"Unexpectedly, the visitors from another world who came to Blue Star this time would actually be the three captains of the Netherworld Legion!"

Looking at Qiao Shefei and the three Nether Demons in front of him, Chen Jiang was very familiar with them.

At the same time, after seeing the captains of these three Nether Legions, Chen Jiang also understood why Doflamingo wasn't them. Opponent.

Although Doflamingo is one of the seven kings of the"One Piece" world, and has the ability to awaken the Superman Line Fruit~, his strength is not as good as the three captains!

Or It can't be compared to the joint attack of three captains!

Although the combat performance of the three captains in the world of"Armor Warrior" is not as gorgeous and cool as Doflamingo's performance in the world of"One Piece", he has Various special effects!

But the settings of the three captains are very terrifying!

Let’s not talk about anything else, just talk about the weapons owned by Qiao Shefei, the Doomsday Double Blade, which was the final concentration of the Doomsday Galaxy when the Doomsday Galaxy was destroyed. It is tempered by energy!

Although the ability ray it releases cannot directly kill Doflamingo, it can still easily hurt Doflamingo!

In addition, there is An Mixiu The Doomsday Fierce Tooth Axe!

As well as the Angry Dragon Axe of Kurus!

The settings of these weapons are extremely outrageous!


Qiao Shefei's settings of the three Nether Demons, no matter how outrageous they are, are still better than But Chen Jiang!

In other words... it can't compare to the Demonic Time King Drive in Chen Jiang's hands!

"Here comes another low-level creature from the Blue and White Star that is seeking death!"

While Chen Jiang was recalling in his mind the settings of the three captains of the Netherworld Legion, Qiao Shefei suddenly sneered and said,"It seems that these low-level creatures from the Blue and White Stars, although weak, possess special abilities.!"

"snort! No matter how special abilities these low-level creatures master, they will never be our opponents!"

Kuse, the most fiery-tempered among the three captains, said:"Even if there are hundreds or thousands more, the result will be the same!"

"They all died here!"

With that said,

Ku Yisi was about to snatch away the armor summoners of Fei Ying and Xing Tian from the unconscious Xu Tingfei and Ye Wen.

However, before Ku Yisi could take action, he took away the two armor summoners. , but Chen Jiang waved his right hand slightly.

At the moment when Chen Jiang waved his right hand, the unconscious Ye Wen and Xu Tingfei were immediately pushed by an invisible gravity with a"whoosh". A hundred meters away!

Even Doflamingo was pushed out by gravity!


Seeing this scene, Ku Yan was stunned for a moment!

"How is this going?!"

In shock and anger, Kusi looked at Chen Jiang and said:"Damn inferior creatures! What did you just do?!"

"Kusi, your temper is still so irritable."

Looking at Ku Yansi, Chen Jiang's expression was indifferent.

"Um?! You actually know my name?!"

When he heard Chen Jiang call out his name, Ku Yan was stunned for a moment!

"Not only do I know your name, I also know their names, An Mixiu and Qiao Shefei! Chen

Jiang chuckled and said:"The captains of the three guards of the Nether Legion, the Nether Demon who defected from Ares!""

"How do you know this?!"

After hearing that Chen Jiang actually revealed his identity in such detail, Qiao Shefei and the three Nether Demons were immediately stunned!

And the people who were stunned were not only the three guards captains of the Nether Legion, Including Doflamingo next to him, as well as the tens of millions of water friends in the live broadcast room, all their eyes widened in surprise!

: Damn it! Brother Chen actually knows all of these three monsters called Nether Demons. ?!

: Brothers and sisters! I have discovered it now!

: Brother Chen not only knows everything about the treasures from the heavens, but also knows about these visitors and monsters from other worlds. Ah!

: Awesome! As expected of Chen, the omniscient and omnipotent brother!

: So, are the strength of these three Nether Demons powerful?

:? Guys upstairs, do you have something wrong with your eyes?

: These three Nether Demons Demons, but even Doflamingo can't defeat them! Do you think they are powerful?

: Of course, no matter how powerful they are! They will definitely not be Brother Chen's opponent!

: That's right! Haven't you seen it? Are you there? The driver of the Demon King is in Brother Chen’s left hand!

: Oh my God! Does that mean that Brother Chen will transform into the Demon King again today?!

: It’s Chinese New Year! This time for real It’s the New Year!

During the lively discussion in the live broadcast room, Kus suddenly pointed at Chen Jiang with his right hand and said:"I understand! You must be from the same world as us! It’s just that you are that damn King Peel’s lackey!"

"Kusi, you and I are not from the same world! But I know you very well!

Chen Jiang said softly:"Including your general Lu Fa!""

"You actually know the name of our general?!"

Hearing Chen Jiang mention his general"Lu Fa", the three captains of Kusi were shocked again!

"Couse! An Mixiu! Stop talking nonsense to this human being!

Qiao Shefei, the captain of the Ziming team, said in a deep voice:"Deal with him first!" Then take him to see the general! The general must know if he is King Peel's lackey!"

"That's right! After you deal with him, take him to see the general!"

Kuse roared loudly:"When the time comes, let the general deal with this lackey of King Peel!"

The moment he finished speaking, a giant ax appeared directly in Couse's right hand!

This weapon was none other than Couse's Raging Dragon Ax!

"King Peel's lackey, prepare to die!!"

Grabbing the Angry Dragon Ax in his right hand, Ku Yisi slashed directly at Chen Jiang!

That is to say, when Ku Yisi launched an attack on Chen Jiang, the Demon Time King Driver in Chen Jiang's hand was already placed on his waist!

And at this moment, both hands simultaneously pushed the"OhmaZikuMatrix" on both sides of the Demon King's driver."!


Blessing moment!!

The most benevolent!! The most benevolent!!

The most high!!

The most powerful king!!

Accompanied by the domineering and exciting transformation sound effects, the huge golden clock suddenly rang out from the Demon Time King driver on Chen Jiang's waist. In the rolling magma, the golden hands turned!

The next moment!

The golden clock suddenly shattered! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And at the moment when the golden clock shattered, Chen Jiang had transformed into the Demon King of Time. , also appeared in the explosion of black-gold flames!

At the same time,

Ku Yisi, who was already close to Chen Jiang, was swept away by the black-gold flames before he had time to put down the Raging Dragon Ax in his hand!

"This, what is this?!!!"

Standing up from the ground in embarrassment, Kusi stared at Chen Jiang, who had transformed into the Demonic Time King, with disbelief on his face!

Qiao Shefei and An Mixiu next to him had the same reaction!

"This, is this armor?!!"

I have never seen Chen Jiang's transformed King of Time and the three captains of the Netherworld Guards!

And... from Chen Jiang's transformation of King of Time, Qiao She spent three Nether Demons to return. I feel a very strong sense of crisis!!

"Qiao Shefei, An Mi Xiu, Ku Yisi!"

Under the shocked gazes of Qiao Shefei and the others, Chen Jiang raised his hands slightly and said,"Didn't you just say you wanted to kill me? Come on, try to deal with me!"

"Kusi, Qiao Shefei!"

An Mixiu grabbed it with his right hand, and his exclusive weapon Doomsday Fierce Tooth Ax suddenly appeared in his hand![]

"Go together!!"

Almost the moment An Mixiu finished speaking, Ku Yisi, Qiao Shefei, and the three captain-level Nether Demons of An Mixiu immediately held their own exclusive weapons and all attacked Chen Jiang!

And they were attacking Chen Jiang. At this moment, Qiao Shefei and the three Nether Demons all released their strongest killer skills!

In an instant!

In the strongest killer combination of the three Nether Legion captains, a destructive power suddenly broke out at this moment! In such a terrifying situation In the explosion of destructive power, the surrounding weather was plunged into darkness in just a short moment! The next moment!

A loud"boom" was heard!

The three Nether Legion captains jointly released a special move, all It bombarded Chen Jiang!


"Is this your strength?"

Looking at the three weapons hitting him, Chen Jiang stood on the same spot, his whole body not even shaking.

"This, this, how is this possible?!!"

Seeing that Chen Jiang was actually unscathed, the three captains of the Netherworld Army were immediately frightened and backed away!

Looking at Chen Jiang with horrified eyes, the three captains had already set off huge waves deep in their hearts at this moment!

Because they were really Unexpectedly... under the joint fatal attack of their three captains!

The human who summoned"Armor" in front of him... was not affected by it.The slightest bit of damage?!!

"How can this be! ? How is this possible?!"

Qiao Shefei shook his head, his tone began to tremble!

"Qiao Shefei, An Mixiu, Ku Yisi……"

When Qiao Shefei and the three Nether Demons were filled with panic, Chen Jiang patted the armor on his chest with his right hand and said,"Is the move just now your strongest attack?"

"If you have other tricks, use them now, otherwise……"

The three Nether Demons walked slowly towards Qiao Shefei, and Chen Jiang's voice came from the Demon King's armor:"You will have no chance to use it again!"




Seeing Chen Jiang advancing towards him step by step, An Mixiu, Qiao Shefei, and Ku Yan suddenly felt that an extraordinarily strong sense of death crisis was constantly filling their hearts!

After the joint attack just now, they can now confirm that... their strength and Chen Jiang's are not at the same level at all!

Thinking of this, An Mixiu immediately gritted his teeth and said:

"Qiao spends extravagantly! Couse!"

"retreat! superior!".

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