ha? ?

Are you enlightened?

How did you realize it so quickly? ? ?

It seems that your understanding is no worse than Xiao Yi.

Mu Xingzhi was a little confused, but the next moment he was filled with joy.

It’s good to understand, it’s good to understand, the faster you understand, the better.

This proves that my next power bank is about to arrive.

He found this painting from the collection of an old painter. Thinking that there was an elephant in it, he gave it to Shi Hao.

"Go ahead, if you have any questions, you can always come and ask me for help."

Mu Xingzhi remained calm, as if I had already expected it and was unfathomable.


But here in the capital, Xiao Yi did not leave after picking off the emperor's head. Instead, he walked around the homes of Xu Kaishan and several other senior generals of the Shence Army and asked them to rush to Dongyang County with their families.

There are tens of thousands of people in the Shence Army, and at least hundreds of thousands of family members. Many people will definitely die on the way when moving so many people, so Xiao Yi only told the families of a few senior generals of the Shence Army to go to Dongyang County.

They were also afraid that the imperial court would become angry and lose their wits and take action against them.

Sometimes people lose their sense and can do anything.

On the day when the old emperor was assassinated, the entire capital fell into deathly silence. Hundreds of millions of people were hiding in their homes fearfully. No one could be seen on the streets. Those who were interested were nervously observing the situation.

Even ordinary people who couldn't read a word knew what the emperor's assassination meant.

Not to mention killing the emperor, even if you intend to assassinate the emperor, you will end up being slaughtered.

But the person who can kill the emperor is a being who can defeat an army with one person, like a god on land.

The old emperor is dead.

The most important thing for everyone in the court is not to avenge the emperor, but to determine the next emperor and each bet on the prince.

In the Fengtian Palace, the lights were brightly lit, even late at night. All civil and military officials, clan members, etc. gathered here to discuss the candidate for the next emperor.

The old emperor's younger brother, King Chu, spoke loudly on behalf of the clan:"Everyone, a country cannot be without a king for a day. Now that the king of heaven has rebelled and rebelled, the Xiao family is about to rebel. If we continue to argue, what will happen to the country if there is no country? , everyone knows"

"The streets of heaven trampled all the bones of the prince, and the inner treasury was burnt to ashes!"

"Your Majesty has not appointed a crown prince, so the most urgent task now is to appoint a wise prince, inform the world, and then mobilize the army to quell the chaos."

As soon as these words came out, Fengtian Palace became quiet and realized that the situation was not good.

Even though they were all high-ranking civil and military ministers and noble clansmen, if Fengyang Kingdom was destroyed, they would all be in vain.

At this moment, , shouts came from outside:

"Report!!! Report!!!"

The voice was sharp and urgent. A eunuch hurried over, out of breath, and said urgently:"The regicide is here again!"


"He's here again!"

"Who is he going to kill?"

"He must kill Ma Xuan! Ma Xuan broke off the engagement before and offended Xiao Yi. He must regret not killing him and come back to kill him!"

"It’s over, it’s over! Isn't this evil star coming back to kill?"

The princes felt like mourning their heirs.

They thought that Xiao Yi would definitely want to kill them when he came back.

The Fengtian Palace suddenly exploded, and everyone's face turned pale.

Ma Xuan quietly retreated behind everyone and huddled up.

They were still discussing the issue of establishing a prince just now. Now it’s time to discuss how to survive. Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta

Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta. He is average.

The Taifu is not afraid of death, pointing at Xiao Yi and scolding:"Xiao Yi, regicide is not enough, what else do you want to do! If you dare to kill again, I will fight with you!!"

Someone hurriedly ran up and covered his mouth for fear of irritating Xiao Yi, but the Taifu continued to curse:

"Rebellious ministers and traitors will be punished by everyone... Let me go……"

Xiao Yi didn't care at all and smiled slightly:"That's it. I came to the capital and wanted to bring some gifts to my master. In terms of treasures, the emperor's treasure house must have the most. Can you let me go in and pick out a few? A treasure?"[]

"Presumptuous, Xiao Yi, do you regard the palace as your home? You still want to rob things from His Majesty's treasure house. You are so delusional that we will never obey you to the death.……"The Taifu cursed again.

The other ministers cursed him in their hearts. I don't want you to refuse to obey.

Besides, what he took belonged to the emperor, and it has nothing to do with us how much he takes.

If you want to die, you can die, but we won't die.

A group of ministers looked at the princes eagerly. In theory, only this group of princes could decide whether to open the emperor's treasure house, because one of them would be the next emperor.

The princes had no intention of taking death as home, for fear that the murderous star would shoot them to death at the slightest dissatisfaction. No one objected, they just wanted to get rid of the evil star as soon as possible.

It doesn't matter even if we empty out all the treasure troves

"Thank you very much!"

Xiao Yi bowed his hand.


As the treasure house slowly opened, Xiao Yi was blinded when he entered the treasure house.

As the top three wealthy families in Fengyang Kingdom, the Xiao family naturally has a treasure trove, but the Xiao family's treasure trove is only a few tenths of the emperor's treasure trove.

"Let me check it out, there are so many good things, it is indeed a royal treasure trove."

Only others have always lamented that the Xiao family is a big family, but now Xiao Yi can't help but sigh that the royal family is a big family.

Boxes of gold and silver are piled up like mountains, and jewelry, jade, etc. are all sparse and ordinary things.

Each brocade box contains elixirs such as thousand-year-old ginseng, thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, huge deer antlers, and eight-hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum.

There are no treasures less than five hundred years old.

"Mr. Xiao, if you want anything, my servant will help you get it."The eunuch in charge asked flatteringly. Xiao Yi asked a little embarrassedly:"Can I get a few more items?"

He somewhat regretted saying he would only take the items.

The eunuch in charge cursed: Even if you empty everything, who can stop you?

"Of course, you can take as much as you want"

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