And it's not just Jin Shi who has had his body transformed.

None of the other three were left behind.

Taoshi stretched out his hands, and his two palms had been transformed into mechanical mouths.


After a crisp sound of the machine, a red light emerged from the mouth of the machine.


Two straight red rays of light suddenly shot out. Taoshi was stunned, and then moved his hands. The red laser also moved with the movement of his hands. The red light hit the stone wall, and the hard stone wall was melted instantly.

Taoshi looked at it He moved his fingers on the switches on his hands, and the device's firepower was turned to the maximum.


The red light is even bigger, and the laser beam is one meter wide!

Even Taoshi is a little surprised by such power. As long as it is activated, the powerful fire pillar will shoot out like a laser.

And these The fire pillar does not contain chakra. The two fire blowers of Momoshiki are stuffed with sealing techniques. The sealing techniques are directly connected to the natural flames in the Ninja Flame Mountain. As long as the seal is released, powerful flames will spurt out. , and then this device has the acceleration of wind.

It directly turns the flame into a pillar of fire like a laser, and the damage is very considerable, especially when facing Otsutsuki!

Ura Shiki is the one who has been modified the most. The ratio of their flesh and machine reaches He has grown an astonishing fifty-fifty, which means that half of his body is now modified by machines!

One of his two eyes has also been modified by machines, with the functions of thermal imaging and zooming in and out.

As for the ghost style, his body It was the one that had the least changes, because his physical strength was very strong and he didn't need much help. He only added some tiny devices.

After some experiments, the entire underground was ruined by the four people, with hideous cracks. and huge potholes are shocking.

However, this is only one-third of the power of these devices, because if used at full strength, the underground world may collapse.

Looking at the tragic scene in front of them, the four people all felt a name in their hearts. It was an emotion called fear.

At this moment, in the hearts of the four of them, the people on Earth had turned into a very terrifying creature.

Human cloning, human body modification, various thermal weapons, they also heard that Uchiha Xiao was developing a A bomb that can destroy an entire city!

These earthlings use all kinds of despicable means to become stronger.

How are they like Otsutsuki? For tens of thousands of years, they just plant trees and eat the fruits. Compared with humans, they Otsutsuki has become harmless to humans and animals!

"Very good, I would like to give you both a big credit~."Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but nodded.

Orochimaru's research on the biological field, coupled with Amado's research on technology, the exchange and cooperation between the two can be said to be one plus one equals ten!

Uchiha Xiao knows that the combination of two people It would be very powerful, but I didn't know that it would produce such a powerful chemical reaction. In a short period of time, the ninja world seemed to have experienced a technological explosion!

A ball of flame suddenly burst out in Uchiha Xiao's heart. If it were at the current speed If that were the case, in just ten years, Uchiha Xiao would believe that the ninja world would not be afraid of the Otsutsuki clan at all!

Being praised by Uchiha Xiao, a powerful man in the world, even Orochimaru was a little happy, and Amado also showed excitement expression.

At this moment, Uchiha Xiao suddenly felt something, and he quickly took out a kunai from his arms.

This kunai was in the form of a trident, and it was Namikaze Minato's special kunai, and this kunai was in the form of a trident. At this time, the kunai was shaking continuously and emitting a scalding temperature.

"Xiao, what's wrong?"Orochimaru noticed something was wrong with Uchiha Xiao's expression.

"You go back to the Research Department first."As he said that, Uchiha Xiao first released a divine space, which was connected to the scientific research department of Ming Ninja Village.

Then, Uchiha Xiao performed the Flying Thunder God Technique.

One second, two seconds, Uchiha Xiao opened the Eyes, he has not disappeared from the underground world.

The Flying Thunder God, which used to be very smooth, seems to be blocked by all kinds of obstacles at this moment, as if it has become a malfunctioning machine.

Uchiha Xiao frowned, and a majestic aura began to erupt from his body , a visible blue chakra lingered on his body

"The art of flying thunder god!"

Finally, thanks to Uchiha Xiao's powerful chakra, he finally broke through some restrictions and finally returned to the Ming Ninja Village.


The figure of Uchiha Xiao came not far from the palace.

Unexpectedly, he could not return to the palace with the Flying Thunder God.

Uchiha Xiao felt something bad in his heart, which showed that the enemy must be a little difficult to deal with.

He looked at himself In the palace, I saw that the dome of the tall palace was directly blown away, and the empty entrance made Uchiha Xiao's heart irritated to the extreme.

He released his inner perception, but found that he did not sense the breath of Uchiha Reina and Tsunade.

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"boom!"A strong aura suddenly erupted from Uchiha Xiao.

If someone was next to Uchiha Xiao at this time, he would probably faint directly. This pressure is really terrifying!

Without Reina's aura, there are two There are two possibilities. One is that Rena moved quickly and escaped from this place. This is the best result.

As for the other result, that is Reina is dead.

Thinking of this possibility, Uchiha Xiao's heart Unable to calm down at all.

Uchiha Xiao felt several powerful chakras in the palace

"Although I don’t know who you are, if you dare to hurt a hair on Reina’s body, I will let you die!"

The words were almost growled, and Uchiha Xiao's figure rushed towards the palace in an instant.

Uchiha Xiao's palace was now in ruins, and the tall Uchiha Uchiha fan had fallen on the ground. The ground broke in half.

Blood seeped out, dyeing the light blue hair red, and then the blood continued to slide down, dripping on Kaguya's fair face, which looked extremely eye-catching.

Kaguya gasped for air, she was high Jumping up, powerful airflow gathered in her hands

"Yagogami air attack!"

Wushi crossed his arms and didn't move. From the short moment of fighting, he had already lost the desire to fight against Kaguya.


The powerful blow was directly blocked by Huayue. The huge impact only made Huayue's (Li Li Zhao) waves tremble a few more times, but did not cause any harm to Huayue.

Just when Kaguya wanted to continue the attack. , a strong wind came from my ears

"Show off!"

I saw Xue Yue's nails emitting a stunning light, directly cutting across Kaguya's waist.

In an instant, blood flowed out and fell on the ground.

Hui Yue covered her waist, blood spilled on the ground, and she retreated continuously After a few steps, I raised my hand with difficulty, and a few Tao-seeking jade floated up.

"He is so tenacious, working so hard for some insects, he is increasingly unlike Otsutsuki."Wushi made a comment. He was a little confused about Kaguya's actions, but more of he was disdainful.

"Haha~Miss Kaguya~If you don’t tell me what happened..."Saying that, Xue Yue ran towards Kaguya like a girl next door.

"If you don’t tell me what happened, I will kill everyone in this village!"

Xueyue's smile is innocent and romantic, as if she is really a little girl who is inexperienced in the world.

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