"Yi'er, you're finally back!"

Before the master of Sword Sect could wait, his son came back. Xiao Qingshan was so surprised that he quickly brought him to Mrs. Xiao's window.

Seeing Mrs. Xiao who was lying in bed and looking pale, Xiao Yi burst into tears. He came down, knelt down in front of the bed, grabbed his mother's hand, and choked with sobs:"Mom! The child is late!"

"It's not too late, it's not too late, don't worry, my mother is just injured, her life is not in danger. Mrs. Xiao smiled and wiped her son's tears, but hesitated:"When you go back this time, will your master punish you?" Xiao

Yi shook his head:"Master has not punished me. Father and mother, I want to tell you good news. I have started martial arts. Master has accepted me as a formal disciple. This time I come back to announce the good news, so as not to worry you."

A heartfelt smile appeared on Mrs. Xiao's pale face, and she breathed a sigh of relief:"That's good!""

After her son left home, she had been worried, fearing that Xiao Yi would be punished by the master because of her questioning. If Xiao Yi was expelled from the master, she would be responsible for her death.

"Father and mother's injuries must be due to the White Lotus Sect's assassination. Xiao

Qingshan nodded:"Yes, once the White Lotus Order is issued, it will not stop until death, but since you are back, there is no need to worry.""

Xiao Yi said solemnly:"When I came back this time, I also encountered people from the White Lotus Sect who intercepted and killed me. The leaders were Baoguang Dharma King and Qinglong Dharma Protector. Except for Qinglong Dharma Protector who was captured by me, everyone else died in my hands.."

When they heard that their son had been intercepted and killed, the couple immediately raised their hearts. When they heard that their son had killed them all and captured the Qinglong protector, they were still hanging on the ground.

Although they had long known that their son's strength had surpassed the top of the martial arts world. Masters, but the couple were quite surprised to hear their son's casual explanation of how he had defeated a large number of White Lotus Sect masters.

"Dad, Mom, when I came back just now, I found out the location of the White Lotus Sect in Dongyang County from the Qinglong Dharma King. You don’t need to worry about this matter. I will handle it."

My mother was seriously injured because of the White Lotus Sect's assassination. Xiao Yi was extremely angry. In his heart, all the people stationed in the White Lotus Sect are dead. In the future, he will kill every one of the White Lotus Sect's people he sees!

Kill without mercy!

"Yi'er, don't be impulsive. There are many masters from the White Lotus Sect. We will discuss it in the long term when your grandpa arrives with the masters from the Sword Sect.……"How could Mrs. Xiao be so relieved to let her son deal with the masters of the White Lotus Sect alone?

Even though his son's strength far exceeds that of the top martial arts master.

Xiao Yi confidently said:"Mom, don't worry, your son's current strength can even break into the dragon's pond and tiger's den. Even if the White Lotus Sect has thousands of troops, it will be easy for my son to take the heads of enemy generals from the troops. Your son's The strength is far beyond your imagination."

As he said that, he raised his foot.


There was a loud noise, and with his feet as the heart, dense cracks like spider webs spread in all directions, and the whole room shook violently, seeming to be on the verge of collapse.

"Dad, Mom, I’m going."

After giving his parents reassurance, Xiao Yi turned around and left.

The couple looked at the cracks in the room that Xiao Yi had stepped on lightly. They looked at each other.

For a long time, Xiao Qingshan looked at the crumbling room and laughed and cursed:"This prodigal son, Stomping your feet will cost you hundreds of taels. These houses can no longer be inhabited and need to be repaired."


As he gradually approached the White Lotus Sect's headquarters, Xiao Yi discovered that many men wearing hairpins appeared repeatedly, seemingly patrolling and vigilant. The position and color of the hairpins they wore were regular and seemed to be quite well organized.

In the Ming Zun religion, male believers like to wear wide robes, and the leader wears a purple crown, followed by a red crown, and then a green crown. Female believers like to wear white clothes. Later, when they were investigated more by the court, they were identified by hairpins. We and the enemy, they thought they were very hidden, but Xiao Yi asked them clearly.

Seeing Xiao Yi's strength with his own eyes, King Qinglong's worldview was directly shattered. He respected him like a god and did not dare to hide any of Xiao Yi's problems.

Along the way, Xiao Yi killed as many White Lotus cultists as they patrolled.

"Learn from Zhengfu!"

Xiao Yi looked up at the plaque and sighed softly.

He never expected that Xuezheng was actually a White Lotus sect and one of the top ten elders of the White Lotus sect.

Xuezheng was the highest official in charge of education in Dongyang County and had been his teacher.

In Xiao Yi's eyes, Xuezheng is an old man with an old-fashioned personality, rich knowledge, and kind-hearted eyes. He has nothing to do with a cult like the White Lotus Sect.

The door with a heavy bolt was pushed open by Xiao Yi easily.

The front hall There was a burly monk with a bare upper body sitting cross-legged. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Yi who walked in. His copper bell-like eyes stared at him.

An aura like an evil beast that chooses people to devour. Come.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be scared to death in front of such a ferocious aura. Being able to stand still is considered to be full of courage. However, this is actually like a breeze blowing on Xiao Yi's face.

There is a tiger demon in Qingyang Temple. No matter how ferocious you are, can you compare to a fighting tiger?

"The visitor is not good!"

The monk glanced at the broken cork wood, laughed evilly, stood up, and shouted coldly:"Send your name!"

Xiao Yi, as if entering his own home, said calmly:"Is Xuezheng here?"

The monk shouted loudly, which was actually a disguised reminder to all the people of the White Lotus Sect in the house. In less than ten seconds, masters of the White Lotus Sect emerged from all directions.

One of them was Xuezheng, who Xiao Yi was very familiar with.

"Xiao Yi?"

Xue Zheng's eyes narrowed and he recognized the young Marquis of Langya Marquis Mansion at a glance.

"Teacher, long time no see. This is the last time I call you teacher."Xiao Yi looked at him with a disappointed face.

Xiao Yi liked this former teacher from the bottom of his heart. Many principles of life were given to him by the teacher. Before seeing him with his own eyes, he still had a little hope in his heart.

He I hope Xuezheng is not an elder of the White Lotus Sect.

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