【Ying:"Ice Queen, we have already met Capitano, and he will return to the Winter Country in the future."

Ice Queen:"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, but you should also come to the Winter Country as soon as possible.

Now prepare Everything is almost done. Since Piero and the others will take two months to deal with me and the Teyvat continent, we also need to be prepared. He is doomed to fail!"


We have to wait for a while. Time, I have been found by Kong before.

If I run to the Solstice Kingdom like this now, I am afraid I will be found by Piero at the first opportunity.

They all know that I need to touch the Seven Heavens Statue to unlock the elemental power. Sora, it’s true that this secret has been known to so many people.

It seems that I don’t have any secrets from Piero."

Nasita:"Could it be because this matter was actually the first one you exposed? ?

Even if I have never seen Kong, I know that you can unlock the corresponding elements by touching the Seven Heavens Statue.

It seems that this matter is not a secret in the hearts of thoughtful people on the continent of Teyvat, right?"

Paimon 827:"Ah!? How could it be? We have obviously been very careful and have not told others that travelers can unlock elemental power by touching the Seven Heavens Statue."



Thunder movie:"……"



So it’s not you who said it on our side!

You know, the person who betrayed the most information was actually Paimon! fluorescent:"()~"

At this time, Ying also realized that these things seemed to be what Paimon said.

Ying:"Actually, this is not bad. After all, after unlocking the Seven-Heaven Statue, a lot of light will be emitted from the Seven-Heaven Statue. If there are people near the Seven-Heaven Statue, they will definitely see me activating the ice element."

Ice Queen:"In fact, there is no problem if you come directly to the Winter Kingdom. They dare to let you come to the Winter Kingdom. In fact, they don't care too much about your combat power. They may even have calculated your fate from the beginning. Fighting strength.

Think about it, you are on the side of Teyvat Continent.

Even at that time (bhea), various countries may be in chaos for a while, leaving other gods with no time to take care of the affairs of the Winter Kingdom.

And once there is a problem in the Winter Kingdom, you will inevitably appear. Your character is the kind of person who will not ignore these things.

So he must have taken your combat power into account.

Not to mention it is You, even Mu Yang's combat power, may be included in the calculation."

Asmode:"Mu Yang's combat power? But how is this possible? No matter how many abyss monsters Reindot creates, it is impossible for them to be Mu Yang's opponent."

Regarding Mu Yang's butler, Asmodeus has great confidence in Mu Yang.

Even Asmode herself doesn't know what Mu Yang's strength is now. She only knows that her strength is already higher than that of Fanes.

Under such circumstances, what does a mere Rheindotte mean?

Mu Yang:"If my guess is correct, maybe Piero and the others will want Silk to fight me by then."

Ice Queen:"Sirk? Her strength may not be comparable to that of Silk." Fuck you now."

Even though they knew that Silk Ke was a huge hidden danger, no one in the chat group thought that Silk Ke would be Mu Yang's opponent.

Silk once couldn't do it, and now Silk can't do it even more.

They don't know how strong Mu Yang is, they just know that he is getting stronger all the time.

Mu Yang:"This is natural. Although Silk's strength is good, he does not pose much of a threat.

As time goes by, everyone else in the chat group, not to mention me, will be stronger than Silk."

Asmodeus:"If nothing else happens, even though Silko has not entered the chat group, she should be yours in disguise, right?"

Mu Yang:"It's impossible to say whether she is mine or not. We still need to be vigilant, we are more like a transaction.

Unless one day, she transforms all the abyss power in her body, and then kills her master Surturoch.

Think again This question."

Ying:"Let Si Kek use the head of her master Surt Lodge as a certificate of submission. It is you who deserve to be said. You really have an idea."

Mu Yang:"Surt Lodge is a must. The Star-Eating Whales still exist.

For now, Surturoch will become my biggest enemy in a short time.

As for how strong Surturoch is, I don’t know, Silk I just said that at that time, I was evenly divided with Surte Lodge, and I didn’t have the confidence to defeat Surte Lodge, or even kill Surte Lodge."

Paimon:"Oh, then Will Piero and the others call out Surte Lodge?

After all, if it is Surte Lodge, it is not impossible to fight Mu Yang.

If they fight, the entire Teyvat continent may collapse , by then Piero's goal will be achieved, right?"

Ying:"It shouldn't be possible. If Piero can really find Surte Lodge to cooperate, there will be no need to wait for such a long time, let alone We need to cooperate with Kong.

It’s not that I look down on Kong. If Surte Lodge is really as powerful as Mu Yang, then the Abyss Order, including Kong, is not qualified to compete with Surte Lodge."

King Daci Shu:"It's not impossible.

If strong men in the abyss like Surturoch could enter Teyvat Continent at will, Teyvat Continent would have been destroyed by them long ago. I think they also have their own reasons for entering Teyvat Continent. Restricted.

At least one force is needed as a pulling force.

Perhaps these two months are actually the time required for Surturoch to enter the continent of Teyvat.

Therefore, the war must start within two months, and at the same time It must be completed within two months.

In this case, even if we need to face Surte Lodge in the future, we can still concentrate our efforts to fight against Surte Lodge."

Zhongli:"What the Great Merciful Tree King said makes sense. (Watch the storm) For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This may not create time for the enemies in the abyss. Even if it is not Surturoch, Reindot is enough to give us headaches and troubles.

Don’t forget that it was just The damage caused by Reindot alone is comparable to that of the Seven Gods. d"]

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and automatic subscriptions, okay, I love you!).

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