"Don't even think about killing him!"Madara stepped forward in red armor and stood in front of Wu Shi.

Madara held an Amanuma spear turned into a Taoist Jade and stabbed Wu Shi.

But Wu Shi's speed was too fast, and he directly kicked him Madara's Amanuma Spear was crushed to pieces, and then crashed into Madara's chest with extreme brute force.

"puff!"Madara spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were filled with disbelief. He didn't expect that the pace of the battle would be so fast.

"boom!"Wushi punched out again, and Madara's body was directly broken.

Soon, Madara felt that the life force in his body began to drain rapidly.

Wu Shi grabbed Madara in his hand with a ferocious look.

Wu Shi sneered. :"Overestimating one's capabilities01!!!"



Madara didn't say anything. He inserted a kunai into Wu Shi's body.

A trace of blood flowed out. Although the wound was not big, in Wu Shi's view, this was the greatest humiliation to him!

"Bold lowlife! Die!"Wushi grabbed Madara's head and then hit him with his knee.


What does a watermelon explosion look like? Uchiha Madara is like this now. Red liquid and fragments are floating in space.


Uchiha Xiao frowned. He didn't expect the battle to end so quickly.

Obviously, Madara did not grasp the rhythm of the battle with Otsutsuki.

Uchiha Xiao felt depressed and had no choice but to use this move.

Just when Wu Shi wanted to attack Uchiha Xiao, Uchiha Xiao's eyes bloomed with a blue light.

"Back in time!"

Otsutsukiura's ability was activated, and time instantly returned to a few seconds ago.

"boom!"Wushi's lightsaber swung down hard, and Uchiha Xiao grabbed the sword to block.

He returned to ten seconds ago!

Uchiha Xiao immediately turned his head to look, and saw that Wu Shi's horns had already ignited a flame

"Die!"Wushi's old face was full of anger.

He turned into an afterimage and killed Uchiha Xiao, and Uchiha Madara was blocking him as before.

Uchiha Xiao's eyes suddenly turned into kaleidoscopes.

"Added earth life-Amaterasu!!!!"

A ball of enhanced Amaterasu flames appeared in front of Wu Shi, and Wu Shi had to brake with both feet.

Uchiha Xiao kicked Wu Shi away, and then continued to activate the kaleidoscope ability. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Heavenly hand power!"

In an instant, the positions of Uchiha Xiao and Madara were exchanged.

"Xiao?!"Madara was a little surprised, but when he saw Uchiha Xiao's two blue reincarnation eyes, he instantly understood what happened.

"I will deal with Wu Shi and this old man, and you and Kaguya will deal with the other one!"After saying that, Uchiha Xiao's hands began to stretch out, and a celestial yin pulled Wu Shi and Wu Shi closer.

Uchiha nodded, then jumped up and attacked the water mirror.

Wu Shi looked at Uchiha Xiao Not taking him seriously in this way, anger arose in his heart

"Boy! Don't be too arrogant!"

As he spoke, Wu Shi stretched out his hand, and a purple-black energy gathered in his palm.

"Extremely scary wave!"

The black beam of light came quickly. Uchiha Xiao rolled to avoid it. His body brushed against the beam of light and was not hit by the beam of light.

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