"Run away!"

Speaking this sentence, Taoshi seemed to have exhausted all her strength and could no longer say a single word.


Kagetsu was stunned at first, and just as he was about to ask why, a strong sense of crisis suddenly swept through his body.

Momoshi stretched out his hand, and the palm of his hand was not the Rinne Sharingan in Kagetsu's impression, but a The opening for the machine

"How can it be?!"

Looking at Momoshiki's modified hands, Kagyue's first thought was that she didn't believe it. Who could do such a thing to the noble Otsutsuki noble?!

However, before Kagyue could be surprised for a long time, a flash of red light Appearing in Taoshi's palm, at the same time, Huayue's inner sense of crisis became more intense


Hua Yue didn't care about the etiquette in front of the nobles. Her face bloomed instantly, and countless blood-red tentacles were entangled together to form a disgusting meat ball.

Although it looked disgusting, the defense of the meat ball was indeed It's good. Huayue has resisted countless attacks with this.

In the next breath, two red rays of light came from TaoThe hands shot out


The laser quickly hit the meat ball. Soon, charred marks spread on the meat ball, and an unpleasant burnt smell filled the air. The intense high temperature was beyond Huayue's imagination, even through the meat shield. , there was still strong heat that came in, making it difficult for Huayue to pass through, but Huayue could still withstand such an attack.

Momoshiki moved her thumbs, and after a clicking sound, the lasers on both palms were more intense. Wider!

The powerful output of two lasers as thick as pillars hit Huayue's human shield. The high temperature of the lasers had distorted the surrounding air, and even the ground that had not touched showed signs of scorch. Finally

, there were traces of scorch.

Hanazuki couldn't hold it anymore, she took the meat ball, and the strong tentacles pushed on the ground, and she avoided it very flexibly.

Maybe the training time was too short after all, and there was no Rinne Sharingan, It was very difficult for Momoshi to keep up with Kagetsu's speed, so he had no choice but to hold down the lasers in his hands.

Seeing Momoshi hold back the attack, Kagetsu felt relieved, and then regardless of the opponent's noble status, he opened his mouth and shouted :"Why are you attacking me! Momoshiki!"

However, Momoshi's face was still expressionless, which made Huayue feel that something was wrong. Momoshi had always been a proud and arrogant master, and had never shown cold emotions.

However, at this moment, a terrifying thought came to Huayue. Yue's mind flashed.

After a moment, Hanayue shook her head, trying to shake this absurd thought out of her mind.

Impossible, how could we, Otsutsuki, become the puppets of lower creatures?

But this Once the idea was planted, it lingered in Kagyue's mind. Combined with Momoshi's inexplicable"run away" and the sudden attack just now, it seemed to confirm one thing. Otsutsuki Momoshi was... Controlled!

Although I don’t want to think so, the fact seems to be the case.

Kagetsu felt that the fear in her heart was even more intense. Even Lord Momoshiki was like this. Could it be that the other people who had lost contact like Lord Momoshiki had also changed? Looked like this?

As if to confirm her conjecture, a figure suddenly appeared behind her. When she looked back, it was Ura Shi with short hair.

"Ura style?!"

However, Ura Shiki didn't speak, his shoulders began to crack, and a strange device appeared in front of Kagetsu. Kagyue was very confused and couldn't understand the device.

But Tsunade, as a person in the ninja world, recognized it at a glance. He used that device, the speaker.

What Tsunade didn't know was that the speaker had been modified to be a thousand times more powerful, and it was also directional. As long as it was aimed properly, it would not harm innocent people.


A powerful sound wave struck suddenly. Although Huayue was prepared, chakra had already gathered on his legs.

But no matter how fast Huayue was, it was not faster than the speed of sound, and the sound wave soon swept across Huayue's body.

The powerful sound waves even distorted the space. The release of the sound waves a thousand times even turned into a stylish attack, getting into Huayue's ears.

Huayue's soft face collapsed instantly, and she Her eyes rolled up, and blood flowed from her ears.

She stretched out her hands and tried to use her power to absorb the sound waves, but this was of no use. Sound waves are not the product of chakra.

Amado is a Tech giants cannot allow their purely technological devices to be mixed with chakra.

This is what makes Huayue very uncomfortable. Huayue cannot absorb all their attacks with her abilities, and it is difficult to defend against them. , the power of Otsutsuki's F4 modification device cannot be overshadowed.

Urashiki looked at Kagetsu in pain, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart. It was not about how familiar he was with Kagetsu, but the collapse of the belief he had persisted in for many years.

Thousands of years In the past, their concept has always been that Otsutsuki is the number one in the universe, and Otsutsuki is the absolute overlord who can turn the entire universe into nourishment!

But now what they experience and see is that they have become slaves from above. In the past, Our compatriots have become helpless due to the technology of lower creatures.

This is simply a collapse of their worldview! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ushiki is a little intolerable, but his body is still driven He continued to launch sonic attacks on Huayue.

The blood-red tentacles lost their vitality and were scattered on the ground, twisting slightly.

Huayue was also unconscious, her mouth and ears were bleeding, and there was no trace of anything. consciousness

"call! call!"

Two figures sprang out from a short distance away. They were Jinshiki and Ghost Shiki. They looked at Hanazuki lying on the ground with extremely complicated emotions.

Although their Otsutsuki nature was weak, they couldn't help but feel a pity for Otsutsuki at this scene. Mu's future felt desolate.

Two simple attacks caused Otsutsuki's personal guard to lose his fighting ability. Although Kagetsu's strength is not too strong among Otsutsuki, she is still Otsutsuki after all. Ah!

If all the so-called ninjas are equipped with this kind of device in the near future, then Otsutsuki may have to suffer a lot if he wants to conquer the ninja world.

And there is also a man named Yu in the ninja world. With the combined strength of Chiha Xiao's guy, unless Lord Kamishi comes to the end personally, Otsutsuki will definitely suffer a lot. Urashiki stepped forward, and a red figure appeared on his hand. Hikari's fish basket was given to him by Uchiha Xiao. He stepped forward to pick up Hanazuki and stuffed it directly into the fish basket.

Because of its special nature, this fish basket was even larger than the fish basket even if it was packed in. Big things are no problem.

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief:"Finally, I'm saved."......"

If it weren't for the help of these clones, she might have gone to the Pure Land to visit Jiraiya now.


Originally, Tsunade still had mixed feelings about Uchiha Xiao's human cloning plan. In her opinion, cloning was the same as reincarnation. One was playing with the dead and the other was playing with life, both of which had ethical issues.

But when Tsunade experienced the power of clones, her inner thoughts changed..

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