The next day.

The early morning sunlight shines through the gaps in the curtains and onto the sleeping Xiaojie's face. He yawned lazily, stretched, and slowly opened his eyes. In the soft light, he saw the hands of the alarm clock pointing to seven o'clock.

Get up, wash up, have breakfast.

Xiaojie picked up his bag, walked downstairs, and drove to work. On the way to the work today, he felt extremely complicated because he knew that he was definitely going to be fired. But Xiaojie did not submit his resignation report in advance. The situation this time was different from that at the radio station. Liu Qitian is expected to step down sooner or later, and Xiaojie has no reason to resign. He has a clear conscience.

When he arrived at the TV station, Xiaojie heard the comments from people around him. Everyone was talking about his affairs. Although there was regret and regret in the words, Xiaojie knew that all this was his own choice and he had no regrets.

Upstairs, the office area of ​​the literary channel.

Li Hua and his colleagues are all here. Xiao Wang looked at Xiaojie with complicated eyes and said:"Teacher Xiaojie, you……"She hesitated to speak, her eyes were a little sore. After spending so many days together, we have become a family. From the name to column planning to column content, this"Hundred Forum" was basically run by Xiaojie. It can be said that it is his own hard work. But now, the TV station can't accommodate him. It doesn't even leave him a place to live, which is sad.

Brother Hu, Brother Fei and the others were also a little excited,"Teacher Xiaojie, everyone knows that this matter is not your fault. You had no choice but to choose this way to help Uncle Su, but……"

Xiaojie smiled,"Has the punishment been handed down?"

Li Hua sighed,"Yes, it's expulsion."

Xiaojie seemed very indifferent,"Okay, then I'll go to the personnel department to go through the formalities later."

Li Hua said,"There's also finance, this You will be given a monthly salary and bonus. In fact, if you are dismissed, the bonus will generally be gone. However, due to some reasons, the station still takes good care of you. They must be embarrassed if they don't make a fuss about this, so the higher-ups follow. The finance department said such a hello, and I think the amount you can get should be about thirty or forty thousand."

Xiaojie was not concerned about that,"How is Liu Qitian?"

When he mentioned this, Xiao Wang showed a slight smile,"Didn't you see it when you entered the TV station? It was posted in the lobby, expulsion!"

Xiaojie finally settled his thoughts,"That's good."

Brother Hu said with itchy teeth:"This is how good is rewarded with evil. There will be bad news! I heard that the court summons has been sent to Liu Qitian, and he will probably face criminal punishment in the end! After all, Uncle Su's incident has made everyone in the capital know about it, and the judge will definitely do the same when he makes a ruling. Considering this! He, his life is over!"

Li Hua still didn't come out of his emotions. He looked at Xiaojie and said,"It's over when he's done, but why did you put yourself in trouble? Is it worth it?"

Is it worth it?" Definitely not worth it! But Xiaojie has never been a person who likes to look forward and backward, hesitating about this, worrying about that, doing this is dangerous, doing that is problematic, bullshit! In that case, don't do anything! Xiaojie's style is - scold first and then talk! Fight first and then talk! there is a problem? Let’s talk about problems! When something goes wrong, try to find a solution!

"Brother Li, after I leave, let's continue broadcasting the next few issues of"Hundred Schools of Forum". If you want to write an authorization, you can get a copy and I will sign it."Although he is gone, Xiaojie definitely still wants to finish"Three Kingdoms". After all, it has been recorded. If you can earn some popularity, just earn some popularity. And Li Hua has always been good to him, so Xiaojie definitely can't be a coward. He asked them to withdraw the next few issues of"The Story of the Three Kingdoms". He is not the kind of unreasonable person. He believes that it is everyone's common expectation to continue broadcasting"The Story of the Three Kingdoms"

"good."Li Hua nodded.

He went to the human resources department and then to the finance department.

The procedure was easy to handle, but it had to be approved by the superiors, so it had to wait a long time.

Xiaojie thought that he could finish it in one trip today and save the money later. After a quick trip, he returned to his office area and turned on his computer to play online.

Beijing TV's Weibo had already announced the firing of Liu Qitian and Xiaojie.


"Very happy"

"He should have been fired long ago"

"How come Xiaojie was also fired?"

The comments below were all kinds of things. In short, most of them applauded the TV station for firing the two people, and at the same time expressed sympathy and regret for Xiaojie's experience.

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. He said that during the live broadcast and he will definitely be punished.……""That's understandable. Facts have proved that what Teacher Xiaojie said was right. He was asking for justice for Su's father, so he wouldn't be expelled, right?"

"That's the rule"

"Bullshit rules! These bastards! They are all from the same pair of pants! What did their TV station do when Liu Qitian was acting domineering? ah? Teacher Xiaojie sought justice, but in the end they fired Xiaojie? There may be no problem with Li, but with this a troublesome thing?"

"It’s okay if you don’t do it, so that Teacher Xiaojie won’t be angry!"

"Yes, people like Teacher Xiaojie are really incompatible with the TV station system."

Xiaojie saw everyone saying this, and he was actually satisfied. With so many people supporting him, what else could he complain about? But when Xiaojie continued to browse the web, Xiaowang suddenly shouted,"Damn, Xiaojie. Teacher Jie, please look at the homepage of Weibo and scroll down!

Fei Ge said strangely:"What's wrong?""

"You'll know just by looking at it."Brother Hu obviously just saw it.

Xiaojie found the Weibo. When he saw the title, he was not only deeply moved, but also a little bit dumbfounded.

The name of the title——《Help Xiaojie find a job"!

This is a small bar owner of Xiaojie's fan group."Comrades, in order to avenge Su's father, Teacher Xiaojie lost his job. Beijing TV Station has announced that he will be fired. As a die-hard fan of Teacher Xiaojie, I am very angry and It’s unfair, but there’s nothing we can do about it. The fact is that we can only look forward. I suggest that we launch an event to help Teacher Xiaojie find a job! We can’t let good people go without good rewards!"


"Ten thousand support!"

"Well said, good people must be rewarded!"

"Count me in! After the memorial service was broadcast live, I was completely fascinated by Teacher Xiaojie’s personality! So damn handsome! This is the person who works in the media in my mind! You should dare to say and do it! Those media outlets that lead former leaders and follow others all day long! Compare yourself with Teacher Xiaojie! Are you sorry? Everyone, let’s get started! Help Teacher Xiaojie!"

"Teacher Xiaojie used to help others, but today it’s our turn to help him!"

"Add me. I see that Xishan Provincial TV Station is recruiting people. I will submit Teacher Xiaojie’s resume to them. Let’s submit it on Weibo!"

"I'm going to Liaodong Taiwan!"

"I’m going to Bac Ha TV!"

"Come on, I’ll go to CCTV!"

For a time, countless netizens and fans of Xiaojie began to apply for him everywhere. As soon as they saw the Weibo recruitment information from TV media, they began to swipe votes. Some people even advertised meager photos of some TV stations from several years ago. I found it and reposted it!

Xiao Wang exclaimed:"What a great job!" We can help too! Needless to say ,

Brother Fei has already started to join this activity,"I have posted to Teacher Xiaojie on several TV stations!" The TV station website has Teacher Xiaojie’s resume! Just copy and paste!

Brother Hu blinked and looked at Li Hua,"Leader?" Li

Hua said with a straight face:"It's working time now, don't you want to work?" Brother

Hu snorted and didn't dare to repost.

But suddenly, Xiao Wang almost burst into laughter,"Brother Li, why did you post your resume to Teacher Xiaojie too!" You are too fast! I haven’t copied my resume yet!"

Brother Tiger and Brother Hu saw that Brother Li's certification was really meager, and they immediately became happy. The leader also rolled up his sleeves and went into battle! Haha!

Help Xiaojie find a job?

Xiaojie didn't know whether to cry or laugh. , but more probably, he is grateful. Looking at the netizens on Weibo who helped him post his resume one by one, Xiaojie thought to himself: What virtue can he have? Forget about his own fans, but more of them are Some people who are not his fans may not even have seen his works. Perhaps they are in response to this sentence, if you treat others sincerely, others will treat you sincerely.

However, things obviously did not go that smoothly.

There was no reply from many TV stations. , they all seemed to pretend not to see the hundreds of comments that were reposted on Xiaojie’s resume.

Only the official Weibo account of Xishan Provincial TV Station replied:"We have seen the resumes everyone submitted. Teacher Xiaojie’s excellent character and hatred of evil. , we all appreciate it very much, but the station is already full and there are no vacancies yet, so we won’t be hiring anymore."

The meager recruitment was only issued yesterday!

And everyone in the industry knows that the media circle will never be saturated. There will be a shortage of people all the time. It just depends on whether you have the ability. Does

Xiaojie have the ability?

Of course, but His problem is that he is too capable!

After such a major live broadcast accident, who dares to ask Xiaojie!

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