"I have to go now......"

"go to where they are......"

As soon as this sentence was said.

That feeling of relief.

It infected everyone in the live broadcast room in an instant.

Then Kevin seemed to be comforting Kiana.

He continued:"Don't feel sorry......."

"This is also my wish"

"Now, I can finally say to them proudly......"

"Everyone, long wait....."

Lin En, who was standing, also slowly said:"Have a good journey, ancestor Kevin"

【March 7: Have a good journey, ancestor Kevin】

【Star: Have a good trip, Kevin】

【Kiana: Have a good journey, ancestor Kevin】

【Youlandel: Have a good journey, ancestor Kevin】

【Teresa: Have a good trip, Mr. Kevin】

【Silver Wolf: Have a good trip, ancestor Kevin】

【Kafka: Have a good trip, Kevin】

【Honkai Impact: Have a good trip, ancestor Kevin. 】

On the barrage, everyone was infected by Kevin's righteousness.

For humanity to defeat Honkai.

Kevin paid the price for himself.

He even created Kiana, the extremely powerful Herrscher of the End, for mankind. this moment.

Kevin has worked hard for more than 55,000 years.

I can finally let it all go. go see......

Someone he's always wanted to see...... tell them.

I succeeded.

These fifty-five thousand years may be just a surprising number to others.

But for Kevin.

It's a real experience.

All this is too long for him...... too long......

Now he can finally let go of everything with peace of mind.

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

After hearing Kevin's last words.

They all felt happy for Kevin.

After all, Kevin has been really tired these years.

It's time to take a good rest.

Pre-civilization era.

Compared to others.

People in the pre-civilization era felt Kevin's words the most deeply.

Because of what Kevin calls them.

That means everyone present.

Padofelis's eyes were red:"Boss Kevin, you have done a great job."

"Let's take a good rest this time"

"I will never be so tired again. Alicia:"

Kevin, thank you.""

"For the humanity we love, for everyone we love"

"Help them cross the end and defeat Honkai"

"You are a hero and your story will be told by everyone"

"Chasing Fire Thirteen Heroes, proud of you......"

May:"Kevin, thank you"

"It's obvious that I'm so willful and let you bear all this"

"But you still took it on without hesitation"

"And turned everything into what we expected."

Ying:"Kevin, you fulfilled your promise to all of us.

Su:"Kevin, you really won't let us down.""

Gratius:"Uncle Kevin, you should have a good rest.

Cosmo:"Kevin, you are a hero."......"

Hua:"Human civilization is once again glorious because of you."

Qianjie:"As expected of you......"

Aponia:"The fate of mankind will change because of you"

"The fate of reincarnation will no longer imprison human development."

Kevin looked at the heroes present.

They all looked at the pale game screen.

In the white light, it was Kiana and Kevin's farewell.

At this time, Linn spoke again.

Attracting the attention of all the viewers in the live broadcast room Eyes.

In front of the computer, Linn also looked at the white light screen.

Then he slowly said:"Kevin can let go of all this.""

"before leaving"

"Let’s take a look at Kevin’s best dream......"

"The precepts given to Kevin by the Englishman Aponia in the pre-civilization era"

"will also dissipate with his departure"

"So at the last minute, Kevin regains his ability to dream......"

During the previous confrontation between Kevin and Fu Hua.

The audience will know.

In the pre-civilization era, in order to fight against some special Herrschers.

Kevin used Discipline.

Let yourself lose the instinctive ability to dream.

And now Kevin can dream again.

Then what kind of dream will he have?

In the live broadcast room.

All the spectators looked at the game screen with great curiosity.

Lin En's eyes were piercing through the mask as he looked at the game screen on the computer.

"this dream......."

"This is the greatest comfort to you, right?......"

On the Star Dome Train.

March 7 looked at Walter with round eyes.

Walter shook his head:"Don’t look at me, I only know that this battle is won."

"What happened to Kiana and Kevin later in the End"

"It happened between the two of them under the watchful eyes of the Final Cocoon."

"No third person knows"

"And this is Kevin's dream......"

"No one else knew either except Kevin.

Xing said slowly:"I think that's what Kevin just said, go see them.""

March 7:"Is he a member of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire?

Dan Heng:"I think there should be more than one, maybe there are more people.""

"Kevin just looks cold on the surface"

"In fact, deep down, you should care about many people.

Ji Zi:"Well, otherwise"

"He can't be the leader of the Thirteen Heroes based on his strength alone."

March 7:"Why do you feel like you all know Kevin well?"

"I don't know anything about him."

Xing nodded:"In March, not everyone can do this kind of thing."

"So don’t force yourself on this kind of thing"

"Just leave it to us."

Yuyue Qi looked at Xing with disgust:"Then I still have to thank you, right?

Xing said shamelessly:"You're welcome.""

"We can be regarded as living and dying together."

March 7:"Yes, yes, yes."......"

In the quantum sea.

Xi'er said expectantly:"Kevin's......"


Hei Xi looked like he didn't want to care about it:"What else could it be?""

"When Kevin left just now"

"Isn’t it already made clear inside and outside the words?"

"I must be going to meet Zhuhuo Thirteen Heroes."

"I had a happy reunion in my dream"


"This idiot doesn't know how to keep his own life and develop together with this human civilization."

"Such a powerful body was wasted."

In the eyes of Hei Xi and the Herrscher of Knowledge, this is a pity.

This is also because the way they think is different from most people.

That's why they think this way.

Xi'er also understands Hei

Xi hopes that Kevin will continue to live in this era of civilization.

But for Kevin, even if it is also the era of human civilization, this is not the pre-civilization era after all.

The people he loves, and everything he loves..

He was destroyed long ago and was completely destroyed by the end.

But now, he can be regarded as having his revenge.

Xi'er:"I think Kevin was at the last moment."

"I must have left very happily......."

Hei Xi:"Definitely"

"Didn't you hear that tone?

Xi'er nodded:"Yes, I heard it.""

"Just because I heard it, I felt very sad."

Hei Xi:"Yes, he obviously has such strong strength."

"In the end, he just left like this"

"If he is willing, I believe that Destiny still hopes that he can stay in the future."

Xie'er:"It's a pity that Kevin no longer has a home in this era." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That's why he wants to leave"

"He has worked hard for so many years"

"Just take a good rest."

"Originally, crossing the End and defeating Honkai should be our own business in this era of civilization."

"Kevin has been burdened with a lot"

"The next road depends on future sister Bronya and everyone to continue walking together. Hei

Xi looked at Xi'er blankly:"Xie'er, how did I find out?"......"

Xi'er asked curiously:"What did you find?"

Hei Xi:"After you watched a few live broadcasts,"

"Now I am becoming more and more preachy."

"He even started teaching me.

Xi'er's face turned red:"No, I really don't."......"

Hei Xi didn't say anything more, but continued to look at the game screen.

"Okay, that's okay"

"Show that you learned a lot from this"

"Next, let us take a look at what Kevin's dream is all about.

Xi'er nodded:"I believe this must be the most beautiful dream in the world.""

"This guy......"

"In the end, he actually regained his ability to dream!"

The Herrscher of Consciousness was very surprised.

The Herrscher of Consciousness knew very well how powerful the precepts of Aponia were. The reason why the soldiers who were imprisoned at the time rose up to kill Sakura's sister was because they were imprisoned. The precepts of Aponia are affected.

And this effect is almost permanent.

Only death can get rid of it.......

Even Fu Hua's divine voice imitates the precepts of Aponia.

Herrscher of Knowledge:"It seems that Kevin is indeed dead at this level."

"So the commandments of Aponia are invalid."


"very reasonable......"

The Herrscher of Knowledge also looked at the game screen:"Kevin, let me see who will appear in your dreams......."

"I believe there must be old antiques."

Thinking of this, the Herrscher of Knowledge felt a little pity again.

"Even old antiques can stay in this era shamelessly"

"Why can't you?"

Complaints are complaints.

The Herrscher of Knowledge still hopes that Fu Hua did not hear his complaints...0


The Herrscher of Knowledge sighed:"Just like that idiot Otto"

"Both of them are obviously so strong"

"A person who doesn’t want to stay in this world"

"A man who is willing to sacrifice the whole world to save a woman"

"In the end, he sacrificed himself......"

The Lawyer of Consciousness really doesn’t know how to evaluate this kind of thing.

Anyway, if you let her choose.

The Herrscher of Knowledge must have chosen to live well.

What's more interesting than living?

Find someone to bicker with, someone to fight with.

Go shopping with old antiques.

This is how life can be beautiful. at this time.

The original white screen in the game screen slowly lit up.

A piece of lush grassland came into view of the audience.

As the picture gradually zooms in.

Under a big tree.

A group of people were having a picnic somewhere.

Most of the people in front of the light screen knew these people.

Everyone in Chasing Fire Thirteen Heroes!

There are also a few new faces.

But Kevin and May don't seem to be here.....

Everyone's face is filled with happy smiles.

Talking and laughing.

Very enviable.

Alicia and Eden were humming a little tune and barbecuing......

There is also a fat orange cat playing around......

This scene.

Other viewers may not be impressed.

But everyone in the pre-civilization era was stunned when they saw this scene.

Graciu looked at the screen with an expression she had never seen before:"Dad......"


Kosmo also looked at him in disbelief:"Captain?"

Mebius's expression changed for the first time:"That's Klein?"

May:"Those are Ling and Destobia?"......"

Alicia:"These are our former partners, did they all appear in Kevin’s dream?......"

Sue:"Kevin, this is what's in your heart"

"The scene you most want to see?"

Eden:"Maybe this is why Kevin has persisted for so many years......."

"This is the scene I want to see the most.

Mebius:"Isn't this scene the same for all of us?""

"we all want to see......"


Padofelis:"Everyone is here, in Boss Kevin’s dream, it’s really great

Sakura:"Kevin must have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Hua:"Kevin, you are really unpredictable."

Qianjie:"Like this......Good......"

Cosmo looked at Kevin and said earnestly:"So, have these people always been living in your heart?"


"Their sacrifice was a last resort, but it was by no means meaningless."

Aponya said with compassion:"My commandments......"

"Is it really a power that can be used?

Alicia:"There is no wrong power, Aponia.""

"Please don't say that about yourself.

Mei:"That's good, 0.3 at the last moment.""

"Kevin is finally reunited with us"

"You can also say that to us......."


"very good!"

All the viewers in the live broadcast room quietly watched Kevin's last dream.

Under the big tree.

Cans were flying everywhere, and he stopped before rubbing his blue hair.

It was Graciu's father. Hen.

He was sleeping on the grass at this time.

The can meowed and took a bite towards Hen's thick blue hair.

Padofelis said nervously:"Hey!!!"

"Canned food, you can’t eat that! Hen stretched out his hand and said,"


"There seems to be something furry on the head......"

Gracie:"Can, chewing daddy's hair......"

Mebius saw this.

Thoughtful in mind.

Velvet looked like I understand.

"So, Mebius complained to me several times"

"I woke up in the morning and found that my hair was wet......"

"He also asked me if I had any new superfluous inventions......."

Sakura smiled and said:"It seems that this is the truth......."

Ling said happily:"Wow!"

"I also want to play with the kitten!

Destobia warned:"Then you must be careful!""

"That little kitten is so fierce! Eden covered his mouth and smiled:"You must have scared it because you were so enthusiastic.""

Klein:"There seems to be a saying that the more indifferent you are to cats,"

"The more interested your cat is in you."

Kosmo looked at the can without saying a word.

Su, who was sitting under the tree meditating, suddenly realized:"That's it!"

"Turns out that's why Can Can likes to pester Kevin.

Alicia:"You guessed it wrong, Can Can will like Kevin.""

"It's because Kevin has been secretly feeding it.~"......

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