"So envious!!!"

"I really want to install such attack weapons on our trains."

"Seeing the Antimatter Legion like this"

"You can attack them directly."

On March 7th, when I saw Lin En playing with the Hyperion, he kept firing laser cannons.

After killing the Honkai Beasts one by one, he couldn't help but start to fantasize about what if there was so much envy in his eyes. There are the same weapons on the Star Dome Train. Was it the last time we were in the space station? It would not be so passive. Xing said at this time:"March, actually you don't have to be so pessimistic.


"It’s not like the Star Dome Train doesn’t have any attack methods."

Looking at Xiangxing after March 7th:"Does our Star Dome Train still have attack methods?"

"I obviously came earlier than you"

"I do not know how?"

Not just after March 7th.

Jizi, Walter and Dan Heng are also very strange.

When did the Star Dome Train have attack methods?

Especially Jizi.

Although she is also one of the passengers, she is still a star. The owner of the Dome Train.

As the owner, she didn’t know that the Star Dome Train had such an ability.

So everyone looked at Xing with curious eyes.

They all wanted to know if she had discovered something unknown on the Star Dome Train. After all , this train is a creation of the Star God after all.

Maybe Xing really discovered some extraordinary functions?

Xing folded his hands in front of his chest.

Looking at the live broadcast room, he said seriously:" Although we don't have any laser cannons"

"But in the universe, our train runs fast."

Ji Zi nodded.

This is true.

It can also travel directly.

Travel through the universe.

The star train is the second fastest.

There should be no other tool that is the first.

The key is that there is no second means of transportation.

Yes. This step has been achieved."Seven Two Three" is something created by the Star God.

Even if a mortal spends his whole life, he will not be able to catch up.

And Xing's next words will directly change the expressions of everyone present. blacken

"Fast speed is our advantage"

"According to the laws of physics, speed is weight"

"Next time we encounter the anti-matter army, we will use all our power to get there!"

"The lethality must be much greater than those of Hyperion's artillery."

Xing looked reasonable.

He didn't notice at all.

The other people's faces were covered with black lines.

Especially Jizi.

Her fists were hard.

March 7:"Xing, sometimes I really want to Beat you!"

"Every time you say something, it's irritating"

"But I couldn't find a reason to refute it.

Dan Heng:"I feel the same way, she is really disdainful!""

Walter:"The last time I was so angry was Otto.

Ji Zi:"Now I have begun to doubt the decision to take you on this train.""

In Jizi's mind.

There was even a vision of Hoshi driving the Star Dome Train to create and destroy the Star God Nanook.

"It’s over!"

"Pictures appeared in my mind!"

Ji Zi was numb.

March 7:"Why don't we put down the star at the next stop.

Dan Heng:"Isn't it bad? Doesn't Black Tower also want to study her?""、

"Leave it to the Black Tower."

Xing said innocently:"I was just joking."

"If you want me to do research for the Black Tower"

"Remember before leaving, exchange some weapons with her that can be equipped on the Star Dome Train.

March 7:"I'm so touched. Are you so sacrificial for yourself?""

Xing:"No, the Black Tower does not have such a weapon."

"So you can't exchange it."

March 7:"I……%……%"

Jizi:"I feel like if I go there, the Black Tower will send her back soon."

Walter:"Just take it with you."

"It just happens to exercise our willpower."

Xing:" Win-win!"

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Himeko also looked at the Hyperion like March 7th.

She saw envious eyes.

"Teresa, if only our Hyperion had such powerful firepower"

"What kind of emperor-level Honkaimon will you encounter in the future?"

"It’s enough to make the other party eat a pot."

"If the sneak attack could be successful, the Valkyrie might not even need to appear. Theresa shrugged her shoulders:"Don't fantasize about this.""

"No matter in the past or now, the Tianming Headquarters does not have such a powerful battleship."

"Not even the previous reverse entropy"

"You must also understand that this Hyperion is the captain’s Hyperion."

"Not your Hyperion."

Ruthless blows.

One after another.

Ji Zi also immediately accepted the reality:"That's right. If there is such strong firepower,"


"But Teresa, the destiny and anti-entropy of the future are both under your leadership."

"Maybe you can combine the advantages of both parties"

"How to build such a battleship? Theresa thought for a while:"

It should be possible.""

"But I think it will take a long time"

"After all, this Hyperion was successfully transformed based on Bronya's Herrscher power."

"And there really is that future. Theresa looked at Jizi and said half-jokingly:"Even if you didn't sacrifice,"

"I think it’s almost retirement age.

Himeko:"The retirement age of St. Freya Academy is different from the retirement age of Valkyrie, right?""

"It's really that time"

"Even if I can no longer fight, I will stand on the command platform and give guidance."

"I believe it's still OK. Theresa:"

What you think is beautiful""

"You are so tired, I will let you have a good rest.

Jizi:"Oh, Theresa.""

"Are you planning to burn bridges across rivers and not recognize people?"

After the two bickered for a while, they discovered that the game screen in the live broadcast room had changed slightly.

The Honkai beasts that were originally blocking them were all small.

But suddenly, a huge Honkai beast appeared..

Like a blooming caltrop.

It's very bluffing.

Jizi:"This Honkai Beast looks bigger than Hyperion."

The huge Honkai Beast suddenly attacked.

It even smashed the glass of the cockpit.

Fortunately, Bronya was on board the Hyperion.

Such scars were repaired in no time.


"Sure enough, there are inevitably guys coming to disrupt the situation."

Bronya's tone was very disdainful.

"deal with this enemy......"

"Just blow it up into fireworks." At the same time, many small Honkai beasts appeared next to the huge Honkai beast. Xiao Aiyi:"That's right, those little guys just now can't show the power of the Moonlight Throne.


"Let this guy try the Moonlight Throne at full power."

"Hyperion's main cannon Moonlight Throne fires at full power!"

There was a bang.

A thick blue energy beam rushed out, directly focusing on the huge Honkai Beast.

In just a short while, the huge Honkai Beast was directly decomposed by the Moonlight Throne.

It turned into energy and dissipated.

They couldn't even turn into dust in the universe.

This scene made Ji Zi and March Qi in the live broadcast room even more envious after watching it.

【March 7: Is this the power of the Moonlight Throne? It's too powerful, right?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: What does this mean? Bronya’s highest record was to construct a six-month throne of light at the same time, although she almost died.】

【Kiana: Xiaoshi, why do you say it so easily?】

【Hill: Sister Bronya almost died?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Yes, it was you who saved her. She was still the Herrscher of Reason at that time, so she was overloaded, right?】

【Honkai Impact: I was shocked, I thought something had really happened to Bronya】

【Bronya: There must be a reason why you had to do that.】

【Walter: It’s not Otto’s fault】

【Otto: Me again?】

【Theresa: Grandpa, it’s you again!】

【Velvet: What a powerful weapon】

【Mebius: Dr. Velvet, do you also want to develop such a weapon?】

【Alicia: It’s so powerful. Will you use this to attack Kevin?】

【Padofelis: It would be great if we also had such a weapon!】

【Mei: Fortunately, Bronya is fine】

【Xing: Wouldn't it have the same effect if we hit it directly? 】

After getting rid of the Honkaiju beast blocking the front.

Lynn's hands left the keyboard:"Everyone, the next step is to go at full speed to find Kevin."

"See that flower-like thing on the moon?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That's where Kevin is now."

In the game screen, you can already see the moon not far away.

There is also something suspended above the moon. It looks like a blooming flower.

It also looks like the Frozen Throne in the cold universe.

And Kevin Right there, waiting for Kiana and the others.

At the same time, after clearing the obstacles on the road, the Hyperion in the game screen also instantly increased its power and burst into a stream of light, streaking across the starry sky. A perfect arc.

Rushing towards the Frozen Throne.

With a bang, the Hyperion came directly to the top of the Frozen Throne.

Kiana and the other three also came to the deck.

The perspective also followed the three of them. Looking down.

Kevin, who was in the Karmic Demon state, had a great sword of destruction beside him. He also looked at the three people who came in a hurry.

Bronya:"Kevin, he......just in front."

Bronya nodded and jumped off the Hyperion first.

Mei Yi and Bronya followed closely behind.

Behind the three of them, there were long flowing tail fins.

They landed steadily on Kevin In front of him. Kevin, the demon demon, saw the arrival of the three people.

It was a completely different posture from the first battle before.

Completely different strength.

The corners of Kevin's mouth raised a small arc in satisfaction....

Although very obscure.

But it was still discovered by the audience in the live broadcast room.

Especially a few people from the pre-civilization era

【Padofyllis: Kevin is laughing so hard!】

【Kiana: What does this smile mean?】

【Bronya: I think it’s recognition of the strength we showed.】

【Fu Hua: And the power of finality in Kiana proves that his previous decision to give up the shadow was not wrong.】

【Mei Yi: In the first duel before, he crushed the three of us by himself, but it’s different now.】

【Bronya: That’s right, we won’t fail again this time】

【Xier: Sister Bronya, come on】

【Li Sushang: I can finally see their battle】

【Silver Wolf: So we can watch the captain’s operations next?】

【March 7: The Hyperion suddenly flew so fast just now】

【Star: Because there’s no one in the way anymore】

【Otto: Is the final battle finally here?】

【Youlandel: It’s really exciting.】

【Rita: Lord Hollander, you will also be involved in this in the future.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Was that how the fight started directly? 】

Lin answered the Herrscher of Knowledge’s question:"Of course not, Kevin still has one last test."

"Now Kiana and the others are only qualified to stand in front of Kevin and challenge her."

"Kevin not only possesses the power of the end, but also all the factors of the Honkai Beast. He has accumulated what he has seen and heard on the earth for so many years."

"Now he will use these together to use the final power"

"Become the most special Honkaimon - the beast that manifests this world!"

The name of the Honkai Beast.

No matter it is the pre-civilization era or the current civilization era, no one in the Honkai Impact World has heard of it.

Lin En looked at everyone's doubts on the barrage.

He continued to explain:"To put it simplyThis Honkaimon was made by Kevin using Earth's past."

"If you want to transcend the future, you must face the past."

"the past of human civilization……"

"Too grand……"

"And the power of this Honkaimon will surpass any Honkaimon you have seen so far."

"Only after Kiana defeats it can she truly begin to challenge Kevin."

"Next, please wait and see."

In the game screen.

Kevin picked up the great sword of destruction beside him and burst out with strong flames.

At the same time, he slowly looked at the three of them:"It seems that you do have the corresponding qualifications!"

"Final authority!"

"All reincarnations in the world……"

"Right in front of you!"

After speaking, Kevin turned around and walked deeper without waiting for the three of them to speak.

A thick red mist rose under his feet.

Just when Kiana and the other three were about to catch up directly, the whole ground began to tremble violently..

Kevin's position was filled with countless blood-red things that looked like shots.

Then a huge Honkai Beast began to emerge from the ground.

Those shots wrapped Kevin in them and protected him directly.

The huge Honkaimon emerged from the ground.

The huge body caused the place to crack.

Qina and the three of them immediately found a safe place to stay.

But the three of them were separated because of this.

The huge Honkaimon.

The characteristics of any kind of Honkai Beast can be found on it.

They coexist harmoniously in this way.

The three of them stood on three different platforms.

They faced part of the huge Honkai Beast respectively.

The battlefield was suddenly transformed. It was divided into three pieces.

Kevin's voice also came from the depths at this time:"But you must also have the ability……"

"Carry it on your back!"

Kiana stood firm and looked at the huge Honkai Beast in front of her.

With her current strength, there was no panic on her face when facing such a Honkai Beast.

A lavender light flashed in her hand. Kiana took the purple sword in her hand and began to face the giant Honkai Beast in front of her.

【Kiana: Isn’t this a bit outrageous?】

【Mei: I see, I added my own ideas to all Honkaimon factors, and finally used the power of the end to create Honkaimon.】

【Velvet: Kevin’s idea is really scary.】

【Mebius: It seems that Chimera is displayed perfectly in Kevin.】

【March 7: This guy is too big!!!】

【Star: Seems bigger than Doommon】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Of course, this big guy is the aggregate of all Honkai Beasts!】

【Fu Hua: Is this Kevin's final test?】

【Alicia: It’s okay, I believe Kiana and the others can pass smoothly.】


Lin En:"Of course, in the end, it's just a Honkaiju"

"The three parts that Yu Sanjia faces next represent human civilization in different periods."

"And what I have to do is completely crush this Honkai Beast"

"Get Kevin out of it!"

Lynn put her hands on the keyboard:"I'm going to start!"



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