No one believed what Mapo said!

In the past, the spicy mapo tofu ramen appeared.

And the battle between Mapo and Emiya Shirou in the previous time.

All of them show the strength of Mapo’s fighting power!

Mapo said that he was an ordinary priest, even ghosts would not believe him!

It was at this time. in the video.

After all the contestants appeared in this video.

The racing competition is about to begin!

All players are standing at their starting positions!

The sound of the river also sounded at this time

"Okay, the players are all in place!"

"Mr. Kotomine, I can imagine it will be a big melee. What do you think?"

After hearing what Taiga said, Kotomine Kirei immediately replied.

"The financial situation of the Magic Association and the Holy Church is very tight, but we hope that the scope of damage can be minimized."

At this time, all the players were in their respective positions!

Dahe also directly took over the conversation!

"It’s finally starting! The fifth Holy Grail Grand Prix!"

"Who will be the Master and Servent who come out on top?"

"The signal is about to change from red...."

"Turned green!!"


As Dahe finished speaking, the signal light also turned from red to green at this time!

"All cars start off at the same time!!"

Every racing car also rushed out at this time!

Beyond everyone's expectations, Saber's rocking car not only did not stay in place, but rushed out directly!

And the position it occupied was still in front!!


This, something is not right!

How can a rocking car go so fast!

Is this reasonable?

This is not the river!

【Cuchulain......I have a question, why does the Saber rocker start faster in this video than the formula car in the video?!】

【Medusa: I don’t know either. Who knows about this?! Maybe, there is some magical setting】

【Diarmait: Maybe, otherwise, there is no way to explain why the rocking car starts so fast in this video!】

【Medea: These don't matter, as long as I and Ichiro are together, that's enough, don't you think so, Ichiro?!】

【Soichiro Kuzuki:.....】

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Looking at this video, Saber, who is leading the way, is shaking the car and expresses his incomprehension.

Why is this?!

How can a rocking car run so fast?!

What is the principle of this? at this time. in the video.

Dahe looked at the situation in this video and said directly

"The one who rushed to the front at super high speed was....."

At this moment, the F1 car driven by Cu Chulainn instantly surpassed Saber's rocking car and the red A car, taking the lead!

At this time, the white air wave directly enveloped the red A car.

"Lancer's G eBolCar!!"

Cu Chulainn also said directly at this time

"Sorry, let me finish you off in one go!!"

On the rocking car, Shirou Emiya held Saber to prevent him from falling. He couldn't help but grit his teeth when he saw Lacner taking the lead.

"That rascal...."

At this time, in the F1 car, feeling the speed and passion, Cu Chulainn immediately felt his adrenaline surge!

Wave after wave of strong stimulation hit Cu Chulainn's brain!

"marvelous! My G eBolCar!"

"This speed is so cool!!."

At this time, the combination of Red A and Tohsaka Rin behind Cu Chulainn quietly watched Cu Chulainn rush out.

Tohsaka Rin also said to Red A at this time

"Now, Archer, you know what?"

"As for the rocket car, it doesn’t bend."


The moment Tohsaka Rin finished speaking!

Cu Chulainn's rocket car hit the curve directly!

A huge energy explosion burst out instantly!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Watch this video The scene of Cu Chulainn and the rocket car exploding together, for a moment, I didn’t know what to say.

This........More or less...Beyond the expectations of mages and servants in each world

【Cu Chulainn;? ? ? ? ?!!!!! ah?!】

【Diarmait;.....this.....Senior Cu Chulainn......This rocket car seems not suitable for this track......】

【King of Conquerors; This is not only inappropriate, it is extremely inappropriate! F1 cars are not suitable for such a winding track, Cu Chulainn, I will die without complaining.】

【Medusa: Yes, Lacner died without complaining, but I still don’t understand why things like this happened....Does this organizer not consider these things?!】

【Saber:.....Rider, how does the bicycle ride?!】

【Medusa;.....That's okay.......】

Magicians and followers in various worlds saw the situation in this video.

There wasn't much of a reaction either.

These things appear in this video, maybe they were prepared a long time ago.

Used to increase audience ratings.

In this video, the Mapa has already said that both the Magic Association and the Holy Church are strapped for funds.

It is normal for a situation like this to occur.

After all, if you can make more money, why not make more?!

As for those followers.....

Anyway, it can be summoned again, so it doesn't matter.

It was at this time.

During the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Cu Chulainn looked at the scene in the video where his G eBolCar exploded together with himself.

I felt very confused immediately.

Even after seeing the barrage of those servants.

However, Cu Chulainn was still very confused.

No, what's going on?!

Can there be any good things in the Holy Grail War?

It was at this time. in the video.

After Red A saw the exploding rocket car, he immediately said

"Lacner is dead?!"

Dahe's duty call also sounded at this time.

"So inhumane!"

"There was a major accident from the beginning!"

It was at this time that the big screen also played the slow-motion scene of Cu Chulainn's G eBolCar impacting.

On this big screen, it was recorded in detail that Cu Chulainn's G eBolCar hit the ground. At extremely high speed, it hit the wall, and the entire rocket car crashed and then exploded. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After seeing this scene, Mapo couldn't help but lament.

"Deal with it afterwards......"

But Dahe didn't care about this at all, and then started to explain

"The game was uneven from the beginning"

"The leader at the moment is...."

It was at this time that the contestants arrived at the residential area!

On the screen, the two fastest cars were also displayed!

"HoneyMoon and GetMoney!!"

That is, the combination of Rin Tosaka and Red A, and the combination of Caster and Soichiro Kusaki!

Behind them is the rocking car of Saber and Shirou Emiya that exceeds everyone's expectations!!

"Lion reluctantly followed behind!"

In HoneyMoon, Hong A was driving Caster and Kuzuki Soichiro's classic car, and he was also very surprised.

"That car is obviously a classic car, but its performance is quite good."

However, Tohsaka Rin didn't care about this at all, but looked at the sharp turn ahead!

"Is the overtaking point there?"[]

It was at this time that Tohsaka Rin immediately made a big drift and turned around!

But what Tohsaka Rin, Red A, and everyone expected was that Soichiro Kuzuki turned directly to another direction completely opposite to the track!


Tohsaka Rin immediately felt extremely confused!

Magicians and servants in various worlds also felt the wizard's doubts. What is going on?!

Caster and Kuzuki Soichiro, what are they thinking?!

Why did they run away ? Go in the opposite direction?!

【Cu Chulainn:? ? ? What's going on?! Are they not participating in the competition?!】

【Medusa: Possibly....It's the same as what Caster said at the beginning, they went on a wedding trip】

【Red A?!】

【Diarmait; Huh?!】

【Emiya Shirou; Wait! What wedding trip?! Are they married?! When did this happen?! Why didn’t I know that the teacher was married?】

【Medea: Do I need to tell you what happened between Ichiro and I?! Saber’s Master, although you are Ichiro’s student, this is also our private matter!】

【Emiya Shirou;........】


Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing this barrage of Medea.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

It seems, it is indeed like this....They really have no obligation to tell others about this kind of thing. only.......Is it really okay for a Servant and a Master to do this kind of thing?!

Even if it's to mend demons, it's not like this.

At this moment. in the video.

Caster sat in the old car and smiled at Tohsaka Rin, who was full of doubts.

"`.Ho ho ho, I've reached the finish line!"

After hearing what Caster said, Red A also understood.

"So that’s it, is the other person the winner in life?!"

And Caster continued to say at this time

"So, I leave the matter of the Holy Grail to you, Sasaki!"


The moment Caster finished speaking!

A Road King appeared directly behind the Saber team and Red A!


Sasaki's voice also came from the semi-trailer king's cab at this time!


Whether it was Saber, Emiya Shirou or Red A Tohsaka Rin.

After hearing the whistle of the half-hung king, they all turned around in shock!


Every world The magicians and servants among them, after seeing the semi-trailer punching in, their pupils widened instantly!!!

No, what the hell is this!

This thing, this thing.......Are you serious?!

【Emiya Shirou:!!! What is this!!! Why is there such a big truck here?!!!】

【Tohsaka Rin; That’s right!!! Moreover, he is still behind me!!! This is unbelievable!!!】

【Saber:......Semi-truck?.....It’s really not good for a car like this to participate in this competition.......】

(King) Red Ace: It’s not just bad.....It’s extremely bad! Our car, in front of it, is just like a small toy....There's no comparison....】

【Cu Chulainn: Archer, Saber, it looks like you will soon follow in my footsteps! Ha ha ha ha!! 】

It was at this time. in the video.

In the cab of the semi-trailer truck, Jiro Sasaki also sent a tape to the truck player at this time.

The music with a sense of the times also sounded at this time.

Sasaki listened to the song, felt the atmosphere in the car, and immediately said

"The air in the car smells so good after a long absence!"

At this time, the pink car in front.

Red A was holding the big truck behind, and there was a lot of cold sweat on his face.


Tohsaka Rin also said at this time

"He has been locked up in the temple and his brain is not functioning properly."

"Toot toot!!!"

At this moment, the big truck behind wanted to overtake, but Saber's rocking car kept swinging from side to side, and it didn't want to be overtaken at all!


Emiya Shirou felt the rocking car rocking from side to side, and he couldn't stand it. When

Saber heard what Emiya Shirou meant, she immediately understood what he meant.

But she gave her objection.

"no! If you don’t have money, you won’t be able to increase your speed!"

Shirou Emiya was shocked when he heard Saber's words!

His wallet is empty!!!

Saber also understood what Shirou meant after hearing this.



It was at this time that the king clocked in and bumped directly into the back of the rocking car!.

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