Chen Mo and Qin Zisang were in the cabin to relieve their lovesickness for a while, and then Qin Zisang went to the passenger area to greet her senior sisters.

Chen Mo went to the bridge.

Chen Yu is also waiting here.

Now that the"Tiangong Origin Sutra" has broken through to the thirtieth level, the system intends to synchronize the real spirit between the main body of the variable-dimensional true spirit and the two clones, and expand the upper limit of understanding and spiritual limit of the two clones.

The consciousness of the true spirit of the variable dimension and the clone are blocked, and the synchronized content is still strictly controlled by the system.

This time, the real spirit synchronization took more time, and the effect was not bad.

Fortunately, only the upper limit of understanding and the upper limit of mental ability are synchronized. If even the memory is synchronized, Chen Mo will feel at a loss.

Although the three dimensional changeable true spirits are all his own, subconsciously he still regards himself as Chen Mo. He can accept the dimensional changeable true spirit body, but cannot accept Chen Yu.

Chen Mo felt that Chen Yu was not himself, but another person.

The system feels that this problem must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it will easily cause true spirit conflict or even lead to true spirit collapse.

After systematic and repeated arguments and explanations, Chen Mo still felt that Chen Yu was another person and was unwilling to regard Chen Yu as himself.

If not, will I still share women with him in the future?

Chen Mo also felt that it would be very detrimental to him if this development continued. With only one person left between him and Chen Yu, who had space talent, Chen Yu was more likely to win than him.

Finally, Chen Yu asked for some resources, a lifeboat with a long endurance, enough fuel, and a storage device that could hold the lifeboat, and left the Hometown to fly away.

【Chen Yu definitely wants to practice the way of space. He should indeed travel far to seek the way. The host does not need to think too much! 】

In Chen Mo's opinion, Chen Yu leaving is the best result, and he won't think too much about it!

‘System boss, can my simulated body become a real body?’

【The host's current simulated physical body has been repeatedly optimized and is no longer much different from the real physical body. Except for the lack of spiritual roots, all other functions are complete.】

‘If spiritual roots can also be simulated, I won’t have to look for the physical body anymore, right?’

【If the host can accept the simulated physical body, it is indeed possible to do without the real physical body; moreover, choosing the simulated physical body can also be equipped with various simulation talents, which has many benefits.】

‘is that so? What simulation talents can be mounted now? 'Chen Mo is very interested

【The talents that have been successfully simulated so far are basically the Five Elements talents, and other talents are still under study. 】

The system lists the types of talents that can be simulated now.

Chen Mo took a look and found that there were more than twenty kinds!

‘I'm very interested in this displacement technique! Aren't these Five Elements talents natural Five Elements Taoism that can be cast instantly? Can this gravity technique also be simulated? Can I load all these simulation talents into my simulated body?’

【Now only the displacement technique has been optimized, the others are still being optimized.】

‘Then load the displacement technique on me first! Let me try how fast it is! ' Chen Mo rubbed his hands excitedly

【Using the displacement technique requires a large amount of mental energy. This system will allocate an exclusive mental quota of 100,000 points to the displacement technique. When the host uses the displacement technique, this part of the mental quota will be automatically consumed; the host can hang up in the experimental space of this system to train displacement. technique, which is the most efficient. ]

After learning that the system could give him a mental quota of 100,000 points, Chen Mo's first reaction was that the system had become more generous.

But when Chen Mo brought up his property panel and took a look, he realized that the system was still as careful as ever.

【Host: Chen Mo (Changing Dimension True Spirit, genderless)]

Lifespan: 19/999...;

Mind power talent: Changing Dimension Level Mind World;

Tiangong Level: Level 1;

Major Skills:"Tiangong Origin Sutra" 》Thirtieth floor (2%);

Storage space: 9*729 square meters;

Comprehension: 1000/60287 (average average adult human being is 10);

Spirit: 1000/589767 (average average adult human being is 10);

Tao:"Basic Tao Principles" (0.0000001%); physical training method:"Tai Shu";

Qi training method:"Hunyuan Jue"; martial arts:"Sword Technique"》,《"Taijutsu"; combat power amplitude:? ;

Comprehensive combat strength:? ;


Simulated body: male; simulated talent: displacement (0%), exclusive mental quota (100,000/100,000);


Chen Mo noticed that the Dao Principles item appeared on the properties panel.

《The idle practice of"Basic Principles" has finally yielded some results, completing 0.0000001% of the process!

Looking at the upper limit of understanding and the upper limit of spirit, both have increased five or six times!

The increase in the upper limit of understanding and spiritual limit was completely beyond Chen Mo's imagination!

However, considering that the"Tiangong Shiyuan Sutra" has been upgraded from level 19 two months ago to the current level 30, the increase in cultivation level at level 11 will bring a five or six times increase to the upper limit of understanding and the upper limit of spirit. Understandable.

The upper limit of understanding is more than 60,000! The spiritual upper limit is nearly 590,000! Chen Mo still couldn’t imagine it!

With extreme excitement, Chen Mo entered the system's experimental space and began to hang up and train the displacement technique! The idle slot occupied by"Basic Principles" has been temporarily given over to the displacement spell.

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