"See, like I said"

"It's not my fault that this happened......"

Otto spread his hands, as if it had nothing to do with me. indeed.

From beginning to end, this incident was not planned by Otto.

Otto didn't do anything.

You really can't blame Otto.

Hollander and Rita also understood that this was Otto's fallacy.

But I can't find any objection.

Youlandel continued:"Indeed, this matter may be as you said, the fault is not yours."

"But why after so many years"

"Bishop you have been hiding my identity from me.

Otto smiled and said:"Grandel, you are wrong.""

"I have never hidden anything from you. From the moment you woke up, I just told you the side effects of soul steel surgery."

"and let you choose a new name"

"Later, you lived in an orphanage for a long time and met Ragnar."

"It's you who thinks that you, like those children, are all orphans who survived the second collapse."

"In fact, it can be said that, after all, Cecilia did make a sacrifice to save everyone."

"After that, you became the Valkyrie and did not directly ask me the philosophical question of who you are."

Grandale and Rita thought about it.

It seems to be the case.

It was their own preconceived notions and they didn't think about it in a deeper way.

Rita:"Then why has Mr. Otto never mentioned this matter? ?"

Otto:"Because it's completely unnecessary. Compared with who is Hollander?"

"What I'm more curious about is how strong you can be when you have the blood of the two major families of Tianming."

"Excluding test subject K423, you are the only Valkyrie whose Honkai energy adaptability will increase as Honkai energy increases."

"This is also the result of the fusion of the Kaslana family bloodline and the Shaniyat family bloodline. Otto looked at the live broadcast room:"As the captain said at the beginning, the original purpose of my research on the experimental product K423"

"I just want to discover the power of the Kaslana family bloodline."

"The core of Herrscher of the Sky, I took a risk and tried it, but I didn’t expect it to succeed."

"It can be regarded as an unexpected gain, and the Xilin plan was not planned to be launched until later.

Otto continued to look at the two of them very shamelessly:"So at the beginning I"

"and no other ideas"

"It’s just that the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. Just when I was about to give up the experimental product K423, she had a soul!"

Rita:"The meaning of soul......"

"Does it mean that at that time, Kiana had her own consciousness?

Otto:"That's right.""

"Hollander, I have to say that you have perfectly inherited the fighting talents of the Kaslana family and the Shaniyat family."

"In a short period of time, she became the most powerful S-class Valkyrie."

"And it's still the strongest in history."

Youlandel:"Thank you very much, Bishop."

"This matter will wait until I find Mr. Siegfried and meet Kiana."

"Let's talk about the follow-up."

What Hollander couldn't deny was that if it weren't for Otto, maybe she would have died at that time.

Otto shrugged indifferently:"Okay, I look forward to that day coming."

"But I still have to tell you one thing"

"Your strength comes not only from your bloodline"

"It’s more about your perseverance and your heart that wants to protect everyone......."

Otto looked at Hollander

"Just like her......"

Otto did not say this.

Many times, Otto could see the shadow of Kallen in Hollander.

That's why.

Otto is in Destiny, compared to other Valkyries.

The reason why he has a different attitude towards Youlandel.

And this is something that all the Valkyries in Destiny know.

Youlandel is a special kind of Valkyrie.

The bishop's attitude towards Hollander was a bit like his treatment of Teresa.

Youlandel continued to look at the live broadcast room.

Rita was also happy for Randyll.

After all, I had always thought that Youlandel was really an orphan like myself.

The result was unexpected.

She still has relatives.

And this relative is in the live broadcast room now.

He kept calling Sister Youlandel

"Lord Youlandel, why don’t you respond to Miss Kiana first?.?"

Youlandel was stunned for a moment.

I didn't know how to answer for a while.

If she is allowed to fight, there will be absolutely no problem.

Hollander will complete the task with absolute pride.

But dealing with family members.

Youlandel is not very good at it.

After struggling in my heart for a while.

Youlandel shouted that sentence on the barrage

【Youlandel: sister......younger sister......】

【Kiana: sister......so nice to see you again】

【Youlandel: Although I no longer have that memory, I still want to say: Me too......】

【March 7: Okay, okay, happy ending】

【Xing: The two of them just met each other initially, and they will meet again in the future. It’s really not the end of the world.】

【Xi'er: Great, Kiana finally found her sister】

【Li Sushang: It seems that I haven’t looked for it either. Didn’t I just find out about it?】

【Silver Wolf: This kind of thing is not important. This is one of the few sweets in this story.】

【Xingqiong Himeko: Anyway, it would be really great to see each other again in the end.】

【Honkai Impact: Yes, it’s really great】

【Bronya: I’m also happy for Kiana】

【Rita: Me too, I’m happy for Lady Hollander】

【Mei: Well, yes! Kiana found her relatives】

【Fu Hua: Yes......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Old Antique, Old Antique, do you know who Otto is now?】

【Otto: I don’t think I did anything wrong】

【Walter: You are always so conceited!】

【Teresa: Great, Kiana and Hollander......】

In front of the computer.

Lin En moistened her throat:"This story is so long!"

"Fortunately, I briefly summarized it, otherwise I don’t know when I will talk about it."

"Let the two sisters recognize each other in advance"

"I don’t know what kind of changes will be made to the progress of the Honkai Storyline."

"I am really becoming more and more curious."

Lynn couldn't wait.

But it was still important to continue the live broadcast at the moment.

In the game screen, the appearance of Kiana and Hollander after meeting.

Finally, it didn't seem so abrupt.

The audience also completely understood the cause and effect.

However, On the barrage, no one condemned Otto.

After all, after listening to this story, everyone understood that if it hadn't been for Otto, maybe the little Kiana would have turned into a monster in the snow. A dead body.

So sometimes Otto is really difficult to make people cruel.

For example, Theresa who is in St. Freya Academy at the moment.

Her eyes are full of entanglement.

Jizi comforted:"De Lisa, after all, Hollandel was rescued because of Bishop Otto."

"It can be regarded as equalizing the merits and demerits, right?"

"If it weren't for Bishop Otto, maybe......"

Ji Zi didn't say any more.

Because that would be the worst outcome.

Theresa:"Yes, after I found out that Kiana was a clone, I have been wondering where the real Kiana went."

"When you find Siegfried, ask him carefully."

"Otherwise, even if I die, I won’t be able to explain to Cecilia."

"what about now......"

Himeko is also happy for Theresa.

Now the real Kiana has also appeared, and she has become the strongest S-class Valkyrie in the history of Destiny.

One can imagine the excitement in Theresa's heart.

Theresa nodded:"I'm very pleased......."

"The growth of both of them is far beyond everyone's imagination."

"One became the Herrscher of the End and protected the whole world"

"One became the strongest Valkyrie in the history of Destiny, and had already saved the world at the age of 12."

Youlandel saved a world.

Almost everyone in Destiny knows about it.

Jizi:"Yes, her experience is really rich and colorful."

"Does the Kaslana family exist just to save the world? Jizi said half-jokingly.

Theresa continued:"In Cecilia's opinion, as long as the two of them can go on this road happily." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"She was very pleased"

"Right, Cecilia?......"

Theresa believed that if Cecilia could see this moment with her.

I will definitely recognize the two of them in the barrage.


At the same time, I am happy about their future.

This is her motherly instinct.

In Cecilia's opinion, what kind of people will Kiana and Hollander become in the future.

This is not important at all.

The important thing is that they can live happily.

As long as you can, keep loving everyone and the world in your heart.

That's good...

Jizi said at this time:"Speaking of which, the God's Key used by Youlandel is also the Black Abyss White Flower."

"Is this considered a kind of inheritance?……"

Theresa's heart trembled.

Because Cecilia's weapon is also the Black Abyss White Flower, the key to God.

And now the one holding the Black Abyss White Flower is Youlandel.

Cecilia woman.

Theresa smiled faintly:"Cecilia, it turns out that you are staying with Hollander in another way."

"And Kiana used to have Siegfried by her side……"

"now there is me……"

Theresa continued to look at the game screen.

Kiana, the Herrscher of the End, is the strongest S-class Valkyrie.

The two stood together.

Youlandel is not familiar with this kind of power either.He looked a little surprised when he arrived at Kiana


Kiana nodded to Youlandel, and then said with a smile:"Well, I just talked with my aunt and dad."

"So next……"

"Of course she is my only sister."

Youlandel looked at Kiana's appearance as Herrscher of the End.

Her expression was also very gratifying.

She recalled the first time they met.

Kiana was completely crushed in her hands.

In just a short time, Kiana has become a great hero who saves the world.

Time flies very quickly.

Changes also come very quickly.

Hollander looked at Kiana and asked with a smile:"Although it is a bit confusing to ask this. abrupt"


"How does it feel to save the world?"

Kiana was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and replied:"So...……"

"Pretty easy?"

Indeed, compared to the pre-civilization era,

Kiana is indeed relaxed now. She only needs to step by step to become the Herrscher of the End.

Then she and Kevin will go through the final battle and successfully save the world.

But even though Kiana's words are Although he said it this way, the audience could still feel the heaviness revealed in his words.

Moreover, these words were said after saving the world.

Kiana did not seem to be in Versailles.

Instead, there was a sense of catastrophe. I will be happy for the rest of my life.

Kiana continued:"~If it had been placed half a year or a year ago,……"

"I may say it doesn’t matter on my lips, but at the same time I feel in my heart that this is a heavy burden.……"

"But when this day really comes……"

"Instead, I found that I had no real feelings."

This is a very simple truth. It

's just like climbing a mountain.

When you actually climb to the top of the mountain, the feeling is different from that at the bottom.

When you are at the bottom of the mountain, you will feel that it is very difficult and dangerous.

When you are on the mountainside, you will want to give up.

When you reach the top of the mountain, you will feel that it is so simple.

At this time, Kiana has such a mentality.

It is precisely because of this mentality that

Kiana will not have superfluous thoughts.

Treat herself as God of the Earth.

Maintaining the original intention

"I'm still me……"

"In fact, there is no difference at all."

Kiana gave Hollander her own answer.

After hearing Kiana's answer,

Hollander smiled with satisfaction:"Then I'll be relieved."

"It’s almost exactly the same as what I felt back then.……"


On the Star Dome Train.

March 7:"Youlandel really looks like a sister."

"There is a kind of mentality of someone who has been through it both inside and outside the words."

"I like to teach others the most."

"You say so, Dan Heng.

Dan Heng looked at March 7 and said,"I suspect you are picking on me.""

Xing:"No need to doubt it, she is just yin and yang to you."

March 7:"I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Walter pushed his eyes, and then said:"Because Youlandel is really someone who has been there."

"She saved the world when she was 12 years old"


March 7 was stunned. Ji

Zi also looked at Walter in disbelief:"Mr. Walter (De Wang Zhao), are you telling the truth?""

Xing:"Saving the world at the age of 12?

March 7:"Are these two sisters so awesome?""

Walter:"Of course, the reason why Hollander will become the strongest Valkyrie in Destiny is"

"It’s not just about strength"

"And her wonderful stories"

"At the age of 12, not long after she was promoted to A Valkyrie, she won the title of the strongest A Valkyrie."

"Later, I received a mission to investigate a world bubble bordering the intrinsic world."

March 7:"During the investigation, Hollander saved the entire world?"


March 7 took a breath of cold air.

At first she thought it was a preaching tone from someone who had experienced it.

It's because Youlandel is the older sister.

Never expected that!

Youlandel is really experienced!

Walter:"Not only that, the world bubble was on the verge of collapse at that time, and it could turn into a bubble and disappear in the quantum sea at any time."

"Youlandel anchored it in her body"

"Fixed the world bubble forever……"

"From then on, she lived and died with the world."

Xing:" In other words, there is a complete world in the body of Youlandel now?"

Walter:"You can say that.

March 7:"This is too exaggerated!""

"these two sisters......"

On March 7th, I couldn’t think of any words to describe my extremely shocked heart.

Xing Parrot imitated:"You think so, Dan Heng?"

Dan Heng:"……"

He didn't want to deal with these two people.

March 7 looked at Xing angrily:"Repeater, you!" in the game screen.

Kiana looked at Hollander:"You mean the world team?"

Hollander:"Well, bear everyone's fate and become everyone's hope."

"Even a god-like existence……"

Lin En also knew that some people in the live broadcast room would not understand.

So I talked about the story of Hollander saving the world.


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