【chat channel】

【Dictado: What lovely and admirable old people they are. Compared with some people, they are so much better.】

【Murasame: Yes..........I'm not agreeing with you, I just think they are indeed respectable people】

【Qianyu: But what happened next? It seems that there is no news about them.】

【Red-haired Witch: Girl, isn't this obvious? You still ask, idiot!】

【Qianyu: Uh, sorry............】

【Cambridge Jackknife: It’s okay. After all, although this past is sad, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages if it can be released for people to see.】

【Glenling's Shadow: Yes, we can learn lessons so we don't make the same mistakes again! ]

Having said this, they all closed their mouths and then focused on the light screen again.

Looking at the dissection in the wine cellar

【Model's forehead was dripping with sweat, and the nurse next to him kept wiping his sweat.】

【"Saw."Modler stretched out his hand, and the nurse immediately placed a wire saw in his hand.】

【"Scalpel, corded drill, gauze, scalpel, photography, blood sampling, subcutaneous tissue sampling, bayonet, pliers and saw"】

【In the temporary dissecting room surrounded by white cloth, the only voice was Modler's. Everything else was carried out in silence.】

【There was a thin layer of blood on the stainless steel operating table, and the chest of the thousand-year-old corpse that had not completely dried up was completely opened.】

【Modler sawed off the sternum and ribs of the ancient corpse, and removed the entire front half of the rib cage.】

【Incredibly, the internal organs of this ancient corpse were not rotten at all, but turned gray, shrunken and wrinkled. The heart, liver, spleen, and kidneys were clearly identifiable, and shrunken blood vessels connected the organs together.】

【"Photograph."Modler said again】

【He temporarily left the dissecting table and took deep breaths to regain his strength. He had to take a break because it was all so incredible.】

【Modeller roughly estimated that this boy had as many as 800 bones in his body. Some joints were unimaginably complex and could make movements that ordinary people could never do. The tendons connecting the bones were as strong as a cow.】

【Just then, an accident happened】

【The nurse in charge of taking pictures stood there blankly, her white gown covered in blood red.】

【The female nurse in charge of cleaning the equipment was holding a bayonet pliers in one hand and shaking slightly. She had just removed the bayonet pliers from the specimen's cardiovascular system.】

【There is still a small amount of liquid blood remaining in the blood vessels of the specimen, so Modler always uses bayonet pliers to lock the blood vessels before dissecting them.】

【But the nurse made a mistake. She accidentally pierced the well-preserved heart. A small, incredible spring of blood surged from the gap in the heart, reaching a height of 20 centimeters, and brought outsilver beads】

【Modler didn't have time to get angry and shouted:"Sample! Gauze! Keep taking pictures! Hemostat!""】

【He didn't understand why. The heart of this corpse still contained a complete bag of blood. It was supposed that after thousands of years, the blood had evaporated.】

【A hand stretched out like lightning and took away the silver bead from the sample's chest. It was Angers. He wiped off the blood on the bead and looked at the strange patterns on it.】

【"Oh my God..........Oh my God, my God!!"Modler's voice changed from murmuring to shouting.】

【He couldn't believe his eyes. He just saw the seemingly dry heart pulsing slightly.】

【"He's not dead, he's still alive, he's alive! Model turned to look for Angers,"This is a cross-century discovery, and the history of science will be rewritten!" We are going to be the ones who write history!"】

【Before he finished speaking, the green, half-meter-long giant nail was grabbed by someone, and with a sharp scream, it penetrated the boy's heart.】

【It was Angers again. His seemingly slender arms released incredible power. After the steel nail penetrated the entire heart, it penetrated the steel skin of the dissecting table, completely nailing the boy there.】

【The heart only beat once before it was completely destroyed. The last trace of life disappeared, and the boy was still just an ancient corpse. 】


Everyone was dumbfounded.

What did they see? They were seeing the same doctor, and they saw the boy's heart beat!

"Damn, damn!"

Fingal learned to use these two words to express shock...........This is not the point, the point is that he also saw it

"What's this? Return from the dead? Oh My God! What kind of vitality can wake up again after being sealed for so many years."

Lu Mingfei didn't say a word when he heard Fingel's exclamation. He just looked at the light screen with complicated eyes.

At present, he has been able to determine that the boy is either a second generation, or a first generation like Norton. Sown.

This discovery made him feel something bad. He couldn’t tell what it was exactly, but it was just bad.


Lu Mingfei let out a gentle breath, threw away all the things in his mind, and said casually.

"In fact, it's okay, isn't it? The principal has nailed the nail back in time. In this case, the dragon can't wake up, right?"

Hearing this, Fingel looked strange.

"How did the tragedy occur?"


The two looked at each other.

Yes, if the dragon is really dead, then how did this tragedy, which is said to be very tragic, come about? (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Principal’s Office


Angers sighed deeply

"In fact, this mistake came from me. I can only say that I was still too young at that time."

"That's right!"

The vice-principal expressed great agreement.

"So how can you still have the nerve to be the principal after making such a big mistake? Give me your seat quickly!"

Ange was speechless for this guy's exploits, but fortunately he had become accustomed to them over the years and couldn't get used to them anymore.

I saw, he said

"Of course you can talk about this, but I heard that Guderian wanted to become a tenured professor, but the number of places is limited. How about removing Manstein’s?"


The light curtain continues to play

【"Doctor, we respect your scientific literacy, but now is not the time to pursue scientific truth."】

【Ange's voice was irresistible,"Stop the dissection here, insert all the nails as they are, pack up the coffin and boxes, and prepare to send the specimens away immediately.""】

【After saying that, he rushed to the study and told several old people what had just happened.】

【After discussion, several old people immediately decided to completely destroy the specimen, just in case.】


【"Who brought the adrenaline?"】

【In the wine cellar, Modler, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke, his voice low but unable to suppress his excitement.】

【After another long silence, a male nurse opened the metal box he carried with him, took out an injection and handed it to Modler's hand.】

【Modler grabbed the injection and took a deep breath】

【After calming down for a while, he took the syringe handed by the nurse and drew the medicine into it.】

【Then, Modler held the syringe, slowly approached the heart of the corpse, and walked slowly toward the holy place. He was convinced that he was walking towards the palace of science and the ultimate secret of the world. 】

Damn it!! Is he crazy?!!!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

If they couldn't believe that the boy was still alive just now, they were now wondering if Modler was a fool.

Even the vice principal looked surprised

"Can he do such a thing? So a good doctor wouldn't know what epinephrine is?"

"Of course he knows, but..........."

Angers closed his eyes

"People lose their minds when they are close to a miracle. Today I no longer blame Model. I just regret that I was not faster that night."


【With the sound of tearing flesh, Modeller, several of his students and colleagues were all turned into pieces in an instant.】

【Bright red blood spattered on the floor and walls of the wine cellar, hot plasma flowed on the white curtain surrounding the autopsy table, and sticky blood drops slowly fell from the ceiling of the cellar.】

【Dead, they are all dead】

【The moment the boy opened his eyes, he killed everyone who woke him up and tore them all into pieces! ] fell silent.

Deathly silence.

Whether it was the people who were dumbfounded just now or the people who couldn't help but curse Modler, they fell silent in an instant.

They looked at the light curtain, at the expressionless boy inside, and at those extremely golden and dazzling eyes.

I could only manage to say a word with a dry mouth.

"He has woken up!".

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