Jin Mu Qian Shu: [Daily Sign...Genshin Impact starts!]

Zhongli: [Start! ]

Yukinoshita Yukino: [@All members, please sign in. ]

Akeno: [Oh, why is my luck so good? I actually got the complete set of Chunwu novels???@Yukinoshita Yukino. ]

Yukinoshita Yukino: [Humph, you all know it anyway, it doesn’t matter.╮(???)╭】

Most of the elders in the group knew that Yukinoshita Yukino was the heroine of Harmono.

Busujima Yako: [Bouchinoshita Yukinoshita, actually doesn’t think it matters anymore. It seems that I have already thought about itヽ(〇)?】

Yukinoshita Yukino: [Indeed! But, I'm curious. When will the zombie crisis break out in your world?(¬_¬)】

Yako Busujima, who was in class, noticed Yukinoshita Yukino speaking and was stunned for a few seconds. Then she came to her senses after the teacher called her name.

Yako Busujima thought to herself:"Yeah, how could I forget about the biochemical crisis in the near future."

Soon after, Yako Busujima's world will experience a biochemical crisis.

The modern social order collapsed instantly.

Busujima Yako feels ridiculous.

Because zombies are like hot knives cutting butter in front of human hot weapons.

Zombies can be easily dispatched.

Let’s not talk about large-scale weapons. Shooting zombies with a heavy machine gun is like cutting wheat. It will be no problem to penetrate more than 20 zombies with one shot, right?!

Nishikiki Chisuke: [Perhaps, in the world where Busujima Yako lives, there is an umbrella company. ]

Busujima Yako: [How do you know?!(???’)】

Yukinoshita Yukino: [Go well!(っ′ω`)?(╥ω╥)】

Nishiki Chishu: [I can tell you clearly that the Umbrella Company is the origin of the zombie crisis. 】

Ding, group friend Yukinoshita Yukino uploaded the Resident Evil movie series.

Group file download instantly +6

A group of guys who were just bubbling up have already gathered to watch the Resident Evil movie.

At the same time,

Yako Busujima watched the film start to protect the company's logo, and an extremely bad premonition arose in her heart.

An hour and a half later.

Busujima Yako: [I can stop it! ? ]

Nishiki Chishu: [Unless you can travel through time and prevent Umbrella from discovering the virus. Otherwise, zombie viruses will happen again╮(╯▽╰)╭】

Yukinoshita Yukino: [Perhaps, signing in in the chat group can help you. But the probability should be slim. ]

Zhongli: [Zombies, very interesting. Drinking tea -]

Akeno: [It seems that the zombie crisis is inevitable, as if the world of black souls is destined to have no hope. @ash. ]

Ashes: [ Indeed. ]

Ashes did not refute Akeno, because what Akeno said was the truth, and the black soul world had long since lost hope.

Akeno: [@ Ashes, do you want to come and relax in my world?]

Nishikiki Chishu: [Akeno, you have finally revealed your true colors! Minister Yukinoshita!(〃 ̄ ̄)people( ̄ ̄〃)】

Yukinoshita Yukino: [Okay, I lose this time(????)】

Ding, group friend Yukinoshita Yukino gave Nishiki Chishu a red envelope.

Nishiki Chishu: [Thank you, Minister Yukinoshita(^?^)】

Akeno: [What do you mean??!(???(???(???*)?】

Akeno, who was attending Devil High School, looked very confused when she saw this.

Nishiki Chishu: [Let Minister Yukinoshita explain to you that I am on a mission. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ】

Akeno: [Yukishita? 】

Zhongli: 【Drinking tea】

Bujima Yaozi: 【I'm quite curious too. 】

Everyone in the chat expressed doubts about the behavior of Nishiki Chisuke and Yukinoshita Yukino just now, and hoped that Yukinoshita Yukino could explain it.

The chat group is most in need of eating and gossiping.

Soon, Yukinoshita Yukino got her wish and explained to them.

Devil High School anime and novel

Yukinoshita Yukino: [According to the plot of the novel, Akeno’s treasured minister should be worried about her fiancé. 】

Miko Yotsuya: 【Fiancé, Minister-Why do I hear so much?(((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ)))】

Zhongli: [@四谷见子, you can go to the group files and read the Devil High School files. You will understand after reading them. ]

Soon, at Zhongli’s prompt, Yotsuya Miko found the Devil High School anime in the group file, and then tasted it carefully.

The meat-selling scene was so shocking that Yotsuya Miko was astonished.

Of course, these are all things to say later. Yotsuya Miko hasn’t finished watching the Devil High School drama yet and has just begun.

Akeno: [Mr. Yukinoshita, you are right. Everyone, if anyone wants to help, the rewards will be generous. 】

Zhongli:【Gods, demons, monsters, dragons...Get rid of the risk...Suck and drink tea. ]

Zhongli, as always, did not tell the whole story.

Busujima Yako: [I’m not strong enough, you guys try your best╮(╯▽╰)╭】

Yukinoshita Yukino: [Although I want to help, I don’t have the strength. ]

Akeno: [@ash, do you have any ideas to help? ]

Ashes: [What for? ]

Akeno: [Kill people! 】

Ashes: 【 Not going. ]

Ashes has long lost interest in the weak souls of ordinary people.

Akeno: [The guy who chopped is a devil! ]

Ashes: [What time?! 】

Devil, good stuff!

There is a large amount of soul in the body.

It can be done!

Akeno: [In a few days, we still need to prepare, prepareφ(゜▽゜*)?】

Meanwhile, the Paranormal Research Department.

After Ash agreed to Akeno, Akeno showed a relaxed smile in the middle of the meeting.

Minister Rias's engagement can be settled with certainty.

This scene was noticed by Minister Rias, and she raised her eyebrows:

"Akeno, you seem very happy"

"Minister Rias, of course I'm happy"

"I'm happy to be someone else's bride?!"

Hee hee hee, don't worry, I have foreign aid


"This is a secret."

Facing Akeno's confident expression, Rias looked at Akeno curiously, hoping that she could tell who the foreign aid was so that Rias could be mentally prepared.

However, Akeno smiled and said nothing.

The secret should be the last. Revealed.

Rias could only look at the mysterious Akeno in confusion, and in her heart she just thought this was the comfort of a good best friend.

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