"Is this little girl Kiana?"

Mei Yi looked at the little girl who suddenly appeared on the screen in surprise.

The little face exposed from the thick clothes was full of perseverance.

Her eyes were looking forward firmly.

Although the things behind her were very It was heavy, making it difficult for her to walk in the snow.

But it couldn't stop little Kiana at all.

Kiana:"It's really me......"

Kiana will never mistake her childhood self.

But obviously just now...

It’s still the scene of jumping to the cocoon of the end.

Why did a little Kiana suddenly appear?

And this little figure.

Walking alone and tenaciously in the snow.

It makes people feel a little distressed after seeing it.

Except for Kiana herself......

Kiana looked at Mei with a smile on her face.

Meiyi was stunned by Kiana's smile:"Kiana, what are you laughing at?"

Kiana asked:"Meyi, look at me when I was a child."


Ya Yi:"Huh?

Bronya:"You are indeed an idiot Kiana. She would ask such a question at this time.""

Kiana said heartily:"Bronya, you are too sensitive."

"These are things that will happen in the future"

"When we see these, we can sigh with emotion"

"The most important thing for us is the present moment!!!"

The three of them looked at Kiana.

I don't know why.

The shadow of sadness when they saw Kiana just now disappeared.

Meiyi smiled and said:"Kiana, thank you."

"You were cute as a child too."

Kiana didn't know what Mei was thanking.

But when she heard Mei complimenting her on how cute she looked when she was a child, she immediately said happily:"Hehe, I really want to see what Mei looked like when she was a child."

If it were the past, if she mentioned her past in front of Mei Yi, she would be sad and don't know how to answer.

But now Mei Yi is different.

Because she is the same. She has found a new home in St. Freya Academy.

So I can face the past calmly.

Meiyi smiled and replied:"Kiana, I probably can't find the photos of my childhood now."

"But I think it should be similar to who I am now."

Kiana:"It must be just as good-looking."

"Bronya, what do you think?"

Bronya:"I don't object to what Sister Mei said."

"If it's Kiana, I feel that Kiana was cuter when she was a child."

Kiana:"Children are all cute."

Fu Hua smiled softly, and then said:"Compared to these, I am still more curious."

"Why did little Kiana suddenly appear?"

Bronya:"Yes, and look at little Kiana's appearance"

"Seems to be heading somewhere?"

Kiana:"Just ask the captain."

Bronya:"Well, since it's a game CG,"

"There must be different meanings in every frame"

"Ask the captain."

Mei Yi and Fu Hua nodded in unison.

As for the sudden appearance of little Kiana, it was not just the four of them.

Everyone was surprised.

Theresa looked at little Kiana's appearance. She was full of doubts in her heart.

I also have memories of little Kiana

"Speaking of which, when Kiana and Siegfried left Tianming,"

"It's almost this big. Theresa looked at Kiana who was slowly moving forward in the screen. Jizi reminded:"To be more precise, the little Kiana you know


"It should be the current Youlandel. Theresa:"


"So much happened during this period"

"I never thought of it before"

"Speaking of which, I even bullied Youlandel"

"Looking back now, I wonder if Youlandel will hold a grudge against me.

Jizi:"I think Youlandel is not so stingy." Theresa:"

Yeah, I think so too.""

"Now the black abyss and white flowers are also in her hands"

"To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a kind of inheritance.

Jizi nodded:"But I heard that Youlandel always believed that she was not qualified to drive the Black Abyss White Flower.""

"I often meditate with the Black Abyss White Flower. Theresa shrugged helplessly:"There is no way, she is such a serious person.""

"It was also for this reason at first"

"I don't want to take her with me."

As she said that, Theresa looked at little Kiana first.

"I really miss the time when everyone was here......"

Ji Zi:"Actually, I'd rather know now"

"Why did Kiana jump to the cocoon of the end?"

"Will he become a child?

Theresa:"You are not the only one who is curious about this.""

Himeko also noticed the audience on the barrage. They were extremely curious about the sudden scene.

Of course, there were also those who praised little Kiana's cuteness.

【March 7: Why did Kiana suddenly become smaller?】

【Padofelis: Little Kiana is so cute!】

【Alicia: It turns out that Kiana’s two little braids have been there since she was a child. They are so cute. No wonder Mei likes them so much.】

【Otto: It’s really nostalgic.】

【Rita: So, Lord Youlandel, was this what you were like when you were a child?】

【Youlandel: Is this what I looked like when I was a child?】

【Kiana: Yes sister, we were all the same when we were kids】

【Silver Wolf: Suddenly it became smaller. Is this some kind of symbol?】

【Xing: Could it be a side effect of the ultimate power or something?】

【Li Sushang: Could it be that the power of the end can rejuvenate one's youth?】

【Xier: Captain, why did little Kiana appear?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: That’s right, what’s the use of guessing so much, just ask the captain directly. 】

Lin En looked at the curiosity of everyone on the game screen.

He smiled and explained:"I want to explain this like this."

"In fact, you will understand if you continue reading."

"This is also Kiana, but it’s not that the Kiana just now has become smaller."

"When Kiana accepted the question from the Power of Finality, she said that the Cocoon of Finality is a mirror."

"In fact, at this time, you can also understand it as"

"Kiana is having a conversation with her heart"

"Complete the final transfer of the final power"

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Is it so troublesome to inherit the power of finality?】

【Mei: After all, it is the most powerful force in the world. Perhaps this is also a layer of insurance left by the civilization that originally created the Cocoon of Endings.】

【Mebius: Or maybe it’s just because Kiana is too innocent that these beautiful scenes appear.】

【Theresa: I feel like it’s more like a ritual.】

【Alicia: Yes, yes, for beautiful girls, the sense of ritual is the most important, just like when Mei became the Herrscher of the Origin】

【Eden: Is this also a sense of ritual unique to Kiana?】

【Bronya: If it’s a ritual, then this ceremony is too long.】

【Youlandel: I still like quick decisions】

【Kosmo: I don’t like being too wordy either.】

【Padofelis: You guys just don’t have any sentiment at all.】

【Honkai Impact: It’s been really hard on Kiana along the way.】

【Kiana: Not at all, Mr. Himeko】

【Seale: So according to the captain, what will happen next?】

【March 7: Just don’t be a tear-jerker again.】

【Xing: You didn’t cry a few times just now】

【Walter: I don’t think so. 】

In the game screen.

Little Kiana looks tough.

It made the audience feel very distressed when they saw it.

Just when everyone thought that there would be no surprises next.

As a result, little Kiana fell directly on a hillside.

The bag on his body also rolled down.

The whole person fell on the snow.

Although it won't hurt if it falls in the snow.

But the audience was very worried.

After all, this is still a little girl.

And it’s Kiana.

Just when the audience was worried, a pair of hands stretched out in front of little Kiana.

Lift her up slowly.

He also helped her wipe the snow off her hat.

As the lens screen changes.

The audience all saw who the owner of these hands was.


Big Kiana!

Kiana had just jumped off the train and rushed towards the Cocoon of Finality.

The two Kiana looked at each other.

Little Kiana stood up straight, and big Kiana was half squatting. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The two looked at each other.

Kiana's eyes were gentle.

Little Kiana nodded to her with firm eyes.

Then skip Kiana.

Go to your (abbg) backpack.

A hard back.

Dragging the backpack onto himself again.

Too heavy for a backpack.

He still stumbled in the snow and almost fell down again.

The audience was horrified to see

Little Kiana stood up straight.

He also raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

That was the direction she had been heading just now.

Everyone followed little Kiana's gaze.

Saw something in that direction.

A planet hangs somewhere in the sky.

Everyone recognized it.

That's Earth!

Little Kiana knew her direction. keep going.

Daqiana walked in the opposite direction.

There is also a starry sky over there.

There are auroras and shooting stars.

As the picture zooms out.

Daqiana's destination also appeared on the screen.

That's the moon......

Lin En spoke slowly at this time:"She is moving from the past to the future......."

"Now she is heading towards the past......"

"Becoming the Herrscher of the End, it is Kiana's responsibility to stay on the moon"

"But in her heart, although the place she went to was the moon, she was preparing to go home."

"Her journey is both a path toward her own responsibilities and a path home."

"The backpack on little Kiana is the thoughts and expectations of her friends"

"Daqiana is walking towards her own responsibility."

As Linn finished speaking, the game screen gradually fell into darkness.

It seemed like it was over.......

But everyone on the barrage.

The discussion is not over......

After speaking, Linn looked at Kiana's back on the computer screen.

He also said with some reluctance:"Kiana, don't forget"

"It’s not just Mei and the others"

"And the captain is also waiting for you to come home......."

【Padofelis: Captain, you summarized it very well. I originally thought this was just a scene.......Woo woo woo (tears) (tears) (tears)】

【March 7: Yes, yes, we are going to the moon, but we are going home. Captain, you are so good, you are better than the BGM just now (Moved) (Moved) (Moved)】

【Bronya: Really, this idiot Kiana】

【Mei: No matter what, I will be waiting for Kiana to come back on earth in the future.】

【Fu Hua: Yes, we all do】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Of course, it’s very boring on the moon. I’m also waiting for Kiana to come back.】

【Youlandel: As my sister, I will wait for you to come home.】

【Teresa: St. Freya Academy will always keep your dormitory.】

【Honkai Impact: Kiana, you are the greatest pride in my life】

【March 7: Look! It's not over yet】

【Walter: And?】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: No, the inheritance hasn’t been completed yet? 】

Lynn:"Of course not, this is a little easter egg I give you at the end."

"It's a little surprise, right?"

"You have to read it, everyone."

Hearing that it was an easter egg and a surprise, the audience immediately became curious.

What kind of easter egg and Jingxi would it be?

The game screen began to light up.

But it was still dark, but there seemed to be a white one at the end of the darkness. A light spot.

And a little child was carrying a green chameleon backpack and a bamboo dragonfly on his head. He was walking towards the light spot.

?And Kiana's voice also sounded as the child moved:"This is a story we created together."

"The story always ends, but the memories left behind will never disappear"

"The emotions conveyed will never disappear......"

"If they become the ones who come after them, they will be remembered...."

"Extending into the future, existing forever"

"For example, every time we open this time capsule, we meet again with a girl named Kiana Kaslana."

This section is Kiana's confession to herself.

Just when the audience was confused, the screen went black again.

Then a vibrating sound sounded.

The audience was a little confused.

And the vibrating sound was a bit familiar.

It seemed like yes......

The vibrating sound of your phone?

Then Kiana's voice sounded in the darkness:"It's news from Mei."

The screen also lit up.

A scene that caught the eyes of the audience.

It is a chat software on mobile phones.

A small group of three.

Mei and Bronya sent messages to Kiana.

Mei:"Kiana, are you up?"

"With the new Earth-Moon communication base station, Dr. Tesla is ready to flex his muscles."

Bronya sent the icon.

Note"New Bandwidth"

Kiana looked at the messages they sent and said with a smile:"Yes, the new work will start soon."

"Well, before that——"

Kiana held her cell phone and prepared to take a picture of the moon's surface for them to see.

It means that he is up and working.

But I can't find the right angle.

Finally, Kiana had an idea.

Point the camera at yourself.

Kiana:"However, something seems to be missing......."

Think about it.

Kiana immediately came back to her senses:"Oh! That's right!"


"then like this......"

After setting up

"Just have one like this!"

Kiana looked at the phone camera, and the Herrscher of the End's star pupils winked at the camera.

At the same time, her fingers were like pistols.

It seemed like she was about to fire at the camera.

Kiana had a smile on her face.

Just like The slogan that I would shout out every time I went on a mission.

I shouted it out again.

"Kiana! Attack!"

The voice of the Herrscher of the End was mature and magnetic.

At the same time, there was another young and cheerful voice.

He also shouted:"Kiana! Attack!"


The camera of the mobile phone captured this beautiful scene.

The appearance of the Herrscher of the End.

Although it is very different from the original appearance.

But Kiana is still the same Kiana.

She is still the same person.

Lin En looked at it Kiana took a selfie of herself.

A young Kiana's voice sounded in her mind.

Just like when she first came into contact with the game Honkai Impact 3.

It started with Kiana's line of attack.

It also started with Kiana's line of attack. The line ends.

Lynn:"Let's play it again sometime."......".......

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