In the Valkyrie dormitory.

The three members of the Yusan family had previously looked at their future appearance.

Not much of a surprise yet.

After all, this is what everyone expected.

But after hearing that the captain would participate in the final battle.

Kiana's mind immediately became active:"Bronya, how do you think the captain will participate in the final battle?"

Mei:"Judging from the captain's words just now,"

"Not the kind that directly participates in it"

"But indirectly......"

"But what kind of indirect method is it?"

Bronya thought for a while:"Based on Bronya's experience in playing games,"

"Also, Reloaded Rabbit just conducted a survey on all games."

Kiana looked at Bronya in surprise:"Are you moving so fast?"

Bronya glanced at Kiana with disdain:"As a qualified soldier,"

"We must always maintain the speed of acquiring external information and the speed of information processing."

"Instead of being like idiot Kiana......"

"Just ask someone else every time."

Kiana stamped her feet angrily

"Mei, look at Bronya!"

Ya Yi smiled slightly.

Fu Hua behind him looked at the two people noisy.

He smiled softly.

"Bronya, have you come to any conclusion?"

Bronya ignored the angry Kiana and looked at Fu Hua behind her:"Yes, monitor"

"According to the conditions put forward by the captain just now,"

"Coupled with the data analysis of reinstalling Xiaotu"

"Bronya believes that the best way is to create a new character to enter our world"

"Then through guidance or other methods"

"Join us for the final showdown. After hearing this

, Kiana thought it made sense:"Is that the captain, his clone in this world?""

Bronya:"It doesn't have to be a clone."

"It may also be someone from the"510" who represents the captain."

"Since it is indirect help, it means that there is a lot of room for operation.

Fu Hua:"I think this is probably what Bronya analyzed.""

Kiana:"Sure enough, this kind of thing should be left to Bronya."

Bronya:"Of course, Heavy Rabbit and I can analyze all the data together."

Mei Yi:"It's really reliable, Bronya."

Bronya:"Thank you for the compliment, sister Meiyi."

Kiana:"Mei, why don't you praise me?"

Bronya:"Because Kiana is not only a fool in this regard, but also a fool who doesn't understand it at all."


The two quarreled again.

Ya Yi and Fu Hua looked at each other and smiled.

Fu Hua said at this time:"There is really a big gap between what we will look like in the future."

Mei Yi:"But doesn't this just prove that the relationship between the two of them is very good?

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment:" Really?"......"

Obviously, Fu Hua has low emotional intelligence.

Don't understand.

What kind of meaning is this.

Compared to Mei and the others.

Fu Hua believed more in his own intuition.

Use your own intuition to judge whether a person is good or bad.

At this point.

Fu Hua has never made a mistake.

Mei Yi did not stay on this topic for too long.

Instead, he looked at the light screen:"The captain has clicked on a new game story."

"Immediately we will know in what way the captain"

"Come help us."

Fu Hua:"I think Bronya's analysis is correct."

Bronya:" Bronya feels the same way."

Kiana:"That's for sure, our Bronya is the most skilled hacker in the world."

Kiana's tone was extremely confident. An outsider would never have thought of

Kiana's appearance at this moment. The two of them had been arguing there for a while just now. In the game screen in the live broadcast room. As Lin En's operation. A new game plot started to play. The screen lit up. In the previous video of Himeko and Kiana saying goodbye, the audience all knew this place. The playground of St. Freya Academy. At this time, St. Freya The playground of Ya Academy is particularly lively. In addition to the three returning Kiana, there are also Fu Hua, Theresa, Xi'er and others. The last time I saw Himeko and Kiana strolling, there was no This feeling. Now I feel that the big playground is crowded. It seems that preparations are being made for the final battle. As the principal of the academy and the current Archbishop of Destiny, Theresa is the first to speak. However, At this time, Theresa has returned to her original appearance. Instead of her grown-up appearance after the man-made collapse. She also put on the Blood Knight Yuehuang again. Theresa looked at the three people in front of her. Three children. Now they have grown to be so powerful. The look on their faces is also very gratifying. Theresa looked at the three people in front of her and said:"Is everything ready?


"It’s time to go!"

"Just as the doctors just informed......"

"According to the observation results of Thousand Realms Yiyuan, in the past two hours,"

"It is a rare period of spatial stability"

"From a worst-case scenario perspective, during this period"

"No matter how the ownership of the final power changes,"

"None of it will affect the Earth space we have recovered.

Kiana, the Herrscher of the End, nodded towards Theresa:"Yes, I understand!""

"We also all hope that this is the last battle!"

"We are ready for the best outcome for everyone"

"bring to this world......"

Fu Hua stepped forward and looked at the three people in front of him.

He slowly said:"The three of you together are enough to equal Kevin's strength."

"And Kevin......"

"Probably waiting for you too"

"In a long time, in endless suffering"

"He has been waiting for our answer!"

Pre-Civilization Era.

Yingjie and Mei. They all looked at Fu Hua.


Kevin at this moment is still being pursued by the power of the end.

Kevin in the future also knows very well.

The Stigma Plan is The worst plan.

There is no doubt about this.

So Kevin has been leaving time for Kiana and the others. The purpose is to let Kiana and the others grow up.

Then gain enough strength.

Use him as a pedal to cross the end..Mei

:"Kevin in the future will be burdened with too many things."

"Only Kiana and the others can win this battle"

"So for Kevin, it can also relieve Kevin of the burden he has carried for so many years."

"also a good thing"

"Right, Kevin."

Mei looked at Kevin here.

Mei knew clearly in her heart what Kevin had been carrying since he joined the Fire Chaser and became a fusion warrior.

Although at the beginning, Kevin's purpose in joining the Fire Chaser was It was to protect himself.

But Kevin's heart had changed a long time ago in battles.

It's just that even Kevin himself didn't notice it.


Sakura's death changed Kevin's heart. The change completely awakened me.

After saying those words,

Kevin also looked at Mei.

This time, Kevin didn’t say much.

Instead, he nodded directly in front of his heart.

Alicia:"Kevin, you are finally willing to Have you shared your burden with everyone? Sue:"

Yeah Kevin"

"Although our strength is not as strong as yours"

"But occasionally, let’s rely on the strength of our partners. Padofelis:"

Yes, Boss Kevin""

"Although we are not as powerful as you, we can still help with some small things. Mei looked at Kevin:"Kevin, you have all your partners by your side.""

"You want to protect everyone"

"Bear everyone's responsibility." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Everyone also wants to protect you and share responsibilities with you."

Kevin looked at all the Yingjie present.

His eyes passed through each person, and then stayed for a few seconds.

Finally, he looked at Mei


The corners of Kevin's mouth raised slightly:"I understand."

"I will try it in the future and rely on everyone’s strength"

"Together in our time, we will cross the end together"

"Do the same as Kiana and the others.

Alicia chuckled:"It's really rare to see Kevin look so serious.""

Padofilis:"It feels like Boss Kevin has become a lot more cheerful all of a sudden."

Eden:"It feels very much like when I was a student.

Su:"Yeah, Kevin immediately reminded me of when I was studying." Mei

:"Really, I didn't expect that you, as the ancestor of the Kaslana family,"

"In the end, he actually asked his own descendants to teach him such a simple truth.

Hua:"But it's not too late to understand this truth now."

Sakura:"Yes, in the future we can fight together against the invincible Herrscher of the End.""

Kosmo:"I always feel that if I am not careful, I will go back to the way I was before."

Kiana doesn't know that she has affected the past.

And Lin En won't know for the time being.

The historical trajectory of the pre-civilization era is gradually undergoing earth-shaking changes because of his live broadcast. Because at this time, most people Everyone's attention is still on the screen in the live broadcast room. Watching the mobilization meeting for the final battle. Everyone puts their last hope on the three of Kiana. As long as they defeat Kevin. Then This era of human civilization will successfully cross the end. On the contrary, it will also cross the end. But it will cross the end in a more cruel way. Cross the end in the worst way.

【March 7: It’s finally here, the final battle!】

【Silver Wolf: The final boss battle!】

【Bronya: My mood also became excited.】

【Kiana: Me too】

【Randyll: It feels like I’m involved in it too】

【Li Sushang: This is much more exciting than going to the Academy or something like that.】

【Xier: I also want to say something to Sister Bronya.0】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Oh, oh, we are all involved in the final battle.】

【Walter: Yeah, I'm involved too】

【Walter: To be more precise, all of us were involved】

【Padofelis: What do you mean? Are you going to gang up on our boss Kevin?】


【Alicia: It doesn’t sound like a group fight. 】

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Mei Yi responded to what Fu Hua just said:"We will give a fact-based answer."

"Whether it is him or those names that have been buried in history"

"I hope our answer......"

"Can make them smile happily."

Mei Yi is of course referring to the Thirteen Fire-Chasing Heroes from the pre-civilization era.

Now they are just embarking on the path that their predecessors have not yet completed.

Then they will go further.

Xi'er looked at Bronya happily. :"Sister Bronya, Kiana, Mei!"

"Please come on!

Tesla:"Yes, success or failure depends on this!""

"It's up to you."

Einstein:"The fate of mankind is in our hands at this moment."

Bronya:"Don't worry, doctor."

"We are not lonely warriors"

"Outside of this battle, we are just one part of billions of human beings"

"It is the tiniest bit of civilization that is not worthy of the Tao."

Kiana:"But, we took over their important treasure."

Mei Yi:"I also inherited those heavy and contradictory ideals."

Bronya:"We will follow in their footsteps!"


"Cross the end!"

Kiana looked at the distant blue sky, as if she saw the throne suspended on the moon through the sky.

Through the final power,

Kiana can feel it.

There is a lonely power somewhere.

It is waiting. They go.

Tell him an answer!

"So, let's go!"

Bronya:"Bronya will build a star gate here and teleport us back to New Atla."

"Then where do we start?"

"Confront Kevin and dislodge him from his throne in the end."

Just when Bronya introduced the next plan in detail, another sudden voice came, interrupting Bronya's plan explanation.

"Please wait."

A green-haired girl that the audience in the live broadcast room had never seen before appeared in front of everyone.

And there were two bags on the green-haired girl's head.

It looked like two bags. They looked like vegetables.

There were two long green ponytails trailing behind her.

The appearance of this person made Kiana and the three of them a little confused.

She didn't seem to recognize her.

But she looked like she was very familiar with the three of them. The green-haired girl stopped in front of the three of them and said happily:"Great, it seems I finally caught up."

Bronya has never seen this person before.

She asked with a puzzled expression:"Are you......"

The green-haired girl smiled and introduced herself:"Aiyi Hyperion"

"Life living in a pseudo-time crystal"

"That's the way I exist, and that's why I'm here......"

Kiana, Bronya and Mei.

They all looked at Aiyi Huberian in front of them with great confusion.

But Theresa and the others......

He didn't seem surprised by her appearance.

Obviously before Kiana and the others.

Theresa and the others already knew Aiyi Huberian.

Aiyi Huberian looked at the three people and continued:"I have a gift that I want to bring to you."

"If you don't mind, can you take it?"

【March 7: Hyperion? Isn't this the same name as the captain's Hyperion?】

【Honkai Impact: And my Hyperion】

【Bronya: Could it be that this girl is how the captain got involved in our story?】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: I saw Ai-chan again, I really missed it】

【Walter: Yes, I saw her again】

【Alicia: So she is the incarnation of the captain?】

【Silver Wolf: I probably understand. It’s more like the captain’s spokesperson.】

【Kafka: Does one person represent all captains?】

【Otto: Interesting, I can also add some characters like this to my game】

【Teresa: And then let them ban their accounts?】

【Li Sushang: So this is the captain! 】

Lynn:"No, this is not me"

"To be more precise, Aiyi is the artificial intelligence on the Hyperion"

"It can also be regarded as a spokesperson for our captains in the collapsing world."

"Of course, there must not be too many Aiyi entering the Honkai Impact world."

"So this Ai Yi is basically the spokesperson for all captains."

"In the final battle, she will take part in the battle instead of the captains."

"The gifts she just mentioned are also the gifts the captains want to give you......."


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