"Needless to say. "

Jiang Yan smiled and said softly:

"I'm also thinking about the development of Shushan, since the Honkai World can produce Jizi, you, a powerful and talented immortal cultivator. "

"Why can't there be other immortal cultivators?"

"Now that Shushan is facing the prying eyes of the evil sword immortals, it must improve its strength as quickly as possible. "

"Honkai World is indeed a good place. "

Himeko shook her head.

"In any case, the head of the sect allowed me to return, and moreover, I returned with the path of cultivating immortals. "

"No matter what the starting point is, I will save everyone in the Honkai world, and the disciple is grateful. "

Jiang Yan waved his hand helplessly.

"Okay, don't say thank you for now, since you're fine, then pick a time, and you can return to the Honkai World. "

Wendy blinked and reminded:

"Master, in three days, it will be the Nine Secret Realm Exploration Conference, and there is no need to let Himeko return in the next few days. "

"After all, she herself has just begun to cultivate immortals, and she has not yet grasped the true meaning of cultivating immortals. "

"In three days, even if you go back, you can't do anything, it's better to stay and study the way of cultivating immortals, and explore the Nine Secret Realms first. "

Jiang Yan bowed his head slightly, and said softly:

"Then why don't you return to the Honkai World after the Nine Secret Realm Exploration Conference is over?"

After the "Five, Six, Seven" exploration conference of the Nine Secret Realms, Himeko has probably mastered the way of cultivating immortals relatively proficiently.

At that time, her strength in the late stage of refining and refining qi should be more solid.

When she returns to the Honkai world, she will inevitably fight, not to mention the Honkai side.

Otto's side may have some conflicts with Himeko.

After all, it is clear that a person who has fallen into the imaginary space, and has been eroded, is almost no longer human.

came back intact, and said that he could cultivate immortals, no matter how you look at it, it is all the points that Otto cares about.

Provided, of course, that Otto had not yet carried out his plan to rush the tree.

The timeline of the Honkai World has not been pushed to what point.

Although Himeko even watched the ending of the Honkai World just now, it was the future of the original world line, and it didn't happen yet.

It's just that, no matter what, if Himeko goes back, the world will change, and Jiang Yan has enough reason to believe it.

This kind of change must be for the better.

"Yes, sir. "

Himeko didn't object either.

Now, she has only just come into contact with immortal cultivation, and she has not yet mastered the way of immortal cultivation like others.

If she goes back rashly, she won't achieve anything, she has already seen the future of Kiana and them becoming saviors.

This time, she wanted to put into practice that she had saved their future.

Yes, Kiana and they are heroes.

But the word hero is very heavy, and Kevin understands this too well.

The three Kiana became heroes to save the world, but who redeemed them before redeeming the world?

Himeko only saw the infinite malice of the world towards these three little ones, and she was the only one struggling with Kiana every time she was nearing death.


They were just girls who had just come of age, and they didn't even ask for the title of girl.

Why should the burden of salvation be on them?

Himeko recognizes Kiana's deeds, but not the world.

Since the world wants to push Kiana and her painful growth, it is reasonable for her, as a teacher, to raise the blade of judgment to the world.

It's like a certain phrase says.

You protect the world, I protect you.

But now that she has cultivated immortals, Himeko can do something more extreme.

What I said to Kiana, a better future, she wants to realize, Kiana's peaceful and peaceful life, she also wants to realize.

Adults, don't choose, all of them!

The cultivation in the later stage of refining and refining qi is really not weak, if there is Lisa's level of magic ability, plus some magic weapons to help.

Not to mention killing through the Honkai world—

Kevin did not collapse, evolved the karmic demon, and finally did not show up.

Otto is not a false god.

Collapse the world, no one can argue with her.

This will take some time, everyone is an immortal cultivator who has become a monk halfway, not like an immortal cultivator in the immortal cultivation world.

Even if it is a casual cultivation, he has known about cultivating immortals since he was a child, and he has mastered some techniques.

They also had to start from scratch to understand what immortal cultivation was and what magic was.

This is much slower than the immortal cultivators in the immortal cultivation world.

Now Lisa can exert the strength of a real refining and refining qi in the later stage, and even some supermodels, because of her hard work.

In layman's terms, it is piled up with time.

Himeko didn't want to spend so much time, and she said that Jiang Yan would let her return to the Honkai world.

Himeko couldn't wait to go back immediately the next moment.

If you want to master the power of cultivating immortals in the shortest possible time, the best way is to fight endlessly.

The Nine Secret Realms just gave her this opportunity.

Therefore, no matter what, Himeko of the Nine Secret Realms has to be involved.

After the Nine Secret Realms are over, returning to the Honkai World is a perfect choice.

First, he must have mastered a lot of new techniques, more or less, and he has also become a junior master of immortal cultivation knowledge from a novice in cultivating immortals.

Second, a trip to the Nine Nethers Secret Realm is enough for him to accumulate enough resources to return to the Honkai World and bring Kiana and them over.

You can also help them with some.

Although she is considered a sister when she enters the door, in Himeko's heart, Kiana is more like her own sister.

In the Destiny Airport, Himeko has already put all her expectations on Kiana.

The friendship between the two is unimaginable.

Thinking that when the time comes, she can surprise Kiana and them, and the corners of Himeko's mouth rise uncontrollably.

Kiana's ......

I probably hugged her crying and didn't let go, and maybe, I would slap myself to see if I was dreaming.

For at least three days, Kiana had to pester her to sleep.

Mei Yi will also cry with joy, but more often than not, she will immediately control Kiana, and she will also think about making herself a big meal.

Bronya's little one...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's really hard for her to have any expressions, but Bronia, who is silently crying, will also be cute.

As for Delisa......

It is estimated that the one who cries the most will be Teresa, God knows how much she was wronged when she was forced to carry St. Freya alone after leaving.

Everyone was able to live in her classroom apartment as before.

Kiana and Bronya play games and spray each other, and Mei cleans up the house and cooks.

Lying down and drinking like a social waster......

This kind of life ......

It's wonderful.

The more she thought about it, the more motivated Himeko became.

This immortal, she must cultivate well enough to maintain everyone's peaceful daily life.

Before, she, as a teacher, was not able to protect Kiana and them, but now it is different.

She already had the power she had dreamed of, protecting her partner.

Seeing Ji Zi's eyes flickering, Jiang Yan knew more or less about the thoughts in her heart.

With a chuckle, his gaze swept over to the others, and eventually, he rested on Navillette.

After a moment, Jiang Yan said softly: []

"Elder Navillette. "

"In. "

Navillette took a step forward, and Jiang Yan said slowly:

"After that, Himeko returns to the Honkai World, you should follow along, with her strength in the late stage of refining and refining qi, in the Honkai World, there will generally be no danger... 0"

"But the Honkai World should not be underestimated, there are still some strong people who can threaten her, you go with her and leave the Dao Marker of the Honkai World behind. "

"Thoroughly, the collapse of the world will also be included in the sphere of influence of Shushan. "

Hearing this, Navillette was stunned for a moment, nodded, and responded.

Tartaglia's eyes lit up, and he said expectantly:

"Is this also our Shushan going to expand its territory?"

Jiang Yan said with a smile:

"It's not even about expanding the territory, the meaning of opening up the territory and expanding the territory in the Shushan dictionary must be that the world above the middle thousand worlds is included in the control of Shushan. "

"The world of Honkai is similar to Teyvat, but it's just a small world. "

Tartaglia spread his hands and said excitedly:

"Forget it, after all, it is the first time we have harvested the world after the revival of Shushan, the master, such an important matter, why don't you let me come too?"

Hearing this, before Jiang Yan could answer anything, Kaeya on the side opened her mouth and complained:

"What are you coming from? Your Anti-Blood Demon Sword has reached the Honkai World, and it is a disaster even more terrible than Honkai. "

"What's more, you're only in the middle stage of refining and refining qi, and you're going to let Elder Villette bring a burden?"

Wendy nodded again and again, and said with an approving expression:

"Yes, if you want to go, I should go!"

Jiang Yan glanced at Wendy and said softly:

"Zhongli's first seat has broken through the peak of the Qi Refining God, Elder Alice is also on the verge of breaking through, and in the end, only you are left with Wendy's first seat. "

"You should also put more effort into cultivation, otherwise, it will not be appropriate to let the shadow head seat take over. "

"What's more, after the end of the Nine Shadows Secret Realm, you have to go to the Xuan Netherworld with me, I hope you can break through the peak of refining qi and transforming gods in the Xuan Netherworld. "

"The things that destroy the world, I don't need to bother you. "

Hearing Jiang Yan's words, Wendy touched her head in disdain.

"Hey, just kidding! I'm also working on it, and when my Nine Secret Realm Exploration Conference is over, I should be able to break through. "

"I hope so. "

Jiang Yan was noncommittal and looked at Navillette.

"Honkai World needs to pay attention to people, I'll tell you before I leave. "

Naville nodded 1.4 and said softly:

"Master, do you need to pay special attention to some geniuses to bring back?"

"Leave this to Himeko. "

Jiang Yan looked at Jizi and said lightly:

"As a human native to the Honkai World, Himeko should know better who will be a genius. "

Himeko nodded heavily, and those people who appeared in the picture just now, who are more famous, will bring them back.

No matter how bad it is, I'm afraid it is also the seedling of the inner disciple.

Good as Kiana and the others, Himeko has to wonder if they have a god body.

There are too many geniuses in the Honkai world.

However, Himeko still hesitated a little and said:

"Master, what about Otto......"

"What you're asking is, how does Otto deal with it, right?"

Jiang Yan asked calmly, and Himeko nodded.

"What Otto has done, you have also seen it, although in terms of love, he is a commendable guy, but it cannot be denied ......"

"He's also a paranoid madman. "

This statement was well received by everyone.

Qin frowned slightly, and said slowly:

"Human experimentation, disregard for life, condon evil...... From these points of view, this guy already meets the standards of Shushan to subdue demons and eliminate demons. "

Without waiting for Jiang Yan to answer, Luo Salin on the side said seriously:

"But, he also stopped Honkai for 500 years and saved countless lives, didn't he?"

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