At this moment, the audience of Honkai Impact III were shocked by the power of the Happy Star God.

However, at the same time, he is also regarded as a very dangerous existence by people.

After all, a madman who is constantly looking for fun for the sake of happiness may be able to do anything.

Who wouldn't be afraid of people like this?

In addition, his own strength is very strong, so he has the ability to have fun.

As for those who are treated as entertainment by him, if they are strong, it is easy to say, but if they are weak, they may not be able to resist him at all.

You can only let it control you!

Like a puppet.

Therefore, the star god in front of him only represents the concept of"joy", but it does not mean that he is full of happiness and joy.

The so-called [happiness] only exists for him to pursue his own happiness.

Return to the screen.

The content about him gradually disappeared.

However, this is only the beginning. After all, the initial introduction is only some basics, and the real content has not yet unfolded quickly.

The background photo has not disappeared.

Because the real content is about to begin, just like [Void Star God] before, he may have his own unique introduction.

Under the expectation of the audience, only the ethereal voice appeared again.

She slowly introduced the story of [Happy Star God] to the audience

【He is the happiest person in the universe】

【to find happiness........He once left countless"stories" in this universe"】

【Blow up the Stardome Train!】

【Give all your divine power to a little insect】

【Is there anything he can't do?】

【This is.......A story belonging to the Happy Star God!】

【many years ago.........】

【Happy Star God, haha, he once transformed into a mortal and lurked on the star train for more than a year..........】

【Just to find a moment of negligence of"Akiveli"........】

【Suddenly launched a sneak attack and blew up the train! ]

Once upon a time, Xingqiong Jizi also introduced a paragraph a long time ago.

She worked desperately to repair the Star Dome Train so that it could travel in the universe again.

This shows that the damage to the Star Dome Train probably started from the Happy Star God.

The audience outside the light screen quickly expressed their opinions on the barrage after listening to this story.

【Starry March 7: Ah! ? The star train was actually blown up by this star god? ?】

【Xingqiong Danheng: I don’t understand why he did this. There is absolutely no relationship between Xingqiong Train and him. He has no reason to take action.】

【Kiana: Hmm, it does sound a bit puzzling. If it doesn't matter, why would he blow up the train? How strange!】

【Otto: Isn’t this the story of your world? You don't seem to know?】

【Bronya: Perhaps, he did this just to pursue the so-called [pleasure?】

【Kiana: Are you using the carriage for fun? ?】

【Black Tower: After all, he is a dangerous existence in the universe. He does not need a reason to take action. Everything he does is indeed for"fun""】

【Kiana: That’s too much! What is the difference between being a naughty child and causing endless trouble to others for the sake of your own selfish desires?】

【Bronya: Apart from the strength, she really looks like a naughty child】

【Theresa: Kiana, it seems that you are not qualified to say this.】

【Bronya: Yeah, the dean is right. Paramecium's mind is immature, and sometimes it does look like a naughty child.】

【Kiana: Bronya, you!!】

【Raiden Meiyi: It seems like that】

【Fu Hua: Not bad】

【Kiana: do you think so?】

【Alicia: Oops~ Kiana has betrayed her relatives and separated.~】

【Otto: For the sake of happiness, he takes other people for fun. This also proves that other star gods have no way to deal with him.】

【Black Tower: Indeed, he is the second most powerful being in the universe after all. Moreover, his story of finding fun is much more than this.】

【Otto: Oh, interesting.】

【Starry Sky March 7: I still know a few things】

【Xingqiong Jizi: There are really too many stories about her, and she has created countless"fun"】

【Kafka: For the sake of crazy"pleasure", he would do anything】

【Kiana: Hahaha, I’m so looking forward to it! I don’t know what crazy things he did next.】

【Padophyllis: Curious】

【Velvet: 1]

However, just as Otto said, it was later proved that this star god is very powerful.

He does things based on his mood. If he doesn't pay attention, what he does will be a devastating disaster for ordinary people.

After all, who can bear his so-called"fun"?

But no matter what, the audience is still very curious about such a star god. What other weird things has he done?

The audience's ardent gaze returned to the video.

As everyone thought, [Happy Star God Hell Ah Ha] has really done a lot of things.

Then, that ethereal voice came again, and she gently introduced to the audience what the Star God would do next.

【Teasing Bo Shizun】

【Happy Star God Aha can send a bug into the Genius Club for the sake of experiment】

【He gave all his divine power and blessings to an insect with a weak brain without any reservation.】

【In the end, Bo Shi Zun was superior and saw through this trick..........】

【This farce of the Happy Star God was forced to end. 】

For the so-called happiness, he doesn't care about his final fate.

In other words, he is not afraid of anyone and can do anything as long as it makes him happy.

Even if he gave all his power to a weak insect without any reservation, he would not hesitate at all.

Because he is like a"madman".

He is crazy and happy.

The audience outside the light curtain were instantly dumbfounded after listening to the second part of the story.

After all, it would be too funny to give your own power to a bug.

What makes people even more speechless is whether this is a bug or a bug with a weak brain! ? this.........What exactly does the Star God think about this? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, it was about giving all the divine power to the other party without any reservation.

For a moment, the content on the barrage scrolled wildly.

Who can resist laughing in a situation like this?

【Kiana: Hahahaha, what kind of situation is this? He is too funny. He actually gave all his strength to a bug? ?】

【Raiden Meiyi: The word"crazy" really fits him.】

【Bronya: There is no bottom line. He will do anything for happiness. But the most surprising thing is that his plan was exposed in the end.】

【Otto: Knowledge is important all the time】

【Mebius: Now I understand why Black Tower always has a slight prejudice when talking about this star god.】

【Dr. Mei: Well, everything happens for a reason.】

【Heita: Humph! After all, the other party secretly put a bug with a weak brain into our genius club. Isn't this a big joke?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Well, the behavior is indeed a bit excessive.】

【Kafka: Fortunately, Bo Shizun saw through all this, otherwise this scheme may come true, and the Genius Club will become a joke to everyone.】

【Black Tower: Humph, it’s so abominable.】

【Otto: It’s interesting. From what you say, it seems that there are many Star Gods who have also been teased by him?】

【Heita: Look back. The farther back you go, the more you will understand why I say he is a"madman" and the most dangerous existence. ]

After hearing Heita's comments, the eyes of the audience from different worlds became brighter than before.

Under the gaze, an ethereal voice slowly came from both sides of the huge screen.

This time, she introduced the third story about the Star God to the audience.

【The Happy Star God has never been stingy with blessings from hostile forces.】

【In the universe, there is a group of ascetics called"Sorrowful People"........】

【They regard pleasure as poisonous and advocate extreme self-denial】

【this........Let the fun-loving person ahaha, find fun immediately!!!】

【Creatures that don’t allow themselves to have fun have so much fun!!!】

【So, no matter what these ascetics think.........】

【He directly gave them his blessing!】

【Let them use their own magical power to promote the"anti-pleasure theory""!】

The audience fell silent after seeing this story.

It seemed that the evil intentions of this star god were far more terrifying than they imagined.

As people say, happiness is always based on the pain of others.

The Happy Star God perfectly embodies this point

The ascetics resisted pleasure and valued self-denial, so the star god did not hesitate to bless them with his power.

Let this group of ascetics skip the ascetic practice and gain powerful power in the easiest way.

And these are the existences they resist and resent the most.

Because of the behavior of the Happy Star God, everything they had done before became the most ironic thing.

A group of people who opposed joy finally got the blessing of joy.

What a ridiculous thing!

But everything in front of him, for the Happy Star God, this is not the most excessive thing he has done.[]

After all, as the second-largest star god in the universe, his power is second only to [Void]. For such a powerful existence, he has left countless traces in the universe.

The audience outside the screen, after hearing what happened to the Happy Star God.

Immediately started a journey of complaining on the barrage

【Kiana: Forcibly blessing the ascetics with the power they resist the most, wouldn’t this mean basing one’s own happiness on the pain of others? ]

PS: Third update, completed, rush!! again!.

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