Xiaojie had no distracting thoughts and was concentrating on preparing for the upcoming show. After the staff rearranged the podium, he walked steadily to the center of the stage and said affectionately:"Dear audience friends, hello everyone, I am your friend Xiaojie. Today I want to bring you a special narration, that It's the Three Kingdoms. I know that everyone has deep feelings and unique understanding of the story of the Three Kingdoms, but I hope you can explore this historical period with me and taste this history from a new perspective."

Xiaojie paused. , continued:"The Three Kingdoms was an era full of wars, heroes, wisdom and loyalty. People in this period made great efforts and sacrifices for the country, nation and faith. Their deeds and spirit are always worth learning and inheriting."

Professor Ma and the two guests named Xu looked at each other. They heard Xiaojie's words full of enthusiasm and confidence. Although they had some doubts about Xiaojie's views, they were also attracted by his story.

"Speaking of the Three Kingdoms, we have to mention those heroic generals. For example, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Zhuge Liang, etc. Each of them has their own unique character and talents. However, they also have one thing in common, that is, they all fight for their beliefs and goals."Xiaojie said.

The audience began to resonate with Xiaojie's words. They began to put aside their doubts and began to listen carefully to Xiaojie's story.

"I know some of you may already be very familiar with the story of the Three Kingdoms, but I hope you will be able to see this historical period from a new perspective. Don't be bound by traditional ideas and try to discover the overlooked or misunderstood stories in history."Xiaojie said sincerely.

Xiaojie's words made the audience feel refreshed. They began to re-examine their understanding of the Three Kingdoms and began to appreciate the story of this historical period from a new perspective.

"The Three Kingdoms is a historical period full of charm. It is an age of heroes and an age of resourcefulness. People in this period created many legendary stories through their own efforts and wisdom."Xiaojie said affectionately,"These stories not only shock and admire us, but also make us reflect and inspire.

Xiaojie paused and continued:"The history and culture of the Three Kingdoms period are a precious part of our nation." Many heroic characters and touching stories emerged during this period. Their spirit and wisdom will always inspire us to pursue our dreams and goals."

The audience began to be immersed in the story of the Three Kingdoms told by Xiaojie. They began to imagine the changes of that era and began to taste the life courses of those heroic characters.

"In this era, there is a hero who is particularly eye-catching. He is Zhou Yu."Xiaojie said,"Zhou Yu is a very loyal and heroic figure. He is young and successful, he is proud of his youth, he is handsome, and he does things beautifully."

Hearing this, the audience began to discuss in low voices. They seemed to have different understandings and views on Zhou Yu's image. But Xiaojie didn't care about these comments, and he continued to tell Zhou Yu's story

"Zhou Yu was only twenty-four years old when he was appointed by Sun Ce as Jianwei Zhonglang General. During this year, he and Sun Ce married the beauties at the time, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao. It can be said that Zhou Yu was a young and promising hero in Wuzhong at that time."Xiaojie said slowly,"However, our impression of Zhou Yu often comes from"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and from the descriptions in those novels and dramas."

Hearing this, the audience began to make surprised sounds. They didn't seem to expect that Xiaojie would mention"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" at this time. But Xiaojie didn't care about these sounds, and he continued to tell Zhou Yu's story

"In"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Zhou Yu is described as a narrow-minded character. We often hear the story of"Three Qi Zhou Yu", the famous saying"If there is Yu, how can Liang be born" and the mantra of"Zhou Lang's clever plan to settle the world, lose his wife and defeat the army"."Xiaojie said slowly,"But these descriptions do not conform to the historical image of Zhou Yu."

Hearing this, the audience began to make even more surprised sounds. They seemed not to have expected that Xiaojie would refute the description in"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" at this time. But Xiaojie did not care about these voices, and he continued to tell Zhou Yu's story.

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