Mu Yang is quite satisfied with his current improvement speed.

It's a pity that he came to Teyvat Continent a little late. If he had come to Teyvat Continent five hundred years ago, he wouldn't have to worry about these problems.

Five hundred years are enough for Mu Yang to fully grow up.

If the Abyss did not attack the Teyvat Continent in the past five hundred years and allowed them to develop peacefully, Mu Yang would even have the confidence to develop the Teyvat Continent into a high-level world.

Perhaps this kind of world is not as good as the high-end prehistoric world, but it is still much more powerful than the ordinary fantasy world.

At least Mu Yang has such confidence, especially after Mu Yang discovered that his authority can be improved, Mu Yang's confidence has also increased.

【Fukalos:"Do you want Fontaine? Do you need me to prepare a place for you?"

There is no way not to be cautious. After all, Mu Yang is Tianli, and his strength is far superior to that of Fanes.

What's more, Mu Yang is also here to help Fengdan solve the problem.

The problem of accommodation must be solved with help.


At this time, Navia also wanted to invite Mu Yang and arrange the matter properly. In terms of dealing with people, this young lady was quite good.

But considering the house of the Rose of Thorns Society, Navia chose to give up.

Although during this period, the life of Thorn Rose Club has been much better, and they even have some business dealings with Ningguang, so life has been much better.

But Navia still used most of the molas she earned to help the local people.

The nobles of Fontaine did not take those people seriously, but Navia could not.

This also led to the fact that Navia's life was not much easier, at least she did not live the so-called life of a superior person.

Mu Yang:"I'm sorry to trouble you, but I also want to take advantage of this time to study the forbidden knowledge."

Mu Yang still has a lot of forbidden knowledge on hand.

Among them are those brought by the Flower God, and some given to Mu Yang by Alice.

Mu Yang would occasionally crack these things when he was bored, but even now, Mu Yang still has nearly 70% of the taboo knowledge that has not been cracked.

Fukalos:"Okay, Funina, you arrange a quiet room for Mu Yang.

Or you give your own room to Mu Yang."


Fu Nina said that she was also stunned.

There was no way, the words that Fukalos said were really too shocking.

When Mu Yang came to Fontaine, he really needed to be well entertained. Even if Fukalos didn't say it, Funina would do it.

But now Fukalos directly asked him to give up the room to Mu Yang, which made Funina not know what to say for a moment. o(TヘTo)

Is the gap between people so big?

Mu Yang:"There's no need to come. Just prepare a similar room for me."

Although Fukalos wanted to express respect for him, Mu Yang always felt that something was wrong when he drove Fufu away like this.

I am not one of those Fontaine people, so I can do these things to Fufu at will.

Moreover, I still want to make cream puffs when I go to Fontaine this time.

Ying:"Mu Yang, I'm on my way to Feng Dan now. Do you just need to make any preparations?"

Mu Yang:"You can come however you want.

When you get to Feng Dan, you will have five elemental powers..

Your strength will be comparable to the Demon God, or even surpass the ordinary Demon God. I am optimistic about you!"

Ying's strength has always been magical, but in the Sumeru period, her strength is no longer as good as the original Osel Weak.

At least the last time I felt in Muyang was that Ying had strength comparable to that of Osel.

Of course, that was also based on the fact that Oser was sealed by Morax for too long.

Ying:"Humph, don't worry.

When I get to Fontaine, I will definitely be able to show my due strength. I didn't pay attention to what happened to Xumi before."

Hearing Ying's words, for some reason, Fukalos and Villette had a bad feeling.

Although there is no problem with Ying's strength, this guy is also notoriously unreliable.

The previous Nasida was unlucky in the end just because she trusted Ying, even the Red King showed up.

No one knows what actions Ying will make after coming to Fontaine.

But what else can they do at this time?

I can only welcome you!

After the matter with Feng Dan is over, he will send Ying away. It is best to go to Winter Kingdom as soon as possible.

I believe that the Ice Queen has been waiting for Ying for a long time. With Ying joining, the Ice Queen's combat power can also be improved a lot.

I hope that when that time comes, we won’t attract Sora because of the relationship, and then start a war with the Abyss Cult early.】


In Mondstadt, on the grassland not far from the ruins of the original wind dragon, there are several huge windmills spinning here.

Not far from the windmill, there are a large number of play equipment with the theme of Keli and Duduke.

As Keli's birthday approached, Alice also brought Keli here. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not only did Keli come here, but Lian Yaoyao was also brought here by Alice.

After all, Yaoyao is now Keli's best friend, so it is naturally impossible for Alice to leave Yaoyao behind.

Originally, Alice still wanted to call Qin and the others to come together.

But where does Qin have time to play with Alice now?

Of course, it was necessary to spend her birthday with Keli. She had previously treated Keli as her biological sister.[]

Even in his busy schedule, he still has to take time to spend his birthday with Keli.

However, Qin still arranged for Barbara to come and play with Kelly.

When she saw Barbara, Kelly's big eyes blinked and kept looking at Barbara's body.

"What's wrong? Xiao Keli?"Barbara asked Keli curiously.

Barbara also missed this cute little guy very much.

When Keli was in Mondstadt, she was nervous and troublesome.

Every time she was detained by Qin, It was Barbara who brought food to Kelly.

At that time, Kelly was not only the treasure of the Knights of the West Wind, but also the treasure of Mondstadt.

Even Barbara and Qin's mother particularly liked Kelly.

"Sister Barbara has changed so much."Kelly looked at Barbara and said,"Moreover, it seems that the cover has also become larger."


Keli, what did this child learn?

Perhaps because of her long body and Mu Yang's help, Barbara has indeed grown a lot in recent times.

Not only is he taller than 1.6 meters tall, but he is about to reach 1.65 meters tall.

Even her body shape has improved towards Qin's.

It should be said that Qin's family bloodline is really good, and the two sisters are getting better and better.

"It seems that Barbara, you have also enjoyed the nourishment of love during this period of time?"Alice looked at Barbara with a half-smile.

She knew that during the time when she was accompanying her to build the amusement park for Keli, Mu Yang, this damn ghost, had completely eaten up Qin and Barbara.

This guy really knows how to play.

Originally, Alice thought that Qin would end up alone.

After all, it is obvious that a woman like Qin regards Mondstadt as more important than her own life.

If it were different It is difficult for a normal man to be with Qin, even if Qin has the soul of the entire West Wind Knights!

However, if it is Mu Yang, Alice can understand it. After all, Mu Yang does not need a woman to accompany him all the time. By his side.

There are women with strong female characters around Mu Yang. Whether it is Ke Qing, Ning Guang or Qin, they are all such people.

But I don’t know why, Mu Yang didn’t attack Gan Yu. Logically speaking , Mu Yang should not miss a woman with Gan Yu's stature.

This kind of soft and frail temperament should make men want to protect or bully them.

It's difficult. Could it be that Gan Yu's workaholic attribute was so strong that Mu Yang didn't even have time to attack Gan Yu?

"Miss Alice……"Barbara looked at Alice helplessly.

If she hadn't already known Alice's character, Barbara would have thought that Alice was deliberately causing trouble for her.

"Alas, it's not fun at all. She has the same old-fashioned character as your sister.

As a woman, you should learn some new things so that you can better retain men."Alice put her arm around Barbara's shoulders and said meaningfully.

"this……"Barbara opened her mouth to learn something new?

But is there anything to learn from this?

Oh, apart from what Mu Yang taught himself and Qin, there seems to be nothing else that can be done?!

After all, these things are usually initiated by men.

"Okay, when you have free time, sister, I will teach you something new."When Alice saw Barbara like this, she patted her chest and promised:"It will definitely make you more popular by then."

"But Miss Alice, aren't you also single?"Barbara tilted her head and said curiously.

"Maternal and fetal single? Who told you this sentence?"These words almost made Alice stumble. She asked in surprise:"Besides, I have a child like Kelly!"

"Mu Yang said."Barbara glanced at Keli next to her. As for where Keli came from, Barbara didn't know, and Mu Yang didn't say anything either!!

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and automatic subscription, okay, love) You! Son).

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