
Mu Yang raised his eyebrows and looked thoughtful. For some reason, Mu Yang felt that he had heard of this name somewhere.

"Antoinette has a good reputation throughout Fontaine.

Many people even say that she is the most noble woman in Fontaine, and she is the most standard aristocratic lady. To be honest, I have a good feeling about her. She is someone who has aristocratic etiquette integrated into her bones.

In fact, she didn't do anything wrong. Her family did a lot of dirty things, but Antoinette was essentially a good person.

Several times before, she had put her jewelry up for auction and sent the money from the auction to charity."Funina said helplessly:"Actually, if possible, I don't want to take action against Antoinette.

But"510" is according to another me, Antoinette must be eliminated.

Because her money is also ill-gotten gains. Although the money was obtained through auctions, the things that can be auctioned are themselves ill-gotten gains. Mu

Yang couldn't help but sigh when he heard this, and then asked Funina:"What are you going to do to their family in the future?""

"Antoinette's family controls many of Fontaine's lifelines. If they want to deal with Fontaine's nobles, Antoinette must target them.

Moreover, according to the investigation, their family has smuggled many self-regulatory agencies, and has also cooperated with the fool Sandone.

It's almost impossible to say that Antoinette doesn't know anything about these things."Funina shook her head slightly and said.

Mu Yang also fell silent after hearing this.

No matter what Antoinette's purpose was, but their family had done something wrong or committed treason, she knew nothing about it. Not doing it is obviously wrong.

The family, the country, the world, the emperor, the king, the ministers, the father, the son, the son will not be surrendered in the continent of Teyvat, but those who betray their own country and their own gods cannot be forgiven.

Not just those of their own country. People cannot forgive them, even people from other countries will look down on these people who betray their gods.

After all, people who can betray their own gods, there is nothing that such people cannot betray.

Even if they want to betray, it is impossible An honest betrayal.

People like Ina Wife, on the surface, just want to persuade General Raiden to change his mind and stop seclusion. But if they want to replace Ina Wife with a Raiden General, they don't need Raiden himself to take action. , the rebels might have started chaos themselves, tied up those guys, and sent them to Thunder Movie.

Coral Palace Xinhai didn’t dare to shout out the slogan of replacing General Thunder, at most he just wanted to It's just to maintain a certain degree of autonomy.

Of course, there are still many people on Kaiji Island who are mentally ill.

Because Raikou Film did not take action, the performance of the shogunate army was indeed a little worse, giving them a feeling that it seemed that rice The wife official is really in trouble.

They can dare to ask the sun and the moon to change the sky.

It’s just that Coral Palace’s heart has not drifted. She even took it upon herself to deal with those people.

For example, Azar and the others also plan to replace them. Grass God, but they did not dare to show this matter on the surface. At the same time, they were also worried about being known by people from other countries. After what the doctor and Azar did were exposed, they were also exposed to various verbal and written criticism

"Sometimes, the choice is hard!"Mu Yang sighed softly and stared at Antoinette silently for a long time, but did not continue to speak.

With Mu Yang's status, it is not difficult to protect Antoinette. The other party is indeed a beauty. She almost perfectly fits the image of a medieval European noblewoman, but she doesn't know what her private life is like. But at this time, Mu Yang is not interested in the other party.

Maybe the other party is not worthy of death, but sometimes, since she After enjoying the benefits, you must bear the corresponding price.

However, as far as Fontaine's current situation is concerned, the other party's life will definitely not be directly punished by death.

Fukalos is not a thunder movie. She cannot be as domineering as a thunder movie. Since the other party doesn't want dignity, I won't give the other party dignity and directly kill the other party's whole family.

This is what Lei Movie can do, and it is also what Mu Yang likes.

If a serious crime is committed, no one will be implicated. If so, this is somewhat unjustifiable, and only sufficient deterrence can deter those who may commit crimes........

"Indeed, the choice is difficult. Fonina also looked at Antoinette and said,"She is a good person, but some things are unavoidable."

It is also an indisputable fact that her family betrayed Fontaine.

Unless she can do what Yura did"

"This may be difficult!"Mu Yang shook his head slightly when he heard this.

The fact that the other family sold the self-discipline agency must be exposed, even the cooperation with the Fools.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to judge such a large family.

And once these things are exposed, this family will also be notorious, just like the Lawrence family

"Yes, people like Yula are very valuable."Funina was silent for a long time before she said:"Muyang, it's hard for me to understand why everyone was transformed by pure water elves, and now everyone is human. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why are some humans willing to fight for Fontaine, even at the risk of their own lives? And why are there people who are clearly enjoying the benefits that Fontaine has brought to them and harming themselves? people?

Fontaine clearly did not treat these people badly. Their ancestors made contributions to Fontaine, and they also gained a very high status.

They enjoy many benefits, but they still push themselves to get more 1.6 benefits. For this reason, they do not hesitate to harm the interests of other people, or even betray the country."

"Because this is human beings!

If they don't do this, they can't truly become human. Mu Yang paused and continued:"Human beings are complex creatures. They are despicable and great at the same time!""

(The author has been writing novels for many years. Especially after coming to this website, I have been writing about fan fiction. I feel that I can't find a way out of my comfort zone. Alas, I suddenly found that I didn't seem to have grown much over the years, and even my writing style was a bit lacking. Decline. Thinking about my original purpose, I also wrote it when I was in a book shortage. I wanted to write a book with a Jianghu flavor. I plan to continue writing novels next, but it will take two to three years to write a Jianghu book. The kind that is purely original. As for now, I still choose Chafan)

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