The content of the light curtain continues from the previous episode

【The Diriaste, which was moving slowly, passed under the huge torii gate and slid into the dark shadow that was not illuminated by the lava.】

【I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the moment the deep submersible passed the torii, Lu Mingfei seemed to hear countless people moaning hoarsely, like ghosts in hell bleeding and salivating.】

【The ruins shook, and the rubble and the shells of dead snails slowly rose with the water, hitting the shell of the Dieste, making a dull sound.】

【Caesar's expression changed:"Undersea earthquake? Call Sumeru! Call Sumeru! Have you detected an undersea earthquake?""】

【"Calling the DiTrieste, calling the DiTrieste, no vibrations were detected on the seafloor, and the Seismological Bureau did not release news about undersea earthquakes."Yuan Zhisheng said】

【"But the ruins began to shake. What else could it be if it wasn't an undersea earthquake?"】

【Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a few seconds:"Maybe the embryo is aware of the approaching danger and is trying to wake up. Have you suffered from neurological interference?"】

【Caesar slapped himself:"I think I'm okay. It hurts when I slap myself in the face. It doesn't look like I'm dreaming. The embryo killers in our group are still embryo killers, second-rate goods, second-rate goods. It looks normal.】"

【"Your oxygen reserve can still last for 15 minutes. This is a rare opportunity. The embryo should be struggling to wake up. It cannot be allowed to wake up. Use this opportunity to kill it."Yuan Zhisheng said】

【"OK! no problem! This is the order I was looking forward to!"Caesar tied himself firmly to the seat,"Chu Zihang, are the sulfur bombs ready?"】

【"The bomb has been activated and the safety bolt is being released. It will be ready to launch in 15 seconds."】

【"Lu Mingfei was ready to float, the air tank was ready to be drained, the stabilizers were ready, the propeller system was ready, and he floated immediately after the bomb was ejected!"】

【"Boss, please slow down, I'm flipping through the book!"Lu Mingfei flipped through the operation manual nervously.】

【The shaking of the ruins is getting worse and worse, and the snails attached to the surface of the ruins are peeling off, layer by layer, like shedding their skin. The city is collapsing or waking up, and its original colors and textures are about to be revealed.】

【"Caesar..........Take a look at the sonar screen!"Chu Zihang's voice is very strange.】

【Caesar turned his head sharply, and red dots appeared one after another on the sonar screen, each red dot pulsating.】

【Each red dot represents a heartbeat. Hundreds or even thousands of things are awakening, not just an embryo!】

【When Caesar initially scanned the city, it seemed like there was a giant heartbeat beneath the ruins.】

【But that was actually a misreading of the signal. Countless things were sleeping under the ruins. They only had one heartbeat because their heartbeats were completely synchronized! 】

Drieste has entered the torii gate!

Everyone could clearly see that after the Dirieste entered the torii, like a signal, an earthquake occurred immediately afterwards.

Along with it is the sound of heartbeats, thousands of unknown heartbeats, something is waking up!

【chat channel】

【Glenling’s Shadow: Sure enough, it’s true! That is also the reason for the"door"!】

【The red-haired witch: drastic changes occurred after entering the"door"..........Could it be another folding space Nibelung?】

【Handsome Cowboy: This possibility is not ruled out】

【Dictator: Where are those heartbeats? There can't be thousands of dragon embryos inside, right?】

【Righteous Turtle: No, there is only one dragon embryo, those heartbeats are something else】

【Qianyu: You know?】

【Knight of the Lake: Yuan Zhisheng must know, or in other words, you Neon Branch should all know!】

【Murasame: What is it?】

【The righteous turtle:............】

【Lu Mingfei: Oops! Stop saying"diandian"! The situation is urgent now. Let’s kill Yuan Zhisheng............Nonsence! That, the turtle! The three of us are going to die!】

【Flame Dragon Slayer: Minamoto Chisheng! If my good-for-nothing junior brother died in your place, would you believe it?..........】

【Lu Mingfei: Are you going to stand up for me?!】

【Flame Dragon Slayer: Cough, believe it or not, I will immediately..........Tell Lu Mingfei's brother!】

【Lu Mingfei: Damn!】

【Dictado: No need to ask, that guy who likes to smoke women's cigarettes won't tell, and we can't die, we will definitely live!】

【The righteous turtle:...........Well, I owe you this, and it’s not far away from being exposed.】

【Dictator: Do you really want to say that? Hahaha ~ I guess it’s another lie, I won’t watch it】

【Lu Mingfei: Let me see, let me see!】

【The Righteous Turtle: Those are our ancestors!】


【Lu Mingfei:?!】

【Everyone:!!! 】

The light curtain continues to play

【The lava river rolled up layers of waves, then collapsed, and hundreds of tons of magma crashed onto the magma river again.】

【As the ruins shook, millions of snails fell off, along with sticky bloodshot】

【What was exposed was an indescribable alien object. It was a hundred meters long, half of it was inserted into the seabed, and the other half was wrapped in layers of snails.】

【"mom mom mom.........."Lu Mingfei said,"Damn it!"】

【"Could it be an embryo?"Caesar was also shocked】

【If the length of the embryo is over a hundred meters, wouldn't this ancient dragon be several kilometers long when it becomes an adult? The snails falling like a rainstorm blocked their sight, and they couldn't see clearly.】

【"No," Chu Zihang whispered,"It's the Lenin. If you look carefully at the seabed, you can see the traces of it falling from a high place."】

【With that thing as the center of the circle, the building collapsed in circles, indicating that it indeed fell to the seabed at an astonishing speed and weight, triggering a shock wave】

【The exposed part is 80 meters long and about 25 meters wide. It is vaguely shaped like an icebreaker, but its appearance has completely changed.】

【"The wreck is occupied by an embryo, which has transformed steel into a part of it!"Chu Zihang said,"Look carefully! In the parts not covered by flesh, traces of blood vessels can be seen in the steel!"】

【"Can I rely on ancient dragon to have this kind of function? Is it going to eat the icebreaker and evolve into an icebreaker beast?"Lu Mingfei said】

【"No, I think the embryo is actually dead. murmured Caesar】

【"It's clearly still moving! Its veins are beating! The baby dragon must be in the cabin, boss!"】

【"It is still alive, but it is no longer possible to hatch. Someone killed it and used it as a sacrifice."Caesar said,"Look below"】

【Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang saw from the observation port below that where the snails were piled up, the Lenin gave birth to thick blood vessels that penetrated the seabed. The blood flowed from the Lenin to the entire city, seeming to be a spring that nourished this dead city.】

【As the shaking intensifies, the seabed is cracking, and the black gaps are filled with sticky black plasma.】

【In terms of alchemy, the three of them are only entry-level, but everyone can tell that this is a bloody alchemy similar to black magic sacrifice. The dragon's blood flowing out of the Lenin is irrigating this ancient city, and this swaying ancient city seems to be waking up!

【Their enemy is not the embryo, but the Gao Tianyuan that has been dead for many years. The myth says that the gods once lived here, and the gods of the past are about to wake up.】

【What needs to be sacrificed with the blood of an ancient dragon? What kind of devil does dragon blood breed?】

【"It's so sad that the aloof king is just a bloody sacrifice in front of the more powerful king."Mai Shutoku stood on the top of the Trieste and sighed silently.】

【She released Mingzhao, left the Trieste, and swam toward the wreckage of the Lenin】

【At this moment, this giant ship wrapped in flesh is withering, and unknown forces are sucking its blood dry. The city is waking up, and it is sucking the best juice crazily.】

【The blood vessels shriveled, the fleshy surface cracked, blood as thick as syrup fell in the sea water, and scarlet blood threads adhered to the Ditryeste's shell.】

【The Trieste was less than 200 meters away from the wreckage of the Lenin】

【Mai Shutoku was swimming as fast as a sailfish. She reached the side of the Lenin and floated against the hull.】

【Caesar was right. The dragon had been deprived of its brain in its embryonic stage, and now it was just a sacrifice bleeding with dragon blood.】

【Because of its bloodline, it will not die completely, it will only continue to grow and continue to transfuse blood into the city.】

【The snails also tasted its blood and became a subspecies of dragons, and marine animals evolved by using the snails.】

【The once aloof king of the dragon clan is now no more than a placenta that provides nutrition. 】


At this moment, everyone was stunned.

What kind of existence needs to sacrifice a dragon king as nourishment? This is really an exaggeration!


The sound of swallowing saliva echoed in the quiet suite, which was extremely obvious, but no one would care about it now, because.........

Holy shit! Is this also the boss's handiwork?

I don’t know, the boss hasn’t said anything yet!

What do you think that is?

Well, it seems like there aren’t many options, right?

Mai Jiutoku and Su Enxi made eye contact.

Because the light curtain is playing what happened later, they don’t know the specific details now.

"What's wrong with my girl, you want to know?"Lu Mingze shook his chair and turned around with a slight smile on his face.


Jiudoku Mai and Su Enxi looked at each other..........Then he shook his head frantically,"It's nothing! It's nothing! We don't want to know anything!"


Lu Mingze raised his eyebrows,"Seeing that you are curious, I originally planned to tell you, but in this case I won't say anything. Come on!"

After saying that, he turned back again.

Mai Shutoku:...........

Su Enxi:...........

Kassel Academy, Student Union

"Is it really a sacrifice?..........."Caesar frowned, and what Yuan Zhisheng said on the channel also made him solemn.

Those are our ancestors!

After recalling it again, Caesar couldn't help but say

"Could it be that the ancestors of the Sheqiba family were sealed in the deep sea? Then this vitality is simply stronger than Xiaoqiang!"

Girls dormitory

"Why! What is there?"

"I don’t know!"

Noono's Susie chatted with each other. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, the two of them were shocked by what was played on the light screen, but after the shock, they were not I know what to say.

After all, the number of shocks is too many! The vice-principal of

Bell Tower was holding a beer that had not changed for thousands of years, and he collapsed on the sofa like a puddle of cotton.

"A more powerful existence is about to awaken, and the world's progress is about to take another big step forward!"

Ton, tons, tons~

He raised his head and drank the beer in one gulp. His bold movements seemed to have a bit of youthful spirit.

"We don’t need to do anything, we just need to watch quietly and watch the world change in all directions!"

Library underground

"Things are getting more complicated. Fingel held a small hand and lowered his head as if he was looking carefully.

"about those.........."EVA smiled and shook her head,"Have you been coming here more and more frequently recently? I have to keep finding reasons for you!"

"Tsk~" Fingel waved his hand casually,"Anyway, my underwear has been exposed, so they might just pretend they didn't see me!"

EVA770 smiled and nodded. It's true! The presidential suite on the top floor of the Neon Peninsula Hotel was quiet for a while, and then someone broke the silence again.

"So, what is that thing?"

Lu Mingfei seemed to be asking everyone, but in fact his eyes were on Norton and Xia Mi. He probably knew that except these two dragons, no one else knew.

However, there was one person who didn't know this. conscious

"However, the light screen mentioned that he was a king more than once, so the dragon used for sacrifice must also be the first generation species."

Chu Zihang was also shocked in his heart, but because of his character, he still subconsciously held his chin and started thinking. The first generation species are the four great monarchs. If the dragon kings with the same weight as the four great monarchs are sacrificed, then only Could be a greater existence..........Sure enough, there is only the King of Black and White, right?

Although Odin's status is not low, Odin is still alive. The only one confirmed dead and higher than the four monarchs is the black and white emperor.

"So..........Is that the White King?"

After Chu Zihang spoke, everyone present looked at him and heard his analysis results.

King Bai?...........

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but muttered.

Norton and Xia Mi looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time,"There is only the white emperor."

They ignored the black king.

Chu Zihang nodded, but he asked curiously:"Since she is the White King, why is she under the neon sea? Is that her territory?"


Now Norton and Xia Mi looked at each other.

To be honest, as dragon kings, they must know much more than hybrids and ordinary people.

But about the White King.........

"We don’t know the High Priest!"


_ When he first entered school, Guderian and Manstein had guessed that he was a descendant of the White King..... etc! white king..........Descendants?!

Lu Mingfei's pupils suddenly dilated.

Although he is weak, he is not stupid, and the answer seems to be obvious at this moment.

Since the start of this broadcast, the bloodline issue of the Neon Branch people, namely the Snake Qiba family, has always been of concern to everyone.

However, because there are no clues or big information, no one can guess what the Sheqiba family is.

But now, Lu Mingfei feels like he knows!

Now that Norton and Xia Mi have determined that the person on the bottom of the sea is King Bai, judging from the attitudes of the Snake Qiba family, they are likely to be related to King Bai, or even.........

"They are actually descendants of the White King!".

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