The giant ax rotated and slowly floated in space.

Everyone present was stunned, and emotions of shame and anger were swirling in the heart of the one-eyed Otsutsuki.

His weapon was actually knocked away by an Earthling!

The more they fought, the more surprised one-eyed Otsutsuki was, because he found that the opponent's speed and strength were actually very good, and he could even compete with him, Otsutsuki!

What he didn't know was that Maoyue Xiyan's speed and strength were not acquired through her own cultivation.

The training methods of the empire's soldiers are completely different from the thousands of years of tradition. The traditional ninja training methods cannot cope with the upcoming Otsutsuki crisis.

Therefore, after discussing with a group of senior officials, Uchiha Xiao decided to use foreign objects to increase the strength of the soldiers.

Then, the"Super Body No. 1" developed by Orochimaru came into being. As the name suggests, the function of Super Body No. 1 is to allow the body to exceed its original limits.

This drug"520" does not directly increase chakra, but it can greatly develop the human body's potential!

If the original strength and speed of Maoyue Xiyan were only 5, now her strength and speed have directly reached 15!

With a threefold growth, Maoyue Xiyan felt more powerful than ever before.

With the support of drugs, coupled with powerful exoskeleton devices and scientific ninja tools, Uzuki Yugan, who was originally just a jounin, has gained strength beyond the average Kage level!

Seeing that the sharp blade was about to hit the one-eyed Otsutsuki, a pale hand grabbed Uzuki Xiyan's long sword.

"!"Uoyuki Xiyan raised her eyes and saw that the other person was actually a female Otsutsuki. Her white and delicate face revealed a chilling look.

However, from the layer of white gauze worn by the female Otsutsuki, it can be seen that this female Otsutsuki is a noble!

Maoyue Xiyan wanted to draw the knife, but she found that the other party's slender hand, as white as jade, was like a pair of hard pliers and could not be pulled away at all!


As soon as the female Otsutsuki's hand exerted force, the hard sharp blade was crushed directly by her!

Uzuki Xiyan did not hesitate, she immediately let go and jumped back.

"Mr. Feng Shi......"One-eyed Otsutsuki felt very ashamed. He didn't expect to be saved by his superiors after fighting with a low-level person.

Otsutsuki Fushiki turned his head to look, his beautiful eyes exuding murderous intent:"If there is a next time, don't stay in the advance team!"

As he said that, Otsutsuki Fengshiki looked forward again, only to Seeing that Maoyue Xiyan had already extended the distance to an extreme distance.

When faced with the enemy, Feng Shi does not have the kind of arrogance that is unique to Otsutsuki. She has only one idea for the enemy, and she will try her best to kill them!

She waved her hand and said loudly:"All members of the advance team! Kill this Earthling!"

Mao Yue Xiyan's face darkened. She did not expect that the other party was going to attack with all his strength.

Suddenly, more than a dozen figures rushed towards Uoyue Xiyan, a solemn look on her face.

Uoyue Xiyan made a strange gesture with her hand, and instantly, a small device appeared in her hand.

Watching the Otsutsuki flying towards them, Uzuki Xiyan calculated the right moment and turned on the switch on the device.


A burst of thick smoke suddenly appeared, and then spread out. The thick smoke was like a giant beast, constantly swallowing the surroundings, and soon enveloped a dozen Otsutsuki. The thick smoke blocked a dozen Otsutsuki. Mu's sight, but the Otsutsuki's expressions remained normal.

"Hey, how can the mere smoke block our Otsutsuki's eyes?....."However, before he could finish his conceited words, the scene in front of him slapped him in the face.

A dozen pairs of Otsutsuki's white eyes moved wildly, trying to find Uoyuki Xiyan's figure, but they were surprised to find it.

They couldn't see anything! Everything in front of me, except black smoke, is still black smoke!

This layer of smoke can actually block perspective!

"who is it! Who touches me?!"

"It's me, alas, who is it?! Why are you touching me?!"

In the smoke, the noise suddenly arose. Maoyue Xiyan was also in darkness, but her face was not panic at all.

Maoyue Xiyan stretched out her hand and tapped on the helmet, and a layer of goggles appeared on her face. In front of her eyes, from Uazuki Yugan's perspective, the goggles were a thermal imager.

Smoke can block perspective, but it cannot block heat!

The Otsutsukis cannot see Uazuki Yugan, and Uazuki Yugan can rely on thermal imaging Seeing the enemy, the situation between the enemy and the enemy made her feel much more relaxed.

Maoyue Xiyan did not hesitate, she raised her arms, and two tubes appeared on the exoskeleton of her arms.

"The flames die!"

"call out!"

Two red lasers shot out instantly between her arms.

Because these lasers came from natural volcanoes and did not contain chakra, no one in Otsutsuki in the smoke could even sense the incoming lasers!

Otsutsuki finally calmed down in the smoke, and one Otsutsuki said loudly:"Everyone, please stop arguing, I will use my ability to absorb the smoke!""

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a green portal appeared in the smoke. The portal had a strong suction force, and soon absorbed all the surrounding smoke...

Just when the Otsutsukis were relieved, A strong red light suddenly appeared in their peripheral vision!

Everyone looked over and saw two straight red lights coming with high temperature.


Otsutsuki, who had just opened the portal, was hit instantly. Two red lasers hit him, causing two bloody wounds on his body.

"no, impossible......"That Otsutsuki wanted to struggle to escape, Uzuki Xiyan's hands spread slightly to both sides.

Following Uzuki Xiyan's movements, the two laser beams began to expand to both sides. In an instant, the body of Otsutsuki was cut in half by the laser.

"What?!"Everyone was stunned. This red light with no chakra fluctuation actually killed an Otsutsuki!

Uzuki Xiyan didn't end the attack. She quickly spread her arms to both sides.

A low-level native actually killed Three noble Otsutsuki fell!

Many Otsutsuki looked at this scene and felt that the sky was about to collapse. They had never even imagined such a thing!

Otsutsuki Takeshi's face was also filled with solemnity With a look on his face, he knew that the earth was a piece of meat that was difficult to chew, but now it seemed that this piece of meat had been frozen in the refrigerator! It was even harder to chew!

"Hey, Wu Shi, is this the Uchiha 2 Xiao who defeated you?"Someone looked at Wu Shi. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wu Shi shook his head:"No, Uchiha Xiao is much stronger than her."

Listening to Wu Shi's words, the Otsutsukis next to them looked at each other. They all saw solemn looks in each other's eyes. If an unknown woman has such strength, how powerful will the strongest Uchiha Xiao on earth be? Powerful?

They don't know clearly in their hearts, but at least they know one thing: the earth is not as weak as they imagined!


Several chakra cannons were fired instantly, and several huge blue light waves came.

Feng Shi had no choice but to lead the advance team to scatter.

At this time, she discovered that after the light waves disappeared, hundreds of small dots came from The sky of the Earth was slowly flying towards us.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the people coming were all Earthlings. There were hundreds of them, and they were all wearing the same exoskeleton armor as Maoyue Xiyan!.

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