Night falls.

The moon appears like a silver disk among the clouds. Sparse stars are dotted around.

Li Gui stood in the courtyard and looked at the moon, as if he was thinking about something.

"What I asked you to bring, old-timer."Suddenly Sedum's voice came from behind.

"I have brought the things. You promised to let me go, and now you ask me to find the things for you. Where is your credit?"Li Gui turned around and said angrily.

Jingtian looked at Li Gui quietly:"Senior, I must have benefits from you when I come to you, why do you need to talk to me in this tone? Li

Gui sighed and said:"As you know, hundreds of years have passed and things have changed. My combat power has also declined seriously. How can I be of any help to you?""

"Don't you want to revive your sect? I will help you, but you have to help me achieve my big goal first."

Li Gui fell silent after hearing Jingtian's words.

"Is... is there still a possibility of revival?"Slowly I remembered some scenes of being chased by the Righteous Alliance.

"good! I promise you, but you have to help my senior brother and sister get revenge. I will definitely use my life to help you achieve great things."

"If you think about it, I can rest assured. There are 200,000 spirit stones here. You can buy some items and magic weapons by yourself. If anything happens, I will send someone to contact you." After Jingtian said that, he disappeared into the moonlight.

The starry sky at night was still very bright. Beautiful.

There is not a single floating cloud in the sky, and the crystal stars are shining with moving light.

I saw a figure running through the woods quickly. This person is none other than Sedum.

The task given to Sedum is to destroy the luck of the God of Suffering. The people in this prison car are all demonic people who caused huge losses to Jiu Ku Guan. They are now being taken back to Ji Ku Guan to be convicted.

Sedum, dressed in black, stood on the top of the mountain and looked down the mountain road. The prison car and the guarding monks.

Slowly took out the phoenix bow from the shoulder, raised the bow and shot at the prison car. The air was split with a hiss, and the bowstring was tight when the bow was opened, like the sound of the phoenix, crisp and far-reaching.

The arrow hit On the roof of the prison car, a small vortex slowly appeared on the top, and the vortex was getting bigger and bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The escorting monk also reacted immediately:"Bring the prisoner down first, and stay away from this prison car. There is a whirlpool!"

The wind roared, and the prison cart was blown into wooden blocks by the strong wind. This bow is very powerful, but its disadvantage is that it is easy to be discovered. Fortunately, it did not attract anyone's attention in the night.

Sedum left after completing the task, and randomly walked under the tree hole. He took out the clothes he had prepared in advance and hid the Fengming Bow. He walked into the chaotic team like a human and shouted loudly:"I am Qingxu Guanjingtian, what happened to you, why are you so panicked?"

When a leading monk saw Jingtian's words, he could only confess the truth, and took out his token to request for docking.

Jingtian smiled and said:"Why are you transporting people to Qingxu Temple? I'm afraid it's a bit against the rules."

Just as Jingtian was about to embarrass them, he heard Zixi's voice behind him.:"Leave this matter to me. You need to step back first." Jingtian had no choice but to turn around and leave. The lights in Qingxu Temple seemed to reflect the starry sky.

The green bamboo buildings stood upright in the night wind. There is a peaceful and quiet atmosphere under the starry sky.

Sedum is walking aimlessly alone. The wind at night is not cold, and it is even a bit comfortable.

"I don’t know if someone like me can accomplish my goals, or if this is all my fantasy."

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