Fengming Qishan's influence is unusual.

The phoenix is ​​the king of birds and an auspicious beast. It can know the rise and fall of the world. The phoenix lands on Qishan Mountain and crows, which means that the phoenix has chosen Xiqi.

You must know that the Yin and Shang Dynasties have always boasted that the destiny black bird descended and gave birth to Shang, to show the return of destiny.

The black bird was transformed into a phoenix. Now that the phoenix has chosen Xiqi, doesn't it mean that Xiqi will replace the Yin Shang?

This incident quickly spread throughout the world. The people of Xiqi were happy and excited, while other princes were envious and jealous. The Yin and Shang Dynasties fell into an atmosphere of uneasiness.

When King Zhou heard about this, he was even more angry and thought that this was a trick played by Xiqi, intending to usurp the throne. He wanted to personally lead his troops to attack Xiqi and sacrifice Xibohou's head to heaven.

The ministers obviously would not allow King Zhou to lead the expedition in person, so they quickly used all kinds of flattery to praise King Zhou's prowess, and then diverted King Zhou's attention by saying that Taishi Wen Zhong was coming back.

Regarding the fact that Taishi Wen Zhong was coming back, Fei Zhongyouhun and Fei Lian Eilai didn't want him to come back the most.

It's a pity that now the eight hundred vassal states in the world have rebelled and made trouble, and Xiqi has grown enough to threaten Chaoge, and they can no longer control the situation. Even if he wanted to prevent Wen Zhong from coming back, there was nothing he could do.

King Zhou also felt very complicated about Taishi Wen Zhong.

On the one hand, he was afraid of Wen Zhong's prestige and strength, and on the other hand, he also needed Wen Zhong to come back and help him settle the current mess.

He had not expected that all eight hundred princes would flee. The situation that he thought was good suddenly became beyond his control, and he could only hope that Wen Zhong's return could turn the tide.

Soon, Wen Zhong led his soldiers back from Beihai in great force.

Wen Zhong's return gave Chao Ge a shot in the arm.

When Wen Zhong returned to the court, he asked for the king-beating whip given by the late Emperor Yi, and then asked King Zhou to immediately execute Fei Zhong, You, Hun, Fei, Lian, and the four treacherous ministers, and then scolded King Zhou for imprisoning the princes of the world, causing the princes to The opposite thing.

King Zhou was naturally reluctant to kill Fei Zhong, You, Hun, Fei Lian and Eilai. After arguing with Wen Zhong, he had to promise that he would not reuse and favor them in the future, and then demoted the four people and returned to the government to reflect on themselves.

Wen Zhong didn't want to antagonize King Zhou and his ministers, so he had no choice but to relent, expel Fei Zhong and Youhun from the court, and then promote loyal ministers and capable ministers again.

King Zhou could only remain silent and let Wen Zhong make bold moves in the court.

But just when Wen Zhong had reorganized the court and was preparing to directly deal with Xiqi, who was now the strongest, making the princes in the world fearful and dare not rebel again, King Ping Ling of the East China Sea completely launched a rebellion against King Zhou of Yin and Shang.

At Fei Zhongyouhun's secret suggestion, Wen Zhong was once again ordered to go to the East China Sea to quell the rebellion, and the situation in Chaoge Chaotang changed again.

Wucheng King Huang Feihu also went far to the south to suppress Nan Bohou and other eighty princes.

Fei Zhong, You, Hun, Fei, Lian and Eilai regained the favor of King Zhou. They were restored to their posts and began to show off their power in the court.

Feng Qingqing and Wang Guiren, who stayed in Chaoge, saw this opportunity, and after scheming with Hu Xianer, they secretly cast a spell to make the four treacherous ministers have recurring nightmares about being beheaded by Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu after their return.

The four of them were repeatedly awakened and tortured by nightmares, and their fear of Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu increased. Coupled with Wen Zhong's previous experience of letting King Zhou kill them, they deeply felt that this nightmare was a warning.

In order to prevent Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu, the two most prestigious civil and military ministers, from posing a threat to themselves when they return.

The four treacherous officials quickly plotted and came up with a vicious plan.

Wen Zhong's prestige in the Yin and Shang Dynasties was too great. He even had a king's whip given by the late king, and he was also a man among the gods. There was nothing they could do against him for a while.

The only weakness is that Wen Zhong is very loyal. As long as it is an order from King Zhou, he will carry it out seriously even if he does not agree with it.

Just like the current rebellion against King Ping Ling of the East China Sea, Wen Zhong was actually of no use, but as long as King Zhou gave the order, he would carry it out without hesitation.

So the four decided to first get rid of Wen Zhong's right-hand man in the court, King Wucheng Huang Feihu.

Huang Feihu has always been against the four of them, and he is also half a disciple of Wen Zhong. Basically, Huang Feihu kept sending letters to Wen Zhong about Chaoge.

When Wen Zhong asked King Zhou to kill the four treacherous ministers Fei Zhong, Youhun, and Huang Feihu, the evidence they produced was collected by Huang Feihu, so the four people who were almost killed hated Huang Feihu.

The reason why treacherous ministers are treacherous ministers is because they do not consider the overall situation and only serve their own selfish interests.

After Fei Zhongyou, Hun Fei Lian, and the others made some calculations, they often slandered Huang Feihu in King Zhou's ears for supporting his own troops, not doing his best to suppress the rebellion in the south, and even having an ambiguous relationship with the southern princes and having bad intentions.

He even bribed the messenger soldiers to fabricate battle reports, creating the image that Huang Feihu deliberately delayed the war because he was dissatisfied with King Zhou.

King Zhou was suspicious of these and sent people to investigate.

However, the scouts had already been bribed by the four people. After returning to Chaoge, they took the battle report fabricated by the four people and hurriedly went to the palace to report, saying that Huang Feihu had betrayed and was uniting with the southern princes to attack Chaoge directly and establish a new empire. king.

King Zhou was immediately frightened and angry, and ordered the entire Huang Feihu family to be slaughtered, and then asked Fei Lian'e to lead an army of 200,000 to go south to destroy Huang Feihu's army.

Fei Lian Elai was secretly happy and quickly took orders to bring his military talisman. He wanted to take advantage of Huang Feihu's unpreparedness and stab him in the back to kill Huang Feihu and all the soldiers, thus confirming the charge of treason.

Fei Zhongyouhun led the Royal Forest Army to surround Prince Wucheng's Mansion, and then massacred all men, women, and children.

Huang Feihu's family is the seventh generation of Zhongliang in the Shang Dynasty. For generations, he has fought for the Shang Dynasty, opened up territories, and made great military exploits.

But he didn't expect that one day he would face the fate of his whole family being slaughtered. With constant screams and howls, the Royal Forest Army rushed into the Huang Mansion and killed people everywhere.

When the night passed, there were no more screams in the mansion, only blood and corpses were left on the ground.

Fei Zhongyouhun, who came under the order, after confirming that no one in the Huang family was missing, cut off the heads of Huang Feihu's wife and two sons, Huang Tianlu and Huang Tianxiang, and brought them back to the palace to report back.

The rest were burned in a fire.

In the blazing flames, Feng Qingqing and Wang Guiren appeared, waving their hands to conjure up an undiscovered cellar on the ground, and then walked out of the dead Huang family.

Mrs. Huang and her three sons, Mrs. Jia, looked at the tragic scenes around her, her face was pale and filled with grief and anger, and she complained:

"My Huang family is full of loyal people who have fought for the country for generations. My husband is even more loyal and often performs extraordinary feats without any thought of reward. Today, because of the slander of a traitor, King Zhou is going to kill my entire family! What a fool~!"

Then she leaned over and bowed to Feng Qingqing and Wang Guiren.

"I would like to thank the two righteous men for rescuing us and saving us from a wasted death. I am deeply grateful!"

Feng Qingqing, the noble king, shook his head and said

"Although we used blinding techniques to confuse those people, it was still unexpected. My two sisters had better send you away from here to a safe place!"

Then the two of them cast spells to bring all the people from the Huang Mansion to a safe place outside the city. Then they hid their achievements and fame and said goodbye to everyone.

In order to avoid being discovered that they were still alive, the people in the Huang Mansion had to pretend to be refugees. , hiding his identity and rushing south, hoping to join Huang Feihu.

Once the Huang Mansion was destroyed, he was also charged with treason. This news instantly shocked the entire Chaoge City.

Countless ministers and people did not believe the news, but they also No one dared to go to King Zhou to plead for mercy under the pressure of Fei Zhongyouhun and others.

However, the Huang family had experienced seven dynasties in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and their relationships were complex and powerful. Many ministers secretly rushed to pass the news to Huang Feihu, so that He had made preparations early.

Many people even sent a message to Wen Zhong, who was going to the East China Sea to quell the rebellion. They only hoped that he could come back quickly to quell this great incident.

Fei Lian Elai led an army of 200,000 people and worked non-stop all the way to prepare. Before the news reached Huang Feihu, he was arrested and convicted of treason.

But Huang Feihu got the news faster than everyone expected. He received the news on the third day after the Huang Mansion was destroyed.

Just because Huang Feihu had a A golden eagle can travel thousands of miles in a day. He often uses it to communicate with Zhou Ji, Chao Ge's lieutenant. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But he didn't expect to get his own information from Zhou Ji's reply. His whole family was slaughtered, and he was also accused of treason. King Zhou had ordered Fei Lian E to lead an army of 200,000 to arrest him.

Huang Feihu couldn't believe it, and (Zhao Li's) quickly sent someone He went to Chaoge to inquire about the news, and at the same time sent Jin Diao to contact people close to Chaoge and his family.

But the news he finally got made him extremely sad and angry. He didn't know that the Huang family had been rescued. He only knew that the Huang family had directly They were all slaughtered, and his wife and three sons were all killed.

In the end, Huang Feihu rebelled in anger and left the Yin Shang army with his four lieutenants and 3,000 soldiers.

Under the advice of the four lieutenants, Huang Feihu ran all the way west, preparing to take refuge in Xiqi.

When Fei Lian Eilai arrived with an army of 200,000, he only saw the leaderless Yin Shang Zhennan army, and Huang Feihu and other generals had already disappeared.

At this point, the Yin Shang army finally An important military general left the Shang Dynasty, and the national destiny of the Shang Dynasty suddenly suffered a great loss.

I saw the black bird's fortune above Chaoge City whining, becoming sluggish and shrinking a lot.

In the harem, Hu Xian'er's face showed a smile when he saw this With a smile on his face, he took the opportunity to absorb another wave of human emperor energy and national luck.

Su Jiuxi, who was far above Qishan Mountain, also felt it. He looked at the luck phoenix above Xiqi City and cried happily, The corner of his mouth rose.

The last move has been made.

When Huang Feihu joins Xiqi, the war between Xiqi and Yin Shang will no longer be inevitable!

At the same time, the calamity of the gods has officially begun.

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