Taking advantage of the moment when Dadalia was cloned, Clolinde seized this opportunity. Clolinde's long sword struck out and flew away the winter white star in Dadalia's hand.

Under normal circumstances, even if Clolind's strength is higher than Dadalia's, she still can't defeat Dadalia's weapon with one sword. However, Dadalia's mind was lost before, and it was Being unable to use the Eye of the Water God and being knocked away by Clolind's sword doesn't seem to be an incomprehensible thing.

"hateful!"At this point, Dadalia also restrained her mind, waving her fist and hitting Clolind in the face. Clolind quickly blocked it, and then the two of them exchanged dozens of moves. Clolind Only then did Lind completely suppress Dadalia.

Dadalia was pinned to the ground by Clolinde and struggled hard:"Let me go! I was wronged!"

He didn't expect that Clolind would be so powerful. During this period of time, his strength has improved a lot, but he didn't expect that Clolind would be even stronger than him. He didn't know if Ying She will be Clolind's opponent.

In Dadalia's view, Clolind is very likely to be a strong person at Keqing's level. She is indeed Fontaine's duel agent, but she doesn't know Fontaine's other masters. , do you also have such strength?

Of course I know you are innocent.

Clolind looked at Dardalia helplessly. This guy is indeed powerful. No wonder the Ice Queen and the Rock King are so optimistic about Dardalia. Dalia.

If it weren't for the problem with Dadalia's Eye of God, otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy for her to subdue Dadalia.

If she hadn't joined the chat group, she might not be sure Is Dadalia's rival

"Whether you are wronged or not is not up to me.

Next, please be more honest with me. Clolind snorted lightly, tied up Dadalia, and then threw her to her subordinates, heading towards Merlot Petersburg.

Well, that’s right, Clolind was going to directly tie up Dadalia. Leah was brought to Merlot Petersburg without giving Dadalia a chance to be tried.

Both Arecino and the Ice Queen agreed to let Dadalia go to jail directly.

Although Fontaine They also want to make do with justice, but this is a scene in itself. If they let Dadalia enter Merlot Petersburg, aren't they necessarily protecting Dadalia?

Piero arranged for Dadalia to come to Fontaine. , must have his calculations.

And the safest place in Fontaine, besides Fukalos and Navilette, is Merlot Petersburg.

Dadalia went to Merlot Petersburg and stayed for a while , they can release Dadalia.

This is good for Dadalia, and it is also good for Fontaine.

"snort!"Dadalia snorted softly, and his eyes flickered slightly. He was still being calculated.

However, why did the Eye of the Water God lose its effect before, or even limit his own strength? What did he know about it? A secret you don’t know?

"Please tell Mu Yang about this. After thinking about it, Dadalia still said to Clolind:"I am innocent.""

Mu Yang has great reputation and has considerable influence in various countries. Dadalia believes that if anyone can help her at this time, it must be Mu Yang. For the sake of the Ice Queen In terms of face, Mu Yang should not refuse to help him.

"Can! Clolinde glanced at Dadalia with a little pity. If this guy knew that there was a plan by Mu Yang and the Ice Queen behind this matter, Dadalia would probably collapse.


【Clolinde:"We have captured Dadalia. As expected, Dadalia resisted.

He is very strong and has rich combat experience, but for some reason, during the battle, he The Eye of the Water God seems to have encountered a problem.

It cannot perfectly utilize the power of the Eye of God."

Fukalos:"There is a problem with his Eye of God?

But this shouldn't be the case, even though we all have it now. Qualifications for the Eye of God.

But there is no ability to directly interfere with the Eye of God, at least the Seven Gods cannot do it."

Navilet:"Now that I am a perfect dragon, I can interfere with the Eye of God, especially It's the Eye of the Water God.

But it's not what I did."

Mu Yang:"Young Master Dadalia, but my brother, how could I target Dadalia?"

Navilette:"Dadalia Suddenly I can no longer use the Eye of the Water God. It seems that the flood in Fontaine is really related to Dadalia."

Clolind:"I am now sending Dadalia to Merlo Petersburg.

Relatively speaking, He said that it was one of the safest places in Fontaine, and then told Leosli that as long as Dadalia didn't cause trouble, he would be safe.

Even if Piero wanted to target Dardalia in Merlo Petersburg Dalia, it's not easy either."

Ice Queen:"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

After all, Dalia is also her loyal minister.

It is naturally impossible for the Ice Queen to let Dadalia really have an accident in Fontaine.

Mu Yang:"Actually, I feel that Merlot Petersburg is not very safe."

Navilette:"Why do you say that?"

Mu Yang:"Since Dadalia came to Fontaine, I felt that something was going on It's close to the continent of Teyvat, so it seems to be the Star-Eating Whale."

Asmodeus:"Is it close already? Well, it seems so.

It is indeed the Star-Eating Whale. It seems that our previous guess was correct.

Dada Leah is indeed related to the Star-Eating Whale."

Fukalos:"If this is the case, it seems that Dadalia is not particularly suitable for going to Merlo Petersburg. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Under Merlo Petersburg, there is the water of the original womb sea."

Funina:"Σ(Д), below Merlo Petersburg is the water of the original fetal sea? Why don't we know?"

Fukalos:"I was also told this by the former Water God.

This is also the reason why Merlot Petersburg was established in the first place.

Just to observe the water of the original womb sea[]

It's just that sending Dadalia to Melo Petersburg now may cause unnecessary hidden dangers.

Mu Yang:"Don't worry, just send Dadalia there directly. I will keep an eye on Dadalia."

Once something big happens, I will take action."

Fukalos:"If it were you, that would be great. Mu Yang:"

Besides, isn't there also Villette?"

With Villette's current ability, it shouldn't be a problem to suppress the water of the original womb sea, right?

Navilette:"That's true. Although it's a bit tricky, it shouldn't be impossible to suppress the water of the primitive fetal sea. I just don't know what impact the star-swallowing whale will have on the primitive fetal sea.""

If he can only control the water element, then Villette doesn't think he will be inferior to anyone on the Teyvat continent. After all, he is the Water Dragon King, and he is also a complete dragon. If he cannot even do this, then he will not be able to do so in the future. There is no need to mix it up.

Even the whole dragon will become a joke.

But Navilette is also quite afraid of the unknown star-swallowing whale.

It is true that Navilette is the elemental dragon king of this world, but the star-swallowing whale, But it is said to be an existence that can swallow the energy of the planet.

Such a big guy, as soon as he hears the name, he knows that it is difficult to deal with.

Ice Queen:"When necessary, we can take action. No matter what, we must not let the Star-Swallowing Whale leave alive. Teyvat continent."

After all, the Star-Eating Whale may have been attracted by Dadalia.

Then the Ice Queen felt that she had to take action in this matter.

It is still necessary to clean up the mess for Dadalia, otherwise, after Dadalia, It is not easy to mess around on the Teyvat continent.

Navia:"I will also pay attention to the situation of the sea water here, and at the same time I will test Arecino's attitude.

But according to my observation, Arecino probably doesn’t know the truth about this matter.

Otherwise, Dadalia would not be allowed to come to Fontaine.

Mu Yang:"Who knows?"

Then just keep watching."

It is true that what Arlecino is showing now is all for Fontaine, but there is no guarantee that Arlecino has always had other plans.

After all, in the final analysis, it is just (getting money). It's just the words of Recino's family.

Of course, the authenticity of Arecino's words is still very high.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Mu Yang to feel nothing at all.

You know, Mu Yang has a similar ability to read minds. Fu Nina

:"Is there anything I can do now?"

As Fontaine's current nominal water goddess, she doesn't want to be a passer-by. What's more, Funina has been acting for five hundred years to deal with the floods.

Except for Fukalos, no one knows what Funina did in the past. How did he come here in five hundred years?

No, even Fukalos didn’t know how Funina came here before.

Compared to Fukalos, Funina’s psychological pressure was even greater After all, Fukalos is still a god, and Funina is just a human being.

Of course, Fukalos can't bear it, but she has been calculating her own death.

It can only be said that Fontaine The water god was quite miserable.

Those pure water elves not only deceived the old water god, but also deceived Fukalos. Fortunately, he picked up a water dragon when he went out, otherwise even if he wanted to plot something, it would be a coincidence. It’s hard for a woman to make a meal without rice.]

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