Yanghu Secret Realm is one of the three local secret realms in Star City.

The Starspring Secret Realm is a one-star level.

Yanghu Secret Realm is a two-star site.

As for the three-star level secret realm?

Star City doesn't.

The level of the third elven secret realm is also a two-star level.

In the urban world, the development of cities is circumvented by secret realms.

If nothing else, it's because I'm afraid that if something goes wrong with the gate of the secret realm, the wild elves inside will rush out......

If the development of the city revolves around the secret realm.

Once the unexpected happens, it's a disaster!

The three gates of the secret realm are all in the outskirts of Star City.

In order to facilitate the trainers to go to the secret realm for adventure.

Star City officials have specially built three special urban rail subways, which are a special subway that can only be taken by trainers, and ordinary people cannot enter.

On October 8, the National Day has just ended.

Xu Jing and counselor Han Zhuang took a leave of absence and took the special subway to Yanghu Secret Realm, the reason was to apply for the secret realm practice!

Secrets practice is theoretically something that only sophomores can apply for, but Xu Jing's strength is very strong, so Han Zhuang agreed to Xu Jing's application after consulting the dean of teaching.

A trainer who graduated from Elf University.

Why is the general strength of each one very strong?

In addition to the fact that Elf University has various training resources.

The most important thing is that these students start in their sophomore year.

A secret practice must be conducted once a year.

Grow up in a real elven realm!

Even the worst senior graduate, that is at least three times the experience of breaking into the secret realm, can it not be strong?

Director Liu Jinhua actually asked Dean Chen Lin for advice, and only after winning the nod of Dean Chen Lin did he give Xu Jing an application for approval.

The real strong people grow up in practice!

As a top trainer at the Heavenly King level, Dean Chen Lin naturally respects the truth of true knowledge through practice.

Because he didn't know how long this trip to the secret realm would take, Xu Jing didn't bring anything with him, and planned to buy them all after going to the secret hall of the Yanghu secret realm.

The things in the secret hall are no different from the market price outside.

And because there is an official endorsement, there is no need to worry about the quality.

There are not many people in the subway on this special line.

They are all trainers who are going to the secret realm of Yanghu

"Dear passengers, please take your luggage and don't forget or lose your ...... when you arrive at Zhanyang Lake Secret Realm."

The prompt tone of the special line subway sounded.

Everyone in the subway car gets off in front.

Xu Jingye 537 is mixed in.

Compared to the others, he should be the youngest!

After all, it is estimated that there are very few students who apply for secret practice in their freshman year.

Xu Jing followed everyone.

After walking out of the subway station.

Xu Jing was greeted by well-trained military trainers, staring at them one by one.

Next to these military trainers, are Kati Dog, Strange Force, Eagle Eagle, and Hu Di.

These are basically the royal elves of the military trainers.

The elves stared at them intently.

"Hello, welcome to the two-star secret realm of Xingcheng Yanghu, please take out your alliance card, and we will conduct identity authentication. "

The captains of this group of military trainers began to verify the identities of everyone.

"Di! Student Card"

"Di! Student Card"

"Drop! Affiliate Card"

The people in front have already begun to check their identities.

More than half of them are students.

Before graduating, the status of the alliance card was a student.

After graduation, you will become an affiliate.

Soon it fell to Xu Jing, and he also handed over his alliance card.

"Di! Student Card"

After checking his identity, Xu Jing was ready to take the card and move forward.

only to be stopped by the captain.

The captain is a sturdy man, with a standard Chinese face, in his thirties, and he looks serious.

The captain looked at Xu Jing.

I looked at the electronic screen for identity verification again.

After confirming that Xu Jing was himself, he suggested: "You have thought clearly, the Yanghu Secret Realm is a two-star elf secret realm, and most of the wild elves in it are professional-level, and the depths are even more elite-level, which is much more terrifying than the one-star elf secret realm." "

Xu Jing didn't understand what the captain meant.

Why did you stop me alone?

Of course, Xu Jing can hear that this captain is indeed concerned about him, but he doesn't know this captain?

"Ahem, junior brother, I also graduated from national defense. "

The captain whispered a reason.

Xu Jing suddenly realized.

A graduate of the Elf Academy of the National Defense Elf University.

If you are willing, you can go directly to the military department to train the trainer to garrison the secret realm.

The salary is very high, and the secret realm is free to enter.

There are other arrangements for those who do not want to.

This captain is clearly the former.

This captain saw that there was a junior of national defense, and he entered the secret realm of Yanghu Lake in his freshman year, so he asked more out of concern.

"Hello senior, it's okay senior, my elf (CBEA) partner strength is okay. "Although the other party has good intentions, Xu Jing's strength is really enough to enter the two-star secret realm.

"Well, that's fine, come on!"

When the captain saw that Xu Jing understood, he didn't say much.

After nodding, he returned the alliance card to Xu Jing.

"Remember to ask the front desk of the secret realm hall to get the latest information about the Yanghu secret realm, don't forget. "

When Xu Jing was leaving, the captain reminded him again.

Xu Jing thanked him and left.

Looking at the back of Xu Jing leaving, the captain sighed secretly in his heart: "I didn't expect this junior to be so bold, he applied for the secret realm practice in his freshman year, I can only hope that he will return safely!"

Freshman year, almost equal to rookie trainer.

At this time, the trainers inevitably had some overconfidence, and they wanted to go to the elven secret realm to find the treasures of the secret realm and realize the idea of getting rich overnight.

However, this captain feels that this Xu Jing junior should not be this kind of stunned youth.

In fact, this captain doesn't pay much attention to the news of his classmates.

Otherwise, he would have known about it.

This year's freshmen at the National Defense Genie Academy are inside.

There was a junior named Xu Jing who was so fierce that he was in a mess......

Xu Jing followed everyone forward.

Soon walked into a magnificently constructed edifice.

It's a functional and all-round edifice.

There are hotels, elf emergency hospitals, elf prop shops, restaurants, daily supermarkets and other shops.

The main thing is a comprehensive one.

The place where Xu Jing and the others were going was on the first floor.

- The Hall of the Secret Realm!

The interior of the secret hall is spacious.

In the depths, there is a spatial portal with ripples of energy, which is the secret gate of the Yanghu Secret Realm.

Naturally, the gate of the secret realm is also guarded by military trainers.

Xu Jing was not in a hurry, he found the staff of the secret realm hall to ask for the latest information of the Yanghu secret realm.

Because of the rules of heaven and earth, the inner space of the elves in the secret realm often has conflicts and battles between the wild elf groups inside, so the elves inside change frequently.

For example, Xu Jing was originally going to go to the Yanghu Secret Realm to find Heracross's subduation, but he found out that Heracross's was in the northeast of the Yanghu Secret Realm, where there was an oak and bamboo tree, and he was going to go over this time.

It turned out to be outdated intelligence from a month ago.

Now Heraclos is long gone!

Therefore, there is a fee for secret realm information.

But the cost is well worth it.

The vast majority of trainers are willing to pay for it.

"Okay, please wait, if you are coming to Yanghu Secret Realm for the first time, please download the Yanghu Secret Realm APP and log in as an alliance card. "

The staff was very patient.

After letting Xu Jing download the APP, Xu Jing immediately saw the latest information of the Yanghu Secret Realm, and after clicking in, the loading was completed.

There is a signal in the one-star secret realm.

In the two-star secret realm, the mobile phone can only make emergency calls.

And you can only urgently call the staff of the secret hall stationed on the other side of the secret gate, and you can't contact the city world directly.

The mobile phone in Samsung's secret realm is completely useless.

So after the early loading is completed.

When you enter the secret realm, even if there is no signal, you can continue to open the information.

There are also 3D maps of Yanghu Secret Land and other things, and the staff are patiently helping Xu Jing get it right.

"Xu Jing, this is a positioning bracelet, and each trainer who enters the secret realm will give one to facilitate emergency rescue by the staff in the hall on the other side when calling for help. "

"Finally, I wish you all the best on this journey of adversity. "

The staff handed Xu Jing a bracelet.

The blue-green, blue-green ones are pretty good-looking.

Xu Jing thanked him and walked towards the gate of the secret realm.

What?Secret Realm Tickets?(If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No, Xu Jing's expenses for entering the elven secret realm have been covered by the National Defense Elf Academy, so it's a guaranteed student!

Every time Xu Jing entered the secret realm, he was a prostitute.

The trainers who entered the secret realm were all lining up.

It's Xu Jingshi's turn.

Not far ahead, the gate of the secret realm suddenly flickered with ripples.

Everyone knows that this is the gate of the secret realm, and there is a trainer on the other side.

There is only one door to the secret realm, it is impossible for you to enter at any time, what if you come out from the opposite side when you enter?

So it is generally open for one entry per hour.

If you miss it, wait for the next hour of opening time.

It's time to enter, but someone is coming out on the other side.

Don't think about it, there must be an emergency!

The staff immediately arranged for everyone to wait for a while.

Sure enough, several embarrassed trainers rushed out from the gate of the secret realm, two of them carrying stretchers.

The white stretcher was stained red with blood.

The man lying on the stretcher had his right arm shoulder-to-shoulder......

The wound is extremely hideous.

It has even turned jet black.

The moment these people came out.

The hall of the secret realm was immediately filled with a strong bloody aura.

"First Aid! First Aid!"

The man carrying the stretcher yelled.

Everyone stepped aside, and two emergency doctors in white coats immediately rushed out of the room in the secret hall.

One of them rushed to contact the building's emergency hospital.

The other is to quickly inquire about the situation.

"We encountered an elite-level high-level Circle Bear in the depths of the Yanghu Secret Realm Forest, and he was torn apart by a claw of the Circle Bear's right arm, and he had already taken two bottles of primary energy liquid. "

Hearing this, Xu Jing and the others had a sense of picture in their minds.

An elite-level high-level circle bear, in the second-level elf secret realm, has the strength to become a lord-like leader, dominating one side and dominating the king.

This kind of ring bear can easily tear you apart with one paw, even a big truck!

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle......

"Only the primary energy liquid, nonsense!"

Hearing that the other party only used primary energy liquid, the emergency doctor's face immediately turned ugly.

"There is black blood coffee on the wound, which is in line with the toxin characteristics of the stinky mud series elves, you should give him the antidote as soon as possible!"

Speaking of which, the emergency doctor only felt that it would be difficult for this person to be saved.

"This ...... We've run out of antidotes......"

"Alas, I can only do my best to obey the destiny of heaven. "

The men quickly followed out of the hall of the secret realm.

At this time, a staff member called out a dumb flower.

"Dumbfounded, I'll leave it to you~"


The dazed-looking mouth flower fell into the hands of the staff, and the leaves on both sides of the body turned, and soon a trace of refreshing aroma wafted out of the mouth.

This is a weakened version of the sweet aroma.

It has no effect on either elves or humans.

But it can quickly purify the indoor air polluted by bloody gas.

Soon the indoor smell returned to normal.

Several of the people around Xu Jing who were waiting to enter the secret realm turned pale, and whispered to each other: "Tsk, the depths of the two-star secret realm are very dangerous, I think I should just hang around in the outermost area." "

"Danger and opportunity coexist! The outer area is safe, but the probability of finding the treasure of the secret realm is too small, so I still have to go to the deep area. "

"Although the treasure is good, the small life is better!"

"That's right, what kind of trainer are you afraid of death?"


The staff who had handled the work after the incident apologized to everyone and said that they could continue to enter the secret realm.

This is the second time Xu Jing has stepped into the door of the secret realm.

It's still that dizzy feeling.

But he shook his head and regained consciousness.

In the secret hall on this side of the secret realm, it is a place to buy various props for exploring the secret realm.

The trainers who had come over quickly dispersed.

Go to the store where you want to buy it.

If the trainers in the secret realm run out of preparations, they also need to go back to this hall and buy them again.


Don't think about it, where is the supply depot in the two-star secret territory......

Xu Jing also started his own buying journey.

Special jacket and trousers, hiking canes, insect repellent spray, gas mask, compressed biscuits, some boring snacks, special sleeping bags......

It's all packed into one large hiking bag.

A total of more than 20,000 alliance coins were spent on Xu Jing.

It's just an appetizer.

The big one is coming.

- Liquid Energy and Elven Energy Cubes!

The energy liquid is something made by researchers using the principle of elven energy cubes, and is specially designed for human trainers to absorb.

There are two types: primary and advanced, and a bottle of primary energy liquid of 200m1 costs 10,000 alliance coins!

The high-grade energy liquid is also 200ml, 100,000 yuan per bottle!

Even if you are a trainer who picks the door, the energy liquid is a must-buy!

Because it's a lot of energy.

The critical moment is really able to hang the life of the trainer!

The injured trainer before.

If it weren't for drinking two bottles of primary energy liquid.

I'm afraid I'd have died of blood loss a long time ago!

How can you have so much time to make it back to the Secret Hall?

Xu Jing is not short of money.

Tens of millions of alliance coins in the card, when will you use them at this time?

He directly bought five bottles of high-grade energy liquid!

500,000 uproar is gone......

Other than that, Xu Jing thought about it.

I bought another high-grade ball, bought a few ordinary version of Poké Balls, and was prepared, more than 50,000 alliance coins.

Elf energy cubes, his three elf companions are now elite-level junior strength, primary energy cubes are definitely not enough, buy high-level ones!

I bought half a month's ration at once.

Here again, 50,000 Alliance Coins are gone.

On the premise of not bad money.

Xu Jing brought more than 600,000 alliance coins of "equipment".

Everything was ready, and he walked out of the secret hall.

Here we go, a real adventure!

ps: Speaking of updates, if you don't work overtime, it's 13,000 (three watches), and if you want to work overtime, it's 9,000 (two more).

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