moment. clenched fist

"Aximus, are you sure you didn't deceive us? Is it really a crime committed by people on earth?"Some people are questioning.

Maybe the people on earth really like war. That is why their ancestors let the Inhumans, the great Attilan, fly to the moon to hide and isolate themselves from the earth.

But according to what they know, people on earth should not It's only right to be so cruel. Why do you want to hunt down the Inhumans? Is it just because they have extraordinary abilities?

"No matter whether it was done by people on Earth or not, it is definitely related to them. Otherwise, why would they be indifferent to it?"

"The people on earth are evil and will definitely threaten Attilan. For the future of the Inhumans and for those poor compatriots, we should do something. We must give them some color! It's better to strike first!"

Aximus' eyes flashed. He naturally knew that the people who were chasing the Inhumans were Skrulls and had little to do with ordinary earthlings.

But so what? Just like himHe said that the people on earth did not help the Inhumans fight against the Skrulls. They sat back and watched all these tragedies happen and encouraged the arrogance of the Skrulls. They were accomplices!

His purpose from the beginning has been the Earth! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Inhumans are obviously the greatest race, so why should they huddle in the desolate earth and cling to the three-thirds of an acre of Attilan?

The earth is so big, that's where they should stay.

Those idiots on earth can only become their appendages and be enslaved by them.

He wants to lead the aliens to take over the earth and become the master of the world!

"On Earth, the only things we need to pay attention to are two forces"

"One is an alien called the Skrulls. They are also hunting down aliens and are the main force in killing aliens."

"Instead, we have been infected by a country of mutants called the Penglai Kingdom. They also have the same extraordinary abilities as us, and they have powerful technology and even the ability to navigate deep sea and space. They will discover us at any time."

"And I also discovered that they seem to be preparing to enslave aliens! They are all our enemies!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed. Many of them did not believe what Maximus said. It was too exaggerated, but if it were true, the problem would be very serious.

A race similar to them could replace them at any time. , or enslave them.

The aliens called Skrulls are also ambitious.

When did the earth become so dangerous?

Obviously when they left the earth, it was not so dangerous!

Everyone hesitated, as Black Bolt, the king of the Inhumans, still didn’t speak.[]

Because he cannot speak, once he speaks, he will release sound waves that can destroy everything.

And there is one thing hidden in his heart. Others are not clear about it, but he knows that the reason why Attilan flies to the moon is not just to fear the weak earthlings, but to avoid the real enemy of the Inhumans - —Cree!

Skrulls, Mutants, Earthlings, Kree...

Black Bolt looked gloomy. The earth has become a whirlpool of competition among many forces. Is it really necessary for Attilan to get involved?

He doesn't care about the life and death of the aliens on the earth. They don't regard them as compatriots. They are the aliens they abandoned. It is really wrong to let Attilan fall into the whirlpool for them.

But if they don't get involved, will it be okay?

Black Bolt isn't sure.

Aximus doesn't know what his brother Black Bolt is thinking. He is forming a clique. He wants to win more royal members to stand with him.

For this, he is willing to pay any price!

"King, make up your mind! The people on Earth have posed a huge threat to us. Between the Inhumans and the people on Earth, it’s either you or me who dies! There is no other choice! Those compatriots who died innocently are examples!"

Black Bolt thought for a while, and finally decided to send people to Earth to verify the authenticity of the information. He knew that his brother Aximus had great ambitions in his heart, and what he said was unreliable.

Aximus could only Accept Black Bolt's decision. After all, Black Bolt is the king of the Inhumans! And he is just a waste with"unawakened" powers.

This makes Aximus hold a grudge, and coupled with the past hatred, let More terrifying thoughts grew in his heart

"Master, I just detected an unknown signal aircraft passing through our country’s airspace. After detection, it did not belong to any force on the earth. Finally, it left the earth. I suspect they are other aliens!"

Penglai Island," the red queen's soft voice recalled, and then a virtual woman in a red dress appeared.

"Can their final destination be determined?"

Nolin asked casually.

He didn't care much about the identity of the aliens. After all, there are enough aliens on the earth, including Eternals, Kree, Inhumans, Skrulls and Asgardians.

Basically It has brought together the most powerful racial civilizations in the current galaxy.

One more alien is not much, and one less is not much. Anyway, the earth is a place for cultivating insects, mainly fighting chaos!

"The last I detected it was the moon, then it lost its signal, maybe they warped away, maybe they had an outpost on the moon."

The Red Queen said responsibly, and at the same time, she got a glass of iced Coke for Nolin very aptly.


Nolin took the Coke without drinking it and hummed thoughtfully.

He suddenly had an idea, Attilan?!

This is a world where there are aliens and there are many Attila Na me. It is not incredible.

And this matter is also easy to prove. Just send someone to check it out.

"Finally, you contact the Air Force to send two attack ships to search the moon. Remember to be invisible. If you find a city that is invisible, let me know."

"OK, Master."

The red queen flashed her glasses and turned the corner to the air force base with Nolin's instructions. Soon someone dispatched two attack ships according to the order. After turning on optical stealth and radar shielding, they flew towards the moon.

"Master, according to the plan, you should spend quality time with Ms. Qin now. Do you want me to give you a glass of wolfberry? According to data, men are at an absolute disadvantage in this regard."

The Red Queen said with a soft smile the advice that no man is willing to accept.

Nolin said with a dark face:"Are you good at talking? In the next week, you will switch shifts with Queen Bai."

The red queen's expression changed, and she said aggrievedly:"No, Master, I don't want to be locked in a cage."

At this time, another virtual intelligence that looked exactly like the Red Queen, except that her skirt was white, appeared. She jumped up excitedly like a little girl who got a lollipop.

"I've heard it! In the next week, I will switch positions with you, you and me, and I want to have a lot of fun! This is what the master said!"

The Red Queen wanted to say something else, but Nolin sent her away because Qin was here.

Although the Red Queen and the White Queen are both artificial intelligences, Nolin was still not used to taking injections under the noses of two intelligent beings.

Krypton Technology It's amazing. The intelligence of the Red Queen and the White Queen is no different from that of humans. If they just listen to the sounds to communicate, there will be absolutely no flaws!

Even Nolin can create two"people" by just preparing two bodies for them.".

And it's perfect!

Emmm, I wonder if"soft rice and hard food" can be used in artificial intelligence?

Nolin shook his head and shook this terrible idea away. Thinking about this in front of Qin is not good for her. Respect.

As the phoenix mourns, day after day, the room falls into silence again.

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