Pre-civilization era.

A kind of heroes, after hearing that Kevin and Hua once had such a past.

Suddenly everyone's eyes turned to Kevin.

Then he looked at Hua.

Alicia said jokingly:"It seems that Kevin and Hua are hiding something from us."

"It's really too much.

Hua:"My memory is not very clear about this matter.""

"I was basically in a violent state at that time."

"It's hard to remember these things."

Mebius:"The memories and feelings recorded instantly in the brain are also inherited by the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Velvet chuckled:"The Herrscher of Knowledge should have been able to block that move just now.""

"But because of this memory"

"subconscious brain response"

"This further led to the Herrscher of Consciousness being unable to block Kevin's move just now, and he was still in such a mess after falling down."

Padophilis:"So it was Hua's memory that harmed the Herrscher of Consciousness!

Sakura:"You can say that.""

Su:"I almost thought that the Herrscher of Knowledge would lose like this. That would be too much to say. Cosmo:"

So what happened?"

Alicia:"Yeah, how could Kevin do that to a girl?""

"Not a gentleman at all."

Kevin was about to explain what happened.

Mei said first:"It's up to me to explain this matter."

"Hua's way of becoming a fusion warrior is different from yours."

"I believe everyone knows this."

Everyone nodded.

Hua is the only one who has not become a fusion warrior.

This makes Hua different from most fusion warriors on some levels.

But where is this difference?

Everyone is not very clear..

It is clearly estimated that there are only three doctors responsible for the research of fusion warriors.

Mei continued:"Because of Hua's specialness, Hua will also have a lot of trouble when entering the artificial collapse."

"Later, I experimented with Shenyin on Hua."

Aponia:"A new technology developed through the study of my commandments. Mei nodded, and then continued:"With the help of Shenyin, Hua successfully entered the artificial collapse.""

"But Shenyin brings side effects, which will cause Hua to be in a state of artificial collapse to eliminate all the collapse in front of him."

"But if it doesn't collapse in front of Hua."

Mebius smiled faintly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter:"Then Hua itself is the biggest Honkai Impact."

Weilwei:"Hua will start to destroy her body."

"Until he dies from exhaustion!"


Mei looked at these two guys.

He shook his head helplessly.

He really knows how to steal the show.

Mei:"The Honkaiju factor that Hua has integrated is Garuda, and its characteristics are repair and healing."

"In essence, Hua's physique is immortal"

"So once you take action against yourself, you will fall into a process of destruction, repair, and then destruction and repair."

"Until he tortures himself to death."

Hearing this, the faces of the others instantly turned ugly.

They had never thought that

Hua would be so dangerous after entering the artificial collapse.

The other people's artificial collapse would turn into a Honkai beast at most.

This is already the ugliest thing to see.

However, Hua entered man-made collapse and actually committed suicide!

Alicia:"So that experiment ended up with Hua starting to hurt himself."

"Kevin received orders from Dr. May"

"Go and stop Hua!"

Kevin nodded:"Yes, Hua is very strong when it comes to man-made collapse."

"So I had to use a little more strength"

"Otherwise, there is no chance of subduing Hua under normal conditions."

That's it. In this way, the scene just now is clear.

Kevin is not planning to attack Hua, or even kill Hua.

He is saving Hua.

Padofelis hugged herself:"Injuring yourself like this, Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible"

"Sister Hua, you must not enter the man-made collapse."

"In that case, it would be really terrifying."

Su:"Yes, Hua"

"Not as a last resort......"

"No, you cannot use your artificial collapse even if you have to."

Kosmo looked at Hua.

He had also experienced a man-made collapse and went berserk.

But it would not hurt himself.

It was just that due to his own characteristics, he could not change into a human form.

Later, he changed back with the help of Mebius. The original appearance.

But the situation of Hua...

Kosmo didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

Man-made collapse is the Fusion Warrior's most powerful force.

If it cannot be used.

It just indirectly lacks a huge trump card.

Graciu said at this time:"Sister Hua, if you need to use artificial collapse'"

"Let's go first."

Hua looked at Graciu and smiled slightly:"Don't worry, Graciu."

"I won't let you stand in front of me. Mei continued:"Don't worry, I have already told Hua"

"Unless all of us die fighting against Honkai"

"Otherwise, you are not allowed to use that power"

"But, when that time comes......"

"There is no use using this power."

All the heroes understood.

According to Mei's meaning,

Hua is not allowed to use this powerful force that will destroy and mutilate his body. But Hua did not express any opinions on this , because Hua himself knew it very well. Only when you are alive can you talk about hope. Eden looked at Hua's silent look and said nothing. At this time, the Herrscher of Knowledge on the top of the mountain was already angry.

"Damn, damn!"

"If it weren't for the memory of the old antique at that time,"

"I won't be defeated so quickly"

"I obviously still have such a powerful trump card that I haven’t used yet."

"It really pissed me off!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge gets angry when he thinks of how embarrassed he was at that time. He is even more angry when he is seen in this embarrassing state by so many people. But this time, the Herrscher of Knowledge does not blame Lin En for showing this scene for the first time. come out


"I'll show you how powerful I am later!"

"I'll scare you to death later!"

My highlight will be in the next battle.

When the time comes, the Herrscher of Knowledge believes that it will definitely make all the audience's jaws drop.

And with Lin En's explanation, the audience all know that this time the pot is really going to be It's not in the Herrscher of Consciousness.

It's in Fu Hua's memory.

Although, Fu Hua didn't deliberately put his memories into the Herrscher of Consciousness's mind.

But no matter that.

If it weren't for her memory.

Just now. The Herrscher of Consciousness wouldn't fall down in such a mess.

Moreover, he looked frightened.

You must know that this Herrscher of Consciousness is fearless.

How could he feel fear?

Kiana looked at Fu Hua, you can probably imagine how angry the Herrscher of Knowledge will be at this time:"Hahaha, monitor"

"This time Xiaoshi was really hurt by you."

Ya Yi:"Xiao Shi was indeed repelled just now."

"But if it weren't for the fear engraved in his memory, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Bronya:"Monitor, did you feel anything special when you saw Kevin in this form just now?"

Fu Hua shook his head:"Not really.""

"In fact, even if I did, I don’t think I would feel any fear anymore."

"What people who practice martial arts need most is their state of mind"

"Obviously Xiaoshi is still far from enough in terms of mental state cultivation."

"Only then would he be frightened by this fear."

This is true.

After all, the Herrscher of Knowledge is only three years old.

He has a body of martial arts and a character that is fearless.

Compared with Fu Hua's state of mind cultivation, it is still far behind.

Fifty thousand years.

With it. Fu Hua must have been given more than just memories. Fu Hua's strength must have made an unknown leap in these years. At the same time, Mei from the pre-civilization era also shared what happened in the past on the barrage. After all, Mei also didn't want others to misunderstand that Kevin was the kind of person who would take action against his partners. After knowing the whole story. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Kiana looked at Fu Hua:" Squad leader, remember that you cannot use your artificial collapse power at any time. Bronya:"That's right, monitor, the side effects are really terrible."" Ya Yi:"Squad leader, don't worry.


"As long as we are here, you don't need to use that power."

Although the memory of Shenyin is missing in my mind at this moment, the warmth rising in my heart at this moment is real.

Fu Hua looked at the three people in front of him.

He smiled and nodded:"Then, when you become stronger, after"

"I'm sorry to bother you."

A few people continued to look at the live broadcast room, waiting for the next battle to start.

After all, the Herrscher of Knowledge's promise of a 50-50 split has not yet been fulfilled.

The next battle may be the most important battle.

【March 7: Little knowledge, come on! Overcome memories of fear】

【Star: This fear should be overcome quickly for her】

【Teresa: I didn’t expect that Fu Hua would be so terrifying after entering the man-made collapse.】

【Honokai Himeko: Yes, you can’t tell it at all normally.】

【Silver Wolf: Is it an ability similar to psychological suggestion?】

【Li Sushang: It’s like a magical skill!】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: So it was all caused by the old antique’s memory at that time. Next, you should take a good look at mine.】

【Kiana: Come on, Xiaoshi!】

【Alicia: Yes, don’t embarrass us Herrschers】

【Su: Kevin has already taken out Artificial Collapse, so what else can the Herrscher of Knowledge do next?】

【Youlandel: You should probably use your trump card next.】

【Rita: If I don't use it now, I won't have a chance. 】

Destiny Headquarters.

Otto seemed to have remembered something:"I see. No wonder she was completely different from what she was later."

Hollander looked at Otto:"Bishop, did you remember something?"

Rita:" It sounds very old."

Otto nodded.

"Yes, it was five hundred years ago."

Five hundred years ago???

Rita combined the current events and her own memory.

She thought of a possibility:"Sir Otto, is it about the Red Kite Immortal?

Otto:"That's right.""

"The Far Eastern Army of Destiny was defeated by Immortal Red Kite"

"But do you know how you were defeated?"

How were they defeated?

Both of them looked at a loss.

Defeat is defeat.

Is there any special story in this?

Otto looked at the reactions of the two and smiled with satisfaction.

He continued:"At the beginning, the Destiny Far Eastern Army started The enemy is not the Red Kite Immortal"

"It was the powerful Ming Empire that ruled China at that time.

Rita:"I know that.""

"`The Far East Army is destiny’s challenge to the Ming Empire"

"But the battle did not go smoothly from the beginning. The Far Eastern Army could not enter the Ming Dynasty's territory at all."

"He was once blocked from the country. Otto recalled what happened that year:"Yes, it is precisely because of this"

"At that time, the head coach of the Far Eastern Army decided to use the injection of researched Honkai energy."

"to enhance the strength of the army."

Rita and Hollander's expressions darkened. It turned out that there was such an ugly side to the destiny back then. No wonder this incident was not recorded. Using Honkai energy to fight. This is not the same as becoming a dead soldier directly. There is no difference. Otto continued:"Originally, although we could not attack the Ming Empire,


"But the Ming Empire also suffered losses, so there was a mutual victory or defeat." There was a hint of fear in Otto's eyes for some reason. It was as if he had seen that scene again. Otto swore that it was definitely the most terrifying scene he had ever seen in his life.

"But from the moment Honkai Energy was injected, defeat was decided."

"The patron saint of China, Red Kite Immortal, descended from the sky and ordered a hundred thousand Far Eastern troops."

"All die in battle!"

In Otto's memory, a flash of red light appeared.

Not long after, the Far Eastern Army of Destiny.

A hundred thousand people!

They were all slaughtered.

The only two left alive.

One was him.

The other one was not injected. Honkai energy.

Karen Kaslana, a warrior of the Kaslana family who is known as the first generation Valkyrie.

And Otto, because he is not a warrior, can escape without injecting Honkai energy.

Every blind date.

Otto was still a little frightened.

If he had thought more about it at the beginning. If he wanted to inject Honkai to save Karen and fight Akari, he might have lost his head at that time. It was only at this moment that

Otto understood..

Why was the hundred thousand army all crushed to pieces the moment the Honkai energy was injected into it?

Moreover, the Red Kite was like a killing machine.

It was completely different from the current Fu Hua.

Because the Honkai Impact at that time was The instinctive behavior of Chi Yuan with the divine voice.

At the same time, Otto also understood why the purpose of Taixu Sect is to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and those who fall into demons must be killed!

(Li Zhao's) Otto shook his head and smiled bitterly:"Red Kite Immortal, Red Kite Immortal"

"It turns out that encounter was actually a good thing for you......."

Otto was certain.

There is no divine sound in Fu Hua now.

The reason may be related to the Taixu Mountain massacre that year.

Rita continued to ask:"Master Otto, is there anything else we don't know?"

"Say it all together."

Otto also knew everything.

He continued to tell the story of that year:"There is a sect in China that has been passed down for hundreds of years, Taixu."

"Do you know?

Rita nodded:"Slay demons and eliminate demons, and those who are possessed by demons must be killed!""

"From time to time, some reports will come back from the China branch."

"Legend has it that the founder of this sect is Red Kite Immortal"

"Later, Immortal Red Kite shattered the void, stepped into the sky, and became an immortal!"

Of course.

Now everyone knows that it is just a legend.

The real Red Kite Sage is now in St. Freya Academy.

He is also the A Valkyrie of Destiny.

Otto:"The Red Kite was not missing back then, but was killed. Got it!"


Youlandel didn't understand.

With the strength of Immortal Red Kite at that time, who was her opponent in the world?

Not even the Herrscher was born at that time.

Otto seemed to be telling a story, but also like eating melon:"Back then Immortal Red Kite sits down with seven disciples"

"They are all the most outstanding figures in the world"

"But one day, they all worried that in the future they would be unable to control the Honkai energy in their bodies."

"Master Chi Yuan will kill them! Rita

's face darkened:"So they decided to strike first and kill the master who raised them.""

"The purpose is to prevent the future Red Kite Immortal from having a chance to take action."

Otto:"Smart, worthy of being one of my most powerful Valkyrie."

"At that time, Chi Yuan was surrounded and killed by seven disciples. Between his eyebrows, hands, and heart......Sword all over body"

"It took twenty years to recover......"

Hearing this, Youlandel's fists hardened:"Beast!".....ambition..

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