【"Euler Euler Euler~~~"】


【On the alley in Kyoto, Platinum Star and BIG are engaged in a fist-to-fist battle, with each punch sending out a huge shock wave.】

【However, the situation between Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen is getting worse every moment.】

【As time went by, there were more and more wounds on his body. There were already more than 20 hideous gashes on his arms, and blood continued to flow from them.】

【However, Yu Zhuan and Shi Wen ignored it and still made the Platinum Star punch with all his strength.】

【"Euler! Euler! Euler!"】

【Platinum Star continuously punched BIG several times, making several big holes in the ground again, and then followed up with a series of flowing blows.】

【The shadow of the purple light fist enveloped BIG like an airtight network, and the whole ball of flesh shrank.】

【With this style of play, let alone avatars and humans】

【Even monsters that are not human beings have long been hammered into pieces by the Platinum Star. Unfortunately, the owner of this double has already died, and there is no way to kill it according to the mysterious physical rules.】

【"Mold has enveloped the entire Kyoto, haven't they eliminated the enemy yet?"Feeling the discomfort in his legs, Yu Juanzhan Shiwen looked solemn.】

【Not everyone has the same powerful ripples as him, and the life energy in his body protects him from mold erosion.】

【He has seen many people dying in despair under the entanglement of mold, or falling to the ground unable to move.】

【BIG, who was beaten in the pit by Platinum Star again, stood up again and launched the same rapid series of blows towards Platinum Star.】

【The red meat ball and the strong purple fist kept colliding, and the fist wind roared】


【Yu Zhuan wiped the cut on his cheek with Shi Wen and continued to watch the battle between Platinum Star and BIG.】

【"Sorry, Platinum Star, I can only let you face the enemy alone."】

【According to the previous fighting method, he rushed directly to fight with Platinum Star in a mixed doubles, but this time the opponent was special, and he could only watch from within the shooting range.】

【The damage and rebound suffered by Platinum Star will also affect him as the main body.】


【After Platinum Star beat BIG into the pit again, Yuxuan Zhan Shiwen looked at BIG who was about to get up again on the ground, his brows furrowed.】


【A whistling sound flashed across the sky】

【When Yu Zhuan Shiwen heard the voice, he looked up at the sky and suddenly smiled.】

【"That old man will really surprise me"】

【Under the dark night sky, a fighter jet roared past and flew back immediately.】

【The pilot controlling the fighter jet is none other than Joseph Joestar!】

【I don’t know where he got the jet, but it doesn’t matter to Yu Juan and Shiwen today.】

【What's important is that he sawhope】

【"Platinum Star, no need to keep punching"】

【Yu Zhuan relied on Shi Wen to make Platinum Star stop punching BIG and stand still.】

【As he expected, after BIG got up, it did not attack Yu Xuanzhan Shiwen and his stand-in who were close at hand, but looked around blankly.】


【The jets in the sky seemed to be aware of BIG's status and began to fly higher into the sky.】

【The jet's high-speed flight immediately attracted BIG's attention. BIG once again transformed from a tall and strong human form back into a bloated ball of flesh and flew straight into the sky.】

【"Old man, you have to come back alive!"】


【Yuxuan, who was worried about Joseph, looked at the wound on Shiwen's arm and blood spattered on the ground.】

【"That thing is really unreliable!"】

【"Sure enough, I have to do it to kill the Joestar family."】

【Seeing this on the roof behind, Sawagotsu made Youth grab Kaguya Shinomiya, who had mold growing on her body.】


【One round...not just one round, but six bullets were fired at Sawatsuchi on the roof.】

【Ze Yuezhi's body immediately decomposed and escaped those bullets.】

【"Those bullets... are stand-ins?"】

【Ze Yuezhi looked at the"bullets" behind him in surprise. They were six yellow villains, and they were all obviously conscious villains.】

【Looking along the source, I saw a short-haired young man wearing a shirt holding a revolver, aiming at Zeyue】

【"You guy? It's Yu Ishigami, right?"】

【Ze Yuezhi looked at the short-haired young man and immediately recognized his identity.】

【"How do you know this, you scumbag?"】

【Ishigami Yu aimed his revolver at Sawatsuzhi, and the stand-ins once again returned to Ishigami Yu's hands and were loaded.】

【Zeyue Zhi's smile was once again full of joy:"Do you know Otomo Kyoko?"】

【Hearing this name, Yu Ishigami's hands were shaking and cold sweat broke out on his head:"What did you do to her?"】

【"That girl tasted really good. Ogino-kun and I enjoyed it very much. Seeing her dull eyes and despairing expression towards me, it was so Sbarasi!"】

【"By the way, after that she became pregnant with my and Ogino-kun's child, and then what? Did she commit suicide not long after?"】

【Ze Yuezhi proudly told his"great achievements" in front of Ishigami Yu and Shinomiya Kaguya."】

【The knuckles of both of them were clenched so hard that they turned white, and Ishigami Yu even had veins bulging on his forehead:

"Shut up!"】

【Once again, he fired bullets at Ze Yuezhi on the roof. Five shots were fired in succession, but at this distance, it was impossible to hit Ze Yuezhi.】

【Sawagoshi was still chattering there, irritating Ishigami Yu:"Oh, by the way, Ishigami-kun, her body was well preserved after I salvaged it?"] At this moment, Otomo Kyoko, who was in the junior high school, looked pale, thinking about her future After being raped by these two scumbags, her body was kept by the pervert Ze Yuezhi. She was heartbroken and ran out of the classroom directly.

【"Bastard, scum, shut up!!!"】

【The superiority of Ishigami is grief, anger, and despair. The more Ze Zhi becomes, the happier he becomes.】

【Seeing that he was too far away to get closer, Ishigami Yu ran towards Sawatsuchi, started climbing from the nearby wall, and moved upward.】

【As his body parts move higher, the mold on his body and on the stand-in also decreases.】

【Just as Yu Ishigami was about to climb onto the roof, a powerful big foot stepped on the back of Yu Ishigami's hand.】

【I saw Ze Yuezhi arriving at the house above at some point, staring at Yu Ishigami below with interest.】

【"Yes, that's right, that's the expression. Come on, make me happy as much as possible!"】

【While Sawatsuzhi stepped on Ishigami Yu's hand, the green humanoid stand beside him held Shinomiya Kaguya and punched Ishigami Yu in the air.】

【Yu Ishigami's expression was painful, but he was determined and did not scream. With his free hand, he held the revolver and fired bullets at him.】

【"It's useless, just go down with despair!"】

【Even at such a close distance, Ze Yuezhi still turned his head to avoid the bullet. In his youth, Ishigami Yu was completely knocked off the roof.】

【Fortunately, the houses in Kyoto are all in ancient style and are not very high. Ishigami Yu fell on the stone slab and a lot of mold had grown on his body.】

【"Shishang, Shishang, are you okay?"】

【"Ishigami, don’t die! on a stone!"】

【Several stand-ins called to Ishigami Yu. Ishigami Yu was unconscious. All the five fingers on his hands had turned purple due to the huge force and he could not move. Several of his ribs were also broken.】

【"Senior Ujou...Kyoko, everyone……"】

【Ishigami Yu murmured, curled his legs, and stood up with his right hand and head supporting the ground.】

【"Only, only you scum... are unforgivable!"】

【There was unusual determination and anger in Ishigami Yu's eyes. 】

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