"Goodbye, my great inventor......"

Kallen in the game screen.

Said this sentence.

That's enough proof.

This Kallen was saved.

Know who saved her.

And Otto also told Kallen many things that would happen in the future.

Such an ending.

For Otto.

Undoubtedly the best ending

【March 7: In this way, Karen will know that Otto saved her】

【Mei: The huge energy generated by this moment that changes the world can also destroy the world.】

【Velvet: Yes, Otto has really accomplished an unprecedented feat.】

【Xier: Great! Kallen knew it was Otto who saved her】

【Youlandel: This ending is really good】

【Fu Hua: Yes......】

【Alicia: It seems that Otto’s efforts were not in vain at all.】

【Kevin: Yeah, really good.】

【Qianjie: This is really the first time I see you commenting on such a thing.】

【Silver Wolf: In this way, the whole story is complete】

【Kafka: It turns out we are not the only ones who want to make the story perfect】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Many people want to do this, right?】

【Teresa: At this moment, grandpa can feel at ease.】

【Honkai Himeko: From the moment I came into contact with the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, I felt very at ease. 】

I want to say that after hearing this sentence.

Who is the happiest in heart.

So there is no doubt that it must be Otto himself.

Inside the Tianming headquarters.

Otto laughed for the first time in more than 500 years.

It was also the first time I laughed so easily.

Although my own plans and my own past.

All of that is known to everyone.

But Otto didn't care.

Because of the most important point.

The most important person.

Already resurrected in the future.

She has survived in another world that belongs to her.

That's enough

"Ha ha ha ha......" throughout the conference room.

Otto's hearty laughter resounded.

Hollander and Rita have known Otto for so many years.

It was also the first time I saw Otto smiling so happily.

Smiling so indulgently.

Rita smiled and said:"It seems that Lord Otto can be happy for a long time."

Hollander nodded:"Yes, although the Herrscher of Knowledge and Walter have emphasized it many times before."

"But it is not as good as the future confirmed by the bishop himself."

"Perhaps the bishop had never trusted anyone before that."

Rita nodded in agreement.

Then she continued:"Anyway, this ending is really good."

"Right, Lady Youlandel."


"The captain's appearance this time really brought a different surprise to many of us."

"My life experience, Kiana’s future......"

"everyone's story"

"And the bishop’s obsession for more than 500 years"

"if you can......"

Rita knows what Hollander wants to do

"if you can......"

"Does Lady Youlandel want to go to the captain’s side?"

"Thank you Captain in person."

Youlandel did not deny it.

Looking at Lin En in the live broadcast room, she smiled faintly.

"What I'm more curious about is what the captain looks like under the mask."

At this time, Otto's voice came:"If you have a chance to see him,"

"Youlandel, please remember to thank him for me."

"This should be considered the best gift I have received in more than 500 years."

Rita said ruthlessly:"Maybe for the captain, this is just a live broadcast."

"It's not a gift to Lord Otto......"

Otto:"It doesn't matter, at least I see the future I want to see"

"I also heard what I wanted to hear."

Youlandel:"I now also think that what the bishop has done is worth it."

"But that doesn't mean I agree that what you're doing is right. Otto shrugged:"I never think what I do is right.""

"So even if the punishment comes one day"

"It doesn't matter to me either......"

"But before it comes, let me finish what I want to do."

Grandel:"The future Lord Otto not only saved Karen"

"He also told Karen a lot of things about the future."

"So in that new world, maybe many things will change"

"And human beings may also cross or even surpass the end in another way."

Youlandel:"That is to say, because of the bishop's operation"

"Is there another parallel world that has successfully crossed over to the end?

Otto:"I just hope it's bigger.""

"As for whether they can succeed in the end, it depends on them in another world."

"History and the world changed from the moment Karen was resurrected"

"From that moment on, everything changed"

"Our two worlds are similar but not the same."

Rita:"You have really accomplished a feat like a god."

Otto looked relaxed and natural.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had been in this state.


"wait for me......"

The other side.

On top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Kallen's last words.

I couldn't calm down for a long time.

Before learning these stories.

In the eyes of the Herrscher of Knowledge, Otto is a mentally ill guy.

Actually for a woman.

Give up your life.

He gave up his destiny that he had ruled for more than 500 years.

Even before, when I saw Mei in the world bubble.

That's what she told Mei too.

But after learning about Otto’s childhood, Kallen’s and his story.

The Lawyer of Knowledge has changed his mind

"I never thought that Otto and Karen were together when they were little......"

"There is also such a past......"

This point above.

The Herrscher of Knowledge didn’t say it out loud, but it was in her own heart.

I also feel the same way.

After all, when she first awakened her consciousness, she thought she was Fu Hua.

Desperately trying to make everyone recognize her as Fu Hua.

Later, it was sealed in Fu Hua's sea of ​​consciousness by Kiana and Fu Hua.

After going through so much.

Only then did the Lawyer of Consciousness realize that he was the Lawyer.

They are the enemies of Kiana and the others.

But even so, she still hopes to get Fu Hua's approval.

Get the approval of Kiana and the others.

In the end she did it.

Her own personality prevents her from saying this to everyone.

So she and little Otto also have some resonance.

After all, Otto was a child.

It was also under Karen's heart-warming words.

Feeling needed.

It was also because of Kallen's appearance that Otto's childhood was changed.

Otto's life changed.

But those who want to know the Law must admit their mistake.

That is absolutely impossible.

After struggling for a while, the Herrscher of Knowledge slowly said:"Oh, okay, okay."

"I just don't want to say that about Otto in the future."

"Then who knew that he and Karen were young?"

"There is also such a past"

"Then if I knew......"

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, as well as Lin En who was live broadcasting. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He said angrily:"It’s all the captain’s fault!"

"I didn’t tell you earlier if I knew something like this.

"Just watch me being embarrassed on the barrage!"

"I'm furious!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge clenched his fists:"Captain, if I have a chance to meet you,"

"I will definitely settle accounts with you!"


The Herrscher of Knowledge turned to look at the town below:"I don't know what the old antique is doing......."

Starry universe.

On the Luofu Immortal Boat.

Li Sushang was moved to tears.

"The story of Otto and Karen"

"It's so touching, even more touching than those stories made up by storytellers."

"I will definitely tell the story of Otto and Kallen in the live broadcast in the future."


Li Sushang also broadcast live.

It's just that the person broadcasting the live broadcast is not her, but another good sister of hers.

But that’s for later.

Li Sushang looked at Lin En in the live broadcast room:"The captain is really awesome too."

"These stories that take place in imaginary space and different time and space can be collected."

"Can also be made into a game......"

"Probably even more powerful than the marshal."

Li Sushang secretly calculated Lin En's strength.

She found that it was impossible to calculate.

Because the captain had never taken action.

But just relying on the things he was doing now was enough to make Li Sushang admire him.

Li Sushang:"Well, I want to Remember this story well"

"Then give it to someone else to listen to!"

Li Sushang secretly made this strange decision in her heart.

She didn't know why.

Anyway, after hearing the story of the two people, she was very moved.


"In the captain's live broadcast room, the wood grain pattern behind him is very similar to the wood grain pattern of Luofu........"

Li Sushang looked at the decorations behind Lin En.

He looked at the decorations in his room again. picture!


But after all, Li Sushang is Li Dashi.

I won’t delve too much into this aspect.

After feeling like it.

I didn’t think about it any further.

Instead, he immediately came to the conclusion:"It seems that the captain's aesthetics is not bad."

Lin En was in the live broadcast room at this time.

Little did he know that Li Sushang almost discovered this little secret.

But after finishing the story of Otto and Kallen.

He said calmly:"Continue to delay the settlement."

The interface popped up by the system.

Retracted again.

Lynn wanted to accumulate rewards.

See if I can get a big one at once.

At the same time, Lin En said to the audience in the live broadcast room:"From this moment on"

"Otto completely disappeared from this world"

"But Kallen and this new world will survive because of his passing."

"As for Karen’s subsequent story, what is it like?"

"That's their own story"

"Otto is a complex man and a respectable man"

"he is a bad person......"

Lin En recalled everything Otto had done, and slowly said:"He is also a real man!"

"The story of Archbishop Otto Apocalypse, who has ruled the Mandate for more than 500 years, ends here."

"Next, we have more stories to explore......"

Pre-civilization era.

A group of heroes.

They were all discussing the story about Otto and Kallen just now.

Alicia:"For Otto, Karen was the light that shined into his life."

"Maybe since Kallen died"

"Otto's light was lost"

"Until the end, Otto used his own life to ignite the light curtain again."

Eden:"This is a story with the best ending."

"If it weren’t for our civilization, the entertainment industry would no longer exist"

"I really want to tell this story to everyone in the world. Padofelis:"

Yes, yes!" Really a good story.

Mei:"Maybe we will have a chance."......"

Ying Jie Zhong, Qianjie did not participate in the discussion.

It's because he doesn't like to join in the fun.

He still prefers to curse.

Kevin, on the other hand, focused his gaze on Mei, and then slowly moved away.

"Otto, at this point"

"I admire you very much."

This is what Kevin is saying.

Kevin clearly knows that Mei will die of Honkai Disease in the future.

But he has no way to change this fact.

Even in the future......

He also hopes that he can have the courage to do it for his own selfishness like Otto did.

To change the established past......

But the responsibilities on his shoulders will prevent him from doing so.

The corners of Kevin's mouth raised slightly:"Congratulations, you will be the Archbishop of the next civilization era."

Alicia:"Kevin, I really didn't expect you to congratulate Otto."

Su:"Kevin, I I understand what you are thinking."

Velvet:"Mei, do you think what Otto did is a bit like the Hengsha plan you proposed?"

Mei nodded lightly:"It is indeed very similar......."

"It seems that in the next civilization era, Otto should have obtained some information about the Hengsha Project"

"Or rather all the information."

Mebius:"Actually, it can be considered a success in saving a world."

"After all, Karen, who survived, has the future that Otto revealed to her"

"In addition, history has been completely changed"

"Maybe in that world, there is a certain chance to transcend the end? Padofelis:"

It must be possible!""

"After all, there is still boss Kevin here, right?"

Kevin nodded with a smile.

He accepted this responsibility.............

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