Fu Hua’s story?

Inside St. Freya Academy.

Kiana and the three of them looked at Fu Hua curiously.

Ever since I learned that Fu Hua was a warrior from the pre-civilization era.

Everyone is full of curiosity about Fu Hua's past.

And Fu Hua has more than just one identity.

He was also the executor of the Fire Project in the pre-civilization era.

Red Mandarin Immortal, the guardian of China.

The founder of Taixu Sword Sect.

Every identity is an extremely mysterious existence.

And under Mei's revelation.

Fu Hua also has the spiritual limitation of Shenyin.

There is also the same man-made collapse as Kevin.

It can be said that it starts from the live broadcast room.

Fu Hua's story continues to expand.

What's more, the three members of the Yusan family cannot accept it.

Fu Hua himself is still in a state of amnesia.

You don't know anything you ask.

This is very uncomfortable.

It was like being in front of three people.

There is a huge treasure.

But there is no key to unlock the treasure.

There is no way to open this treasure.

I can only do it in a hurry.

Now Lin En actually said that he wanted to talk about Fu Hua's story.

Then they won't be sleepy anymore.

Been waiting for so long.

Isn't this the moment you've been waiting for?

Compared to the excited three people.

Fu Hua seemed relatively calm.

Didn't show too much excitement about the news.

Because compared to Fu Hua.

It was a memory she didn't particularly want to dig up.

It seems that there is an idea in mind.

Let her not touch this memory.

Kiana looked at Fu Hua:"Squad leader, what follows is a story about you."

"Maybe you can get your memory back soon."

Bronya:"Kiana, it should be just playing one of the memories."

"The monitor’s story is too long. If I had to tell every detail in detail,"

"The duration of each live broadcast is simply not enough."

Mei Yi nodded:"Yes, so I think what the captain wants to play should be a more representative part of it."

Kiana scratched her head in disappointment:"So that's it."

"Such a squad leader will never be able to retrieve his memory."

Mei Yi also said slightly disappointed:"Yes, but it would be good to get some back."

Bronya shook her head at the two people's thoughts:"Sister Meiyi, that's not the case."

"Memory recovery and the squad leader knows his own affairs"

"It's two different things"

"One is active and the other is passive receiving"

"After the monitor's memory is restored, he will not doubt his own memory"

"But if someone else told her, she could doubt it."

Kiana:"That's it. Even if it’s a story told by the captain that’s 100% believable"

"It can't be regarded as the monitor regaining his memory......."

Bronya:"Yes, the memory can only be restored by the squad leader himself, not by other people's description of the squad leader's memory."

"To sum up, if the squad leader wants to recover his memory, perhaps he can only wait until the Herrscher of Knowledge arrives......."

Yayi looked at Fu Hua:"Squad leader, it seems that I can't let you recover your memory this time."

Fu Hua was stunned.

Originally she thought Kiana, Bronya and Mei were there.

The three people wanted her to regain her memory because they wanted to know more about the past.

But now it seems.

The three of them didn't think so.

But simply for Fu Hua's good.

I hope Fu Hua can regain his memory.

Fu Hua smiled slightly:"The memories of the past, those things have passed."

"For me, the most important thing is the memories of the present and the memories of the future with you all."

"those memories that have passed away"


Fu Hua looked at the three people in front of him.

Reminds me of those live broadcast room scenes I saw before

"Maybe it's not that important anymore"

"However, I will still look for Gratitude."

Kiana giggled:"Don't worry, squad leader, we will help you when the time comes."

Bronya:"Monitor, Bronya will also find a way to help you restore your memory."

Mei Yi:"Squad leader, we can create more memories together.

Fu Hua nodded:"Yes."......"

"Certainly possible."

The four of them looked at the screen of the live broadcast room together.

Perhaps starting from this moment, the live broadcast room will play Fu Hua's story.

It is not that important anymore.

At least for Fu Hua, it is not that important.

The top of the mountain Very few.

After hearing the story about Fu Hua, the Herrscher of Knowledge immediately started to guess.

"I know all the old antique stories"

"I wonder if the captain will play the old antique story"

"Pre-civilization? Red Kite Immortal? Or when we were on Taixu Mountain?"

In the past, the Herrscher of Consciousness didn't realize how many memories Fu Hua had.

But now that she started to recall it, the Herrscher of Consciousness felt that Fu Hua's memories were vast.

Too many!

So much that even her Herrscher of Consciousness could not recall them. When I got up, my head hurt a little

"Forget it, don’t remember it anymore"

"Let's see what part the captain wants to play."

"I get a headache from thinking too much!"

This is the first time that the Herrscher of Knowledge has experienced this kind of headache.

He is too lazy to recall it.

On the other side.

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa and Himeko.

Even if they know Fu Hua's true identity has been revealed.

But in the hearts of the two of them, Fu Hua is still a student of St. Freya Academy.

This will never change.

Just like what Himeko told Kiana in the original live broadcast..

Fu Hua will always be their squad leader.

This will not change in any way.

Theresa:"The history corresponding to Fu Hua is really too long. What the captain wants to say"

"How long will this live broadcast last? Theresa wasn't sure.

Jizi was also a little worried and said,"It shouldn't be played that much.""

"Maybe let it go for a while"

"But what about the story about Fu Hua? Theresa shook her head to express that she was unclear:"Jizi, if it were you,"

"Do you want to know about Fu Hua’s past?"

Ji Zi thought for a while:"It must have been the time when Fu Hua became the Red Kite Immortal and established the Taixu Sword Sect."

"To be honest, I have always yearned for the kind of life in China's Jianghu."

"So if possible, I want to see how Fu Hua established a Jianghu sect.

Theresa:"The Taixu Sword Sect still exists today, and Taixu Mountain also exists.""

"However, there are very few records about Red Kite Immortal."

"For a long time, many people thought that the Taixu Sword Sect was headed by Immortal Fu Zhuan and Red Yuan.

Ji Zi was stunned:"What are the benefits of doing this?"

Theresa:"It's for recruiting students or something. In short, Immortal Red Kite disappeared on the land of China more than five hundred years ago.""

"What on earth happened"

"Almost no one knows this.

Ji Zi:"Yes, who would have thought of that?""

"Fu Hua, the best-behaved student in our St. Freya Academy, is actually the Red Kite Immortal who defeated the Far Eastern Army of Destiny more than 500 years ago.

Ji Zi then asked:"That's right.""

"Is it possible that no one in the Far Eastern Army of Destiny was alive back then?"

"It is recorded in Tianming's database that all the soldiers at that time were wiped out."

Theresa recalled

"Yes, there are two people who survived.

Ji Zi:" Thenindivual? Theresa looked at the comments on the live broadcast room and said calmly:"One is my grandfather Otto Apocalypse.""

"The other one was the first-generation Valkyrie Kallen, the destined saint at that time......."


Ji Zi:"Is that the legendary Valkyrie of Destiny?" Theresa nodded:"

Back then, only the two of them came back alive in the Far Eastern Army." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"According to what grandpa said at the time, Immortal Chi Yuan showed mercy to him.

Theresa:"I'm also very curious, what happened in that battle that year?""

"But I still want to know more than that story"

"What will Fu Hua look like after the man-made collapse?

Ji Zi smiled and said,"I feel like you don't have to think about this.""

"The captain probably wouldn't show such a brutal scene.

Theresa:"Yeah, so it's a pity.""

Because she is a fusion warrior,

Theresa is very curious about what the fusion warrior will look like after entering the artificial collapse. She is also thinking about what kind of state she will be in after entering the artificial collapse. The two of them continued to look curiously. Live broadcast room. Fu Hua’s life is too long. It’s so exciting. It spans almost all the story lines of the entire Honkai Impact 3 story. So there is a truth in the eyes of many Honkai scholars. That is to understand Fu Hua.. It is equivalent to understanding the entire story of Honkai Impact 3. Lin En thinks this sentence is absolutely right! So if all the stories of Fu Hua are broadcast, Lin En believes that there will be no problem in broadcasting for three days and three nights. But It’s just about whether the audience can hold on. So Lin En excerpted the most shocking part of Fu Hua’s story. It’s not in the past. It’s in the future. Then Lin En continued to introduce the pre-plot:"In the past, the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin's fight


"The Herrscher of Knowledge’s purpose is not only to fight Kevin"

"All that's left is to hold Kevin back and buy enough time for Kiana to become more powerful."

"At the same time, Tianming also has his own plan"

"I just want to use the power of finality in Kevin to reversely locate the cocoon of finality."

"You just need to understand the background."

"Next let’s take a look at Fu Hua’s story"

【March 7: Hurry up, I can’t wait any longer,】

【Walter: Is this the original paragraph?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Captain, I thought you were going to play a story from the past, but I didn’t expect it to be this one.】

【Star: Isn’t this just a story from the past to you?】

【Lawyer of Consciousness: That seems right.】

【Alicia: So Fu Hua will also fight Kevin?】

【Sakura: Hua's strength should have increased in the future, right?】

【Padofelis: Of course, Sister Hua has been working out so hard0......】

【Kiana: I also thought it was a story about the squad leader’s past, but it turned out to be the future.】

【Mei: Whether it’s the squad leader’s past or the future, it’s all the squad leader’s story.】

【Youlandale: Will the true strength of Immortal Red Kite be shown?】

【Rita: It seems that Master Youlandale is very interested in the strength of the Scarlet Kite Immortal.】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: Just refer to me. Old Antique is a little less powerful than me.】

【Teresa: Has Fu Hua’s strength recovered from that period?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Basically recovered, but I still have to worry about it, ugh......】

【Xing: Why do I feel that you are speaking sarcastically?】

【Silver Wolf: I think so too】

【Li Sushang: So will there be a battle with Fu Hua next? There were too few fights before!】

【Xier: You really like fighting. 】

Looking at the discussion among the audience on the barrage.

Lin En continued:"According to Destiny's plan, Kevin's shadow has the dream of Honkaimon."

"Therefore, it is up to the two strongest combat powers, Herrscher of Knowledge and Hollander, to contain Kevin one after another."

"In the end, Fu Hua launched a surprise attack and cut off Kevin's shadow!"

"The next scene is the plot of Fu Hua cutting off Kevin's shadow."

Headquarters of Destiny.

The corner of Hollander's mouth raised slightly:"Will I also fight Kevin in the future?"

Otto:"The strongest in both eras is Kaslana."

"Is this really a fateful duel?"

"I believe that the battle between you two will be more enjoyable to watch than the Herrscher of Knowledge."

Youlandale continued:"But we all have the same result."

"None of us are Kaiopponent."

On this point, Hollandale is more self-aware than the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Kevin is powerful.

She can go up to challenge, but she can't win for sure.

Rita:"Yeah, Kevin is just too powerful. Stronger."

Otto:"The strongest battle between two civilizational eras."

Youlandale:"I also want to see it, but what's OK is that the next one is Fu Hua's story."

There was a little bit of disappointment in Hollandale's eyes.

She really wanted to know what the battle between herself and Kevin would be like.

"Hopefully the captain will play that scene next."

Everyone looked at the live broadcast room intently.

They were all very curious.

These two warriors from the former Civilization Era are the pioneers of the current Civilization Era.

One is executing the Fire Project.

The other is executing the worst Stigma Project..The battle between these two people instantly raised the sense of anticipation.

In the game screen in the live broadcast room,

Linn began to operate.

He clicked on a game chapter.

As soon as the plot started, it was in an environment full of flames.

Kevin glanced behind him in confusion.

The strange thing was that the place was clearly ablaze.

But there was no shadow behind Kevin.

Kevin frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Soon he figured it out. What's going on

"I see......"

"It's really unexpected and reasonable."

"No wonder the battle between Youlandale and me just now did not use the"Holy Sword""!"

"Because the"Holy Sword" is in your hand"

"Is it right?"


Kevin slowly turned his head and looked at the flames rising into the sky in front of him.

Under his gaze, the flames in front of him began to sweep away.

A human figure gradually condensed.

Suddenly the flames exploded.

The person who appears in front of you.

All the viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Pre-civilization era.

Padofelis couldn't even believe her eyes:"Is this Sister Hua?"

"What a nice view......"

Alicia:"This is Fu Hua's......Man-made collapse?"

Mei, Mebius and Velvet, who had just sat down, suddenly stood up.

Mei:"Fu Hua?"

"She actually used her own artificial collapse!"

Kevin:"Have you tried your best to stop me?"

Ying:"This is Hua's man-made collapse."

Gracie:"This is the first time I've seen Sister Hua like this.

Su:"Like Kevin, they are both perfect man-made collapses.""

Qianjie:"It turns out those flames are not Kevin's.

Hua:"This is also the first time I see myself like this.""

In the live broadcast room screen,

Fu Hua's clothes turned into a flame-like color, and the holes turned into red.

There were also a lot of feather-like decorations on his body.

Fu Hua at this moment made the audience think of Another name.

Scarlet Kite Immortal!

This posture is worthy of the posture of an immortal!

There is also a torch-like thing suspended in Fu Hua's palm.......

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