The male audience fathers at the back held their sons and daughters on their shoulders; the young audience members held their father's head and watched intently.

Some who couldn't hold on had already fallen asleep with their heads in their hands; when they heard the news that the movie was over, they kept crying and begging for another performance; this time, they were guaranteed not to fall asleep!

Haha - the audience brought their families and benches; under the prompts of the on-site security personnel, they moved slowly; from time to time they looked back at the big screen that had turned white and ended the screening; they reluctantly returned to their respective homes..

As for the spectators who came from afar, a few people gathered together and prepared to spend the night at the sports ground; anyway, it was already summer.

It's not as cold at night either.

Under the instructions of the security personnel arranged by Wang Jianguo, the sports ground returned to tranquility.

Only the staff responsible for the cleaning of the sports ground complained repeatedly!

In order to prepare for the game tomorrow morning, they had to get up early and clean the sports ground.

But the superiors have already given subsidies - everyone gets double wages these days!

In the next two days, fierce competitions during the day and spectacular open-air movies at night alternated - providing the people of the original West County with visual feasts again and again!

The county high school basketball team led by Shaoping also fought hard in the game - after a big victory over the Gaodian basketball team in the first game, every basketball team did not dare to look down on this baby basketball team.

Adopting a serious style of play- making the high school team led by Shaoping win more and more difficult games.

A skilled team, the high school team competed with them physically; they defended in man-to-man defense and ran non-stop throughout the court; the high school team replaced all players in the first and second half except Sun Shaoping.

Each player only needs to keep running to finish the half; this was practiced many times in the original training; in this era of insufficient food and poor nutrition - the endurance of each team is very poor; they can barely play There were very few players who filled the half-court, and they all had poor skills.

Often I can't run until half the game.

Even with the new players, the high school players ran all over the court and complained endlessly;

I lamented that these little kids who couldn't run to death - how could they have such good physical strength!

Shaoping even took the opportunity to launch a counterattack; slowly narrowing the score and overtaking.

This style of play is extremely intense and exciting, attracting the attention of most of the audience.

During the intermission, the county high school etiquette team, led by Tian Xiaoxia and Hao Hongmei, acted as the first female cheerleading team in the history of the original West County Sports Games!

White shirt, red skirt, black tight fit pants, white shoes!

Waving garlands with both hands!

With a pretty face!

Make your debut!

It blinded all the players and spectators present!

A wonderful performance - it made the audience's eyes almost fall to the ground in shock!

This is the fairy descending to earth!

Too beautiful!

The members of the prefectural high school phalanx around the stadium became the first batch of volunteers for the original West County Games - tightly surrounding the outside of the competition venue to protect the constantly crowded spectators; ensuring that the performances and competitions went on normally.

With the cheerleading of the cheerleaders, the encouragement of volunteers, and the flag-waving and cheering of the audience, the high school team passed the test and defeated every strong team!

After bumping into each other, they reached the finals and faced another absolutely strong team - the former Xi County Basketball Team.

In the two-day competition schedule -

Hara Nishi Prefectural High School shocked everyone with its skills and always ranked first.

The school committee gave up all their belongings - provided three free meals for all teachers and students, and slaughtered two fat pigs and three fat sheep.

The school's cafeteria was temporarily relocated to the northwest corner of the stadium; the aroma filled the entire stadium!

The huge dining team and the teachers and students who ate delicious food - the greedy competition teams and the spectators outside the venue were drooling!

His eyes were glowing green!

The rescue team led by Dr. Xu of the County Hospital was also invited by Shaoping to have dinner in the canteen of teachers and students; several young doctors and nurses jumped for joy!

Well - how could they know that this was Shaoping trying to please his future mother-in-law?

In addition, Shaoping asked Principal Dong to prepare several large pots - constantly boiling water to cook mung bean soup, which was provided free of charge to all participating team members and spectators at the scene.

Although the amount of water and briquettes consumed was a bit large, this move won unanimous praise from all participating teams and the audience present.

Even Bai Mingchuan and other members of the organizing committee came together to cheer for the autumn breeze - each holding a large bowl of meat and vegetables and two steamed buns and feasting on them; they even shouted that the student's food standards exceeded their standards.

The basketball finals of the 1977 County Games in the original West County began.

As the finale of the County Games - after all games are completed, the basketball final becomes the focus!

People in this era, in addition to their love for table tennis and the national sport, are absolutely crazy about basketball!

Almost every provincial, municipal, regional and county-level government holds basketball games at all levels every year; even township communes and production brigades with good economic conditions will also hold small-level basketball games; no matter how poor or backward the school is, they will also find ways to set up simple basketball hoops; let the enthusiasts wearing rags and random cloth shoes have a few games. Overcome your addiction to football and spend your boring spare time.

Shaoping looked at the high school team in front of him with a tortured look on his face!

After a few games, the camp is full of injured players;

Almost half the players are unavailable.

The players currently on the field, except for him and Jin Bo, all the other players have more or less minor injuries; their fingers are wrapped with tape, and their ankles are tied with tape; some of the blue bumps from the collision are still vaguely visible on their faces;

The team members who can fight to this point have already exerted all their strength!

Although before the game, the school committee and the physical education teacher who led the team and coach made it clear:

Winning the runner-up in the basketball game is already the best result in the history of the county high school team!

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