
As a younger brother, Terrence Darby saw his brother in the video and said in a disgusting tone:"It's really ugly. He was turned into this by a gambling novice, and he dared to betray Master DIO."

"How good will your future end be? Don’t forget, you will also be dealing with Joseph and the others in the future."Daniel Darby defended his future self.

"Haha... Just watch how I defeat Joseph and make them all my dolls!"Terrence Darby is not angry on the surface.

If he hadn't been worried about the crowd here and DIO was also there, he would have beaten this brother who dared to curse him.

"You shameful traitor, I must teach you a lesson for Master DIO!"

"The shameful traitor dared to betray Lord DIO!"

"Lord DIO has seen your future actions, just wait and see how Lord DIO will punish you!"

The most loyal subordinates, including Enya, Malaya, and Vanilla, despised Daniel Darby's ugly behavior and betrayed his master, including"430" Steel Adam, who also scolded Daniel Darby to replace him. Transfer the hatred yourself.

Sure enough, as Vanilla and others expected, Daniel Darby was called in by DIO

"Daniel Darby, tell me, do you think I am terrible? Or is Yu Juan's battle with Shiwen more terrifying?"

DIO's tall and majestic figure appeared in the dim room. Daniel Darby was so frightened that he was sweating profusely and immediately shouted:

"Lord DIO, I...I have always been in awe of you and have no intention of betraying you."

Not to mention Daniel Darby who was frightened by his future self. Even before this, he always had a natural fear when seeing DIO.

"That's it... let's go!"

DIO did not take action against Daniel Darby who exposed himself in the"future". He had this premonition after seeing the sky curtain/video.

Unless the sky curtain can be destroyed, his substitute abilities and secrets will be destroyed. Exposed.

Neon, Yuzhuangzhai

"Kaguya has changed a lot with Yujun-kun!"Compared with Daniel Darby, Fujiwara Chika is more concerned about the changes in Shinomiya Kaguya.

It cannot be said to be assimilation, but it is definitely slowly developing towards U-kun and Shibun.

This is the Kinzhu in Chinese idioms The one who is red is close to the ink and the one who is black?

"Miss Kaguya……"

Hayasaka Ai feels more and more that Shinomiya Kaguya is the most correct decision to follow Usuke and Shiwen.

Even in less than a year in the future, Shinomiya Kaguya was transformed from a cold beauty into an increasingly passionate girl.

Miss Kaguya has found her Prince Charming, so her Prince Charming... is also Yu Xuan Zhan Shiwen?

No, wouldn't she have to compete with Miss Kaguya for a man?

【five minutes ago……】

【On a tropical island, young Joseph and Terrence Darby were sitting on opposite seats playing King of Fighters 15】

【"Joseph, give up! You can't beat me"】

【Terrence Darby was sitting on the chair, not even using two hands, but holding the controller in one hand to completely torture Joseph.】

【"Yeah? Darby, you will pay for your arrogance."】

【The young Joseph was indifferent to Terrence Darby's verbal and even physical provocations, and solemnly used the controller to control the character to fight back.】

【Even with one-handed operation, the character controlled by Joseph was still pressed and beaten by Terrence Darby.】

【Soon, there was only one role left for Joseph, and Joseph had already lost a game before. If he lost again, according to the rules of the game, it would be his failure.】

【Little Abdel had a cold sweat on his head:"It's not good at all. If Mr. Joestar loses once, he will be made into a doll.""】

【"Despicable, specifically picking a game that Brother Joestar has never played."The younger Polnareff's memory was obviously biased, and little Abdel next to him looked at him in surprise.】

【"I see, I already understand the secret of this game, Darby, it’s you who should admit defeat soon!"】

【Young Joseph suddenly smiled and gave Terrence Darby a confident smile】


【Terrence Darby showed no emotion as he read the mind of young Joseph】


【The talent is good, but it's still far behind a video game master like me.】

【"so what? You only have one character left, and my first character had half health left."Although Terrence Darby said it in a dismissive tone, he already used both hands in his movements.】

【Although it seems that it is impossible for you to be counter-killed by a novice, it is better to be cautious. It is always right.】

【The character controlled by Young Joseph seemed to suddenly have a soul. Facing the opponent's attack, he jumped behind him and launched the first set of combos that Young Joseph played after entering the game.】

【After forcing him into a corner, he used a series of aerial combos to successfully defeat the first character controlled by Terrence Darby. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【It's just luck, I still have two characters with full health!】

【Terrence Darby thought like this, and after the next character entered the scene and started, he controlled the character to fight against the character of young Joseph.】

【This time, Terrence Darby did not rush to attack, but hid in the corner to defend, and once again read the voice of young Joseph】

【Will you attack next?】




【do nothing?】


【So what do you want to do? ? ?】

【Terrence Darby finds someone with an unstable mind who doesn't attack or defend. So what are you going to do?】

【"I see, I already know your bastard’s ability. You bastard can definitely read my heart, but there are limits, right?"Young Joseph suddenly pointed at Terrence Darby..】

【"What are you talking about?"】

【"oh! Fool! asshole! Your expression and the cold sweat on your head have betrayed your thoughts, and your next words are - inexplicable!"】

【"baffling! Eh?"At the end of the sentence, Terrence Darby was stunned for a moment.】

【not good!】

【On the TV, the character controlled by Joseph had released his ultimate move, knocking out most of the health of the character controlled by Terrence Darby, and then made an alley-oop】

【"hateful! He actually deliberately distracted me."Terrence Darby gritted his teeth and concentrated on playing the game.】

【"Sure enough, as I expected, you do have the ability to read your mind, but it seems you can only ask YES or NO, right? Otherwise, it wouldn't be so embarrassing, right?"】

【Even though his character only had half of his health left, Joseph still spoke calmly.】

【Damn it, I want to see through your mind, what move are you going to use next? Is it a big move? Or no consecutive hits? Or some other trick?】


【Terrence Darby asked one by one and all he got was YES.】

【Is he kidding? You can only use one move, how could he do it all?】

【After the second character is also defeated by the character controlled by young Joseph, the third character comes on the scene】

【But no matter what Terrence Darby does, young Joseph can deal with it and counterattack.】

【"You guys are definitely cheating, right? Absolutely? Get up and let me check your seat and controls!"】

【Terrence Darby said, paused the game, and came to the location of young Joseph】

【No matter how he checked, he couldn't find any problems】

【Totally undetectable!】

【"Joseph, you bastard!"】

【When Terrence Darby just sat down, he discovered that the game had already started. The young Joseph controlled the character with no martial ethics and made a sneak attack, defeating his third character to complete the Jedi counterattack.】

【"what are you saying? Aren't you the one who continued the game?"】

【Young Joseph's words left Terrence Darby speechless. He didn't even remember that he had any memory of continuing the game. It was as if that memory had been erased.】

【Thank you! Fight Shiwen!】

【Young Joseph was extremely grateful to his grandson at this moment】

【The third decisive game was quick. At the beginning, Joseph was still the same three characters, while Terrence Darby was replaced by three DLC characters.】

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