The night sky is long and the stars are bright, but the noise and lights of the city bury this tranquility without a trace. Before nine o'clock, Director Yao returned home. As soon as he opened the door and entered the house, he eagerly said inside:"Hurry up and give me a bowl of noodles. I can't do it anymore. I'm starving!" He was handling a difficult situation at the police station today. I have been busy with the case from morning to night, and now I am exhausted.

His wife heard the sound and hurriedly came out to get him slippers, and asked with concern:"Why haven't you eaten yet?"

Director Yao sighed:"A very troublesome person came here today. He has been dealing with a little kid all day long. Case, what do you think I am after before and after running this case? This Liu Qigong, I will definitely not help him with his affairs in the future. It is thankless, and if I don’t deal with it, I will get into trouble. Fortunately, I can still bear the pressure now. If I can bear it, I will give him face, Old Liu." Director Yao smiled bitterly and boasted to his wife:"I have been working with the police system for more than ten years, and I can still withstand the pressure of Xiaojie. Stay!"

His wife disapproved and said,"I've also watched the news. I think that little hero is really good. Don't yell at him. Leave some leeway in doing things."

Director Yao said, dumbfounded:"I Are you still yelling at him? When I say one thing, he wants to reply ten sentences to me, and every sentence is so deep in people’s hearts that people can’t reply at all. Let me tell you, it’s just Xiaojie’s mouth. Ah, don't even mention it. He can probably bring the dead to life. Now that I see him talking, I am two heads above my head. You don't know, in front of so many reporters in the small courtyard of our police station? In front of me, he actually came with something like"My Confession". After reading the news, the branch leaders called me and scolded me, blaming me for not handling the matter well! Who do you think I provoked? From now on, I I don’t want to talk to people like them who are engaged in broadcasting and literature anymore. They are so venomous! I have been a police officer for so many years and I have never seen someone so good at talking."

His wife went to the kitchen to get down for him. The person on the other side said:"You're going to arrest him if he's going to cause trouble? It's not a big deal. If you want me to say let him go, that's fine.""

"But he still hit someone, and he hit him hard."Director Yao said with relief:"Don't worry, I'm just helping Lao Liu, and I have a sense of balance in my heart. If Lao Liu really asks me to help his son confuse right and wrong, I won't agree. I can't handle this matter well. ah?"

"As long as you can."My wife curled her lips and smiled.

"That is."Director Yao sat down at the dining table and waited for his meal."Don't even ask me who Lao Yao is. He is a little hero.……"

At this time, the phone suddenly rang quickly.

Director Yao frowned, picked up the phone and said,"Xiao Wu, I just got home and haven't had a hot meal yet. Why am I calling again? What's wrong?"

There was a policeman's voice over there,"Director! It's bad! The reporters are here again! This time there are dozens of people! We can't stop them! There are too few people on duty!"

Director Yao said doubtfully:"It's just a matter of blasting them out. What's the point? Do you need to tell me?"

"cocoa……"The little policeman almost cried,"That Xiaojie, he, he wrote poetry again!"

"What? Can you say that again?"Director Yao almost fell off his chair when he heard this!

"He wrote poetry again, this time with stones on the wall of the small dark room."The little policeman said hurriedly:"It's's called"Prison Song"》!"

Director Yao said angrily:"How did you write it? Please repeat it to me quickly?"

The little policeman said:"I can't remember it all. What impressed me most was the first two sentences - the door is locked for people to enter and exit, and the door for dogs to crawl out The hole is wide open...Now the reporters have taken pictures of the poems on the wall! Some of them even went back to the newspaper office directly! It seems they want to publish it!"

Director Yao only listened to the first two sentences of the poem, and he felt Then he started cursing her. He is a rough guy though. He had also studied systematically and knew a little bit about literature, so after Director Yao only listened to the first two sentences of this poem, he began to scold his mother in his heart. He wished he could scold all the eighteen generations of Xiaojie's ancestors, and immediately He said:"Hold on! I'll be there soon!" Then he shouted to the kitchen:"Stop cooking the noodles, I'm leaving!"

His wife came out in surprise,"We've already boiled the water, finish eating before leaving."

"What else to eat? Eat! Director Yao was worried about death,"I met such a stinky hooligan!" I'll be damned for eight lifetimes! People used to say that eight out of ten literati were hooligans! I still don't believe it! Now I think so! Ten of the ten literati are all fucking hooligans!

His wife asked:"Is it about Xiaojie again?"

Director Yao said:"Isn't it?" He writes poetry again! His wife said:"

Let me tell you, you shouldn't arrest him!" What a wonderful person!"


Xiaojie's"Prison Song" was first published on the official website of a tabloid in Beijing, because they couldn't wait until tomorrow for the official newspaper, otherwise they would definitely be beaten by others! Sure enough, there were several The Beijing newspaper published"Prison Song" and attached pictures. The pictures of each newspaper were different. They were all from the side, some were from the side, some were with strong light, and some were with dark light. In the end, it was the Jinghua Times. The staff of a large newspaper with a large circulation in Beijing are relatively high-quality, and the photography technology is also first-rate. The picture published by their newspaper is the clearest and most flavorful. The picture shows a tragic atmosphere!

Xiaojie is handcuffed on his feet Standing still, Qu Shen took a small stone and wrote the last punctuation mark of"Prison Song" on the wall. In front of him, the main text of"Prison Song" was not blocked at all, and was clearly presented. The dim lights and the empty dark room perfectly match the overall atmosphere of this poem!

"They still won't let him go?"

"So infuriating! So infuriating!"

"What a"Prison Song"! Such a good one should get eternal life in fire and blood!"

"A hole left open for the dog to crawl out of? Do they want Teacher Xiaojie to bow his head and beg for mercy? Dream on!"

"I watched this song"Prison Song"! I'm angry! Teacher Xiaojie! You don't deserve eternal life in fire! But those people should be in the fire forever and not be reincarnated!"

Regarding this matter, many celebrities and public figures are relatively conservative in their speeches, and even basically do not make any comments or attitudes, because everyone does not understand what exactly happened, and if they cannot say what they say, they may put themselves aside. In, is this kind of thing rare in the entertainment industry? But just after the publication of"My Confession" and"Prison Song", a very prestigious person in the literary circle spoke! Mr.

Zhao posted on Weibo:"Yes What kind of environment could allow a person to write such a desperate poem? And what kind of soil and water brought up such a fearless person? I'm not familiar with Xiaojie, but after reading so much news about him, I roughly know who he is, and I'm sure of his character. It would be ridiculous if your police station denies Xiaojie on this matter. A person who spends all his savings and even borrows money to raise surgery fees for fans, will he beat someone for no reason because of his own selfish desires? Whose intelligence is your police station really insulting? Ten hours have passed since Xiaojie was summoned, and you haven’t found the results yet? Hasn’t the specific reason been announced yet?"

At this time, Xiaojie's die-hard fans posted a screenshot on Weibo with a message:"We have massacred people in the message areas and complaint areas of the official websites of all municipal public security bureaus, sub-bureaus, and police stations in Beijing. version, does anyone have a link to the official website of the Commission for Discipline Inspection? I'm too lazy to check. You can message me privately."

"Holy shit, so fierce?"

"Haha, so coquettish!"

"Yes, we can no longer limit ourselves to forums and post bars, we have to go to government websites to massacre them! Make things worse! Let those leaders know about Teacher Xiaojie’s unfair treatment! I can’t believe that no one took care of this matter in the end! Teacher Xiaojie is so kind to us fans. If something happens to him, we can’t be cowardly! This is our best opportunity to repay Teacher Xiaojie! What happened to the government website? Butcher!"

"right! superior!"

"Who is afraid of whom!"

"I'm willing to risk it too!"

"That one, the Discipline Inspection Commission website has sent you a private message, please check it!"

"Send me a copy too! Do you still remember what Teacher Xiaojie mentioned to our fan group? If you never betray, dependent life and death I will! This is the promise made by Teacher Xiaojie to us! But it is also our promise to Teacher Xiaojie! Never give up! Let’s fight together!"

"good! aweason!"

"Never give up! Life and death!"

"Let’s repay the debt No. 1 owes her!"

"Brothers, what are you waiting for! Teacher Xiaojie has used"Prison Song" to express his stance of not fearing death! It's time for us to do our part!"

Suddenly, someone else spoke up.

A person named Baobao who couldn't give it away said:"Friend, I'm not a member of Xiaojie's fan group. Can I participate? Another person named hioaf2 said:"Yeah, I haven't joined the fan group either. Seeing how cohesive you are

, I want to join now. Isn't it too late?" Count me in for the massacre!"

"Thank you, now we are a family and fight together!"A small bar owner of Xiaojie's fan group responded enthusiastically to the new members,"Now, everyone should support"Prison Song" first, so that more people can see Teacher Xiaojie's courage and determination!"

The entire Weibo has been flooded with"Prison Song". This poem expresses Teacher Xiaojie's anger and resistance to unfair treatment, and has aroused the resonance and attention of many netizens. They have forwarded and commented to support Teacher Xiaojie. , demanding that the matter be handled fairly.

In addition to Weibo, other social media platforms also spread quickly. Xiaojie fan groups began to promote"Prison Song" in forums, post bars, QQ groups and other channels, encouraging everyone to respond positively and work together for Teacher Xiaojie seeks justice

"Brothers, what we have to do now is to let more people know about Teacher Xiaojie, and let the pressure of public opinion force the relevant departments to resolve the matter as soon as possible!"A member of Xiaojie's fan club shouted in the QQ group,"Each of us must become a messenger to spread the voice of Teacher Xiaojie and let more people pay attention to this matter!"

"I just saw this in my circle of friends, it’s so irritating! Another member said angrily,"Teacher Xiaojie is so kind to us, how can we just watch him be wronged?""

"Yes, we need to take action and let more people join us!"Another member responded.

In this way, Xiaojie's fan group quickly united. They promoted"Prison Song" through various channels, calling on more people to pay attention to Teacher Xiaojie's unfair treatment and work together to fight for him. Justice. Their voices quickly spread on social media, attracting more and more people’s attention and responses.

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