White Night automatically activates the defensive magic, and as long as the goblin attacks, it can counterattack at the first time to protect itself from attack.

The kings on both sides were tense, and neither of them would back down.

Jade-faced, as the king of the fox clan, appeared more calm, and immediately stepped forward to propose ideas.

"Since you want the dwarves to craft weapons for you, you need to make sure that the weapons don't damage us, and restore the weather in Ironforge. "

"Yes. "

The Goblin King agreed, and the atmosphere between the two sides eased.

The surrounding goblins retreated, and the space was much more relaxed.

The Dwarven King also made a request, after all, it was because of the goblins' operations that their food was in crisis, so he asked the goblins to provide food.

"I 28 have no food either. "

At the mention of food, the Goblin King's face changed, and he was not at all arrogant as before.

White Night looked at the Goblin King, there must be something inside this.

So he continued to ask the Goblin King what had happened to him.

The Goblin King looked at the White Night, and said that the Goblin Clan was in an unprecedented crisis. They were enslaved by a group of people with divine powers, and many of them had recently been captured.

"It is said that what kind of experiment is going to be carried out, and the weather magic is also changed by humans in order to make it easier for us to capture us, and it is not caused by us. "

Goblins don't have enough brains and don't have the talent to learn magic.


As a human, White Night was very embarrassed at the moment, although this matter had nothing to do with him, but the other goblins looked at him as if they were looking at a prisoner.

Originally, the Goblin King was very resistant when he heard that a human was coming in, and if it weren't for the dwarves and foxes, he would have people take them down.

"No wonder goblins were so excited when they saw us, they all saw me. "

Bai Ye looked at Jade Mask and the Dwarf King in embarrassment.

Both of them knew that White Night was not that kind of person, so they didn't care.

As it stands, the Goblins are also victims.

I don't know why, White Night always felt that there was something wrong with the messenger next to the Goblin King.

Bai Ye whispered to remind Jade Mian to pay attention to the actions of the messenger to prevent him from making small movements.

"Well, there's definitely something wrong with this guy. "

Yumian also noticed the problem and kept paying attention to the other party's actions.

Now that we know that the weather is not changed by the goblin, White Night can naturally change the weather back, as long as the corresponding magic array is found.

The Goblin King offered to lead the way for a few people in front, and they were not used to the clear and cloudless sky now.

After walking through a mountain forest, I found a magic array in operation.

The magic array constantly transmitted magic power into the air, and all the clouds were blown away.

"Can it be lifted?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

White Night circled around the magic circle, determined its level, and took out his wand and pointed it at the ground to recite a spell.

In an instant, the magic array dissipated, and the clouds in the sky regathered.

The goblins jumped up happily and shouted to the sky.

A goblin came out and chanted a strange incantation, and after a while a light rain began to fall in the sky.


While it's unclear what kind of magic goblins use, it's certain that it's a type of magic.

The Goblin King explained that it was their ritual to summon rain, a ritual that the race sometimes did.

White Nights didn't delve into this kind of ritual, and it wasn't surprising that there were people in each race who could do magic, but it could only be said that there were very few such people in the goblin clan.

At this moment, the messenger goblin quietly left the pack, and took out a strange thing behind him and shot it into the air.

A puff of gently fluttering smoke drifted into the air.

"Oh no, he's signaling. "

White Night reminds Jade Face, not knowing what this goblin is going to do.

Yumian doesn't plan to expose it now, only by finding out the people behind him can this matter be completely resolved.

A few of them stood still and returned to the Goblin Mountain.

I don't know what the situation is with the person behind the messenger, Bai Ye chose to observe secretly, made the illusion of leaving, and actually hid 087 in the dark.

The weather problem was solved, and the Goblin King entertained the two warmly, but the food made the dwarf and Jade Face unable to eat.

The unknown raw meat on the stone table was still bleeding, and the goblins ate very happily, and the goblin king urged the two to eat quickly.

How could the two, who were already accustomed to cooked food, still eat raw meat and decisively refused to eat it.

The Goblin King didn't care, they didn't have enough food in the first place, and the two refused to go along with him.

Coo-coo~ The dwarven king's stomach rattled.

Because of the weather, the food was reduced, so he took the lead in the whole clan by suspending his food and not eating for a week.

The Goblin King heard the Dwarven King's stomach growl, and once again generously placed the meat in front of him.

Looking at the bloody meat, the dwarf king really couldn't swallow, he didn't want to eat raw meat like a barbarian.

Suddenly, a flame appeared, and the raw meat was in the middle, and in the blink of an eye, the meat was roasted, and the roasted meat emitted bursts of aroma, causing the other goblins to drool.

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