The soldiers of the empire all took the form of ten to one to besiege Otsutsuki, which made the Otsutsuki a little confused.

After all, every soldier's combat effectiveness is at least at the level of a shadow.

No Otsutsuki would be afraid of a single shadow, but what about ten?

You must know that in Boruto, the Five Shadows can hold Otsutsuki Kinshiki.

What's more, the empire's soldiers now take the form of ten to one!

The battle quickly reached a fever pitch, and as the battle continued, the shortcomings of the Imperial soldiers were quickly exposed.

Although the scientific ninja tools of the imperial soldiers and the technology aimed at Otsutsuki made the Otsutsuki a little blind for a while, after a period of adaptation, the Otsutsuki also mastered the soldiers' attack methods.

As for the Otsutsukis, each of them has different abilities and cannot grasp the rules at all.

As time passed, the soldiers began to show their fatigue, and they began to retreat.

Gradually, the bodies of some soldiers began to float in the space.

Although the soldiers of the empire have increased rapidly in strength and speed with the help of"Super Body One" and exoskeletons, Otsutsuki's Byakugan is still better.

Punches more violent than soft fists hit the soldiers, and for a while, many exoskeleton fragments began to fly around.

At this critical moment, a soldier stretched out his right hand, and an invisible gas began to flow from the arm's exoskeleton.

When the other soldiers saw this scene, they also stretched out their right hands.

The Otsutsukis were a little surprised by the soldier's movements, but they didn't think much about it because they didn't feel any discomfort.

But what they don't know is that they have now been infected by the genetic weapons developed by Amado.

A toxin that only targets Otsutsuki began to spread in their bodies, but because it took effect slowly, they have not discovered it yet.


Wu Shi kept flashing among the soldiers with his lightsaber in his hand. Every time he moved, he would take away several lives.

Facing this scene, the soldiers all looked down, because they knew that they would not be able to survive if they continued like this. How long will it take before all five hundred of them will be killed by Otsutsuki Takeshi!

Perhaps echoing the hearts of the soldiers, a powerful force suddenly flew out of the earth


A bright blue light suddenly appeared, and then a blue giant suddenly appeared. The giant held a giant blade and swung it directly towards Wu Shi.

Wu Shi didn't dare to be too big, so he put away the lightsaber he was about to chop down. , the whole person jumped back.

The blue giant did not pursue Wu Shi, but waved his hand, and countless magatama suddenly appeared, hitting the Otsutsukis like cannonballs.


A burst of smoke passed, and several injured Otsutsuki stepped back.

"Phew~" The wings on the back of the giant opened and closed, blocking the soldiers.

Densely packed armor covered the giant's body, and the Tengu mask on his face looked full of evil.

This is the perfect Susanoo.!

"Is this Uchiha Xiao? The momentum is indeed impressive."Otsutsuki Wu Shi stroked his beard and said.

Wu Shi shook his head:"He is not Uchiha Xiao, and I have not seen this person before, but he has an aura that is very familiar with Uchiha Xiao."

After speaking, Wu Shi felt it carefully, and then continued:"This person is much weaker than Uchiha Xiao. Wu

Shi frowned, his wrinkles tangled together in the ravine:"Is that Uchiha Xiao really that strong?""

Wushi suspected that Wu Shi praised Uchiha Xiao so much just to excuse his failure.

In his opinion, it is already rare for people on earth to have the strength of Uchiha Madara.

Wu Shi said calmly:"Wait a minute. You'll know it when you see it. In the past two years, I don't know how strong that guy has become."

"You are, Madara-sama!"

The rescued soldiers were grateful.

Over the years, after traveling around the ninja world, Madara began to contribute to the ninja world with peace of mind.

He became the highest authority in the entire Imperial Guard, holding a huge amount of power in his hands. He has power, but he has not used it to make profits. In other words, people at Madara Uchiha's current level are no longer interested in those things.

After more than two years of hard work, the entire ninja world knows this diligent, hard-working person. The silent Lord Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Madara said:"It's okay, here, I will be in charge for the time being!"

Looking at the tall giant, a sense of security arose in the hearts of the soldiers.

Uchiha Madara had already installed the Rinnegan Eye at this time, and even successfully learned the Sage Mode under the guidance of Uchiha Xiao.

Not only that, Various experiments by Amado and Orochimaru have also benefited Uchiha Madara. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Needless to say, various powerful drugs, even the chakra of the nine tailed beasts They were all given to Madara, and now Madara has even turned on the Six Paths Sage mode.

The whole person is only stronger than the original plot!

Uchiha Madara stood on Susan's head, he crossed his arms and looked down All the Otsutsukis felt like they were looking at ants.

Feeling this kind of gaze, the Otsutsukis instantly became unhappy. How dare you, an inferior race, to look at us like this?!

Otsutsuki Wushu was a little irritated. , he stepped forward and wanted to kill Uchiha Madara directly.

However, at this moment, a figure walked out of Otsutsuki, and the person who came out was none other than the leader of the advance team for this battle, Otsutsuki Kaze Shiki.

"How dare you, mere earth ants, look at us with such eyes? This is an unforgivable crime!"As Feng Shi spoke, his body slowly floated up, and his hair was fluttering against gravity.

Madara didn't speak, but the contempt in his eyes still made Feng Shi furious.

Feng Shi said coldly:"I'll hold him back. This guy, with all his troops, will annihilate the opponent's troops!"

After saying that, countless red-glowing balls appeared in his hand, and the balls surrounded Madara's Susanoo.

Just when Madara was confused, an extremely powerful suppressive force suddenly appeared!

".What?!"Madara controlled Susana and found that Susan was now unable to move.

A smile appeared on Feng Shi's lips:"I'll leave it to you to have some fun, Earthling."

Although Madara wanted to help the soldiers of the empire, he knew that he could not escape from Feng Shi's strange ability now.

In this case, he could only go all out.

Madara's eyes turned into lavender reincarnation eyes. , and a dozen black seeking jade appeared behind him.

"Then I will stay with you until the end!"As he spoke, Susanoo's blue light became more lush.

On the other side, the soldiers' mood was as dull as a dark cloud. They finally got a rescue, but they were still entangled, although they also lacked the Otsutsuki style. This is a powerful enemy, but the enemy is still very powerful.

Not to mention the Ōtsutsuki Mushi who is not far away, there are still two generals of the enemy in the distance, Ōtsutsuki Mushi and Ōtsutsuki Mizukage. I personally haven’t taken action yet!

The situation suddenly became desperate (promise is good)

"Jie, Jie, Jie, suffer death, people on earth!"The Otsutsukis showed proud smiles.

Although the battle just now surprised them, the result was still gratifying. These earthlings in front of them were no match for their Otsutsukis!

However, at this moment, one Otsutsuki suddenly felt There was a discomfort in his body, and a pain suddenly entered his brain

"What's going on?!"He covered his brain and let out a painful howl.

Seeing the opportunity, the soldiers fighting him took up their weapons and began to violently attack Otsutsuki.

Otsutsuki, who was originally at ease, was completely shaken after this period of discomfort. He almost lost his combat effectiveness. After struggling to withstand several attacks, he died directly under the siege of the imperial soldiers.

And this situation quickly spread around like a virus.

Some big tubes

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