The Draconians were killed, and the three major ones were captured.

Two pieces of news spread quickly.

caused turbulence in the world.

After all, whether the Tianlong people are killed or the three major will be caught, it is all heavy news.

Don't talk about the Tianlong people, the world's aristocratic Tianlong people have supreme power.

Beating the Draconians would cause the admiral to pursue them, but now they were killed, and two of them were killed.

The news that the next three will be arrested is also quite exciting.

The three generals united, and the Four Emperor Pirates had to retreat, but today they were caught.

For a time, pirates around the world were turbulent and excited.

They are looking forward to taking advantage of the time when the three major generals are arrested, to get more benefits, and burn and loot everywhere.

Sometimes the navy is evil, and the pirates are even more evil.

At the very least, most navies are able to protect the interests of ordinary civilians.

How many people like Luffy are there in the pirates?

Very few.

Nine Snake Island.

"Sister, there is great news, the Draco has been killed. "

Compared to the news that the Draconians were killed, Luffy's beating of the Draconians is nothing.

Isn't it just a hit or two, and killing a dragon is exciting.

Empress Boyahan Cook, when she heard that the Celestial Dragon people had been killed, the whole person was shocked.

I can't help but reminisce about my childhood.

The Draconians have brought a huge psychological shadow to her.

Now I was shocked to suddenly hear that a Draconian had been killed.

Boyahan Cook hurriedly picked up the newspaper, and when he saw Jiang Changge killing all sides in the newspaper, he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

What a good man, he is still quite handsome, the key is to dare to kill the Tianlong people, and also catch the three major admirals of the navy.

And not one general, but all three.

The Navy doesn't look like much.

On the other hand, the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku they also received the news that the three major generals were caught.

And the process of the battle was passed on.

Jiang Changge used his absolute strength to completely crush the three major admirals.

All the navies were silent when they received the news.

No matter how you say it, they are all three admirals of the navy, standing at the top of the world, and they are actually crushed by absolute strength.

If this were to be replaced by them in the past, they would definitely be crushed by absolute strength, how could they fight?

Not to mention revenge for the nobles of the world, if they can live, it will already be very good.

"Karp, what do you say to do?"

Sengoku suddenly set his sights on Karp.

Luffy's friend, that's Karp's friend, this kind of thing can only be left to Karp.

Otherwise, they will be beaten.

"Warring States, don't look at me, I can't beat the three major generals, and if I go up, I will give people heads. "

Karp hadn't figured out what Sengoku meant.

thought that the Warring States asked him to save the three generals.

If it were someone else, he would definitely have to save the three major generals, after all, it was for the navy.

But forget about Jiang 500's long song.

The three major generals were all killed in seconds, and they went to give away their heads.

"Who told you to save, you go over and negotiate now, isn't that your grandson's friend?"

That's when Karp reacted.

It seems to be true, Jiang Changge is a friend of his grandson, so there is nothing to say.

What are you afraid of?

"Karp, it's up to you. "

Sengoku throws a Pokéball.

Phew, Sengoku is even more anxious than Karp.

After all, the three major generals have been caught, how can they still fight on top?

You can't let a few of them go on it.

Not to mention that at that time, Karp's combat power must have been scrapped.

"Okay, I'll leave it to me. "

At the moment, the Chambord Islands.

The Straw Hats and his party, as well as the Hades King Reilly, all gathered around Jiang Changge.

All of them are looking at the three major generals.

The three generals are like monkeys, watched by everyone.

"Tut-tut, how did you do that? "

Reilly couldn't believe it for a while, Jiang Changge caught the three admirals.

That's the three generals.

He felt a headache when he came to one, but three came today, and he was caught by Jiang Changge alone.

The three generals bowed their heads in shame.

The three of them, it's a shame.

Jiang Changge's leisurely barbecue.

With an anti-natural understanding, the barbecue is delicious.

As for Reilly, he wasn't happy to deal with it.

Reilly wasn't embarrassed, or deserved, embarrassed.

On the contrary, it was Nami next to her, who was more curious.

"Group leader, what are you going to do with them?"

The three generals couldn't help but prick up their ears, what was Jiang Changge going to do with them.

They're captives now, so I don't think I'll want to kill them.

Jiang Changge thought twice.

"I'm not going to kill them, I want to put them... Sold to the Golden City and picked up customers there, I think there are many pirates who want to sleep with the three generals. "


The three generals almost fell to their knees, their hearts filled with fear.

No, Jiang Changge is so ruthless.

Wants to sell them to pick up customers.

The Straw Hat Pirates are dumbfounded, this is too ruthless, it is estimated that the three major will commit suicide.

They certainly can't accept it anyway.

"Just kidding, I'm going to make a deal with the navy, the three of them still can't be killed, kill them, and those pirates will definitely go berserk. "

Jiang Changge was purely joking.

He just wanted to make a deal with the navy, thinking about the pirates who advanced into the city.

Although you can get in, I'm afraid that if you fight, the pirates will run too much.

In addition, it is better to get some Devil Fruits than to find them on his own.

"That's right, kill them, and no one will suppress the pirates. "(acaa)

Luffy nodded, feeling that what Jiang Changge said was very right.

Those pirates are just too bad.

The three admirals breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Luffy speechlessly.

Reilly and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates are also quite speechless, is this what Luffy should say?

Others just say it, Luffy is a real pirate, and there are pirates who say such things?

What pirate would say something like that.

"Luffy, we're pirates. "

Chopper couldn't help but mention.

Luffy suddenly realized and clapped his hands.

"Yes, we're pirates. "


The crowd fell to the ground.

Jiang Changge suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

There is a strong aura approaching.

If the three major will be the middle stage of the Martial King, the person who comes is at least the peak of the Martial King.

However, they are also the peak of the Martial King, and Jiang Changge can still easily kill them in seconds.

This is the gap in the world hierarchy.

"Is anyone coming?"

Reilly noticed Jiang Changge's expression and followed his gaze.

I waited a while before noticing someone coming.

Navy Hero Karp.

He hadn't noticed it before.

Reilly's expression was solemn.

Jiang Changge is really not simple, no wonder he was able to kill the three major generals in seconds.

"Grandpa. "

When Luffy saw Karp coming, his soul flew away.

The three admirals of the Navy are particularly looking forward to it.

It must have been the Navy sending someone to save them.

Finally waited for the arrival of the navy.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Karp glared at Luffy, this kid was looking for trouble again.

Luffy was shivering at the sight.

Fortunately, Karp's target was not Luffy, it was Jiang Changge, and he immediately stepped forward directly.

"Let's negotiate, what are you going to do to release the three generals. "

Jiang Changge was waiting for this time.

"Yes, I'm going to push in all the pirates in the city, two devil fruits. "

"Pirates advancing into the city?"

Karp looked confused.

What is the use of Jiang Changge asking for pirates?

Could it be that Jiang Changge wants to form a pirate group.

"You want pirates?" Karp couldn't help but ask again.

"That's right, I want all the pirates, including those from the infinite hell, of course, you can not give it, then I can only go to the world government. "

"This ...... I'm going to discuss. "

This information was so powerful that Karp couldn't react for a while.

Let's go back and discuss it with Sengoku.

This troublesome matter is still left to the world government.

On the same day, the world government made a decision.


Who let them not beat Jiang Changge.

Jiang Changge was still having dinner with the Straw Hat Pirates. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nami and Nico Robin sat on either side of Jiang Changge.

Two beautiful women sat in each other's arms.

Shanzhi, who watched it, was quite envious, and couldn't wait to replace Jiang Changge.

Who doesn't want to be surrounded by beautiful women.

"Come, eat more, that's what we want. "

Nami took a bowl of barbecue and took the initiative to feed Jiang Changge.

She had already thought about it, she must hug Jiang Changge's thigh.

Not to mention that Jiang Changge is still a member of the group.

"Nami, we are all a family, as close as brothers and sisters, or as husband and wife, don't be so polite. "

Like a husband and wife.

Sanji was anxious when he heard this, this was to soak his sister.

He hasn't even taken Nami down yet.

Before she had time to get angry, Nami listened with great interest.

Not only is it not angry, but it is very intimate.

"It doesn't matter, it's okay to be as close as a brother and sister, and it's okay to be as close as a husband and wife. "

She has a natural liking for Jiang Changge.

If you can develop into a husband and wife, it's not impossible, anyway, the rest of the pirates are only friends.

"As a family, I will teach you the three-color domineering, but it's a pity that you don't have the overlord color, otherwise I will teach you the overlord color strengthening. "

As the leader of the group, Jiang Changge naturally has to take into account the development of the group members.

Not to mention that Nami is quite beautiful, when he watched anime, he already thought about Nami.

Such a beautiful Nami, I ate it early.

Overlord color enhancement?

The three generals are very confused and have never heard of it.

They've only heard of Overlord Entanglement.

The reason why they are not as good as those top powerhouses is that they are inferior to the overlord color entanglement.

The two-color domineering is not bad, just this one.

How have I never heard of overlord color enhancement.

Reilly next to him was excited, and walked directly to Jiang Changge's side.

"Can I learn Overlord color enhancement? I'm going to be overlord entanglement right now. "

Jiang Changge looked at the bad old man in front of him and pushed his head away very calmly.

It's not a group member, and it's not a beauty.

How could he possibly teach the Overlord color enhancement.

Reilly was devastated.

Yes, enough.

"What is bicolor domineering?"

Luffy and several people were curious.

What exactly is two-color domineering, how have I never heard of it.

"The so-called two-color domineering ......"

Jiang Changge roughly explained.

As soon as the Straw Hat Pirates heard about it, they all came to their senses.

Whoever makes the strong will be two-color domineering, they must also learn two-color domineering.

On the evening of the day, Jiang Changge did not leave, and was still with the people of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Make friends with other people by the way.

Take Nami and Nicole Robin, for example.

Make friends with the two of them and be happy.

Until early in the morning, Jiang Changge just got up and felt a strong breath.

A little weaker than the three admirals, but not much weaker.

Jiang Changge looked up, and a long-legged beauty was running quickly.

These legs are so beautiful, and he loves them very much.

If you are wrapped around your waist by these legs...... That's not a happy death.

When it comes to legs, Queen Medusa can't compare, and Rin Tosaka is a little worse.

He can definitely play with these legs for three years.

The Pirate Empress Boya Han Cook.

Why is it coming?

"Hancock, why are you here?"

Reilly thought that Boya Hancook was looking for him, so he took the initiative to stand up and inadvertently stood in front of Jiang Changge.

Boyahan Cook originally ran to Jiang Changge, wanting to see this brave man who dared to kill the Celestial Dragons.

Who would have thought that Reilly would actually come out.

not only took the initiative to come out, but also blocked Jiang Changge's sight.

"Get the fuck out of here. "

Boya Han Cook kicked Reilly away and went straight to Jiang Changge.

Reilly was hit, not because he was beaten.

He helped Boya Hancook in whatever he said.

As a result, Boyahun Cook kicked him away.

"Is that you? husband. "

Boyahan Cook has already imagined the scene of his marriage to Jiang Changge.

The two got married and had children.

Jiang Changge was very confused when he heard it.

He hadn't taken the initiative to hook up with Boya Han Cook, ready to prostitute his legs, and Boya Han Cook took the initiative to prostitute him.

also has a husband.

But when you think of anime, Boya Hancook fell in love with Luffy three or two times, and that's normal.

He killed both of the Draconians and must have attracted the attention of Boyahan Cook, making him fall in love with him.

It's not bad to have someone who loves herself, and she's still the Queen of Pirates, and she's quite wow.

Jiang Changge only felt that his eyes were shaking, and his eyeballs were about to shake out.

It is better to be able to put it on Boyahan Cook.

Reilly was rather speechless.

He is so familiar with Boya Han Cook, Boya Han Cook directly put him abandoned, took the initiative to give him a hug, and let Jiang Changge be her husband.

Nami was dumbfounded.

Is this trying to rob your husband?

Who doesn't know that Jiang Changge is recognized as a good husband, a good son-in-law and a good man in the chat group.

The women in the group are all worried about Jiang Changge, and the men are also worried about Jiang Changge, and they want to introduce women to Jiang Changge.

"Husband. "

Bo Yahan Cook threw himself directly into his arms and hugged Jiang Changge.

Jiang Changge was speechless.

The wife delivered it to the door herself.

Do you want to?

In the future, you can come here to meet your wife, discuss life a little, and enjoy a good life.

This kind of life is beautiful.

"Come, sit down. "

Jiang Changge took Boyahan Kukra to his side and had a good chat.

Looking at Sanji next to him, he was envious.

Good man, what a lucky man, he actually has such a beautiful wife.

Nami and Nicole Robin are a little bit worse, they don't have the flavor of Bojahan Cook.

On the other side, the navy discussed for a long time and sent Karp over again.

They had already agreed to Jiang Changge's request.

Although they don't know Jiang Changge's thoughts, who can't beat Jiang Changge.

can only negotiate with Jiang Changge, and by the way, redeem the three major generals.

When the navy came, Jiang Changge was having an in-depth exchange with Boya Hancook.

Of course, the so-called in-depth communication is to move hands and feet and the like, and the last step has not yet been achieved.

Jiang Changge is still waiting for the navy.

When the matter is done, before going back, I will have a final communication with Boyahuncook.

"The Navy is coming. "

Nami saw the navy coming and stood next to Jiang Changge.

The Straw Hat Pirates stood up.

They were pirates after all, and if Jiang Changge wasn't here, they would definitely not have stayed.

"You all have a break. "

Jiang Changge sighed in his heart, finally waiting for the arrival of the navy.

Devil Fruit, the pirates who advance into the city.

Originally, he planned to go by himself, but he didn't know the way, and he was accompanied by beautiful women, so he simply gave up for the time being.

Who makes too many beauties around him.

It's all the big beauties of the One Piece world, and he's been thinking about it before.

Not to mention that Boya Hancook came to the door himself.

"What do you Navy think?"

Jiang Changge asked bluntly.

"The Navy has agreed. "

Just agree.

Advance into the city and devour more pirates in no time.

At least there are quite a few pirates comparable to the Warrior King.

"One thing I want to remind you of is that those powerful pirates who have been caught must stay, and I will slaughter all sides in the navy alone. "

"Don't worry, absolutely not. "

Karp was very glad in his heart and transferred Ace away in advance, and no one knew that Ace was arrested.

Otherwise, if he was taken away by Jiang Changge, he really didn't know what the future would be.

"Okay, take me away now, it's over, you can take the three admirals back. "

The three admirals next to him wanted to cry without tears.

The time since they were arrested was only two or three days, but they were already deeply affected.

It's still too miserable to live.

Fortunately, it will pass soon, endure it, and the wind and waves will be calm.

Karp took the initiative to lead the way and went to Advance City.

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