"Grandpa him......"

"Finally succeeded!"

Theresa felt relaxed. After seeing Otto successfully save Kallen.

I don't know why.

Theresa seemed to let go of some kind of knot at this moment.

Her eyes became much clearer.

"Grandpa, congratulations. Ji

Zi:"Well, I want to congratulate the future Bishop Otto.""

"It can be regarded as getting what I wanted."

"Next, the story will change from Kallen's point"

"A whole parallel world appears.

Theresa:"Yeah, I just don't know in what direction the history of that parallel world will change.""

"I don’t know in that future without grandpa......"

"What will destiny be like?"

"Will there still be us?......"

Teresa knew it very well.

I have completely disappeared on that timeline.

Because he was created by Otto using Kallen's genes and Vishnu's Honkaiju factor.

Now that Kallen has survived.

So in that future.

Naturally, Theresa would not appear.

To be more precise, all Theresa experimental subjects will no longer appear.

Even Theresa couldn't guarantee it.

Will people like Cecilia come out?

Time is like a butterfly storm.

A small change.

It is possible to completely subvert the entire subsequent historical process.

That's why Otto had to pay such a huge price. to complete this rescue.

Sacrifice yourself.

Ji Zi consoled her:"Theresa, what do you want to do with these things?""

"Just do what we should do in our own timeline and future"

"As for that future......"

"I think Bishop Otto has put all his hopes on Karen. Teresa

:"543""Probably so"......"

"I'm just thinking......"

"Grandpa has done so much for Kallen, will Kallen know? Ji

Zi was stunned.

Her face suddenly became melancholy:"Yes, Kallen will know.""

"Did Otto do these things?

Theresa:"But I think it doesn't matter to grandpa.""

"After all, he only wants to resurrect Kallen. Does Kallen know that for grandpa?"

"It shouldn't be that important anymore.

Ji Zi:"Bishop Otto's selfless dedication was only given to one person.""

"It's really a special preference.

Theresa:" Who says it's not the case?""

"Just left like this"

"I didn't consider other people at all."

While Theresa and Himeko were discussing, the barrage was also discussing Otto's selflessness.

After reading Otto's story, everyone realized that Otto could be so selfless.

He is a A true warrior of pure love.

For the one you love, you can sacrifice yourself and make enemies of the whole world.

Just to make up for your mistakes.

Just to resurrect the person you love most.

At this time, Lin En looked at the discussion on the barrage.

Compared to The previous dislike for Otto.

In this matter, everyone showed more respect for Otto.

After all, such a true-hearted person can easily resonate with the audience.

At this time, Lin En stood up He picked up a finger and placed it on the mouth of his mask.

He made a hissing gesture:"I know that you are now moved by Bishop Otto's pure love spirit."

"But the story is not over yet......."

"Everyone must be curious"

"For example, why is Otto so fond of Karen?"

"To stick to one thing for more than five hundred years"

【March 7: Is there any need to say that? It must be because of love!】

【Xing: Then the shelf life of this love is too long】

【Walter: Is it related to Otto and Karen’s past?】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: I really don’t know about this matter!】

【Bronya: Generally, something like this must have happened before.】

【Theresa: Didn’t I say before that grandpa was feeling guilty about Karen?】

【Alicia: Is there a deeper reason?】

【Mebius: It seems that the captain has prepared the follow-up plot.】

【Velvet: Every time the captain speaks, he is full of information.】

【Li Sushang: I was almost moved to tears, woo woo woo~~~~】

【Padofelis: Yes, me too!】

【Mei: Next, are there any stories about Bishop Otto and Karen?】

【Star Vault Himeko: The captain probably wants to tell us the reason why Otto is worthy of doing this.】

【Dan Heng: I think Kallen has a more unique meaning to Otto besides love. ]

Audiences on the barrage.

Linn's curiosity was aroused again.

Lin En smiled and said:"Well, let us learn about a paragraph......"

"The past buried deep in Otto's memory"

"This is also the reason why Otto has done so many things......"

In the quantum sea.

Xier listened to what Lin En said

"Another me, it seems that Otto and Karen should have had a very bright future.

Hei Xi sighed:"This kind of thing doesn't matter anymore.""

"Anyway, in my opinion this guy is a fool"

"For a woman who has been dead for so many years"

"He was actually willing to give up his destiny and his own life!"

On this point.

Hei Xi and the Herrscher of Knowledge have the same idea.

And Xi'er shook her head gently:"You are wrong, the other me"


Hei Xi didn't expect that

Xi'er would actually refute his idea.

Xi'er said solemnly:"Just like I did to sister Bronya."

"Sister Bronya's life is more important than mine"

"If I were in Otto's shoes, I would make the same choice as Otto to resurrect Sister Bronya."

"But I believe that I won’t go as far as Otto did."

"Because I know that Sister Bronya will be unhappy if she finds out.

Hei Xi snorted:"What a pity.""

"Otto has done so much, and Kallen may not know it."

"From Karen’s perspective just now"

"It was more like a meteor falling from the sky and saving her.

Xi'er said empathetically:"I think Otto doesn't care whether Kallen knows or not.""

"His purpose has been achieved"

"All he wants is that Karen can continue to live in that era"

"In a world that belongs only to her"

"It is the world that Otto opened up with his own life."

Hei Xi:"I really don't understand what you people think."

"never mind!"

"I don't want to have a pointless argument with you on this kind of thing."

"Just keep reading. Hei

Xi looked at the live broadcast room:"Compared to these metaphors you mentioned,"

"What I want to know more is"

"What did Karen do to make Otto treat her so wholeheartedly?"

Xier:"I think it must be because Karen is also a very gentle person.

Hei Xi:"Gentle?""

"Why do you feel that everyone in the Kaslana family looks similar?......"

Hei Xi complained accurately.

Then he ignored Xier.

Continue to look towards the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room.

Otto's handwriting in that paragraph slowly faded away.

A sound of wind suddenly appeared on the white light curtain.

Slightly brushed.

It gives people a very clear feeling.

There seemed to be a person speaking something with the help of the wind.

But no one heard clearly

【Alicia: This noise is so strange. It seems like someone is talking and yet there seems to be no one.】

【March 7: I thought I was hallucinating just now】

【Walter: The Herrscher of Wind? No, it seems that there is no such power】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Huh? Is anyone talking?】

【Fu Hua: Yes, but it doesn’t seem to be told to us, so we can’t understand it.】

【Kiana: Could it be that you are overthinking? This is just a rumor.】

【Mei Yi: Although I can’t hear what it is, I always feel like this gust of wind is telling a story.】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Why have you all become so arrogant?】

【Xier: What a gentle wind】

【Li Sushang: Are my ears not worthy?】

【Xing: Sure enough, a scheming person will become suspicious even if he hears the news.】

【Theresa: It seems, I can’t hear anything】

【Honkai Himeko: Is it some kind of encrypted language?】

【Youlandel: It seems like something? It seems not】

【Otto: Maybe, this is not meant for us.】......(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the white screen.

The sound of the wind continued for a while.

As for whether there is any voice in the wind.

Everyone has his or her own opinion.

Discussed on the barrage.

In the end, no one convinced anyone.

Lin En did not stop this discussion.

After all, these are all popular points!

Just when the discussion on the barrage was in full swing.

In the calm pure white game screen.

The wind stopped.

The audience members of the discussion also stopped discussing.

Let’s look at the game screen together.

At this time, a strange sound sounded on the game screen.

It's two different voices overlapping together.[]

A middle-aged man.

Everyone heard it.

It's Otto's!

The other voice was that of a child.

No need for everyone to guess.

Otto admitted in the barrage

【Otto: That was the voice of my childhood】

【Teresa: It’s amazing, two voices are superimposed together】

【March 7: Could it be that Otto is not dead yet?】

【Walter: If that’s the case, I’m going to do some last-ditch damage.】

【Youlandel: I have the same idea】

【Alicia: I agree with you on this point】

【Padofyllis: Not only is Otto complicated, Otto makes us complicated too. 】

In the game screen.

The voices of Otto's two eras are superimposed at the same time


"That's the story...."

"I went to the future a long, long time ago and experienced all kinds of adventures"

"Finally a chance to tell you the truth about the world like this"

"Don't worry"

"This time, everything will change because of you"

"Just like a long time ago, you changed a certain boy."

As soon as these words came out, the argument just now came to a conclusion.

That rumor did have a voice. It was Otto's voice. Otto told one person everything that happened in the future in this way. And this Of course, the person is not someone else. It is Kallen Kaslana who was saved by him. As Otto said. Everything will change because of Kallen.


The future of this world.

From this moment on it will become full of unknowns......

There is still hope......

This was the last thing Otto could do.

It was also the last gift he gave to Kallen.......

Otto's voice continued:"It was a spring morning......"

"He is not liked by others......"

"I met you who came over the wall"

"You greet him warmly and invite him to play with you"

"And at that moment......"

"This young man gained the salvation of his life."

The picture gradually brightened at this time.

In a small courtyard, little Otto was wearing a purple robe.

He was holding back his tears.

And in front of little Otto, there were several adults holding hands. He held an airplane model inside.

This airplane model was recognized by the audience at a glance.

【March 7: Isn’t that person holding the airplane model that flew out when Kiana inherited the power of restraint?】

【Xing: It seems that this is the redemption Otto mentioned just now.】

【Teresa: This is a story about grandpa when he was a child. Why was grandpa bullied in the Apocalypse family?】

【Bronya: If I remember correctly, according to the records of destiny, Bishop Otto was the son of the archbishop at that time.】

【Mei: But he is not the only son】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Are these people bullying Otto, or are they trying to regain ground for Otto?】

【Dan Heng: Judging from the sarcastic looks on their faces, they are bullying Otto.】

【Hollander: Is this what the bishop’s childhood was like?】

【Otto: Pretty much.......】

【Walter: I didn’t expect you, a guy, to be so weak when you were a child.】

【Otto: I can’t help it. Didn’t I get better after changing my soul steel body?】

【Li Sushang: You actually bully a child! These bad guys!】

【Silver Wolf: This is a story that traces the past and explains the relationship between Otto and Kallen.】

【Kafka: Why does it feel a bit like a hero saving a beauty?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Don’t tell me, Otto really looks like a little girl! ]

Teresa:"When grandpa was a child, in the Apocalypse family......"

"So unpopular?

Ji Zi:"It seems so."......"

"Couldn't that flying model be Bishop Otto's handiwork 2.0? Theresa thought for a while:"It's possible. After all, I have checked the information about Tianming before.""

"There is a passage that talks about my grandfather’s past."

"He said that his grandfather was different from other members of the Apocalis family since he was a child.

Ji Zi asked curiously:"What's the difference?"

Theresa thought for a while:"To put it simply, she is more intelligent.""

"You know the Black Death that swept Europe."

Himeko:"In the history of human civilization, an infectious disease caused by collapse"

"Many people died at that time"

"Of course I know about it"

"Does it have anything to do with Bishop Otto?

Theresa nodded:"At that time, my grandfather was a doctor and a researcher, working together to fight against the Black Death.""

"At that time, my grandfather showed strong scientific ability"

"Later, after the relics of the pre-civilization era were excavated, my grandfather also took the lead in conducting various researches.

Jizi understood:"So Bishop Otto has been very smart since he was a child."

Theresa nodded:"But it's useless.""

"Rather than being smart, destiny needs people who are better at intrigues."

"In addition, my grandfather was very weak when he was a child."

"So he became very unpopular in the family."

"I think this scene should be the scene where grandpa was bullied by relatives in the family."

Speaking of this, Theresa looked a little annoyed.

Are these people bullying a sick child?

Jizi also said angrily:"No wonder Bishop Otto will completely subvert the entire destiny organization later."

"Now it seems that these people really deserve it!"

While the two were communicating, in the game screen in the live broadcast room, the people surrounding Otto were sternly holding the flying model in their hands.

"Doing boring stuff again!"


Recommend a friend's new book"Honkai Exposure: Did you tell me Kevin is the villain?" 》.

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