The content of the light curtain continues from the previous episode

【Uesugoshi returns to Neon and becomes the King of Movies】

【The family prepared the most beautiful women for him, taught him

Taoism, tea ceremony and Japanese songs, and his task was to meet some people】

【"They told me that history has reached an important moment. Powerful countries are trying to redivide resources. Neon needs to break the shackles of the island country and go out."】

【"I said I was deeply affected and then blessed them..........Actually I don't know anything at all, I'm an idiot"】

【Then the war started】

【"I had a good life in the first few years of the war. I lived as usual, mobilizing the young people in my family and toying with my wives every day."】

【Until a piece of news came】

【The Maginot Line collapsed and the country surrendered. Uesugi went crazy after learning this. He finally remembered that his mother was still in the country.】

【"I wanted to go back quickly, but my subordinates stopped me. They said they would ensure my mother's safety no matter what."】

【"The German General Staff did indeed send someone to the church where my mother worked. The priest who stayed behind said that my mother had left the country a few years ago. I don’t know where she went... I felt at ease."】


Many people's eyes were silent.

Of course, there is no need to say more about these things. They all know it well, but they don’t know what the situation of Uesugoshi’s mother is like.

"You bastards actually turned the competition in the mixed-race society into a world war!"Ange knocked on the table to ask questions.

"You have no mercy! Uesugoshi retorted subconsciously, and then immediately fell silent.

After a moment, I thought that my mother left before the war started, so she should be fine."

"I believe that my mother must have gone to a place that was not affected by the war. There will be a lamp there. She is sitting under the lamp wearing a black nun's uniform and telling Bible stories to a group of children..........."

Uesugoshi stopped talking and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Angers sighed.

By now, he probably guessed what would happen next, otherwise how could this man have remained anonymous for sixty years?

There’s no point in talking, just keep reading!

【Neon began to retreat steadily on the battlefield. The government issued a slogan of 100 million pieces of jade, and everyone was determined to die. Uesugoshi was also infected by their loyalty】

【"I feel that this nation is experiencing disaster and pain, and its citizens are looking to me, and I should do something."】

【"But before I could do anything, the Emperor announced his unconditional surrender. The Emperor has surrendered, what else can I, the Shadow Emperor, do?"】

【At this time, Uesugi heard that a man named Hilbert Jean Ange was coming. He was the leader of the European Secret Party. He was coming to take over Neon's hybrids.】

【Uesugoshi decided to assassinate this guy】

【Uesugi is confident that he is the strongest hybrid in the world, but Time Zero is really a word spirit that can turn the tide of the war. He has blood but no experience in facing the enemy.】

【"Do you still remember the situation? You keep beating me and I keep roaring"】

【"I said that everyone is guilty in the war. You are not holy, and we have no regrets. We are all for the benefit of the country."】

【"Finally, you asked me, do you know what your soldiers do overseas? I was suddenly stunned"】

【"Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve never seen overseas battlefields with my own eyes. I just stayed in the palace and preached."】

【"Later I saw some files"】

【"I sent someone to deliver it to you. At that time, I thought you were a spoiled child and a real bastard."Ange said,"We need to learn and learn."】

【Uesugoshi kept reading the information day and night. At first, he felt that the bad guys were shameless and blamed Neon for all the mistakes of the war.】

【Until he saw the record of the massacre, he seemed to be petrified, cracking inch by inch, and turning into gray inch by inch.……】

【"A nun from the Catholic Church in Faguo said that the neon army rushed into the infant care center run by the Western Church and conducted a frantic search."】

【"The old nanny asked the women hiding inside to wear nuns' clothes and secretly took them out of the city."】

【"They were intercepted by the army on the riverside. Major Fujiwara Katsu discovered that they were all fake nuns, so all of them were brutally brutalized, and those who resisted were killed with bayonets."】

【"The only one who was not harmed was the old lady who led the team, but she couldn't bear it after witnessing the bloody and cruel scene, so she shot herself. Before she died, she cursed that God would punish sinners with thunder, lightning and flames.………"】

【"Her name is Charlotte Chen. Uesugoshi turned around slowly, slowly raised his eyes, and looked directly into Ange's eyes,"That's my mother!""】


In an instant, everyone's heartbeat stopped.

They had actually thought just now that Uesugoshi's mother would probably be in trouble during the war.

But, I didn't expect it to be like this...........

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned.

Regarding this reversal in the light curtain, he didn't know what expression he should make to face it, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

At first, after he personally"killed" Yuan Jingnu, he was often in nightmares, and it was only recently that he got a little better.

But what about Uesugoshi?

For Uesugi Koshi, that piece of news was enough to drive him crazy. That was his most important mother, not a father he had never met, but the biological mother who raised him!

Yuan Zhisheng knew what had happened, but because of this, he could only remain silent at this moment. the other side

"She, is she dead?"

Yuan Zhimu was also stunned and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

He could feel the warmth brought by that woman, the closeness from that woman, and he even imagined what would happen if that woman lived until now.

But , she is dead.

In such a way..........Way.

The light curtain continues to play

【"After my mother died, Major Fujiwara Masaru used her corpse to test the knife. His sword was a sharp seven-legged cutter. He piled up the corpses of his mother and other women, and then jumped down and cut off the seven corpses.………"】

【"I screamed like a frightened child, I couldn't believe that testimony"】

【"Mom is obviously still living well in a peaceful corner of the world. She is telling Bible stories to a group of children under the lamp. How could she appear on the battlefield?"】

【"How dare those despicable ants use the blade on my mother? Those ants and traitors! Even if they die a thousand times or ten thousand times, they cannot atone for what they have done!"】

【Uesugi roared softly】

【"I rushed out the door with a knife to kill, and there was only one name in my mind: Fujiwara Masaru. He can't escape my grasp. I can track down all the returning soldiers.……"】

【"But I couldn't kill Fujiwara Masaru, because on the day of surrender, Lieutenant Colonel Fujiwara Masaru committed seppuku. He was hailed as a hero, and his tablet was enshrined high in the shrine."】

【The corners of Uesugoshi's eyes twitched,"That shrine is the shrine of the Jakihachi family. His real surname is not Fujiwara, but Miyamoto.".........."】

【"Yes, he is my subordinate, but because his rank is too low, I have not met him!"]

Many people were silent.

Charlotte Chen, Uesugoshi's mother, died. She committed suicide because she witnessed the atrocities committed by Uesugoshi's men.

What is this? Good fortune tricks people?

It is difficult for people to evaluate such thing.

As an audience, it seems that keeping silent is the best way, but...........

"Isn't this too funny? It’s the word funny, right? Fingel scratched his head and looked strange,"The son forced his mother to death?""

Next to him, EVA looked at him silently.

And Fingel continued:"Uesugoshi didn't know anything, but when he knew it, it was his mother's death. Fate really likes to play tricks on people."

He may be thinking of the Glenling Sea in those days.

"Maybe, this is a curse?"

On the other side

, Caesar looked at the light curtain with a gloomy face.

For his mother, it had always been a piece of pure land in his heart, which was very sacred and pure.

But after seeing what was broadcast on the light curtain, his heart finally A nameless rage surged out

"Uesugoshi is such a bastard!"

He must say this to Uesugoshi. He, Caesar Gattuso, must scold that bastard!

At the same time, the Snake Qihachi family is also quiet.

Minamoto is their patriarch, and Uesugoshi is The former patriarch was also the father of the current patriarch.

Facing the situation played out on the light screen, they could only silently bend down and lower their heads to express their condolences.

The same was true for several family heads. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The light screen continues to play

【Later, Uesugi Yue rushed into the shrine】

【In front of the priests, they cut off Fujiwara Masaru's memorial tablet, kicked over the chandelier used to pray for him, and took his ashes out of the shrine and scattered them everywhere.】

【Uesugi hated those old people in the family, but he had no way to take revenge because those old people were too old and already dead.】

【Finally, Uesugoshi returned home and killed those women, the wives he had been playing with.】

【"At that time, I suddenly understood something. Catholicism is against suicide. As a devout nun, my mother ended her own life with a gun. Uesugoshi said softly】

【"why? Because you can't stand the sight of girls being bullied? No, she can't stand the torture in her heart"】

【"Because she knew in her heart that her son also participated in that war and was the spiritual leader of those thugs."】

【"The person she cursed in the end was not Fujiwara Masaru, but me. The person who should be killed by thunder and flames was not those poor women who served me with their bodies, but me!"】

【"This is my sin, enough to crucify me until the end of the world. I'm sorry, Mom. I heard her tell so many Bible stories, but I never learned love from them."】

【Uesugoshi took out the silver cross from his collar, held it in his palm, and said silently,"You should regret your sin and pray to the Lord, maybe the thoughts in your heart may be forgiven."……"】

【"After many years, I finally believed in God"】

【"I am now a part-time pastor at a community church. Sometimes I sit in the church all afternoon, watching the sun go down. It feels like I have returned to my childhood, that small church on the outskirts of Lyon."】

【"I'm looking forward to someone suddenly talking to me about what Aunt Charlotte is like... This is the only peace and joy I have left in this life."】

Uesugoshi's narration is over.

This is the life of the last emperor.

From before he was born, all the way through as a child, to his days as the Shadow King, and then finally in anonymity.

Everyone learned about this man named Uesugoshi from many aspects, this man who lived in regret and pain.

He did not deny his mistakes or sins. He became a pastor and began to believe in the Lord.

Uesugoshi's narration was not long, but the silence of the people after listening was much longer than his narration.

This is the mourning of war, the silence of tragedy.

After a while, someone spoke first on the channel and broke the silence.

【chat channel】

【Ramen Priest: So the royal blood is a mistake for humans. I don’t know what the noble dragon king’s purpose was in giving it to humans, but it can’t bring happiness to humans at all.】

【The Righteous Turtle: Royal Blood, Curse?】

【Cambridge Jackknife: That’s why you don’t want the royal blood to be passed down, because you don’t want them to bear a curse like yours?】

【Ningyo Joruri: It’s a pity that we were still born and experienced the so-called curse firsthand.】

【The righteous turtle:...........】

【Ramen Pastor: I think my father felt the same way I do now, fearful, nervous, and uneasy about his】[]

【Ramen Pastor: Anyway, my matter is over. You can speak freely.】

【Lu Mingfei: Is that okay? Then I'm not welcome, Uesugoshi, you are such a fucking bastard!】

【Murasame: scum】

【Dick Lado: It’s unbelievable that you (Li Li Zhao) really don’t know anything about the war. What you did to those women is a bastard, and the stallion’s character is even more bastard!】

【Red-haired Witch: She is indeed a bastard】

【Susie: Scum!】

【Flame Dragon Slayer: Mader! Stinky idiot!】

【Handsome Cowboy: A wasteful guy!】

【Dislike women: despise!】

【Beowulf: As the most powerful hybrid in the world, he only did some incompetent and furious things. What a waste!】

【Ningyo Joruri: Idiot!】

【Little Monster: Old Ramen Master!】

【The righteous turtle:........idiot. ]

Uesugi was dumbfounded. Uesugoshi was dumbfounded.

"No, that’s not what it means to speak freely! Why are you starting to scold me? This is too rude! Even my son scolded me!"

For what you have done, even scolding you is light.

Angers glanced at him

"It’s rare to hear such a story, and it’s rare to tell the past. What do you think now?"

Hearing this, Uesugi sighed,"I don't want others to know this, now that this is the case..........Do me a favor."

Ange raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.


"Don't ask what you want to do?"

"What else could it be but the holy remains? Don't worry, I will definitely find that thing and destroy it"

"..........I'm talking about my son"


"Why are you making that expression? Holy remains? I bother! I don’t care! I only care about those two sons now!"

"so what?"

"Ask them out in your name, then get out of the way and get on top of me!"




(Author's words: I have to take a bus again. I don't know if I can write another four or five thousand words tonight. It depends on the situation! Give it up!).

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