
A clear cry came out, and Reina was seen closing her eyes tightly in the room, and her body began to erupt with strong chakra.

The next second, her hair began to emit bursts of bright white light.

Along with When the white light came on, the surrounding items and facilities shook, and there was only a"click, click, click" sound, and cracks appeared on all those items.

Even the floors, walls, and ceilings were not spared, and ferocious marks appeared one after another..

Reina gradually retracted the released chakra, and the light on her hair gradually dimmed.

After it was over, she looked at Uchiha Xiao with bright eyes:"Brother, brother! How about it~"

"Rena-chan is so awesome."

Uchiha Xiao touched Reina's head. He didn't expect that the delicate sister Didi's kaleidoscope ability was so destructive....

And according to Tsunade, on the battlefield just now, Rena's burst of power was even more powerful, and even caused a large-scale strong earthquake!

But after that, Reina vomited blood and fainted due to lack of chakra and physical fitness. Using this kaleidoscope ability with great force caused great harm to Reina now.

Uchiha Xiao was still happy about Reina's opening of eyes.

Because in the past, under the care of Uchiha Xiao, Reina's Sharingan had always stayed on the second magatama.

Otherwise, it's because Uchiha Xiao dotes on his sister too much.

Ever since Reina 000 reached the age where she could go on the battlefield (seven or eight years old), Uchiha Xiao has given Reina full protection.

So this is why Rena, as the younger sister of Uchiha Xiao, has never been able to activate the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Uchiha Xiao didn't want Reina to suffer too much suffering and sadness.

But now Rena's opening of eyes did not go through any suffering, but came from protection.

This is similar to the kaleidoscope opened by Zorina in Boruto, and it also comes from protecting others.

But the battle just now sounded the alarm for Uchiha Xiao. If Reina hadn't suddenly activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, if the clones hadn't arrived in time.

So now Uchiha Xiao is probably preparing to resurrect Reina for the second time.

Rena's strength and talent are good in the ninja world, but if they are placed in the enemy Otsutsuki she will face in the future, it will seem to be stretched thin.

Uchiha Xiao understood that he could no longer pamper Reina so much. Reina's strength must be improved, at least to the point of self-protection.

Feeling the strange and unkind look in her brother's eyes, Reina couldn't help but shudder:"Brother, brother?"

On a green land, several figures were running in circles on the ground.

There are panting sounds all around, and combined with the pink sky, it makes people feel lazy and decadent.

"too slow!"Uchiha Xiao stood not far away. Next to him stood Kaguya, with a somewhat uncomfortable expression on his face.

This is Kaguya's space in the sky, the gravity space. Here, Kaguya can make the enemy feel Ten times or even a hundred times a thousand times the gravity!

However, under Uchiha Xiao's whimsical idea, this gravity space is no longer a means of attack, but has become a training ground.

In fact, when I felt Kaguya's gravity for the first time When he was in space, Uchiha Xiao thought of the scene in Dragon Ball where Goku and Vegeta practiced in the gravity room in order to become stronger.

But now, this idea has been realized.

Running in circles in front of them is Otsutsuki Mu F4, they who usually stand high above the stars never thought that they would actually be in such a state of embarrassment, panting like dogs.

Countless sweat covered their bodies, and the hundredfold weight made it difficult for them to lift their steps, but Uchiha Xiao's order to them was to run for fifteen hours first!

Fifteen hours!

Otsutsuki F4 felt very desperate, but if they slacked even a little bit, the powerful tightening curse would make them miserable and worse than death!

But if you slowly pull your eyes back, you will see a thin figure walking slowly behind. This person is Reina!

Reina is also very uncomfortable. The hundred times gravity is even more difficult for her, so she can only Walking slowly

, when he saw Reina, Uchiha Xiao's cold eyes instantly turned into unbearable ones.

"Rena, do you want to take a break?"Uchiha Xiao's voice was very gentle, and the Otsutsuki F4 not far away (cadd) could hear a chill.

Although Reina was young, she had the same stubbornness as Uchiha Xiao.

Her hair was wet with sweat and was messy. Between the wet hair, a touch of blood appeared in Rena's eyes:

"I can do it, brother! I want to protect you! I want to be stronger!"

Because she was too tired, Reina spoke a little bit intermittently, but the meaning was conveyed well. Her style of never admitting defeat is very similar to Uchiha Xiao!

"As expected of me, Uchiha Xiao's sister." Uchiha Xiao's eyes showed approval. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How long such training will last, Uchiha Xiao doesn't know, because it depends on the time of Otsutsuki's large-scale attack on the earth.

Maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe a few months later, or even several years later.

But he knows that this time is definitely not far away. Otsutsuki, who has learned the martial arts information, will definitely prevent Uchiha Xiao's strength from growing too fast. And come to Earth as soon as possible.

Uchiha Xiao's sense of crisis is very strong. It is stronger than when he faced the ninja coalition on the eve of the Fourth Ninja War and at the end of the Warring States Period.

Because he knows that if he is not careful, the entire The earth will be buried with him!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Xiao's eyes became colder, and he looked at Otsutsuki F4, whose speed had slowed down a bit. If you slow down again, train for five more hours!"

Uchiha Xiao heard If so, the four of them gritted their teeth and worked hard to increase their speed. In their hearts, the four of them cursed Uchiha Xiao the most viciously.

Uchiha Xiao looked at Kaguya:"I also taught you the Tightening Curse. Take care of them. I'm going to the scientific research department."

Then, Uchiha Xiao used the Huangquan Hiraban to return to the ninja world, and then used a Flying Thunder God, Came to the scientific research department of Mingren Village.

Uchiha Xiao walked into a huge workshop, and two familiar figures stood in front of him

"Orochimaru, Amado, has my proposal made any progress?"Uchiha Xiao said aloud.

Orochimaru turned around, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes:"Although I am also surprised, it is indeed as you said, your proposals are surprisingly feasible. Amado

's expression was even more excited. He put out the cigarette and his eyes flashed:"Master Xiao, you really have fantastic ideas!" You even have the potential to be a scientist!"

Uchiha Xiao nodded unfathomably, and the appearance of an outsider made Amado's expression even more excited.

Under the leadership of the two people, Uchiha Xiao walked to a huge piece of equipment.

Uchiha Xiao raised his head. , the appearance of this behemoth can be seen at a glance.

The long tube tilts towards the sky at a 45-degree angle. Behind the tube are very sophisticated equipment, as well as wheels and chassis that can help move.

There is no doubt that this is a giant machine. Cannon!

Amado put his hands on his waist and let out a sigh of relief:

"This is the biggest result we got today, Chakra Cannon!".

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