Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing Dr. Roman's barrage, everyone fell silent.

To be honest, this really makes them a little confused.

When they saw the large platinum characters, they all still thought that this wandering star soldier was a certain servant.

But after seeing Dr. Roman's barrage, I realized that I was completely wrong.

This wandering star soldier is used to harvest and plunder!

It was at this time. in the video.

After the huge white and gold characters dissipated.

There are still more white and gold characters emerging.

"The vanguard of the wandering stars are life forms that prey on civilizations. They are the strongest in the moon world in theory."

"It is the enemy of civilization and harvests mature civilization."

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

Looking at this large platinum character, which is no different from what Dr. Roman said, they are all a little at a loss.

If we say that the feeling before Or, it means being extremely indifferent to all sentient beings.

This wandering star soldier is a ruthless machine specially designed to harvest

【Cu Chulainn: Hiss! From this point of view, this star warrior...It’s simply impossible to deal with it?!】

【Red A should have someone who can fight and resist this wandering star soldier....After all, the white and gold characters also said that Yuxing's vanguard is the strongest one.】

【Saber: It should be a ceiling-like figure similar to the Jewel Man, protecting the entire world.】

【Merlin: That should be the case, but"Three Six Three", even a powerful being like the Gem Man, may not be able to completely stop the Yusei Vanguard. 】

Other magicians and servants, after seeing Merlin's barrage.

There were also some doubts, but soon, after thinking about the characteristics of this wandering star soldier, they all had some understanding.

After all, this Yusei Vanguard is not a Servant.

But some kind of powerful existence!

It was at this time. in the video.

Large platinum characters then emerged

"Predator star, harvest star (HarvestStar). Every fourteen thousand years, comets from the Milky Way appear"

"As a part of the You Star, the Star Soldier (Backlash Crystal) is the enemy of life and the destroyer of civilization."

"The vanguard of Yuxing has been waiting calmly in Yuxing."

"When a civilization in the vast universe begins, matures, prospers, and develops to a level that presents the highest state in any aspect and can be called the apex, the time for harvest has arrived."

"As a"harvest star", the star will separate the star soldiers and let the star soldiers destroy and harvest this civilization."

"The star warrior has the"magic absorption" skill. All things processed by the intellectual body with technology, knowledge and civilization are sources of nutrition for the star warriors."

"The star warrior can destroy it, absorb its spirit, and then grow. Just like human beings eat, what the star warriors eat is"civilized food"""

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Look at the white and gold characters that appear in this video.

Immediately the pupils were shaken!

To be honest, they really didn't expect this swimming star called"Harvest Star".

It turns out to be like an old farmer harvesting wheat, harvesting civilization!

This is real....It is beyond the knowledge of all magicians and servants!

Their three views were shattered in this short period of time

【Kenneth;.....It turned out to be.....To harvest civilization like this?!】

【Tokiomi Tosaka: It’s really beyond my imagination. I simply can’t imagine such a scene.....】

【Matou Kariya: Yes, such a scene....It is simply the end of the world that can be foreseen, and even if it is foreseen, it cannot be changed. 】

After Matou Kariya's barrage was sent, the other magicians and servants also fell silent.

This is indeed an unchangeable future.

When a civilization is born, it will spontaneously move towards its peak, and spontaneously make this civilization more prosperous and more prosperous.

And when this civilization reaches its peak, the"Harvest Star" will send star soldiers to harvest. this....It has formed a vicious circle that cannot be broken.

Unless, don’t let civilization be born....

But this is obviously more difficult than breaking that cycle.

As long as there is life, civilization will be born sooner or later.

And life...In the universe, it will not become extinct, but will always survive tenaciously.

It was at this time. throughout the video.

Those large platinum characters also disappeared at this time.

When these large platinum characters dissipated, the inventory of Yuxing's vanguard ended there.

This star vanguard serves as the harvesting weapon of the"Harvest Star".

I was very absorbed in the information about it, not to mention the scenes of it preying on civilization.

And the next second!

It was also at this time that the large golden characters appeared.


"The great main ship of the Greek Mechagods, Primordial Chaos, from which the Olympian gods, including Zeus, were separated." this.....

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing the big golden characters of Khaos.

Before they could react, they saw the big characters behind it.

Everyone was stunned immediately

【Cu Chulainn: Primordial Chaos....Khaos?!】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka; and also separated the Olympian gods including Zeus....If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the huge mechanical Artemis that appeared in the previous Orion inventory video was also separated from this Chaos?!】

【Matthew: Senior, looking at this, it should be like this....This means that this Chaos probably appeared in the world of Chaldea....】

【Conquering King; Ah, is it from the Chaldean world again?! It seems that the world of Chaldea is really....What a fate!】

【Dr. Roman;.....Otherwise, I wouldn’t have tried so hard to find someone who could save the world......】

The other magicians and servants saw these barrage.

They all had the same idea as the Conquering King.

The entire Chaldean world is really like this.

From the very beginning, Goetia, the first beast demon king, wanted to incinerate humanity and destroy humanity.

After finally solving it, the alien god appeared again, this being who wanted to conquer the entire earth!

Now, there is an existence like Khaos, who is at the ceiling level again!

The world of Chaldea is really.....Unlucky fate.

In the world of Chaldea.

Da Vinci saw the scene in this video and the barrage.

He couldn't help but sigh. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Our Chaldean world is really popular!"

After Da Vinci said this, Dr. Roman also nodded slightly.

"Yes, it’s just that being too popular is not a good thing!"

"All existences come to the world of Chaldea....Really..."

At this moment. in the video.

The big golden characters are still emerging.

"Its essence is a huge structure formed with stars from other galaxies as its core, a super-giant interstellar navigation mothership that absorbs all the energy of the stars."

"Chaos, the supernatural god who blends into the void of space and time in the universe, the celestial spherical space-time fortress"

"When the universe where the civilization that created Chaos' intelligent body was located was about to end, the first-generation mothership Chaos spent 97% of its own functions to transport the Mechas across the universe to the universe where Fujimaru Ritsuka and others were, shouldering the mission of reviving the mothership. star mission"

"Here the Mekhans have been sailing in the Sea of ​​Stars for tens of thousands of years. Although the universe is full of life, it is difficult to find a planet for the Mekhans to land on."

"When the functions of the Machine Gods were about to be exhausted and there were only a few ships left, they miraculously discovered the Earth, a planet that could land on. From then on, the Machine Gods settled on the Earth and became worshiped by the intellectual body of the Earth. The twelve gods of Greek mythology."

There is no doubt that this is how Chaos discovered the Chaldean world.[]

Moreover, it also proves that the mechanical Artemis appeared last in the previous video of Orion's inventory.

This is the machine god created by Chaos!

And it is very likely that the mechanical Artemis will become like the one in the video.

It’s because of Ragnarok in Greek mythology.

It's very possible that it's also because of Chaldea......

However, magicians and followers in various worlds can only speculate on these matters.

Because there are too many unknowns in this.

Even with this inventory video, they only know a few words!

There's simply no way to piece together the complete story.

It was at this time.

In the video, there are large golden characters.

It’s still emerging constantly

"When he first appeared, he completely vaporized Ares, the god of war, with a super-light attack, and planned to dig up 40% of the earth as tax!"

"And planned to convert it into magic power and use it as fuel to leave the void and fly to the sea of ​​​​stars."

After seeing these golden characters, the magicians and servants in various worlds suddenly shrank their pupils!

They dug up 40% of the earth as tax, and planned to convert it into magic power and fly to the stars. Sea?!



It is completely beyond the imagination of magicians and servants in each world!

However, they haven't waited for their reaction yet.

The entire video also went dark.

When this video comes up again.

The female Musashi also appeared in this video.

At this time, Musashi was surrounded by a dilapidated scene, and countless flames were burning around Musashi.

And Musashi's sword also bloomed with blue flames at this time!

A smile also appeared on her face



"Did you see me well?!"

It was at this time that the perspective of the entire video was also raised!

A huge, oval-shaped image like an orange pupil appeared in the video!

This is Khaos The form that appeared in the hole of the void!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing this huge [pupil], their scalps immediately went numb!

Even through this review video, they still felt A feeling of being targeted by an extremely powerful apex predator!

They felt that as long as they moved, they would be swallowed up instantly by the extremely huge orange [pupil]!

【Medusa: Is this Nachaos?! Just looking at it makes me feel short of breath......】

【Red A is the same for me, this is simply....It's too scary! The sense of aggression is simply stronger than that of the previous awakened beings!】

【Merlin: That is natural. Although enlightened beings can treat all living beings equally, they do not have thoughts or intentions of aggression. However, Chaos in this video obviously came with the thoughts of aggression and did the same. Yes, so our feelings when we see Him are naturally different from those of the Enlightened Ones】

【Cu Chulainn: But even so, this Chaos....It’s too scary, right? 1.6! No wonder, it’s called original chaos.....】

【Amakusa: Such terrifying oppression....To be honest, confronting such a powerful being is simply a test of both the mind and the body. 】

Other servants, after seeing Amakusa's barrage.

They all nodded along.

Indeed, they all felt horribly oppressed while watching this inventory video.

They really couldn't imagine facing this powerful existence.

How powerful the sense of oppression can be!

It was at this time. in the video.

Musashi looked at the huge [pupil].

There was also a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, imitating the words that Khaos said before.

"It's just human action, no matter what you do, it's all in vain"

"Are you thinking so?!"

The next second!

An extremely huge golden light burst out from Musashi's body!

Then, Musashi's emotions also burst out at this time!

"That's right! That's it!!"

"That's all I can do!"

"While talking about the way of the sword, I was confused."

"While constantly fighting to allow myself to accept things that I cannot recognize...."

"In the end, it was unclear whether anything could be left behind or even what kind of things were obtained!"

Although he said this, Musashi did not feel any low mood at this time!

"Even so!"

"At least - only when we meet, I am favored!".

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