【Lei Movie:"I don't particularly care about the cultivation techniques. This is different from Morax and Barbatos. The so-called cultivation, divine power and even authority are no different to me..

These things can provide me with certain help in battle, but in my opinion, my most important thing is martial arts."

Wendy:"This is the difference in fighting methods. After all, you were not Seven God.

Divine power is not particularly powerful, but in terms of combat power, it can be ranked among the best among the seven gods."

Ice Queen:"However, not every god is Balzebul. Her martial arts are among the best. There is no doubt about the continent of Teyvat.

Not every god is good at practicing martial arts. In fact, most demon gods are better at using power and elemental power."

Fukalos:"This is indeed true. Relatively speaking, I also prefer to use powers and elemental powers.

The immortal cultivation system is a completely different system for us.

This also causes us to adapt to the new system.

In this regard, it is not as easy as a novice to get started..

Just like Funina’s growth during this period has been very outstanding.

As far as I know, she has successfully completed the foundation building chapter."

Mu Yang:"It seems that Funina is still very good."

For Mu Yang did not doubt this. After all, Funina also belonged to the personality of Water Goddess Fukalos.

Although in essence, she was not born as a demon and did not gain the power of heaven and earth when she was born, but also because of Fukalos, Funina can be regarded as a god, a god without strength.

Fu Nina:"Huh, even if you praise me like this, I won't be happy."

Ying:"I have entered the realm of Xumi, contacted the Seven Heavens Statue, and unlocked the water element.

My strength has been greatly improved. A little improvement.

If nothing goes wrong, we should be able to reach Fontainebleau within three days.

I can also come and help by then."

Navilette:"If nothing goes wrong, the water of the original womb sea will be within three days. Then a complete explosion……" fluorescent:"……"

Unknowingly, has he become a walking natural disaster?

Why does everyone feel that these things are related to them?

Obviously I am just an ordinary traveler. Even if something happens, I am still saving the world.

Instead of bringing disaster to this country.

At least Ying doesn't admit that he is the disaster star.

Humph, this time the disaster caused by Dadalia has nothing to do with me. It's up to me to save Fontaine.

However, Ying didn't know what level the Star Swallowing Whale was, but if Mu Yang was by her side, Ying felt like she didn't need to be afraid of anything.

Since unlocking the power of water element, Ying feels that her strength has been significantly improved.

Now, his strength must be beyond that of ordinary demon gods. As for the specific level, Ying doesn't know. He can only know that his strength is definitely not weak even in the chat group of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

No matter how unreliable I am, I can't possibly be weaker than Gui Shu, right?

Even Ying feels that he is no longer inferior to Barbatos when he was not wearing the crown.

And as long as he completely adapts to the water elemental power, his strength will be significantly improved. Even if he is not as good as the Seven Gods, he should be enough to fight against those powerful enemies.

If you can't defeat the Star-Eating Whale yourself, why can't you help from the side?

This time, I must become Fontaine's hero.

Funina:"Ah? Is this coming soon?

I have to prepare a grand welcome ceremony for you at the beginning."

Ying:"Welcome ceremony? It's not necessary. I just like to help people. Just a traveler.

There is no need to prepare a welcome ceremony for me."

Navia:"Muyang, Fukalos, Navilette, Arecino came to see me, and they seemed to want to see Lord Muyang.

However, She is not qualified to enter Momang Palace at will, and she wants me to introduce her."

For some reasons, Mu Yang now lives in Momang Palace, well, it is the room next to Funina.

Just because Funina did not live in Momang Palace these days, Mu Yang couldn't find any chance to find Funina these days.

Otherwise, Mu Yang would have filled Funina with the patriotic genes of Teyvat Continent.

Mu Yang:"Arecino? She doesn't seem to have called me.

Forget it, I'll come directly!"】


"Lord Muyang, Dadalia disappeared in Merlo Petersburg. When Arecino saw Mu Yang appear, he quickly said respectfully:"I have arranged for people from the Hearth House to sneak into Merlo Petersburg to investigate Dadalia's traces.""

She knows that Mu Yang and Dadalia have a good relationship.

Dadalia is also one of the few executives among the Fools who is not targeted by Mu Yang.

Obviously, Dadalia has a special status in Mu Yang's heart.

This time, Dadalia entered Merlot Petersburg, and was tricked by Arecino.

If Dadalia really had a problem in Merlot Petersburg, it would not only be Fontaine's problem, It's also Arecino's problem.

Even Arecino himself doubts whether there is something wrong with him.

What's more, Mu Yang doesn't trust him very much. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This It’s understandable. Arecino didn’t ask Mu Yang to really trust him.

"I know this."Mu Yang nodded slightly:"It has something to do with the flood in Fengdan, and it also has something to do with Dadalia's famous seat and the sect."

As expected, after Arecino heard Mu Yang's words, he frowned:"In other words, Dadalia is indeed related to the flood in Fontaine?

Did he do it on purpose? Mu

Yang shook his head slightly and said,"If Dadalia had this ability, she wouldn't have resisted coming to Fengdan."[]

He himself didn't know about this.

However, I think Piero should know.

Dadalia came to Fontaine under Piero's dispatch.

Even if he didn't do anything, it would be useless for you to imprison Dadalia in Merlot Petersburg. As long as Dadalia comes to Fontaine as an opportunity, the other party can draw out the water of the original fetal sea. This is enough."

After hearing this, Arecino also clenched his fists.

(╯)╯┻┻, Damn Piero, this is the undead desire of the continent of Teyvat!

If things don't go away this time, I will definitely cause some trouble for Piero.

Although Piero is the commander-in-chief of the Fools, he is just one of the executive officers of the Fools.

But it is certain that he will take revenge on Piero, and the Hearth House is also under his control. Arecino has considerable influence within the entire Fools.

If the Ice Queen stops him from taking revenge on Piero, then he will also rebel against the Ice Queen.

Arecino stared at Mu Yang and said sincerely:"Master Mu Yang, you should know more information than me. Please tell me the information.

I need to be prepared for this."

Mu Yang looked meaningfully Glancing at Arecino:"Although I don't think you can do anything after knowing this matter.

But since you asked, I am also very satisfied with your attitude, and I don't mind telling you the truth about this matter."

"Thank you. Arecino said quickly

"Regarding the origin of the Fontaine people, you should have learned from Funina.

Then let me tell you about other things next."Immediately afterwards, Mu Yang explained the problem of the Star-Eating Whale and Dadalia's Fate Seat.

This information made Arecino's forehead twitch.

"The Star-Eating Whale, Dadalia, Silk, and the mysterious Surturoch."Arecino rubbed his temples:"I heard Dadalia say it before, Silk.

According to Dadalia, Silk's strength is not inferior to that of the Ice Queen."

"This is Dardalia's modesty. In fact, Silk's strength should be even higher than Barnabas's today.

Silk and I had fought against each other in the Dark Outer Sea before.

At that time, I had an advantage when facing Silk.

But this advantage is not very big. At least at that time, I did not have the confidence to completely keep Silk."Mu Yang shook his head slightly and said:"Oh, by the way, Barnabas is the name of the Ice Queen in your mouth."

"More powerful than the Ice Queen? Arlecino frowned when he heard this:"But according to my investigation, the Ice Queen has already mastered the power of the ancient dragon."

Even facing the maintainer of heavenly law, the Ice Queen may not be without the strength to fight."

The Queen of Ice has mastered the power of ancient dragons?

A trace of surprise flashed through Mu Yang's heart. Soon, he reacted. I am afraid it was because of the special weapon that the Queen of Ice had mentioned before. The power of that weapon With the blessing, the Ice Queen can explode with strength comparable to the ancient dragon.

The Ice Queen has not denied this.

She was unwilling to say it before, but Mu Yang was not angry.

Even in Mu Yang's view, Bing The Queen may not really be able to explode with strength comparable to that of a complete dragon. Even if she does, she may not be able to explode multiple times.

After all, in the final analysis, it is only the power left by the Ice Dragon King.

The Ice Queen vs. Mu There is no use in concealing it from Yang. It’s not like Mu Yang has never killed the Dragon King or something. Killing a dragon live broadcast is not a once or twice thing.

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