In front of the computer.

Linn watched the battle between Kiana and Kevin.

This is also the first time that Lin En has seen this final battle.

After all, what I saw before was all done by myself while playing the game.

It's definitely different from the actual feeling.

After all, the game itself has game mechanics on it.

Linn can only control one Valkyrie to fight.

The other two can only assist.

And when we reach this stage in the game.

Kevin's restraint power will directly block the attack button and so on.

Just keep pressing the attack button.

Only in this way can the constrained power be released.

It’s similar to the current situation where the three of them are resisting Kevin’s attack while using their own powers to break through the constraints.

"Wait until the three of Kiana break through the restraint power"

"We are about to reach the final stage."

Lynn thought back to the whole process of playing the game before.

The climax of the final battle with Kevin.

It's right here at the end.

"But then again"

"Kevin was fighting with all his strength."

"It can be seen that the three of KianaAfter gaining the final power, his strength also increased to a very powerful level."

Previous life.

Whenever this chapter comes, some people always say that Kevin is releasing the sea.

In fact, of course that is impossible.

After all, this is a major matter related to the life and death of the entire human civilization.

If Kevin really releases the sea, let humans Civilization crossed the end of the world from him.

That is not only irresponsible for the civilization of all mankind.

It is also irresponsible for his persistence for so many years.

After all, no one knows.

When mankind crosses the end, there will be What kind of challenges.

The man in the sky who created the Cocoon of Finality.

Suo in the Quantum Sea.

Other civilizations in the endless universe.

These are all challenges for mankind.

If Kevin really releases the sea, then it will be in Without testing the true strength of human beings.

Pushing human beings to another end.

It is better to keep the Stigma Project alive.

So Linn has reason to believe that

Kevin is definitely fighting with all his strength.

If you want to let go Sea.

Then this battle can be avoided.

When Kiana becomes the Herrscher of the End, it would be better if Kevin just commits suicide.

Linn looks at Kevin's saving gesture through the computer screen.

Faintly He opened his mouth and said:"After so many years, you are also tired."

"After this battle"

"Just have a good rest"

"Someone will pick up your sword again, and mankind will start from the earth and move into the universe."

"You and Mei"

"You and everyone in the Fire Chaser who fight for humanity"

"You can all rest in peace......."

Lynn knew clearly.

Kevin lasted this long.

That obsession in my heart

"Wait a minute and try to free Kevin too."

"Show it to them."

Lin En said to the live broadcast room:"Dear viewers in the live broadcast room."

"Next, only Kiana and the three of them can successfully break through the blockade that restricts power."

"Then this battle is coming to an end."

"And in the end, what you will see is......"

"The most spectacular scene"

"Kevin will lose this battle, but it will be an honor even if he loses......"

"What's going to happen next"

"You should all take good care of it"

"This time it is not just a hymn for Kiana and the others, but also a hymn for all mankind."

Speaking, Linn stood up from his seat.

"In the pre-civilized era, the Thirteen Heroes Chasing the Fire and Savioring the World have my highest respect in the literature."

Lynn's words were very solemn and her feelings were sincere.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also affected by Lin En's actions. This is the first time since the live broadcast that Lin En has been so solemn. The audience also knows. Lin En It's serious. On the top of the mountain. The Herrscher of Knowledge's rare expression became serious. He folded his hands on his chest and watched the battle in the game screen.


"You are a hero."

The certification of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

It is enough to explain. At this time, she is convinced of everything Kevin has done. In the heart of the Herrscher of Knowledge, she is even more proud to have an opponent like Kevin.

"What a pity, if you are willing to cross the end with us"

"It would be nice to come to a new era"

"But I know that the real you died in the final battle that year."

"If they hadn't entrusted everything to you"

"Maybe you will go with Mei at that time."

The Herrscher of Consciousness has all of Fu Hua's memories.

He also has all Fu Hua's understanding of Kevin.

Therefore, the Herrscher of Consciousness is convinced that if it hadn't been for the belief in defeating Honkai in these years, it would have supported Kevin to this last moment..

Maybe Kevin would have died a long time ago.

Or he might have been hiding in the quantum sea all his life.

Being a living dead.

Carrying the expectations of all his partners.

For Kevin, it was not just the strength that allowed him to reach this point. Faith.

It is an invisible shackles on his body.

It is also a weight on his shoulders that can crush anything in the world.

So at this moment, the Herrscher of Knowledge is the same as Lin En.

He has the highest respect for Kevin.

Star. On the dome train.

Walter also took a deep breath, looked at the people around him, and said seriously:"You guys......"

"All optimistic......"

Several people looked at Walter.

March 7:"Uncle Yang, why are you just like the captain?""

"Suddenly he became so serious."

Xing:" Explain what is going to happen next......."

"In the hearts of insiders, there is full of respect.

Ji Zi:"What Kevin has done is indeed admirable.""

"But Mr. Walter’s reaction"

"It’s really the first time I’ve seen her....."

Dan Heng:"Or is the next scene also related to Mr. Walter?"

Walter looked at the game screen:"It is not only related to me, but also to every person on earth in our world."

"Anyway, everyone, please watch carefully next time"

"This is not only a victory for Kiana and the three of them, but also a victory for the entire civilization."

"The captain made a mistake in saying something"

"Kevin was defeated, but Kevin was not defeated"

"He waited more than 55,000 and got the final result"

"He also won."

Under the guidance of Lin En, everyone looked at the live broadcast room seriously.

The heroes from the previous civilization era looked at their first seat with burning eyes.

Looking at the person who carried their expectations..

Heading to the next era of civilization.

In the end, Kevin Kaslana lived up to expectations and led mankind to cross the end!

Mei clenched her fists unconsciously.

Because she understood that in the future it must be her who handed all this to Kevin..

And she herself selfishly stayed in this era.

In order to let Kevin go to the next civilization era, she could have a little care. She was even selfish.

She also entrusted the crystallization of the two to Kevin.

Mei is here After knowing the Kaslana family, she roughly guessed that her entire future plan was successful.

And the core of this plan is Kevin.

Mei turned her back to everyone and slowly said:"Kevin......"

"Do you blame me?"

The other heroes all fell silent together.

After learning about Kiana's family, no one present was a real fool.

After so long, they all roughly guessed what was going on. It seemed that at this moment, only Kevin and Mei were left in the whole room. Mei's question also made Kevin look at her back. After Kevin was silent for a while, he slowly said:"Actually,


"I know everything"

"I also understand that I need to complete these things"

"Mei, I used to be very selfish......"

As he spoke, Kevin slowly raised his eyes. look at other people

"When I first joined Fire Chaser, I had no ideals about saving the world and fighting against Honkai Impact."

"There is no thought of sacrificing oneself to save anyone."

"There is no reason to join the Fire Moth."

"I just want to be by your side." Everyone knows this. Later, with his strong physical fitness and strength, Kevin immediately became the captain of the Fire Chasing Moth team. He often protected Mei by her side.

"But then I slowly watched the people around me sacrifice." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Watch them sacrifice themselves to protect more people"

"I gradually understood many things"

"I also seem to understand why my physique is so different."

"Mirai Sakura's death didn't make me decide to completely defeat Honkai Impact"

"But it made me understand that if I can't defeat Honkai, I still can't protect everyone around me."

"And that person also includes you"

"To protect you is to protect everyone"

"Protecting the entire human civilization also protects you."

Mei did not look back.

She also knew this.

But Mei and Kevin were different.

From the moment she joined the Fire Chaser, Mei took the life and death of human civilization into her own hands.

From the time she became the chief scientist.

Mei did Every decision, every thing, is for human civilization to defeat the Honkai Impact.

So she can watch Kevin go to the operating table.

Even though she is uneasy, she still completes the first super-changing surgery.

She can do it for Huawei. Injecting supermutable factors into the entire team of Fire Chaser Moth.

Finally, they were sent to an area densely populated by Honkai Beasts.

Hua successfully became a fusion warrior and possessed the God Key.

And the others......

All killed!

From the perspective of the overall human situation.

May was not wrong.

Everything she did was for humanity to completely defeat Honkai.

But here comes the moment.

Mei then understood.

Start from the perspective of everyone around you. she is wrong......

So wrong......

She always wanted to take all the responsibility on herself.

But she forgot.

A lot of people around me.

They can all share it with her.

It's Kiana, it's Bronya, it's Mei.

It’s destiny and reverse entropy.

The final battle with Kevin.

Let Mei understand this truth.

Defeat Honkai and cross the finish line.

It's never about one person.

It's not something that can be accomplished by one person's efforts.

Because from beginning to end, the Cocoon of Ending is testing a group of people who are not the top among human beings.

But the entire human group! snap...... snap......

Mei's tears slowly fell from the corners of her eyes. fell to the ground

"Kevin, you idiot!"

Except for Kevin, the other heroes smiled knowingly.

Now the relationship between the two of them will go further.

And what happened here, other viewers in the live broadcast room will not know.

Because they are now More thoughts.

Completely focused on the game screen.

Suddenly, the sound of a chain breaking came from the direction of the live broadcast room.

It attracted everyone's attention.

In the game screen, there were cracks in the golden runes on Kiana's body. The moment.

It was directly exploded.

Then it was Mei.

Finally it was Bronya.

The three of them finally got rid of the constraints of the power.


At this moment, Kevin stabbed with a gun.

Kiana didn't Then retreated, but rushed forward.

The two forces of finality collided directly.

Mei Yi and Bronya immediately attacked Kevin.

One knife and one shot.

This time Kevin was restrained by Kiana..

The two of them slashed from the side.

Kevin's savior body was directly slashed into the sky.

For the first time!

The three of them actually attacked Kevin through cooperation.

Kiana pointed her single sword at Kevin in the air:"Kevin, you have finished using your power."

"Use all the other moves."

Bronya:"We will tell you, 720 our answer."

Ya Yi:"Come on!"

The three people turned into three streams of light and rushed forward.

The wings behind Kevin spread out again!

The spear in his hand burst into flames.

The wings behind him also burst out with a different light.

The lines on his body changed again.

It became even deeper and darker purple.

This time, Kevin's ultimate power was not used on power.

Instead, it was used on himself.

It entered a full power state.

The battle started again in mid-air.

This time , the attack of Kiana and the three was perfect.

Kevin, the savior at full power, was at a disadvantage. With a bang

, the spear in Kevin's hand turned into a giant hammer and knocked the three away.

The three fell Back to the ground.

Kiana rushed out immediately.

Mei followed closely behind, and Bronya entered the Gundam form again.

Countless cannonballs were shot out.

Just like after defeating the beast that appeared in this world, the combined moves of the three were released again.

Yana rushed up into the sky.

The long sword in her hand once again contained the power of finality and the power of lightning.

Just as she was about to strike down at Kevin with a sword,

Kevin suddenly retracted his wings and protected himself.


An energy wave centered on Kevin and spread out in all directions.

Around Kevin's body, it turned into a huge energy spherical shield to protect Kevin. On the shield, there was also the golden color that restrained the power just now. Rune.

Kiana slashed down with her sword.

It hit the spherical protective shield.

It only caused a little ripple.

Then it had no other effect at all.

Bronya and Mei looked at this scene in surprise.

Kiya Na Luo returned to the two of them.

Mei Yi looked at the protected Kevin:"Our attack......"

"no effect?"

Kiana looked at the terrifying protective shield with final power:"No!"

"It's just his defense at the moment"

"Stronger than we thought.

Bronya immediately pointed upward:"Look!""

The energy fluctuation just now spread to the outermost periphery.

It turned into a light curtain and enveloped the entire battlefield.

The battlefield was instantly shrouded under a purple light curtain.

It was the same as the golden light curtain that restrained the power just now. Immediately afterwards The three of them seemed to feel some threat.

Together they looked up in a direction in the sky.

At this time, a terrifying laser fell from above.

Kiana:"Get away!"

After the three people got out of the way, the laser fell on the ground, directly piercing the ground.

This shows the power of this blow.

Then several more lasers fell.

Each one was aimed at the three of them.

In other words ,.

Kevin protected himself at this moment just to launch such an attack.

Bronya also saw through Kevin's thoughts:"If we continue like this, we will be dragged down by each other."

"It seems that only the power of the Lawyer of Reason can be used!"

"Create enough Moonlight Thrones in one go......"


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