Ruan Mei looked at Sister Xing with gentle eyes and said slowly:"Sorry, I seemed to have said something difficult to understand.""Don't be nervous, I'm not hostile, I didn't attack your language center, that would be too rude... I just added a little tweak"

"A few days ago, I think Heita hinted that he is interested in you. Because I wanted you to be [Assistant], and you were the right person - I was so sure in one of the few encounters in the simulated universe."

Having said this, Ruan Mei paused for a few seconds, and then continued:

"But there is no airtight wall in the world. It’s hard for me to trust people other than myself."

"If any data is wrong in rigorous research, problems will arise. I hate uncontrolled problems"

"Therefore, this pastry contains [anti-truth serum. It's not harmful to your body, it just makes you unable to speak your true mind when answering questions about me."

"Think of it as a layer of protection, to protect my research and your personal safety.""If you can solve those troubles, I will give you the antidote"

"In return for being an assistant, I can give you [rewards], anything you want I can satisfy."

The audience outside the light curtain didn't understand what they heard here.

It turns out that Ruan Mei really attacked Sister Xing! And the unlucky person they imagined was also Sister Xing. The unlucky person who was killed by Ruan Mei Mei fell in love with her and was unlucky to become her assistant!

This Ruan Mei was completely buying and selling by force. She didn’t care whether Sister Xing was willing to be her assistant or not, but directly administered the medicine! If Sister Xing rejected her, Ruan Mei might not Give the antidote.

The audience 12 from different worlds shook their heads and sighed, this... child is not an ordinary unlucky person.

What is the anti-truth serum? It is because they are afraid that the experiment will be exposed, so they attack Sister Xing in advance to avoid being exposed later..

So on the barrage, the audience was discussing

【Xingqiong March 7: Well, she is inevitably too unlucky.】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! Damn it, wait for me……】

【Bronya: Anti-Veritaserum? I was interested in this thing at the time】

【Kiana: Wow~ It turns out Sister Xing is the legendary unlucky guy! Becoming Ruan Mei's assistant would be one of the culprits. If he really creates an envoy……】

【Mebius: Ha! Anti-veritaserum? That is a small means】

【Dr. Mei: Whether Ruan Mei will give Sister Xing the antidote in the end is a question.】

【Alicia: Oops~ Judging from the current situation, Ruan Meishi is not an honest person.】

【Velvet: Then Sister Xing is in bad luck!】

【Padofelis: Is she already on the road to bad luck?】

【Graciu: It turns out...the food given by the scientist sister is really inedible.】

【Theresa: Well, maybe I have to be more careful in the future.】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: Ha! Whoever eats it will be unlucky. ]

Looking at the scene in front of them, the audience was also full of sympathy for Sister Xing.

Unfortunately, the screen between them couldn't help her.

In addition, the video has ended, so it is not clear whether Ruan Mei gave her the antidote at the end.

On the other side beyond the light curtain is St. Freya Academy, in the Valkyrie's dormitory.

Kiana lay on the edge of the bed,"Wow~ Anti-Veritaserum, this is the first time I have seen this kind of thing."

Bronya:"There are many things that I have seen for the first time in the future."

But for Xingxing She still sympathized with her sister's situation.

Kiana:"Even the drag star sister was deceived. If I hadn't watched this video, it would have become……"

Of course Bronya glanced at Kiana and said,"I thought too much. Ruan Mei just chose Sister Xing because she wanted to find a suitable assistant.""

"And you...what's so great about you that can attract others?"


Leiden Meiyi raised her eyebrows. What Bronya said... these two people won't quarrel again, right?

So she coughed twice and said calmly:"I don't know what's going to happen next. What kind of video will be played?"

Hearing these words, the attention of the two people was instantly attracted.

Their eyes turned to the video, and their expressions were full of expectation.

Under the expectations of the audience, a new piece of content began to play.

The morning sun was particularly bright, and bursts of The breeze brought a sense of coolness.

Fu Hua rode a bicycle and hummed a cheerful tune.

The Herrscher of Knowledge pouted dissatisfiedly,"Old antique, can you ride faster!"

The speed is too slow. Like that turtle, she can even put her feet down. The

Herrscher of Knowledge turned her head and looked at Fu Hua with dissatisfaction.

Fu Hua said calmly:"Don't be impatient, Xiao Shi. , the sun is just right in the morning and it’s worth enjoying."

The Herrscher of Knowledge's ears twitched,"Indeed, at your age, you should get more sun to prevent osteoporosis~"

After hearing this, Fu Hua was not angry, but said gently:"Well, Spending more time in the sun is also helpful for staying healthy."

Such a good temper has amazed audiences from other worlds.

This is too gentle! I don't believe she can't hear the sarcastic meaning of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Outside the light curtain, the audience from the star world is watching After seeing this scene, they all shook their heads. The words of the Herrscher of Consciousness were simply………unacceptable.

How could anyone talk about his friend like this? First, he would call him an old antique! Then he ridiculed her that she was older and should spend more time in the sun and pay attention to osteoporosis.

As for the viewers of Honkai Impact III, they didn't think it was a big deal because they knew the Herrscher of Knowledge.

After all, the Herrscher of Knowledge always speaks like this. Sometimes he is too straightforward, and sometimes he deserves a beating!

There is no malice at all!

In the barrage, a group of people were discussing intensely

【Star March 7: She has gone too far! How can you call a friend by another name like this, so old-fashioned? He even satirized Fu Hua in a roundabout way because he was older.】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! Deserve a beating】

【Teresa: It seems so on the surface, but in fact these words are unintentional. The Herrscher of Knowledge may not mean this. She just simply cares about Fu Hua. After all, I have children, I don’t know how to express myself, and I’m a bit clumsy when speaking.】

【Kiana: Hmm, I also believe that Herrscher of Knowledge didn’t mean this. She was really worried about Fu Hua, but what she said changed her tone.】

【Bronya: The Herrscher of Knowledge is indeed not that kind of person】

【Raiden Mei: Everyone misunderstood her, that’s how she talks】

【Alicia: Ouch~ Xiaoshi is also a very cute child! She just cares about Hua】

【Eden: After all, he was born in Hua's body, so he is not considered Hua's child. How could the child be malicious to his mother?】

【Graciu: Graciu also believes in the Herrscher of Knowledge】

【Star Vault March 7: Uh...Okay. 】

The Herrscher of Knowledge’s previous words caused the audience in Star World to misunderstand her.

Fortunately, the audience of Honkai Impact Three Worlds explained it in time, otherwise a large part of them might hate her.

In anticipation of the audience, the video continued to play. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Fu Hua changing the subject, the Herrscher of Knowledge hurriedly said:"Uh... No, who wants to talk to you about this!"

"Don't you think this bike is so slow that it's going to fall over?"

The more he spoke, the more anxious he became. The Herrscher of Knowledge even wished he could sit in front and drive Fu Hua back.

But no matter how eager the Herrscher of Knowledge appeared, Fu Hua was still driving at a very slow speed.

"If you are afraid of falling, you can hold on tighter."

The Herrscher of Knowledge:...

Is this what she cares about? She just thinks the speed is too slow

"I-I'm not afraid of falling! Do you mean you don't understand what I'm saying?"At this rate, by the time we get back to the RV, all the cabbage we bought will have roots.""

"Can you……"

Before he finished speaking, a beeping sound came, the sound was extremely loud, and Fu Hua was so startled that he almost lost control of the bicycle.

The two people turned their heads to look,

Fu Hua said:"Huh??"

The Herrscher of Knowledge widened his eyes,"This is……"

Under the bright sunshine, Black Kite's expression was so troubling.

He didn't realize at all that the RV he was driving now belonged to Fu Hua and others.[]

The Book of Cangxuan was tied to the roof of the car, looking very pitiful.

Cang Xuan Zhi Shu was trembling with fear, and tears kept flowing down.

Especially when she saw Fu Hua and Herrscher of Knowledge, she cried even harder


"fish head……"

The voice was extremely trembling.

The Herrscher of Knowledge stared straight ahead, always feeling that the car was very familiar.

No! It should be said that the more I looked at it, the more it looked like their RV, so I pointed my finger in front of me and was about to scold them,"You guys……"

But before the words were finished, all that was left for them was the exhaust fumes.

Fu Hua frowned and immediately sped up:"Stop!"

Outside the light curtain, in the meeting room of the Fire Chaser Moth in the pre-civilization era.

How could I not have expected that the Book of Cangxuan would be tied to the roof of the car? How dangerous would it be if there was a sharp turn?

And how could the Book of Cangxuan be tied up?

Mebius's cold voice came,"The speed of a bicycle can't match the speed of the garage. I'm afraid they will lose that car before long."

Dr. Mei said:"Two wheels can't compare. Four wheels, no matter how fast Hua speeds up, it will not help."

Alicia's sweet voice came,"Oh, what should we do now~ Then the book of Cangxuan is in danger, isn't it?

" Dian:"It's not that bad. With Hua here, it's not a big problem. She will find a solution later."

Dr. Mei:"Well, if she is here, there is really nothing to worry about."

Alicia:"I just don't know that Why did the crowd want to seize the Book of Cangxuan? They could just grab the car, but why did they also take away the people?"

"If Fu Hua and the others don't catch up, the situation will be troublesome~"

Mebius:"It's really easy to lose track. Alicia waved her hand,"Forget it, it's useless for us to discuss it now, let's just watch the video.""

So under the blazing eyes of both pairs, they continued to play.

Unfortunately, after following for a long time, they still couldn't keep up with the car.

But because the speed was too fast and the road was uneven, the bicycle tires had no choice but to come off the assembly line.

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