In order to prevent Mu Yang from worrying about the materials on his body.

At this time, Villette was also fighting hard. Even if it was the Star-Eating Whale, Villette would kill the opponent.

This is not about how much energy the Star-Eating Whale has, but how much benefit it can bring to the Teyvat Continent by killing the opponent. After all, with the current speed at which Mu Yang is purifying the abyss, the energy contained in the Star-Eating Whale may not take a few days. Absorbed back.

But the material on the Star-Eating Whale is what Villette cares about.

The Star-Eating Whale must be skinned and cramped, and with the Star-Eating Whale, I believe Mu Yang and others will not target him.

Thinking of this, Villette wanted to raise his head. Why did he, as the mighty Water Dragon King, still need to worry about these things? He told himself in his heart that he must be strong and never cry.

But Fontaine, why does it rain at this time?

【Navilet:"The question now is what strength the Star-Eating Whale has, and since Surturoch can tame the Star-Eating Whale, what level of strength has it reached? Asmode, can you defeat him?"

And can Mu Yang do it?

If the other party is very powerful, once we kill the Star-Eating Whale, Surturoch will also become the undying enemy of Teyvat Continent."

Asmodeus:"This I don’t know at all. After all, I don’t know Surturoch.

But someone who can tame the Star-Eating Whale must be a very powerful person.

As for becoming an enemy, there is no need to be too nervous. After all, Surturoch himself is our enemy 16.

If he really tamed the Star-Eating Whale and was going to be detrimental to the continent of Teyvat, he would be our unrelenting enemy.

The water of the original womb sea is against Teyvat The continent is quite important.

If the Teyvat continent loses the water of the original womb sea, then this world will gradually come to an end."

Zhongli:"Indeed, if this matter is really related to the Star-Eating Whale, then Su Surte Lodge is our enemy in Teyvat Continent.

If the opponent appears in Teyvat Continent, we will get rid of Surte Lodge at all costs.

As for whether this will offend Surte Lodge, there is no need to consider.

After all, the other party must have been eyeing the water of the primitive sea of ​​​​wombs, and they have been eyeing it a long time ago, even for several years."

Lei Movie:"Do you need me to go to Fontaine?"

Although I don't know about the Star-Swallowing Water. What is the strength of Whale and Surturoch, but as one of the most powerful men on the Teyvat continent, Lei Movie has no intention of being afraid.

As long as the gap between him and Surte Lodge was not too big, Lei Movie would want to kill Surte Lodge.

After all, Mu Yang himself is not easy to kill!

Only when she sees a truly strong person can she become more and more eager to improve her strength.

Fukalos:"No, at least there is no such demand for the time being."

At first, Fukalos really wanted to bring Lei Cinema to Fontaine, but he thought of the terrifying destructive power of Lei Cinema.

Fukalos was also timid.

The current strength of Lei Movie has improved a lot compared to the original. With Lei Movie’s current strength and the fact that he is not in Inazuma, Fukalos is very doubtful that if Lei Movie is cut down, the entire Fontainebleau will be gone. Ah!

This was unacceptable to Fukalos.

Wendy:"Mu Yang should be aware of it, and I don't know what Mu Yang's strength is now."

Nasida:"Mu Yang is currently in the space of the World Tree, changing the rules of this world with the Great Merciful Tree King.

If it is true When it is absolutely necessary, I can urge Mu Yang.

So there is no need to worry too much."

Wendy:"That's good!

Hey, I don't know what settings will be added this time.

I don't know. I hope those eighteen levels of hell will appear as soon as possible. This is very important to the continent of Teyvat."

Asmodeus:"The False Heaven has begun to change!"

Paimon:"???What changes have occurred?Σ(Д)"

Ying:"Is it possible that the sky of Teyvat Continent is about to change?"

Asmodeus:"The false sky is expanding, although the speed of expansion is not very fast.

If I were not the maintainer of heavenly principles, I might not be able to feel it.

He may have used part of the purified energy to expand the False Sky.

Even the height of the False Sky is gradually rising."

The starry sky of Teyvat Continent is false.

The whole starry sky is dotted.

Before, even the sun and moon were false, but because of Mu Yang's previous actions, the sun and moon were already real.

However, because the False Sky is not big enough, Mu Yang cannot continue to strengthen the moon and sun, nor can he add stars.

It's not that Mu Yang doesn't want to build a starry sky, but that the False Sky and Teyvat Continent are not big enough.

After all, to cultivate immortality, you still need to absorb the power of the sun and the power of the lunar moon.

Just like the Blue Star where he was before traveling through time, it is said that the moon had completely lost its life two billion years ago. No wonder he was unable to obtain special abilities on the Blue Star.

Lei Movie:"Is the False Sky expanding?

This is also a good thing for the continent of Teyvat."

Asmode:"It is a good thing. The False Sky is expanding, which is a good thing for me and him.

Moreover, I feel that the earth veins have also changed, but my authority over the earth veins is not very high."

Ruotuo Dragon King:"After what you said, I discovered that the earth veins are spreading, and they are spreading towards the dark sea."

Although Dragon King Ruotuo is a dragon king, he is also the embodiment of the mountains and rivers of Liyue.

If he wanted to, he could pull the earth veins of other countries and even control those earth veins.

But for the earth lines of other countries, Ruotuo Dragon King's authority is slightly lower.

If Asmodeus hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have even noticed.

Zhongli:"It seems that this should be Mu Yang's new ability after obtaining the Heart of Fire God. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) He should have gained the ability to control earth veins. It seems that he has gained the ability to control earth veins.

He has surpassed the original Fanes.

Of course, I am not talking about combat power, but the control over the Teyvat continent." Navilet

:"According to my estimation, he should have mastered the first throne, the third throne, and the first throne. All the authority of the Second Throne and the Third Throne."

Asmodeus:"He does have this ability, and if he continues to develop at this rate, he will become more powerful."[]

Alice:"It's amazing.

I'm really looking forward to the future development of Teyvat Continent.

By the way, you'd better go find out about Surturoch. I always feel that this person is extraordinary."

Ying:"I once Traveling in the sea of ​​stars, I have never heard of Surturoch's name.

However, I have heard some legends about the whale that swallowed the star, but I have no impression.

My brother may know some, but it's a pity. He is not on our side.

If you have a chance to see my brother, you can ask him."

At this time, Ying was also a little embarrassed to say that he was a little ignorant before, so he didn't want to go like Kong. Collect all kinds of information.

After all, for the original Ying, there were some things that she didn't need to do specially, as long as she did it in her spare time, there was no problem.

Ying never thought that one day, he and Kong would part ways.

Paimon:"Everything you say now is in vain. No matter what, we need to consider starting a war.

Improving our strength is the most important thing!"

Paimon's words made others speechless.

Who is currently the most badass in the chat group, it must be Paimeng.

Logically speaking, as the ruler of time, Paimon should take advantage of this time to work hard to improve his strength.

At least you need to restore your divine power and solve the problem of wear and tear.

107 As a result, when it came to Paimon's side, one did not restore his divine power, the other did not solve the wear and tear, and the third did not improve his strength.

If I hadn’t seen that the relationship between Paimeng and Mu Yang was very good.

They all suspected that it was actually Paimeng who was dissatisfied with Mu Yang, so they didn't doubt it so much. They could only think that it was Paimeng who was too lazy to do anything.】


For today's Mu Yang and King Daci Shu, the time required to create Reshiram is much simpler than when creating Zekrom.

In order to make up for the strength gap between Zekrom and Reshiram, this time, Mu Yang specially promoted Reshiram to the level of the Seven Gods.

If Reshiram were allowed to go out directly, it would not be impossible for him to be directly recognized as the God of Fire by the Nata people.

After all, the Nata people themselves don't know who the Vulcan is and where he is.

Moreover, Nata is a world where humans and dragons coexist, LexiMu also meets this requirement.

It's a pity that the God of Fire already exists. Otherwise, Mu Yang might really add the identity of a God of Fire to Lashiram.

In the era of Fanes, the Dragon King could not become a god. After all, once he did so, Fanes would feel disgusted no matter whether the Dragon King was willing to agree or not.

Moreover, with the Dragon King's arrogance, it would be a strange thing if they were willing to become the Seven Gods.

In their view, this is a humiliation to them.

But now this is his own continent of Teyvat, and Reshiram is not a standard Fire Dragon King, but was created by himself!

Mu Yang is still very satisfied with Reshiram's strength. Even though he has never wandered around outside, his strength is already comparable to Morax before joining the chat group. If he works hard and becomes a complete dragon in the future, his strength will be even greater. powerful.

It should be said that the Dragon King is the biological son of this world...

It is a pity that he lost to Fanes!

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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