In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana looked at the live broadcast room with bright eyes:"I didn't expect it to be my aunt this time!"

"If I can find out some dark history about my aunt, I can use it to threaten her in the future!"

"That way I won't be caught by my aunt and tied up with Judas if I skip class in the future!"

Bronya and Meiyi both shook their heads helplessly.

Only at this time, Kiana is the most excited.

Bronya:"Kiana, after you saw your future before, you can't Are you still talking about studying hard and serious combat training? Mei Yi:"

Yes, Kiana.""

Kiana:"It's okay. Studying hard and fighting seriously are two different things from threatening my aunt."

"Basically there won't be any conflicts."

Fu Hua:"But Kiana, in my opinion, the principal of the academy should not be threatened by this kind of threat."

"And I believe that if you dare to threaten the principal, you will die an ugly death......."

At Fu Hua's reminder, Kiana's face darkened.

I remembered the fear of being dominated by Teresa. yes!

That guy seems to be the kind of person who doesn't take anything soft and hard.


Now the entire Far East branch belongs to her.

They all succumbed to her lustful power.

It's hard to say whether his threats will work.

But it is certain that he will die miserably.

Kiana:"Then let's forget it."

"Even if you see your aunt's dark history, just pretend you don't know."

Bronya and Meiyi looked at Fu Hua and silently gave Fu Hua a thumbs up.

It has to be you!

Fu Hua was stunned when he saw the admiration in their eyes.

Did I say it wrong?

I just I'm just weighing the pros and cons for Kiana.

If this is also wrong, you should pay more attention next time.

In this way, the entire dormitory fell into silence because of the wrong understanding.

"493." Everyone continued to look at the live broadcast room without knowing it.

Tianming Headquarters.

Rita said with a smile:"It turns out to be Lady Theresa, but she didn't know that what was going to be broadcast next was Lady Theresa's glorious moment."

"Or is it more social?"

Youlandale:"With Senior Theresa's psychological quality,"

"I believe that even if it is a scene of social death"

"It won't be any problem for her either."

Rita:"Yes, Lady Theresa will not be defeated so easily."

Otto listened to the discussion between the two.

There was also a rare happy look on his face.

"my good granddaughter"

"It's finally your turn to play."

Otto's look.

It's like he has been looking forward to it for a long time.

It's like a grandfather came to school, looking forward to his granddaughter's performance. He finally waited for the future.

Rita looked at Otto:"Mr. Otto, it seems that you I really dote on Theresa-sama.

Otto:"Of course, she is my cutest granddaughter.""

Youlandale:"From the time I met you until now, the person you favor most has always been Theresa."

"It seems that you are a person who values ​​family affection very much......."

Otto smiled noncommittally:"Really?"

Hollander didn't know.

This is the position of Archbishop of Destiny.

Who was before Otto.

If you know.

Maybe I won't tell you about it.

Also, how did Otto get into this position?

There are also some stories in this.

But it is undeniable.

Otto's feelings for Theresa were sincere.

All the Valkyries in Destiny know this.

Even according to people familiar with the matter.

Otto used to be there every time Theresa went on a mission.

They will carefully prepare anything needed for Theresa.

It will also be arranged neatly.

I was afraid that Theresa wouldn’t be found.

Even the stern-looking Archbishop of Destiny.

I can also cook in the kitchen.

And only for Theresa.

It is not so easy for others to eat.

At this moment, Otto looked at the live broadcast room.

Not just full of doting.

It was different from any other look before.

I have to say that he is indeed a competent grandfather!

In the live broadcast room screen.

Lynn selected the clip he wanted.

He believed that it was foreshadowed by the plot of the previous game.

This next scene.

It can definitely shock everyone in front of the light curtain.

Especially Otto and Kosma.

Before playing the new game story.

Lin En talked about some pre-plots as usual.

To prevent the audience from not understanding.

And in a bad mood.

In this case, the acquisition of popularity points will become much less.

Watching the barrage in the live broadcast room, I started to speculate about Theresa's story.

Lin En began to explain:"This plot happens to take place after the confrontation between Kevin and Bengshao Fuhua."

"After Fu Hua obtained Kevin's shadow, he began the next step of locating the location of the Cocoon of Endings."

"If you want the chance to take the next step, you must first fixate on this shadow, which is the torch."

"After Fu Hua, Herrscher of Knowledge and others obtained Kevin's shadow, they were pursued by the Honkai Beast."

"In the end, in order to avoid the pursuit of Honkaimon, everyone split up into multiple groups, and the Herrscher of Knowledge found Theresa with a torch."

"It's up to Theresa to make the next step"

"And Theresa also started from this moment......"

"At the same time, Teresa's partner in Teresa in this plan is Seele. 】

Finished the pre-plot.

Linn started playing a new plot

【Kiana: Does this mean that Xiaoshi will also be pursued eventually?】

【March 7: Wouldn’t that hurt like hell!】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Tsk, that little bit of pain is nothing to the great Herrscher of Consciousness. Fu Hua and Kevin can resist it, so how can it be difficult for them to resist me?】

【Honkai Impact: If Theresa also gets the torch, will she also be pursued by the power of the end?】

【Bronya: That should be true. The principal will also be chased by the final power, causing great pain.】

【Hollanddale: Can Senior Teresa withstand it?】

【Rita: Lady Teresa!】

【Xi'er: Why is Xi'er also in there?】

【Alicia: It was probably Bronya who brought Seele out of the Quantum Sea, and Seele also joined St. Freya Academy and became a Valkyrie.】

【Walter: Yes, Seele has powerful power in her body, so she is very suitable to become a Valkyrie.】

【Bronya: Mr. Walter, are you referring to Seele’s other personality?】

【Xing: Does it mean dual personality?】

【Xier: Why does sister Bronya also know?】

【Velvet: Multiple personalities, it’s interesting!】

【Bronya: Xier, Bronya knew a long time ago that sometimes you will become different. I had a guess at that time. 】

In the quantum sea.

Xier looked at Bronya's barrage in great surprise.

Sister Bronya already knew?

At this time, Hei Xi in Xi'er's body made a proud cry:"I always thought that I hid it very well."

Xi'er looked at Hei Xi:"Other me, how can I deal with Bronya about this matter?" Sister, please explain?"

Hei Xi:"My sister is much smarter than you, she should have known it a long time ago."

"I didn't find it"

"But it doesn’t matter, just know it"

"Anyway, this is true."

Xie'er was still a little uneasy.

After all, this was a secret that had been hidden in her heart for many years.

I didn't expect it to be revealed like this.

Originally, I was eating Theresa's melon.

But while eating, I actually came to my own. Hei

Xi felt Xi'er's mood and began to change the subject:"Compared to this, shouldn't you be more concerned about another thing?"

"Another thing?"

Xie'er was a little confused.

Hei Xi patted her forehead:"You will fight side by side with Theresa next."

"Do you have such great power yourself?"

Xie'er understood immediately

"Then will I hold back the principal?"

Xier thought of the time when she was in the orphanage. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She felt like......

I have been asking Sister Bronya for help.......

Hei Xi said:"Don't worry, I'm still here?"

After hearing this, Xi'er said.

I immediately felt relieved.

He nodded vigorously and said yes.

Then continue to look at the live broadcast room

"Sister Bronya, it’s really great for you to know my secret."

Xie'er was still worried.

One day she didn't know how to explain this matter to Bronya.

What she didn't expect was that Bronya actually knew about it.

At this time, Bronya was also being tortured by Kiana.

"Bronya, how do you know that there is another personality in Xier's body?"

Before Bronya could explain,

Meiyi spoke first:"Because Bronya observes everyone around her very carefully."

"And good at taking care of people"

"I think that’s how you discovered Xi’er’s little secret, right?"

Kiana said a little unconvinced:"Tsk, I feel that Meiyi is better at taking care of others."

Bronya glanced at Mei.

Then explained:"It's an accident."

"I found that Xier's temperament seemed to be a completely different person"

"But there is no malice towards me, and there is no malice towards Xier either."

"Later, after some research, I roughly figured out that it might be Xi'er's other personality."

"And Xi'er is also a born Stigm Awakener!"

Kiana and the other three looked at Xi'er with some surprise.

A natural awakener of the Stigmata.

That is a natural Valkyrie!

She has extremely high resistance to Honkai Energy.

Even because of the existence of the Stigmata.

Honkai Energy It can also be used as the power of the Stigma Awakener.

As for how much it can be used, it depends on its own Honkai adaptability.

Mei:"I didn't expect that guy from Cocolia to find so many Stigma at the same time. The Awakener."

Kiana:"But what does this situation have to do with Xi'er being a natural Awakener of Stigmata? Fu

Hua glanced at Bronya and asked speculatively:"That second personality is the new consciousness generated after the awakening of the stigmata."......"

"A bit similar to the previous Yutu?"

Bronya nodded:"According to the information Bronya found, it should be like this"

"Those who awaken the stigmata will awaken their personality under certain conditions."

"As for the quality of personality here, it will be changed by many factors."

Kiana understood:"So now, there is another Xi'er in Xi'er's body."

"Also good Xier."

Bronya:" Yes"

"I have observed the other Xier"

"He only shows up when Xie'er or I are being bullied."

That's it.

The three people understood immediately.

This is a Xi'er who can protect her own people.

So she must be a good Xi'er.

After figuring out this matter, several people continued to watch the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room.

Brand new The plot also started to play.

As soon as the screen lit up, a brand new scene appeared in front of the audience.

It was an extremely chaotic new space.

The whole space was green and gloomy.

And there were various kinds of things suspended in the space. Such a strange building.

It was as if this was originally a prosperous city.

Then it was shattered.

On a suspended platform.

Theresa wearing the Blood Knight Moonlight Valkyrie armor stood next to her holding the Death Scythe. Xi'er.

The two of them seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

There were many corpses of Honkai beasts around the two of them.

It can be seen that the two of them also experienced a battle just now.

But looking at the appearance of the two of them, consumption is not very big

【Padofelis: This is sister Xier, she looks quite cute!】

【Bronya: The future Xier has grown up and become more reliable.】

【Xier: It would be better if I could help Sister Bronya】

【Fu Hua: This weapon is really different, but it unexpectedly fits Xier】

【Kiana: Yes, it looks very fierce, but for Xier, it feels just right.】

【Teresa: Blood Knight Yuehuang, I haven’t worn it for a long time.】

【Rita: Yes, I haven’t seen Theresa wearing this outfit for a long time.】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Really? I've seen quite a lot of them.】

【Otto: Maybe it’s because you got on better terms with Theresa in the final chapter. Theresa must have been serious about that kind of battle.】

【Star: Although she looks very small, she is actually the S-class Valkyrie of Destiny.】

【March 7: Yes, if I hadn’t known about it in advance, I would have thought that Xier was the principal of the academy.】

【Honkai Impact: Hahaha, are you dancing on Teresa's minefield?】

【Teresa: Himeko, shut up too!】

【Silver Wolf: It’s unbelievable that such a child is the principal of St. Freya Academy, just like the Black Tower】

【Walter: Black Tower, it’s better.】

【Dan Heng: This metaphor is unexpectedly appropriate. 】

Lin looked at the discussion about Theresa on the barrage.

These few books are also expected.

After all, Theresa's 12-year-old body doesn't grow.

Very confusing.

Often being outside can cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

The time when the task was previously executed was 0.0 seconds.

Often people are not trusted because they are too small.

Lynn began to explain:"Due to the special nature of Teresa's body, her body will basically not grow any more."

"She is a fusion warrior created by Otto using genetic technology to combine the genes of Saint Kallenkaslana and the genes of the emperor-level Honkai Beast Vishnu."

"Later he was adopted by Otto and given a name"

"Teresa Apocarles"

"Oh ~ right......"

Lin En looked at the live broadcast room:"I forgot to mention something important just now."

"That's Theresa at this point in time"

"Already the Archbishop of Destiny"

"At this time, destiny and reverse entropy are also integrated"

"Teresa is the leader of all."

As soon as the news was released, the audience of the Collapsed World in front of the screen were all stunned.

Rita immediately asked a question on the barrage

【Rita: Where is Lord Otto?】

【Teresa: Yes, where is my grandfather?】

【March 7: He’s not going to die, right? 】

Lin En saw the barrage on March 7th.

Then he nodded:"Well, it's absolutely true."

"It turned into the most beautiful fireworks and exploded!"

【Otto:? ? ?】

【Teresa:? ? ?】

【Rita:? ? ?】

【Fu Hua: Died so miserably? 】

Lynn:"No, he died happily."

"So happy!"

Pre-Civilization Era.

After hearing Lin En's words, the Yingjie and Mei were all shocked.

Doesn't this Otto have any special hobbies?

Padofyllis:"Sister Snake, what do you think of this Otto ? Do you think so?"

Mebius' face darkened.

Do you think I am a pervert?

Velvet said something fair:"What Mebius pursues is infinity, not the end."......

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